Approval Rate: 65%
Reviews 0
by djahuti
Thu Apr 29 2010Art was really fun.It was a class to look forward to,and usually had the coolest teachers.It's a shame that a lot of schools make cuts to their art department,because it really helps kids develop their creativity and can be theraputic to kids who are stressed or depressed.
by carrollcountyk_id
Tue Sep 22 2009i never took art. I had a friend by that name but he got run over by a train. It didn't do him any good.
by minkey
Tue Sep 22 2009Mostly a blow off class, kind of fun but more of an annoyance. Unless you were an artist then I guess it would be great.
by gris2575
Tue Sep 22 2009The only class I consistently did well in. Took it every year in High School and Majored in it in College. Overall the class depends mainly on the Teacher. Some can be really well done and expand your mind, Others stifle creativity. To any students reading this-I hope you get one of the good ones.
by osagepony
Mon Sep 21 2009Is it "drawing, painting, and/or sculpting," as described? I hope not. "Art class" should open one's mind to a beautiful world.
by jedi58
Mon Sep 21 2009None of my art teachers ever liked my style of drawing, so I don't like their subject. I do like Art as a subject for both history and observation, but not the way it is taught - surely there is no right or wrong way to draw?!
by mr_matt
Sat Aug 02 2008chicks who do art are hot
by paula5816
Mon Jul 21 2008Loved Art class!!! Mrs. Monfried was and is awesome!!!
by punkluv2000
Fri Jul 18 2008What a fun subject! I hate when art teachers disagree with your art syle though...
by crystal911
Fri Jul 11 2008loved art got A's
by jessie_loo
Thu Jun 26 2008ummm o lyk to draw but im not good at it...
by brenden
Fri Jun 20 2008Not that great at art.
by oo_michelle_oo
Thu Jun 19 2008Wish I'd taken more art classes in high school.
by g8rhoo
Sat May 31 2008The people in art class are weird. The really talented artists would never take art class.
by ted189
Wed May 28 2008boring as hell as he doesnt even tell us anything to do
by myspace_30849171
Tue May 06 2008Loved it! Especially photo class
by irishgit
Mon Apr 28 2008An entertaining time filler, and a chance to chat up girls, but for someone as inept as I, largely a waste of time.
by genghisthehun
Mon Apr 28 2008My artistic talent extends to drawing stick men. Art appreciation, on the other hand, is a good course.
by twansalem
Mon Apr 28 2008It was a fun blowoff class in junior high, but I had better things to do in high school.
by trebon1038
Mon Apr 28 2008I was somewhat artistic and one of the high school art teachers was a family friend so I loved art class. I never used it though so who knows what could have become of it.
by magellan
Sun Apr 27 2008I sucked at it, and thus, didn't enjoy it.
by xagent
Mon Feb 18 2008They displayed my art work once but didn't tell me until after they returned it to me.
by ladyjesusfan77_7
Mon Feb 18 2008I don't even do good drawing stick figures.
by canadasucks
Wed Jun 27 2007Wonderful idea- but allergic to the trend of dumbing-down schools to become worthless test factories. . .
by limpin_trenchfoot
Wed Jun 27 2007IMO art and music are all about self expression and as such shouldnt be TAUGHT at school. There is no right way or wrong way whatever people say. I've seen people with talent have their creativity curbed by rules. If someone wants to paint a sky green and the sea orange because that's what they perceive, let em.
by dancia2007
Tue May 01 2007Art is a way to develop your personal expression.
by broodinghen
Mon Apr 30 2007One of my favorites, and also one of the subjects that offered useful knowledge for life - far more than some of the sciences.
by drummond
Fri Mar 09 2007Another unfortunately neglected subject in this era of budget cuts.
by vudija
Fri Feb 23 2007I think that art as a school subject is great. It gives kids an outlet for their creativity. I know without this class I would have never discovered my own talent(not that I want to persue a career in this field), but I didn't even know that I could draw worth anything before my experiences in my 6th grade art class.
