
Approval Rate: 72%

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    Fri Aug 20 2010

    Quite interesting to read all the perspectives on my sign. Huh...Well let me just say. Being an Aquarius is the most trying, heartbreaking, wonderful, lonely, challenging, frustrating sign to be. For my entire existence, I have felt misunderstood and that simply sucks. But it is what it is. Once in awhile, someone gets "it" and that just makes my entire...year! Everyone longs to be understood and affirmed as a human being. Aquarians give this to everyone in totality. Yet, often we are met with criticism, and misunderstanding all together. However, I am not complaining. I am who I am and I will absolutely give 150% until my last breath, no matter what. It is a necessary thing that we don't need approval. We want acceptance but we don't need approval. There is a difference. Give love and absolute unconditional regard, and you have me for a lifetime. That is saying more than you probably realize.

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    Tue Jun 15 2010

    It's no surprise that the people on here who have given 1 star got the most disagreements. Aquarius' are not all bad, but most of the women are. Don't tell me I'm sexist, astrology, in the sense we are using it, is worse than sexism. My quarrel with Aquarius girls is centered around knowledge. Gnosis (self-knowledge), to be exact. They think that they not only know everything, but they think that they know you. Go ahead and try having a conversation with an Aquarius female you just met, and see how far you get before she brings up some interesting fact about yourself that you weren't 'aware' of. Then, the next move she will make will be to turn the conversation around toward herself. What a b****. Aquarius' are air signs like the rest, the deception is that they are the Water Bearer. So, they are, essentially, air-heads masquerading as emotionally deep souls. F*** that man. Stop pretending to know anything, you will end up alone and hated like you deserve. Love, Notafan.

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    Fri Apr 02 2010

    They can set your soul from it's dark prison free.

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    Thu Jul 09 2009

    Aquarius is a good sign. It is the age of Aquarius. I have it in I think the moon. My grandparents were both Aquarius and I can get along with them. They try to do the best for the world.

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    Wed Jun 24 2009

    This is my sign; I think that, like me, most Aquarians are a little to the 'alien' side. To be perfectly honest, I think we might all be antisocial misfits! But I still think it's a fine sign to be under (as if I could switch to another!), and I don't like the somewhat low rating it has to this point, and so I give it a big 5!

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    Tue May 26 2009

    Aquarians generally purchase prophylactics by the ton, and they are beloved by the vulcanization labor unions.

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    Sat Feb 07 2009

    Aquarius vs Aries - aquarius will last, aries.... no Aquarius vs Taurus - aquarius is innovative, taurus is just a monkey reciting textbook material Aquarius vs Gemini - aquarius does what gemini can't.... actually provide useful information Aquarius vs Cancer - aquarius is not brought down by mood swings aquarius vs leo - even if the leo wins, the leo is still a retard for pride aquarius vs virgo - while the virgo is never satisfied, aquarius is blessed aquarius vs libra - both are good aquarius vs scorpio - (see aquarius vs cancer) aquarius vs sagittarius (see aquarius vs gemini) aquarius vs capricorn (see aquarius vs taurus or virgo) aquarius & pisces - BEST SIGNS!!!!

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    Wed Feb 27 2008

    People born under this sign, the water bearer, like to annoy their neighbors by showing up nude on their doorsteps at 4:05 AM; carrying a pail of water, which they promptly hurl at the astonished neighbor before taking off like a jackrabbit. They also have a bad habit of only being able to sing the "Age of Aquarius" song by the Fifth Dimension. Now why it's understandable in a sense, as Marilyn McCoo was smoking hot back in the day, this bunch needs to diversify their repertoire a bit...

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    Wed Feb 27 2008

    i love aquarians very inspiring and creative!  sometimes they have so much on the plate i wonder how they do it all, but they seem to manage in style.

