Arthur C. Clarke

Approval Rate: 93%

93%Approval ratio

Reviews 10

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    Fri Apr 11 2003

    Hard science fiction, sure but thats th way I like it. One of the best IMHO.

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    Thu Feb 06 2003

    I used to like Clarke's stuff, and admittadly he is one of the better science writers.... be that as it may, I have joined the boycott of his work since I found out a dirty little secret about Art. He moved to Sri Lanka not because of the balmy climate, lush flowers and plant life, noooo, he moved there because the age of consent is 12- thats right, twelve years old! That just disgusting. I an a very tolerant person, but my tolerance does have limits.

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    Thu Dec 21 2000

    I haven't read all that much of Arthur C. Clarke, considering the number of books he's done, but I've enjoyed every one of them. He might be considered a bit dry or dated (let's remember a lot of his early work became science-fact in the following decades), but his plots are carefully thought out and very well executed. What's more he knows his stuff, making it believable, and you never feel that you're being cheated with some science hocus-pocus just to further the storyline. His short stories are really, really good - presenting a diverse range of situations and characters in a clear, entertaining style, and again, they are all very believable.

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    Fri Aug 25 2000

    How this guy's not in the top 10 is beyond me.

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    Thu Aug 10 2000

    overrated snooze fest. has some good ideas for stories, but turns them into trash.

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    Thu Aug 10 2000

    Most overrated author in the history of Science Fiction. Couldn't write a half-way decent story to save his life.

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    Sun Jul 02 2000

    Clarke's work is dated and sexist. His writings, while somewhat interesting, do not have many layers to provoke interest

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    Tue Jun 13 2000

    I prefer more character development to scientific babble. I found no point to the 2001 series--3001 was the only one I enjoyed and only because it dealt with so much of future society and technology.

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    Mon May 01 2000

    Though some of his work is a bit dated today, Clarke is still an amazing author. If you like "hard" science-fiction, you'll almost surely love Clarke's work (though I find it hard to believe any hard-sf buff hasn't read Clarke yet). His ideas are incredible, and some of them have even in recent years passed from fact into reality. I highly recommend his Rama and 2001 series.

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    Thu Dec 02 1999

    I have just recently really began to read his stuff. I adore it! I'm one of those old school sf buffs so to speak. I may only be 18, but as far as sf goes, I'm an old fogey. I only read stuff that's new when I have to. But there is a current resurgence of hardcore sf. I am in heaven!