Arnold Murray

Arnold Murray is the pastor of a church called the Shepherd's Chapel out of Gravette, Ark, with over 200 television stations carrying his ministry.

Approval Rate: 84%

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    Sat Dec 15 2012

    This guy has been using fear for I'm going to give you some common sense.somthing religious people don't have.have you ever heard a preacher question anything from the bible.we I'm going to.god and jesus are in heaven because god had his son killed .jesus says to god i need to go to the earth and help the people.god says your on after the antichrist didn't you read the script son.god why do you have to follow a script.....well i guess I'm headed for hell arnold.can't ask questions you know

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    Tue Oct 09 2012

    I can honestly say Pastor Murray is one of so few that is teaching YHVH's truth, so many are blinded by false doctrines such as the rapture that will ultimately lead them to worship the first one to come pretending to be the true Messiah, Paul in 2thess.2:3 warns us as to who the first one to arrive is, the man of sin, and he will be snaring all he can in his rapture trap.. Paul tells us the true Jesus will not arrive until after that man of sin has been revealed, he will be revealed for who he truly is, noneother than the antichrist, anti- meaning- the "instead of" one, satan himself proclaiming he is Jesus.

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    Fri Jul 13 2012

    I watched this on youtube this morning, real angels singing praises to almighty god. I thought I'd share it with everyone.

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    Thu Nov 17 2011

    i really like pastor arnold murray.he is a no non-sense, no frills, down to earth teacher. he doesnt beg for money or promise instant prosperity if u send a donation or "seed".he goes thru the whole bible chapter by chapter verse by verse and explains very clearly what each one means.i think he is very sincere and is led by god to bring his word to all who will listen.he doesnt claim any particular faith [neither did jesus when he was teaching].pastor murray brings the word of god to easy to understand laymans terms and answers any and all questions about the bible.i think hes the best of all t.v. evangelists, because hes simple and to the point. hes not promising a get rich quick sceme if u send him money,all the other preachers either prey on desperate or elderly people who are gullable and would be better as a used car salesman or a politician[thats what they all remind me of always promising something or U SEND ME THIS AND GOD WIIL DO THIS]sorry to bust ur bubble god doesnt work ... Read more

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    Fri Sep 30 2011

    He is the greatest teacher of truth and is well directed by the holy spirit. Watching him has greatly blessed and enriched my life infinity. He has an honest heart unlike other tv preachers that are begging for money to stay afloat on tv and ripping everyone off who will listen to a lie about paying 100.00 for a prayer miracle cloth! How anyone can be mislead into beleiveing rip offs is beyond me but then again everyone doesnt functioning brains to tell whether they pee standing or sitting if they are male! The world seriously lacks common sense and thats where Pastor Murray comes in with the assistance of God to bring it all back. Nicely done servant of the Most high! God continue to bless you and your ministry infinity more for telling the truth to God's sheep!

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    Fri Sep 30 2011

    Lynn07, Sethlite is correct. The bible says that through one blood (one man) all nations were made. Adam and Eve were made on the sixth day, and everyone came from Adam and Eve. TruLuv is correct. The seed of Eve is spiritual since woman does not have seed, then it is obviously a spiritual seed. Luvlight is correct. Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit can be committed today. If you die in your sins, there's no forgiveness, hence blasphemy of the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven when you are dead. Repent now and be born again before you die. I've heard Arnold preach about the elect being delivered up to the antichrist, and refusing to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through them was blasphemy. This is completely made up by Arnold Murray, who I know does not believe in God. If he believed in God, he would not preach this junk. Bottom line, Lynn07, all you are doing is spewing junk (Arnold's carnal teaching) and not having any real relationship with God. The followers of Murray hav... Read more

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    Fri Sep 30 2011

    Hi Alysia79, You said, "He is the greatest teacher of truth and is well directed by the holy spirit." Arnold preaches a carnal serpent seed. The Holy Spirit is not carnal, therefore, you are blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Everyone is born in darkness with a dead spirit. Born Again is to be born from above by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit plants a new seed, a spiritual seed within your soul. That seed grows with God's truth. You have a carnal seed planted in your soul, and now it is growing with worldly truth that dies with the world. You have forefeited your soul to eternal damnation. Albeit, you can change that, repent and be born again from above via the Holy Spirit. If you die with a carnal mind, you will not be forgiven in this life time and in the life to come. Blaspheming the Holy Spirit is unforgivable when you die. Arnold and his followers will die a spiritual death because they were not Born Again (spiritual seed) from the Holy Spirit of God above. You said, "Watc... Read more

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    Wed Sep 07 2011

    I think Pastor Murry is a great teacher of the bible and explains it very throughly. He gets right to the root of his teachings ( he gets deep ) and I like that about him...Many pastors just skim the bible and tell you what you want to hear.Mr. Murry teaches the truth. His voice is a little shaky and you really have to listen. Mabe that is because he is elderly.When I read the bible on my own without any influance from and preacher, I always wondered why preachers always preached about the rapture I have read the bibe a few times and I have never read that. The first time I listen to Pastor Murry he was teaching that there was no such thing as a rapture. He explained the reason why and that was the way thought and he made a lot sence. He pleases God! I belive that.

