As Pets

Since the beginning of time, mankind has enjoyed the company of animals as pets.

Approval Rate: 75%

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    Mon Aug 16 2010

    I Do love dogs and reptiles. I grew up with dogs, and think they're awesome. And I recently got a red-eared slider for my Boys. It's been about a month or so but they still get a kick out of do I. I can't really fathom living without a pet. But they aren't for everyone. Be prepared to put in the time money and in some cases equipment for them or don't get one.

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    Tue Aug 04 2009

    Animals do make great pets, for the right people. If you do your research first and pick the right species or breed that is right for you, realize that they take time money and energy and remember that they are, in fact, sentient beings then you and you and your animal companion will be very happy together. If you are not willing to put the time, money, energy and sometimes sacrifice into getting a highly intelligent sentient animal, then stay the hell away. Get a stuffed animal instead.

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    Fri Jan 02 2009

    Call me a senitmental old fool if you will, but when it comes to pets... having to clean up after Fido, or dump Mittens litter box ranks right up there with changing dirty diapers. So if having a pet is as Ms PackRat says, "like having a child in the house", I'll pass. I've done my time and I've been pardoned. Guess I'll stick with humans... they brush their own teeth, seldom chase cars, and don't need to be taken for walks when it's too damn cold outside. Ridge on the other hand wants a dog...  I haven't checked the temperature in hell as of late, but if it's anything like the weather we're getting now, it must be frozen over.

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    Wed Nov 26 2008

    Definitely, yes. However, we must remember it's like having a child in the house. They depend on us to love them and take care of them, from the time we get them to their last breath. And should any owner become unable (due to some personal circumstance) to continue to take care of the pet, then they should consult the humane society, who in turn should seek out another home for the animal. None of this waiting until they're "not cute anymore", then dropping them like a hot potato. Hey, this takes commitment, people!

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    Sun Nov 23 2008

    How can you forget about man's best friend...or woman's best friend for that matter?  Pets help to enrich our lives as well as provide a source of responsibility by taking care of another living being, albeit a non-human living being.

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    Sun Nov 23 2008

    In my experience, a pet is an animal that has been allowed to become useless. Also, the typical methods of keeping pets re-program animals' usual habits; it can be intelligently argued that this is cruel. You never see liberals upset over pets though; they've all got any ugly little dog with a sweater in a wicker carrier hanging on their arm.

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    Sat Nov 22 2008

    Before I had dogs, I never could have imagined how attached I could become. There is something about the innocent and sweetness that give me great joy, and I return the joy to them. My dogs have been taught no tricks, they learn to do what we ask of them just by constant communicating. When I go up stairs to bed and one of them is in my spot, all I do is pat the area where I want them and they go to it. My boxer is a little stubborn, so I may have to say, lets go while I'm patting. Their intelligence blows me away. Like kids, when they get into mischief, you have to be there to correct them, and like kids, they learn from it.

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    Mon Oct 06 2008

    I love you Milo the pug :)

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    Wed Sep 17 2008

    Rescued pets are wonderful. Breeding pets is cruelty.

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    Sat May 03 2008

    We have a pet in la casa de cs. . .and I like pets, but don't get overly sentimental when they pass away. . .the cool thing about them is you can try to replace them with another animal that closely resembles the last one!  Still, I do miss my childhood dog and haven't found a perfect replacement yet. (cs sniffs, reaches for Kleenex. . .)

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    Sat May 03 2008

    There's no question about it. I couldn't imagine not having my cat.

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    Fri May 02 2008

    I do not see much difference between a pet or a toy. They seem to fill just about the same purpose. Don't take me wrong, I have nothing against having them, it's just that, to many, pets are considered better than human companions.

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    Fri Apr 18 2008

    one of the best "usages" of animals. as a pet. a win win situation. they have a home where they are fed, sheltered, loved and taken care of. they provide companionship give so much while asking for little.they make nice additions to a family.  although I would add to do your homework before you get a pet. especially a dog. each breed can be different it would help to find a good match.

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    Thu Dec 27 2007

    Well, my great Black Lab, Fido, doesn't appear to mind! Also my grouchy cat, Angus, rules the roost around here!

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    Thu Dec 27 2007

    everyone needs a buddy..

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    Thu Dec 27 2007

    No because they just smell up your house and make a mess, and noise.

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    Wed Sep 12 2007

    depends i personally think people should take a test before buying a pet because so many get passed from home to home because of the owners stupidity not thinking about the future or not doing enough research. I believe you buy a pet you make a pact to keep it forever because you need to relocate or a new job doesnt give anyone reason to give away or sell their pet. If someone was to get a pet i would say something like a cat they hardley need anything food and clean place to go bathroom, if your cat poops or pees around the house than its your fault obviously the litter box is smelly or the part of the house he is going is smelly. I love birds i have a couple large parrots and they are great pets and so human like although when people ask if a parrot is a good idea i obviously say no as parrot ar NOT domesticated. But in all go for cat or dog the simplest of pets apart from a rat mouse hamster gerbil.

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    Wed Sep 12 2007

    Depends on the animal involved. Those with a long history of domesticity, no problem, in fact its a good thing provided the pet owner is committed. The trend to exotic pets, particularly by those who are unskilled, unable or unwilling to provide the appropriate environment. In most cases, such pets just suffer a lingering and painful life, followed by an equally miserable death.

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    Thu Aug 02 2007

    It really depends on the person, where you live, and the kind of animal. It seems like cats can do fairly well if they live their entire lives indoors, although I wouldn't want an indoor cat myself. But dogs need to be outside. There's just something wrong about keeping a dog inside all the time. Just taking him for a walk isn't enough. If you don't have access to a decent amount of outdoor space that a dog can roam around in, don't get a dog. I want to have a dog again some day, but not until I can live in the country again, or at least have a house in a suburban area with a rather large fenced in back yard.