by lastmessenger3
Thu Aug 03 2006My dad is an artist, so is my younger sister, so I guess it runs in my blood. Blessed to have this talent!
by laurie_strode
Wed Feb 09 2005i am very creative but my drawing sucks
by eagle_scout
Thu Feb 19 2004I am going to art school next year, and plan to have a carrear in art. (not the best pay, but I love it) If not for my high school art classes I probably would not have made this choice for my life direction. So, since it has effected my life so much, I give it 5 stars.
by kahfess
Fri Jul 11 2003I always enjoyed art class when I was in school. Never really did much however, for me the class traveled too slow. But as I think back, I can clearly see where I could have used some of my extra time to refine a skill or two. I think art class is important because it encourages creativity, which helps in any field the person may decide to go into.
by snoopy
Fri Jul 04 2003For me, art was a nice break from all the academic subjects, but I was never too great at it. I'm not a very creative person and my pictures always look like something a five year-old made.
by help_me
Sat Jun 21 2003i'm not an artist so i'd rather have someone grade me on my history or science knowledge than a painting. i might find my painting good while the teacher finds it sh*t and fails me even though i tried my best. i know art is expressing yourself but i'm terribly bad at that so no wonder why i always flunk this class
by loneusfullhous_efan
Tue Jun 17 2003I can't draw, enough said.
by gendron13
Fri May 30 2003I really enjoy art at my school! Unfortunately, at the school I go to very rarely do they give us a chance to indulge in art. The only way we can get art is to sign-up and wait 3 months to know if I am good enough to get in, but otherwise I enjoy art class throughly.
by castlebee
Tue May 27 2003This was my subject and I relished every second of it. Sure, the teachers could be as goofy in their way as George Karlin’s Hippy Dippy Weatherman. But it was a great place to be if you took the subject seriously and had a talent and love for it. From an early age I realized that this was definitely something I was always going to love and excel in and, when I got to high school, I took every class I could. But the crème de la crème for me was Art History and the discovery that it was actually possible to experience time travel in more ways than hopping from one war to another. Maybe the ways we have devised and the times humans have tried to kill each other off through the ages are points we need to contemplate – if for no other reason than to avoid complete annihilation. However, it is in the art and architecture produced through the ages that tell the true story of who we are in our souls. And that is something I find incredibly more fascinating. I regret only two things abou... Read more
by janey_lane
Tue May 27 2003Art is another one of those subjects that usually suits some people better than others. Since I like drawing, sculpting etc. (and am quite good at it, in my own humble opinion) art was fun for me because it was easy and it allowed my sense of creativity to flourish. Then there are people (like in Physical Education) that don't have a, shall I say, natural gift for it. And then, knowing that you will be graded on your particular skill (or in some cases, lack thereof) seems a bit unjust.
by redoedo
Sat May 24 2003Fortunately we are only required to take one year of Art to graduate here in Texas- and thank goodness for that! I am not much of an artist. In fact, I can't draw at all. And things get worse when we start working with 3-D objects like sculptures. Fortunately my teacher is compassionate and grades me based on my effort so I have maintained an A in this class, but I really did not enjoy this class at all and dreaded going to it. I love looking at art and can see how this class would be a haven for some artists, but not for me.
by rebelyell1861
Thu May 22 2003Only good if that's what you love. I never could force myself through one of these classes. And as I remember, most of the art work that came out of my high school looked pretty disturbing anyway....
by kamylienne
Thu May 22 2003With mediocre supplies available in many schools, it's sometimes hard to work on projects, but nevertheless it's a pretty enriching class for those who'll let themselves do it. Being able to render three-dimensional objects actually takes a lot of talent. I think to get students more interested, maybe they could mention the 3D graphics that they see in video games and movies--that's art. Many careers involve art: Industrial design, graphic design, 3D Modeling, all take art skills. It's not just all watercolors and charcoals (though if you want to take that path, that's possible, too).