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    Wed Jul 27 2011

    To @lynn07 Hey lynn07, do you realize that you are approaching the scriptures in a carnal (lustful) way, calling the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman (via man's seed) physical. The seed is spiritual. The planted seed is a spirit that is in your soul. The seed is spiritual, and Arnold preaches a carnal seed. II Peter 2:10 thru 2:17 warns about preachers that approach the scriptures with worldly lust, lusting after the flesh, meaning they preach a physical doctrine such as the physical serpent seed, which is a worldly and lustful doctrine of the flesh. When Jesus quoted John 8:44, He wasn't referring to a carnal seed, He was referring to a spiritual seed. The pharisees were also referring to a spiritual seed in their answer. The seed of Abraham is a spiritual seed (that's why gentiles can be born again of a new spiritual seed from God above, since it's not a carnal seed). II Peter 2:11 thru 2:13 warns about preachers that accuse angels, which are greater in power and might,... Read more

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    Tue Jul 05 2011

    This man is a liar. He teaches that born again is of the flesh, which is a carnal teaching. Born again is to be born of a new spirit from God above. 2nd Peter warns about teachers that are carnal after the flesh. These teachers walk and talk after the flesh in lust of uncleanness. Mr. Murray fits this precisely. What's disturbing is that they prey and beguile unstable souls that have no background in the scriptures. Quite frankly, his church members are innocent of this, but they need to realize it, repent and get out of this church. Why? Because 2nd Peter 2:17 warns what happens to these preachers, "2:017 These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever." If this doesn't put the fear of God in you, then you might join him. 2nd Peter Bible Quotes: 002:010 But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they ... Read more

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    Thu Jun 30 2011

    I don't think God "gives it all" to any one preacher/teacher. They all likely teach some measure of error. But AM flies far higher than all the rest when it comes to Bible understanding. I love it that God uses a guy like this, who can predictably turn so many people off at first glance (just like the Bible itself) - southern white guy, who often misspeaks or mispronounces words all over the place, evoking some front porch hayseed, when in fact he's sharp as a tack and a student of far more than just "theology". He can also tend to speak somewhat in code, mixing words intended literally with words that refer to types and symbols or analogies, etc. AM is not someone you can "get" in a few lessons. One needs at least several weeks or more to start seeing where he's at. He can also seem a little severe or strident at times, but at heart he's a sweetheart...apart from his "Irish", of course. And studies and films of such topics as Glastenbury and archelogy and of course the all importan... Read more

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    Tue Jun 14 2011

    I remember Arnie Murry who played piano in this knocking shop in Nashua. I wonder if he is the same guy. He owes me $10.

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    Sat Jun 11 2011

    Through the teachings of Pastor Murray, YHVH has opened my eyes to His truths and I'm no longer lost in the doctrines of men that I once stumbled around in and I've learned through PM how to study to show myself approved unto YHVH and not men; And I'm no longer just a pew warmer feeling empty when I left the building on Sundays.

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    Fri Jun 10 2011

    FURTHER UPDATE ON JUNE 10, 2011: I just read another review about this mope that has 142 disagrees! There is an Arnold Murray war going on out there, folks.ANOTHER UPDATE ON JUNE 6, 2011: This guy has 240 plus reviews! There must be an Arnold Murray mob out there in the Rate it all computer cloud! One anti-Murray reviewer down below has 67 disagrees! I cannot recollect ever seeing more than that.UPDATED JUNE 6, 2011: I repost this comment so you can read the comment to my post made by an obvious member of MENSA.ORIGINAL COMMENT 1/31/2007: I am not a fundamentalist or a dispensationalist. In fact none of my friends is a member of such a group. I don't think I know many members of those and, indeed, I have met very few. I met one of Martha's third cousins, from some place in Arkansas, who was in a member of one of those churches there.The gang at my favorite waterhole, Murphy's Strip Bar and Armenian Grill, is I am sorry to say, exclusively once born. The exception to the pre... Read more