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    Thu Jan 10 2008

    Frequently referred to as manipulative, condescending, narcissistic, haughty, overbearing, temperamental, and abrasive; I know that I can be a bit much, but in spite of the belief that I am an incredibly confident individual, it does hurt; I have cried and broken down pathetically over this, and though I have heard it often, sometimes when said in a certain way under certain circumstances the thought sometimes, if rarely, strikes an extremely sensitive chord and I am devastated and my entire being is shattered. Their making my best qualities sound bad.My good friend Jessica, an Aries, is wonderful and I truly love her, and have wondered if I could spend my life with her, it is fun being the prim and proper snewdy and too good for all things of this world who don't have the patience with the mentally lacking, I am my calmest when I am with her. My wild fire Emily, is a punk rocker chick with the ripped fishnet stockings and the bright red lipstick who I wouldn't share lip balm with, we ... Read more

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    Wed Nov 21 2007

    I've had a few screw me over. I do personally adore aquarius men, they are so adorable....a little dorky...but great sense of humor and incredibly lovable:)Aquarius women...I admire how they think and how they are always able to speak their mind. They always are the center of attention, but if they aren't...they will do everything in there power to be the cetner of attention. From what I hear, they are good in bed but they are usually whores!

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    Wed Sep 12 2007

    They definitly are on the go!

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    Tue Jul 03 2007

    I'm an aquarius in a family of aquarians and taurans. I chose not to rate the sign myself; I have to give it a 3 to post... I think Aquarians need to live on their own island, too. They tend to force themselves to become as advanced as possible, have nervous breakdowns when they can't solve the worlds problems, and lead semi-reclusive and slightly bitter lives because they outgun and destroy the opinions of their potential friends, without any positive results, or else feel like parents all the time. I wish I was something else a lot. We don't suck in bed, we just suck in bed with you fieries. We are silly, gentle and romantic, and prefer not to have to be in control of something like this that takes a lot of... passion about something specific. I personally give great head, ladies!

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    Fri Jun 01 2007

    Suck in bed.  Control freaks.  Micromanage everyone else, but need to take a good look at their own mess.  Usually smart but in their own world.  They are like aliens.

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    Sat Mar 11 2006

    I like them. They're interesting and like HouseOfM said they are great conversation, creative and often in touch with nature.

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    Sat Oct 29 2005

    We're true to ourselves and don't follow anyone...Heres some famous Aquarians....Edie Van Halen, Oprah, Michael Jordan, Peter Gabriel.... just to name a few.

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    Wed Oct 05 2005

    My mother is an aquarius, she has been cold as ice to me all my life. I give and give and she takes and takes never to embrace me as a daughter. She has the motherly instincts of a crocodile! I know all aquarians aren't this cold but she is utterly evil. Her worst trait is that she is so jealous that she doesn't want me to have a relationship with my own sister. Always referring to us as "sisterly" her little way of making us feel silly. She made me really happy the other day she said I was dead as far as she was concerned. I was already dead due to her lack of mothering, completely numb...she can't hurt me anymore...all she can do is run her big lying mouth!

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    Fri Aug 05 2005

    I don't have any problems with Aquarians. They are good people. Great conversation, creative, and often in touch with nature. They don't mind camping out and just having fun. I don't know any Aquarian players......I just know a couple of good friends of mine.

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    Sun Jul 31 2005

    since i am an aquarius,I am a bit biased. Everything computergal said about aquarius is the total opposite of my personality,especially the player part. And people like bullpower should think first before stereotyping a group of people.

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    Mon Jul 18 2005

    Where do I start? Aquarius' have the gift of being honest and dishonest all at once. They make you think that you know them very well when the opposite is true. They love to talk a lot. They aren't good at keeping a secrets. Aquarius' seem to know it all. Nobody can question them without getting an earful of their rhetoric. The men are bad boys and players. Just look at Bobby Brown and former tennis player John McEnroe. The women seem to resent their feminity because it makes them 'weak'. They are tomboyish early on in their life until they settle into the role of a woman. The good thing about them is that because they are independent and detached, there are usually no hard feelings should things go sour. They're not going to go psycho on you because that's beneath them. It's illogical to them. Everything is based on logic and facts according to Aquarius. If intelligence is not in their nature then they overcompensate by appearing well read and worldly. Aquarians are no... Read more

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    Wed Feb 23 2005

    Openminded, friendly, original, creative, humanitarian, spiritual...etc. By far the best sign.

