Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-California) 2003-

Approval Rate: 73%

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    Sat Apr 17 2010

    I'm, I'll be back.

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    Tue Mar 30 2010

    The Govenator, not much of a Republican, but he tries.

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    Tue Mar 09 2010

    A bumbling, incompetent liberal Republican, with an almost incredible inability to administer his crumbling state. What a disaster! He should have continued his "acting" career.

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    Mon Mar 23 2009

    An actor turned politician. As Governor of California his true capabilities have become painfully clear.

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    Sat Jan 17 2009

    I do not live in California. I get the idea that his policies are seen as well-balanced.

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    Thu Oct 09 2008


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    Wed Jul 09 2008

    It's asinine for actors to run for office.

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    Tue Jul 08 2008

    Chay-me!! Jingle All the Way rules. Thank you, Arnold.

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    Wed Jun 25 2008

    Not bad, for a Republican. Helps that he's married into a well-known Democratic family.

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    Tue Jun 17 2008

    I like Arnold!

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    Thu May 15 2008

    Probably not a bad human being, at least by the standards set by many political figures the likes of which generally move on to the national level, but one of the weakest advocates the state of California has ever had, and as such one of the worst of the current state governors. Waffling on everything, Schwarzenegger stands for no principle at all, and can get away with moral weakness because he's physically muscular. Popularity tends to hinge on ironies like that.Look at what Schwarzenegger is doing to California's universities, and you'll get a taste of the irony. After years of prosperity in a state that constitutes one of the world's strongest economies, Schwarzenegger has announced that he will cut nearly half a billion dollars from the University of California's budget request this year. Students on state campuses are feeling the effects already, as course offerings are being slashed by nearly 50% for next year. It's astonishing to think that a Californian is so willing to destro... Read more

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    Wed Apr 16 2008

    The Governator!!!!!!

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    Fri Apr 11 2008

    I heard he's a good governor

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    Sun Mar 23 2008

    Love him as an actor and I think from what I see (minus an accusation or two) he appears to be a decent a politician...the jury is still out.

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    Wed Mar 12 2008

    I think I'll just put Arnold in the middle of the pack on this one. As distracting as it may be to have a celebrity governor, he's made some good decisions, as well as some not so great decisions.

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    Thu Mar 06 2008

    Seems to be doing alright, although I'm not tuned in to California politics.

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    Tue Oct 09 2007

    This man is forward thinking. He has brought California out of it's doldrums. He cleaned up the mess that Grey had made. California was a laughing stock as far as politics went. You don't hear them laughing now. The proof is in the pudding. He has done a good job.

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    Sat Jun 10 2006

    Oh, the governator is doing a magnificent job. He's pumping up California until it pops and sinks into the sea.

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    Thu Apr 06 2006

    What can anyone do in California anymore? The place is becoming ungovernable. Millions of aliens are pouring in and swamping the hospitals and other social networks. Who is going to pay for it all? Who really can run the place?

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    Mon Jan 09 2006

    Let's see. His main campaign issue against Davis was the 8 billion dollar deficit. Having gotten his clock rung in the recent special election (sending millions in state money down the toilet), he is now proposing a Davisesque budget in which he is trying to buy his way back into office. The problem is that his budget proposal would leave us with a 68 billion deficit - over 8 times the size of Davis'.

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    Wed Dec 28 2005

    Arnie is sly politician. He is achieving his goals behind peoples backs. I am not saying that this is right, but if he actual told the public what his true intents really were, he probably would not be in office now. He always wanted to fund school programs from the beginning, before he was a politician. Now he is achieving his goal no matter what the cost. His mind is a mystery, just like it was on the bodybuilding stage!

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    Tue Oct 25 2005

    Complete Flip-flopper, says he wouldn't have a problem with gay people marrying then he vetoes a bill that was passed by A DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED LEGISLATURE.

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    Tue Sep 13 2005

    Idiot won't even take the time to pronounce California properly, or I mean, learn how. At least he's good in Terminator movies. Maybe he does it deliberately, it's kinda cute.

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    Fri Jul 15 2005

    Making the hard choices to right CA's ship. Gave the best speech at the GOP Convention last summer.

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    Thu May 12 2005

    Arnold was going to cure the Budget problems by hiring a woman from Florida(america's wang) to cut the waste. She didn't find any. Grey Davis is a boring man. He worries too much about politics, and raising money, and isn't much of a leader, but he could Govern rings around Arnold.

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    Tue Feb 22 2005

    a reagan want to be

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    Thu Jan 06 2005

    I'm not currently living in California, but my brother says that the Governor is doing a great job getting work in the state. That, and he voided the triple tax. It's so rare for a politician to keep thier promise.

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    Mon Nov 15 2004

    The smartest man I had the pleasure to meet.Determination and iron will have taken him from an unknown Austrian to Governor of California. Just ask yourself: why is he doing this? He could retire with his millions and enjoy life, instead he works his butt off for you and me. He wants to repay what this country has offered him; pretty decent I would say. To all the nay sayers out there: what have you accomplished in life to judge this man harshly? Get a life, let him work and see what is accomplished after 4 years.