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    Tue Jun 07 2011


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    Tue Jun 07 2011

    One thing arnold Murray seems to have an exclusive on is: what God likes and how we as mere mortals can so easily offend and piss off God! He constantly peppers his "line by line" reading of the scriptures with his own silly opinions on what God likes and what God hates and doesn't like and how God doesn't like certain kinds of people or very specific actions by people. Did God tell him (Murray) this in private? Murray and his son Dennis are nothing but narrow minded poorly educated backwoods hicks. Murray has no doctorate( if he does it's from a diploma mill) and does not deserve the title of "doctor". He is a proven racist--He likes to use his made up code word for the Jews aka "Kenites". Murray is EXTREMELY anti-semitic and doesn't try to hide the fact. He will never use the word Jews when refering to them unless forced to when reading the Word. He has an extremely warped and closed minded interpretation of creation especially regarding the story of Adam and Eve. This is one area w... Read more

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    Mon Jun 06 2011

    After reading the dozens of positive reviews, I can ascertain two things: 1. The good reviews are from the Kenites. 2. The bad reviews are from the Barbiites. Let's get this straight, people. This bozo is a Christian. In other words, a pagan. A Gnostic. A dolt. A fool. A splib-licking-douche-bag. An Aryandanite.

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    Mon Jun 06 2011

    I love Pastor Murray! If Pat Robertson tried to run for President why can't Murray! Run Murray!

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    Mon Jun 06 2011

    If the dude is for Jesus that's all right. I couldn't sleep one nite and checked him on the tube, like I said I love everybody but he reminded me of the Southern rednecks that chased black people out of the lillie white churches back in the days of Jim Crow. Not saying he was one of them but just that he looks like it. Like I said I ain't there yet just trying to be like my Savior. If he came to my church we could teach him how to really get down and have some church. He might be able to teach us black southerners in what you all call the ghetto how to get more money to build a bigger church!

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    Mon Mar 21 2011

    Well, I think Pastor Murray is really cool! ;) Seriously, for those not sure what to think regarding the untruths told of Pastor Murray's ministry, check out and decide for yourselves. The Lord Bless.

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    Fri Feb 25 2011

    John 8:44 is about two spiritual seed lines, not a race of kenites. One spiritual seed line is good and the other bad. The good spiritual seed hears God, and the bad spiritual seed does not. John 8:44 has nothing to do with carnal flesh. It has nothing to do with carnality. One of Peter's epistles explain that false preachers lust (carnal) after the flesh and are not spiritual. Beware of these preachers. God instructs us to repent and come out of these churches, and God will forgive you. All those that hear Jesus, hear the spirit of God.

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    Wed Feb 16 2011

    And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. 18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. Rev 22:17-19 (KJV)

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    Sun Feb 13 2011

    I don't have a clue as to why this man has such a following of people ready to vote favorably like crazy for him on RIA! Why does he merit such devotion? I put this question right up there with other unknown mysteries of life.

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    Sat Feb 05 2011

    i like watching preachers on tv its better than the comedy channel.

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    Sat Jan 15 2011

    I love Pastor Arnold Murray. He works better than my sleeping pills in putting me to sleep! OMG Is it just me or is this guy so boring?? He did point out the answer to my question on Adam, Adam had other sons and daughters and lived to be nearly 1,000 yrs old how many kids could a person have if they were virile and lived a thousand yrs?. Anyway, thank you, Mr. Murray for making no sense and putting me to sleep better than my perscription sleeping pills! He has a gazillion fans on RIA!! Why the Hell is that?

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    Sat Jan 15 2011

    Arnold Murray is a man of God! If anyone does not like the word of the God & Murray, enjoy Hell!

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    Mon Jan 10 2011

    I have been studying with the Shepherds Chapel for 10 years! I love learning what GOD has to say! Thanks for the great work to all who work hard at the Shepherds Chapel.... Deedee Lyons Memphis, Indiana

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    Mon Jan 03 2011

    The man is a complete heretic if any one listens to this heretic or supports him is just like him. Go to and see the truths about this man. He doesn't teach the word of God. He teaches heresy. PLEASE LOOK AT THE TRUTH IT WILL SET YOU FREE...