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    Sun Feb 06 2005

    Aquarius are definately independent, single-minded individuals. We're not needy and we stick to our beliefs no matter what. We can be a little arrogant because of that, but we just have our own special set of standards and live by the motto if you don't like the way I am then sod off. This is why other signs are baffled by us; we do our own thing regardless of what they think. We're not out to make friends and might appear coldhearted because of it. But we are very loyal to, and protective of the friends we do have. We're more eccentric & off our rockers than the other signs, but if you're able to see past that, we'll treat you like gold. We're creative people and excel in more artistic pursuits...another reason why we seem odd to others is our tendency to stray from the so-called norm. Most people want to blend in with the crowd, but Aquarians want the exact opposite. We consider the norm very boring.

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    Wed Jan 05 2005

    I don't like this sign. Very hypocritical people, especially the women.

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    Wed Nov 03 2004

    surprising thing...aquarian women r emotionally detached while the men r the exact opposite. both r intellectual, beautiful, honest, and yes a tad crazy ppl. but they mean well, always, u can depend on that. slitely perverted tho...

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    Mon Oct 18 2004

    Great friends but non-committal in the one to one department. Will always make a party go well.

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    Wed Jul 28 2004

    this is beyond crazy . . . aquarians are realy nice ppl! b nice 2 them, they will always return it in niceness. most of them are at least, but sumtimes i think that the very driven aquarians act in ways that are hypocritical to the very thing they set out to fix, and therefore drive potential followers away. but of course this is pretty normal for someone who constantly finds themselves feeling different no matter what they do. if u noe wat i mean, it shud realy b fixed. most aquarians that do realize this truly bcum humane. i am aquarian and i hate being seen as evil the way most aquarians are seen.

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    Fri Jun 18 2004

    The Trash Born Under Aquarius Sign should all be moved out into there own little world, Thats what they want anyway to be surrnonded by odd goth type , and to not have any authority cuz there soo damn unable to be ontime there always getting yelled at for being late to work , home , anywhere far as that goes, so i think it should be a low to make it mandatory to noone to ever have unprotected sex during April and May to avoid any more Aquarius Mis Haps

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    Mon Jun 07 2004

    strange sign...they tend to annoy me. but after all...they are so egocentric

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    Mon May 24 2004

    OK, I am an aquarian so I can tell you how we realy are. First I can say that I belive in signs because knowing how people is helpes me alot, I have found that every person realy is like his or her sign said. SO, YOU HAVE TO KNOW THAT WE ARE GOOD,EXELENT PEOPLE and that our bad part only comes out if what is good and brings happiness to your self and the world is not happening. Some people don't like us 'cause we hate what is wrong Stupidity of the people, wene they louse life in money,and things that we don't need.YES, THAT'S WHAY we are rebelious? 'cause we care about what realy matters in life, for our spirit. We [aquarians] just live in the present to make a better future, because this present is the future of the past, so you can see that those people of the past didn't worked to much so that naw we could have a better PRESENT. AQUARIUS ROCK'S FOR THE ETERNITY!!!!!!!!

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    Sun May 23 2004

    Honestly, I cannot figure Aquarius' out. I suppose that is because I am a small minded leo. However, I will have to say that they are the one sign which never ceases to surprise me. (my sister wrote this cuz she signed on as me on accident)

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    Sat Mar 06 2004

    I would think that Aquarius is quite obviously the best zodiac sign there is. We're fun, unpredictable, weird, intelligent, and beautiful. We almost always look younger than we are, and we're almost never on time. What wonderful qualities. The problem with the rest of the world is that they just dont understand us. We're SO far ahead of the other signs, they just figure we're weirdos and dont listen to what we have to say. Well, screw them. WE are the best, we know it, that's all that matters.

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    Fri Dec 05 2003

    Aquarians are humanitarians beyond belief helping the better good of the world. Everything intrigues them politics, useless facts, t.v. shows, food and pretty much anything they can think of. They tend to make loads of friends but only a few really good ones. Every once in a while they fall into bouts of wanting to be alone for the most part just leave them be. They have amazing imaginations and come up with ideas that seem insane. Also rebellious Aquarians hate following the rules and what society tells them to do so these are the people that show up at semi-formal gatherings in a really wild suit. As kids they took apart toys and asked their parents lot's of questions. These are the teens that are almost never off of that computer trying to design a website on it that is really good. Aquarians need freedom like they need air they hate being tied down and rarely lend or borrow money. Most are very intellectual and often spend time analyzing people and situations. These people are fant... Read more

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    Wed Oct 29 2003

    yep, thats the Aquarian for you whether you like it or not!

