Aqua North Carolina Inc

Approval Rate: 73%

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    Mon Aug 24 2009

    What more can you say when you get a $380 monthly water bill with a 4 person family during a month when you were out of town for a week. Well, I will tell you what Aqua said, sorry for the misread, how about my June invoice with double the usage of my yearly avg? Sorry, cant go back that far $240 is your bill. In this day, with everyone scrambling to stimulate spending I am embarrassed to say that my commissions approved an increase by Aqua earlier this year. They should be ashamed. I pay $120 per month for my water and during the warm months $70 for my outside meter. That is like half a year in most other towns. I am making it my personal mission to affect change.

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    Fri Jul 17 2009

    100 years ago, my great grandparents got their phone bill in the mail and had to submit a check for payment. This is the same way this company still operates. They do not have any form of electronic payment or account management. EVERY other utility, credit card, and insurance company I use offers online services. Phone information is only during weekday business hours. COME ON AUQA NC, GET INTO THE @!st CENTURY!!!!!!!!

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    Wed Jun 10 2009

    Here is list of commissioners responsible for letting AQUA rip us off. --------- Chairman Finley --------- Commissioner Owens ------- Commissioner Joyner -------- Commissioner Culpepper -------- Commissioner Bryan Beatty -------- Commissioner Susan Rabon -------- Let them know in the next election. -------- 1-866-380-9816 complains ---------- 919-733-4249 main number ------------

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    Thu May 21 2009

    i am single and in lived in clayton ,nc and i just got bill for may water and sewer.and it was85.00 dollars for that month a 29 day cycle basic sewer 63.00 dollars. this company is a rip off check before you move into a subdivsion to find out who supplies water and sewer

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    Mon Mar 16 2009

    March 17, 2009 Edward S. Finley, Jr. Chairman NCUC 4325 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Mr. Finley, I am a resident of Mallard Crossing Subdivision. My husband and I have two daughters, one which has moved out two years ago.. We have lived in this house for the past 15 years. I just recently learned about the possibility of Aqua NC Water Company plans to request a higher water rate. When we purchased our house, we went from a $20.00 every three month City of Raleigh Water bill, (which also includes trash/recycle pickup) to $63.00 a month water only bill that summer. Now mind you, my daughter would visit my parents for the whole summer so it was only two of us in the house at the time and the bill was ridiculous. When I investigated I was told that we had a $43.00 flat sewage bill per house. I do agree that it is more expensive to buy/own a home then it is to rent. What I did not understand is that it was two-thirds hirer for the same amount of dwelling space and number... Read more

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    Thu Oct 16 2008

    Aqua America NC are among the worst run companies I have ever dealt with. They definately overcharge on the water rates, guess meter readings regularly, charge extortionate sewer rates based on total water gallons. Not to mention the so called "mantenance fees" etc. Here in cary/Apex its a rip off. You can buy bottled water for less. They don't have a sensible web site thats customer orientated, they don't send paperless e-mail bills, they WON'T accept electronic payments that don't go through a third party (with a charge of course) They have "bankers hours" for customer no support. Send you final demands if you are a few days late threatening to cut you off in 3 days of you don't pay NOW. I skipped a payment and got a shut off notice today, 10/17/08 AND must pay em by 8:00am on the 21st or they cut me off. Well there's a week end in there. oh yes, I can go to Food Lion and stand on line to pay them, take a day off work and go to their shambles of a local office, but ....... It reall... Read more

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    Tue Oct 14 2008

    Aqua North Carolina is already over-priced compared to other suburban areas covered by other companies AND we just received notice today that the rates are being increased! In addition to this, we had a water leak in our front yard, and on the very day we saw a problem, we had it fixed. Then we received an $1800 water bill!! (Our average bill is $110) This is almost 18x the regular monthly amount! After I faxed over our repair bill, I was told that "there was nothing they could do to help us, since in 2007 we received a $70 credit for a leaking toilet we had fixed"..."and this courtesy that we provide can only be utilized every 2 years"....that's it! end of story! they could care less that this is ridiculous and we can't afford this. They did however offer us the option to make a 'payment arrangement'...GREAT!

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    Fri Sep 05 2008

    If you are thinking of moving into an area serviced by Aqua North Carolina Inc...think twice before moving!! They absoluteley rake you over the coals for water and sewer service!!! In the Apex area of Kildaire Farm Road, they are priced about 6 times higher than that of Raleigh's water and sewer!! Yes, you read right SIX times higher!!! There are 2 adults and an infant in our family and our MONTHLY bill is right around $120. Yip, monthly. We were paying $60 ever THREE months in Raliegh. And before you ask, we are very conservative with our usage (can't afford it here!). Are you ready for the kicker?? On your bill, they show usage per gallon for water and show usage per gallon of sewage but oddly enough, there is only one meter and that is on the incoming water main!?! How is it possible to measure sewage per gallon without a meter you ask?? They don't...period. They just assume. So if you water your lawn, wash your car or do anything with water that does NOT go down the drain, you ar... Read more