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    Sun Dec 26 2010

    I hope everyone has their kool-aid ready, its only a matter of time before this yo yo has everyone guzzling it down. I try to base my beliefs on facts, or at least real words from the Bible explained by someone with knowledge, wisedom and most importantly (for me) common sense. "MISTER" Arnold Murray does not seem to have any of these important qualities. You could say that Arnold Murray preaches the true word of God, or you could come on back down to Earth and realize that he is a big fat faker. I am not like most Christians who run scared and hide. I am not afraid to think something different or to even question the whole damn thing. But this man is clearly making it up as he goes, or WORSE! My grandmother is the sweetest woman on the planet. Deeply religious, always has been. I used to love our talks about God, The Bible, Revelations and so on. However the past couple of years she has been watching this yahoo... and now our wonderful conversations have turned into stupid argumen... Read more

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    Wed Nov 17 2010

    5 star I began watching Pastor Murray a couple of months ago. I feel blessed in doing so. No one in thier right mind that knows God and loves God could not feel anything besides gratitude in listening to a Pastor that does not try and entertain us with personal stories or screaming about a couple of words they took out of the bible. Pastor Murray translates the verses of the Bible to us in away we can understand.He is rightous and clearly has been given the gift of teaching others of Prophecy. I adore him in everyway.God Bless him and his family. Deborah Ray

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    Thu Nov 11 2010


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    Sun Aug 22 2010

    Watch Les Feldick ... Arnold Murray is off the deep end!

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    Tue Jul 13 2010

    I have been studying under sc for about 3 yrs now. One thing I have learned is simply this.You may or may not agree with everything he teaches,but he teaches all that wants to learn,how to syudy Gods Word to get the truth ourselves.I personally thank GOD for AM and SC for all that they do and what they stand for.To all the people that is so negative towards the Murrry;s and the Chapel, I for one pray for you daily.He may be wrong on a few facts,But who are you to judge? Thank you Arnold Murry for what you stand for may GOD BLESS !!!!! Semper Fi 5 stars easily

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    Thu Jul 01 2010

    3 stars Please tell me where I can find this teaching in Seattle, Wa. I found you in Chicago but I am now home and need to go on with studying. thank you, Lynnette Erb

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    Tue Jun 22 2010

    You have to give the guy credit for coming up with the brilliant idea of spreading the gospel through a national chain of ballroom dance studios, sneaky bastard.

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    Sun May 09 2010

    Yes, the old wind bag who brags about his courageous stint as a sergeant in the Korean War. Aside from that, Murray still hasn't shown proof that he possesses a doctorate of any kind. The "Dr." is only used as a prop, or stage name. Murray is just an old redneck who resides in remotely populated Gravette, Arkansas. He is often accused of being a racist and having ties with the KKK. He belongs to a sect known as The Chosen Few, an extreme right wing fellowship. Murray even made some end of times prophecies in 1979 that the world would end on a particular date in 1981, and Murray even threatened to pull a Colt 22 caliber revolver from his briefcase when a student of his shouted, "Blasphemy!" "Blasphemy!" at something Murray said. Murray, just a good ol' boy packin' a pistol! My isn't that Christ like! I find Murray to be a cutup. The ridiculous, irrational bullshit that old fart preaches is an utter joke! Fire and brimstone and yall gonna git' a wippin' from yo' daddy wit' his strap! So ... Read more

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    Thu Apr 08 2010

    Dr.Arnold Murray is the MOST " Sincere Teacher" I have ever Heard in my 40 years of searching for TRUTH! EVERYBODY in the World should Hear " GENISIS" Studied in the Lauguage it was written IN! As This IS THE FATHERS STORY ( Fully and Completely!) The rest of the Textbook is nothing more than the PROOF of what YAH SAID! As for the young children 12 and under you could then offer them this " Belief" Knowing in your OWN MIND THAT YOU are not Lying to Them. Anyone can be an Angel! BECAUSE: An Angel is a Messenger to let the people KNOW! That Mr.Santa Claus Really does control the North Pole, He,s there with Mrs.Santa Claus and all Their Superelves to make that *Pole* Straight Again so we can all be Ourselves: Everything normal in the Universe ONCE AGAIN!!! Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus and EVERYBODY FRIENDS!!! (This Is The Soft Handle of that Doubled-Edged Sword of HIS TRUTH!) DO NOT SCARE MY CHILDREN WAKE UP PEOPLE? The one thing I like... Read more

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    Mon Mar 15 2010

    I can never stay awake long enough to benefit or learn much of what he is saying. When I tune into him no matter how hard I try he puts me to sleep. I do like what I have heard in the first 5mins though!

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    Fri Jan 29 2010

    I gave him an "ok" rating because he does go through the bible and teach verse by verse. Some of his interpretation however is faulty..especially when he calls praying in tongues "gibberish" and claims that only the gift of speaking in other tongues (languages) as did the Apostles on petecost is of God. He needs wisdom in this area.