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    Mon Oct 13 2003

    Reading what Janey Lane says about Aquarians they should without a doubt be number 1

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    Sat Aug 30 2003

    I fail to see why these people are at the bottom of the list. Both my sister and best friend are aquarians and are the warmest and kindest people I know. Aquarians are great.

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    Wed Aug 27 2003

    Another angry group of winter people. They were born in the worst time in winter, and they tend to carry that attitude in life for the most part. With ALL the signs, I am sure there are good ones, I just haven't met none yet.

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    Mon Jun 30 2003

    I really like Aquariuses - my best friend is one and he's taught me a lot about treating people with patience and respect. I'm an Aries and we both have the same sense of humor but he's much funnier than me. He's also very witty without being book-smart. No neuroses at all. Good heart for the environment and for others. Everyone loves the guy.

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    Mon May 26 2003

    Independent inventors!

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    Thu Apr 17 2003

    Ha Ha Claude! Ignorant about other cultures?? I was in the Peace Corps and that organization is loaded with Aquarians including myself. Too bad you had a bad experience with a past Aquarian girl. Aquarians are compassionate, insanely creative and curious to the point of always seeming distracted. The world is the Aquarian's oyster and a fascinating one at that. And yes, I daydream for hours on end and took apart all my toys as a child. Peace to all of you.

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    Fri Oct 05 2001

    My only horoscope for a month and a half that did not tell me I would be romantically involved with a Cancerian told me I would be romantically involved with an Aquarian. MAKE UP YOUR MINDS!!! WHICH ONE IS IT, CANCER OR AQUARIUS? Aquarians are ruled by two planets, Saturn and Uranus. Aquarians have very serious minds. They are often active in political causes. Due to being ruled by Uranus, Aquarians don't respect tradition and get kicks from shocking people with their behavior. They have powerful, scientific minds. They rely on reason rather than emotion, just like Virgoans. Aquarians have a lot of friends, but hardly anyone really knows them. They are hard to get through to, and they avoid close, personal relationships. Only thing I took off for was the fact that Aquarians tend not to have much of a sense of humor. I like people who are natural comedians. But the rest of the Aquarian qualities are, well, pretty good!

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    Sun Sep 09 2001

    Good qualities: Humanitarians,friendly,intelligent Bad qualities: eccentric, critical, dithering Best careers: science&technology,actor,inventor Famous Aquarians: Jack Lemmon,Charles Lindburgh, Farrah Fawcett,Lewis Carroll

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    Thu Aug 23 2001

    Aquarians are eccentric, intelligent, amusing and unique - better than boring, stubborn TAURUS!!!!!

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    Thu Aug 23 2001

    Definity the strangest sign. Aquarians are often hard to really figure out b/c they are not always open with their own feelings. Sure, they are curious about other people, and like to listen to friends' experiences and love to give advice, but are rarely honest about their true feelings. Aquarians sometimes do things to shock people, but this is usually dumb and for no good reason. Aquarians are often very arrogant. They tend to stereotype people and are often ignorant about other cultures. Aquarians like to think of them selves as serving others but they are truly opportunists. Also, they are not that good in bed.

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    Wed Aug 01 2001

    these people are cool. My friend, Janey_Lane is one of you guys. You rock!

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    Tue Jul 31 2001

    The Aquarius is original, have great imagination, are rebellious, idealistic and fight for the good cause. Their mind is always running wild and they are often accused of daydreaming. The Aquarius also inspect everything carefully and turn their noses up at conventional thinking. They aren't always rational in their thinking and/or in school but they are good at inventing interesting new ways to do things. They speak well, are brutally honest and care more about the world as a whole than they do about the individual. They are individualists and don't like to belong to a group. They want to make the world a better place but can often seem cold and distant in their way to do so. The Aquarius also cares a lot for the environment and can't help but getting involved. They make their own rules and need freedom to function. They love a good discussion and, as they are stubborn, love to argue a point. They are perfectly comfortable with irritating and embarrasing people who bore them. Further ... Read more