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    Thu Nov 11 2004

    I disagree with a lot of his policy, but he is doing a great job for the state of California. In a state that leads Democratic, it is a challenge for a republican to get a lot of legislation and ammendments passed by the people. All 11 of his backed iniatiatives/ammendments were passed. That is saying something for the support he has. He is pro-stem cell research, which will better our country. I disagree with his banning of gay marriage and his genius statement I believe gay marriage is something that should be between a man and a woman, but whatever. He is neutralv politically on the most part and he is a peoples governor for different reasons as why Kennedy was a peoples' president. He deserves a 4.

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    Sat Oct 30 2004

    Has consistently vetoed legislation supporting girly-men.

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    Mon Oct 25 2004

    i still haven't formed any solid opinions on my governor yet because i still think it is too early to tell if he has been effective or not. i didn't vote for him because i thought he lacked the experience to govern the largest state in the union, especially during a major fiscal crisis. he certainly hasn't embarrassed himself; the girly men comments were kind of amusing. he has taken stands on a number of ballot propositions that will be voted on in a couple of weeks, and perhaps sometime next year we will know if his solutions actually solve some of the problems we have or make them worse.

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    Sun Oct 03 2004

    I usually don't like Republicans but I love Arnold! I'd vote for him for president

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    Thu Sep 23 2004

    Theres been chatter about changin the constitution so arnold can run for president. NO WAY. the guy cant even say the name of his 'home' state correctly. pretty soon its going to be an all-celebritiy government. who would be arnies running mate dennis miller? jeebus!

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    Fri Sep 03 2004

    I think Arnold is pretty good. He's doing a good job. I like how he says what he thinks and is truthful. He is a true politician.

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    Tue Aug 17 2004

    OK, I'll say it - I was wrong about Arnold. He's doing a good job, and being true to his promises to work across party lines to get stuff done. His star power has been able to accomplish what political experience could not - get people to the negotiating table. I think elected officials from both political parties are scared of him, and this is a good thing. He's high energy, optimistic, and actually, his politics pretty closely match mine - liberal on social issues, conservative on economic ones. Arnold, if you read this, I'm sorry for creating the most disturbing things about you becoming Governor weblist.

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    Fri Aug 13 2004

    The democrats in the legislature are girly men. Yep, that's a great governor for you....

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    Thu Jul 29 2004

    The Govenator! Get Down!

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    Sat Jul 03 2004

    One of the best governors in the nation. Why? he is not working for any groups. An excellent example of bi-partisanship. Has already taken measures to fix what gray davis took years to do. WOW.

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    Sat May 15 2004

    I am a Democrat but Arnold is a true politician for the people. I gave him 5 stars instead of 4 because he married well.

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    Thu Apr 01 2004

    Complete idiot who hasn't a clue how to run government. His only interest has always been to feed his massive ego.

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    Tue Mar 23 2004

    He's a coward afraid to have mayor of San Francisco arrested, and he's putting their economy deeper in debt with the bond issue(short term cure).

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    Sun Mar 21 2004

    Arnold Schwarzenegger is doing a lot better than I or anyone else expected him to do. During the campaign it seemed as though Arnold didn't really take the enormous responsibility that he may soon undertake very seriously. However, he is much more engaged in the state's affairs and policy matters than his opponents expected him to be. He has assembled a competent and diverse group of individuals to advise him on the state's policy matters and even his staunchest political opponents (i.e. Gray Davis) admit that he is open-minded and willing to work with those from both sides of the spectrum to solve California's problems. While Schwarzenegger's solution may not be the right one to fix California's problems in the long-term, at least he is doing something and not being passive like his predacessor. While it's still too early to tell how effective or efficient the Schwarzenegger Administration will be, it is clear that Schwarzenegger is already doing better than expected and takes his eno... Read more

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    Fri Mar 19 2004

    I wonder why DEAN2004 would want to recall Arnold Schwarzenegger? I live across the country and as far as I can see, he seems to be doing a decent job. Very popular with people of all political persuasions. I guess DEAN2004 is still in denial about the loss of Gray Davis and Howard Dean as well.

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    Fri Mar 19 2004

    From my somewhat remote viewpoint he seems to be doing reasonably well so far, and has hired good staff and advisors. I doubt that the voters of California have any taste for another recall campaign any time soon.

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    Sun Mar 07 2004

    While I didn't vote for him, he has done a creditable job, and I have liked most of his initiatives so far. That extremists on both sides hate him is generally a good sign. For a political novice, he's shown an amazing ability to learn, and even better he seems to have gotten some intelligent (and bi-partisan) advisors that he actually listens to.

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    Sat Mar 06 2004

    He'll go down as one of the best governor's this state ever had. He has already done more than Gray Davis ever did. Way to go Arnold!!!!!!!!!

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    Sat Mar 06 2004

    Definitely 5 stars. I just got my refund from the state for the extra registration I had to pay because of Gray Davis. If Arnold doesn't do anything else but that, he has my vote the next election too.