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    Fri Jan 01 2010

    This preacher Arnold Murray does not teach the truth. He take the Bible and distorts its meaning. I urge all who listen to him to read the Bible for themselves and to not take his word for anything.

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    Mon Nov 30 2009

    He lets the bible interpret the bible, Chapter by chapter, Verse by verse.

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    Mon Nov 02 2009

    I had many questions i could not get answered ,one of them was why our loving God would be so unhappy with Cain's offering to him but so accepting of Abel's, seems to me a farmer [tiller of the earth] would work much harder to present his offering than a man who herds sheep ect. Pastor Murray gave me the answer,it was because Cain was the son of satan.

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    Sat Oct 31 2009

    Pastor Arnold Murray teaches the Bible chapter by chapter and verse by verse. He is a true Bible scholar. He is an expert on the Bible- both the Old Testament and New Testament. He is a shining light. Things that didn't make sense, make sense. And he has a great sense of humor. He helps the student really know the living God and the Truth and His promises for anyone who loves Him. Arnold Murray is a blessing!

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    Thu Oct 29 2009

    The only one on television, not only telling the truth, and teaching line by line, precept on precept, book by book. He'll also spend time answering any question you can throw at him.

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    Wed Oct 28 2009

    Bible study that all of Gods children can understand. Thank God for Pastor Murray :-)

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    Tue Oct 27 2009

    A study that goes by what the Bible (KJV) says not traditions of man, chapter by chapter and verse by verse.

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    Tue Oct 27 2009

    If you really want to learn about the Bible in a way that inspires you moment by moment he is your man. You don't have to agree with him as he will say, but he gives you the tools to find the answers. Not the most well loved by other TV Preachers since he does not beg for money from the poor or anyone for that matter. Pastor Murray is more of a teacher and brings the Bible to life for those who want answers in plain down home American English. Give him a chance and you will be glad you did.

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    Tue Oct 27 2009

    I sat in a rapture teaching church for many years with my friend and her family. When I was 14 years old, I asked my dad about the rapture and he directed me to Shepherd's Chapel. It's one of the best things my dad ever did for me. My eyes were opened to the truth and once the doors of truth were opened, no man has been able to shut them! I asked God when I was a kid to help me understand His Word and now thanks to Arnold Murray, I understand so much. I also asked God to send me a man who shared the same beliefs as me, and low and behold, he sent me a husband that just happened to study with Shepherd's Chapel as well. God is definitely leading, guiding and directing me and my family! I especially love the Q/A segment of the show. If I have a question that's weighing on my mind, I don't have to ask it in a letter, everytime I tune in, my questions are anwered. I know God sent Arnold Murray to help us keep our head above the sea of lies we face everyday. I love Arnold Murray and will co... Read more

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    Mon Oct 26 2009

    I have studied with the Chapel for nearly 15 years and thank our Father for leading me to his ministry. At first I had doubts about some of his teachings and would call in questions which he would answer. He always says to check out him or any teacher...Well,I did so. I not only checked in the King James and the Strongs,I cross checked with other references. I have not agreed 100% with him but he is by far more correct than any church I have attented. He is very highly rated on here because he feeds his flock. Alot of pastors feel threatened because he does not pass a plate in church,does not beg,and yet his ministry has grown by leaps and bounds.Quit begging,teach chapter by chapter,verse by verse and your ministry might grow. I could care less what Mr Murray did in the 50's,or that he pulled a gun on someone interrupting his bible study.No charges were filed because he had every right to do what he did. If you dont like Mr Murray,keep going to your plate passer and having milk.I cho... Read more

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    Sun Aug 16 2009

    I have studied the bible all of my life and have been decieved by many doctrines, denominations and pastors. Most preachers today want to tell feel-good stories about their "aunt Margaret", or try to be stand-up comedians. And If they can entertain you, maybe you will keep coming back. Rarely can you find a church that preaches straight from the bible. Murray is a diamond in the rough!!! He doesn't make his living off of church tithes and he isn't a slave to the tax-exempt status. Neither is he ruled by a "church board" of elders who can vote him out when he says something they disagree with. Kudos to Murray for not preaching the "prosperity" message of most (the more money you give, the more God will bless you). He isn't trying to erect fancy buildings, colleges, or extravagent church "wings". He hasn't fallen prey to the silly "rapture" doctrine, the so-called SECRET coming of Christ (Revelation clearly describes how the second coming occurs and it will be in the clouds for ALL to se... Read more