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    Thu Aug 02 2007

    Yes, with two qualifications: (1) As irishgit put it really well, the species needs to have a history of domestication; for example, the caging of birds, no matter how pretty, I find somewhat appalling. (2) Animals need to interact with others of their kind now and then, not be seen as lesser versions of human beings who reflect love back onto us. Dogs that live with cats or other dogs always seem happier. I discovered this when a friend of mine who has a solitary cat in a one-room apartment was recently told by her veterinarian that her pet either needed a new owner or antidepressants, which are apparently being prescribed to animals more and more often these days.

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    Tue Jun 05 2007

    I love my doggy

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    Tue Apr 17 2007

    Almost every pet is wonderful; there are a few that I'm against. I love my White Standard Poodle, Shina. She's adorable.

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    Thu Mar 08 2007

    I think certain animals make wonderful pets and if your ready to commit a part of your life to an animal you will be rewarded ten fold by what you give. I do however HATE how animals are being treated by the pet stores, and their owners alike. Some pet stores (**Cough** PetSmart/Petco***Cough***) get these really wonderful exotic animals but have no idea what the propler care is to give them. You wouldn't believe the number of people who have dropped off their pets that they bought at petco/Petsmart in my store because they didn't want to take care of them any more and because they "kinda look sick". (most are suffering from metabolic bone disorders because nobody told the owners that reptiles needed UVB lighting!) A lot of stores are using animals soley for profit without a care in the world of whether they get a good home or not. What really gets me sick as well is seeing all these puppy mill puppies in stores that are so sick but have tones of people fawning over "how cute" they are... Read more

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    Fri Aug 04 2006

    I will live with my six dogs over some people any day! Pets are comforting and love unconditionally. They also provide entertainment on occasion!

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    Mon Aug 29 2005

    Pets are wonderful,and many of them bring joy to families and single people who might otherwise feel very lonely.That said,there are certain animals that do not belong as pets and certain people who mistreat or neglect their pets-and they should be punished for this in extreme cases.It is also awful to see some poor animal bought for a child,and two days later it is leading a lonley and miserable life as the child has lost interest in it.Pets should be a way to teach the child responsibility,not tossed away like a broken toy.

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    Sun Aug 28 2005

    I like pets that have fur and are domesticated. I don't understand people who keep snakes, lizards and other exotic animals in their homes. If it can't curl up on your lap or fetch a tennis ball then what purpose does it serve? -- I know dogs are probably the most useful of our animal friends but I prefer cats because I can indentify with them more.

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    Sat Aug 27 2005

    Oddly enough, I'm not in total support of people having pets. I've worked in two different veterinary clinics so far (at a feline-exclusive veterinary clinic and now I'm working at a referral center with cardiology, dermatology, internal medicine, theriogenology, surgury & acupuncture/chinese medicine specialists; VERY interesting place, great people, I love it there), and I've seen a lot of pet owners come and go. There are some people who would go to the ends of the earth for their non-human friends; they feel, as I do, that they're pretty much an adopted part of their families, and if their pet needed surgery or ongoing extensive care, they'd go out of their way to make sure that their animal companion was well cared for. I know of one particular RIA reviewer who has gone so far as to take time off from work to help regulate her cat's diabetes, and pretty much made the disease disappear. Another RIA reviewer here did as much as she could with all the love in her heart for her ... Read more

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    Fri Aug 26 2005

    Having always been owned by one type of dog or another (and at the present time, two cats as well) I cannot imagine my life without a pet. Pets provide something for us that other people simply cannot, perhaps because they demand so little from us in return for what they give us. I can tell you that when my Ex and I parted ways, I was willing to let her keep everything, provided I got the dog. And to this day, I honestly feel like I came out ahead in the deal.

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    Wed Aug 24 2005

    Though it sounds very cliche, one of the best parts of my day is coming home and being greeted by my (usually) innocent dog. However, having a pet become a part of your family is a very large commitment and not something that should be taken lightly. Too many people develop a notion of what a pet should be but don't think twice about the challenges in living with a pet. It's hard enough to train and accomodate yourself for your typical house cat or dog...let alone some type of snake from the jungles of Brazil.

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    Tue Aug 23 2005

    A favorite. Had everything from birds and fish to the more coventional cats and dogs. No spiders, but I'd get lizards or snakes.

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    Tue Aug 23 2005

    I agree with Graymalkin, exotic pets should not be kept as pets, especially big cats, and wolves or half dog/half wolf. They still remain dangerous, even if they're born in captivity. But domestic animals, I'm all for it, I've had dogs all of my life and would never consider not having one. I have had differant animals as pets throughout my life, but the only constant ones in my life are dogs. In fact, they're more like friends!

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    Tue Aug 23 2005

    I've seen just about every animal as a pet (mostly thanks to my wacky brother) I believe some are better than others, but also some would not consider to be their type, such as a chicken or a duck. Even so they make great pets.

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    Tue Aug 23 2005

    But of course!

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    Tue Aug 23 2005

    This definitely depends on the type of pet you own. I have a couple of cats that are house pets. Several cats that are strays that I feed and have also taken it upon myself to have a couple of the wild females spayed to keep them from blessing me with more kittens as well as being a nuisance to others who are not as kindhearted about animals as I am. Dogs are loving and loyal animals and there are several others that over time have become domesticated and have made good companions to man. I do not believe in keeping exotic animals as pets. Most people are not equipped nor do they have the knowledge to care for such creatures. I have seen some that were kept in pitiful conditions in small cages without the proper care and ability to move around.