Apple iPhone 3G
Approval Rate: 90%
Reviews 0
by aliwaqas
Fri May 28 2010I like it a lot and it's very useful, but it only works about 85% of the time. I can make calls and play music just fine, but all the other features that utilize cool things like 3G and GPS are either sometimes slow and unreliable or just don't work when you need them the most. Otherwise, I would definitely recommend it.
by northbynorthwe_st
Thu Oct 29 2009I love my iPhone 3G, best GPS I've ever had! Sadly, I've had better phones and I've had better camera phones. BUT, I've never had internet browsing the way Apple does it, Flash support is badly needed and regular browsing still crashes from time to time even after all of the updates. About the camera, i wish there was another way of activating it externally, like a button rather than on-screen. I've often found myself wanting to take a quick picture on the spot only to fiddle with the un-locking, entering my password, finding the camera icon, waiting for it to warm up or whatever it is it does... finally it's ready to take a picture, but by then the moment has passed.... =(
by saucheech
Thu Aug 27 2009Please bring back the Ist generation!!! You can hardly hear this phone ring if it's in your pocket and not on vibrate. Also hard to hear the earphone speaker, so must use the speaker phone option to hear clearly. AT&T offers a total lack of coverage, many dropped callsI AIso live in Aurora, Colorado, a very large suburb of Denver, and am rarely able to get a live call in my home. I'll have to get a reliable additional phone as a backup. Love the other features though, you can do everything on the Iphone but talk!
by samiam
Fri Aug 21 2009I've owned my 16GB iPhone 3G for about 10 months now and I'm very happy with it. There are lots of cool apps available and many of them are free or very low cost. I was reluctant to give up my old Blackberry for the iPhone but I've found so far that it manages my contacts and calendar just as well as the Blackberry did. The internet browser (Safari) is faster and easier to use than Blackberry's. The built-in iPod is a plus. I have only three complaints, two of which are minor. First, I had quite a bit of trouble setting up my email accounts on the iPhone. On my old Blackberry I was up and running in 10 minutes. I had to reconfigure the iPhone 3-4 times to get the accounts to set up properly. Second is battery life. As long as I keep mine on a charger in the car on the way to the office and plug it into a wall charger every once in a while at home it seems to be working out okay for me. Third, to own an iPhone you have to sign on with AT&T, whose service in my neck of the woo... Read more
by monkey88
Tue Aug 11 2009Great phone and heaps of fun. The Apps are very cool - so many to choose from (free ones too). The new download of the latest software (even on the older model) is great. Texting is easy and it's great having the Ipod capabilities in the phone as well. It's much easier to use than I thought it would be! Addicted now! The only thing is that I wish you could put the alarm on the phone and leave it turned off. As I don't like having it on all night but if you put it on silent it will still work as a great backup alarm in the mornings!
by john_r
Thu Jul 09 2009It's like having a tricorder from Star Trek - only better! Steve Jobs must be from the future.
by kaylay09210
Sun Jun 28 2009i have one and it is great i love it.It is handy and it has games and you can write urself a note i love it and you can call people .
by jkyw34f1
Sat Jun 13 2009We ordered the iphone from AT&T and it arrived within promised time frame. It took us 4 days to get a live person to pick up the required activation call. Once activated, we found the phone was a defect with all but "phone" feature working - it only works with speaker on. After much *this* and *that* we finally gave in and got a "fixed" "working" phone, thanks for the "merciful" "kind" customer service in AT&T and Apple. Our $300 worth of supposedly brand new iPhone 3G has been valued down and replaced with a "i-do-not-tell-you-it-is-a-refurbish-or-not" replacement with 2 years of jail time. There are obvious service gaps and gray areas between AT&T and Apple, we, the dumb and dumber consumers, are trapped in between and without much help. If Apple really set for making changes in the mobile market in the States, let iPhone be the first to break the carrier barriers. iPhone and its users deserve the freedom of choosing its own worthy carrier or carriers competing in the market. T... Read more
by ineedthis
Thu May 21 2009For me it is not so good
by hanadi
Mon May 18 2009THE BEST EVER !! I Love my iPhone 3G ..=D
by karenarya
Mon Apr 13 2009The best phone I have ever had.
by pierrelate
Thu Apr 09 2009I really think the Iphone 3G is the best phone ever. This revolutionnary phone is really easy to use, very fast, has different very usefull apps... But the Iphone works not all the time and has bugs.
by iprerit
Sun Mar 22 2009its revolutionary phone i have ever seen, its amazing multi touch and grt UI
by majorkahuna
Sat Jan 10 2009pure and simple genius.
by seantheone
Fri Dec 19 2008This is the best phone in the US market today. It is the first phone that I have enough satisfaction with. I love the touch screen, iTunes and even the sleek look of the phone. I am also a big Apple product fan. I have a minor complaint that sometimes the vibrate only switch switches to sound and vibrate mode unexpectedly while in my pocket, but that is not bad enough for me not to rate this phone with 5 stars, this phone is unbeatable in the competition. I get great 3G reception most of the time as well with AT&T.;
by malicia
Fri Dec 12 2008HELP! I am suffering from 'cell phone envy' of my Boyfriend's iphone. It can seriously do so much more than my 'Sidekick 3' by T-mobile, and it doesn't take a million years to load web pages. He has some of the coolest innovative applications for a cell phone that I have ever seen. I can't wait for the price to drop so I can afford one as well.
by joseph_aka_joe_y
Mon Oct 20 2008It is the fast wireless .GPS,mapping phone yea i was worried about the email key board too
by joelsimkhai
Sat Aug 02 2008Best gadget ever.
by bencohen
Fri Aug 01 2008Wonderful phone. I was worried about the email key board, but apple did a great job with intrepretting what I meantto say, and gets it mostly right. Of course it has a challenge with names (words not in dictionaries).My complaints- no pics on SMS. Dont know why. I hadthis on my cheap phones.- Battery. If you really want to use this., I mean USE it, then my battery doesnt make it through the day. I keepit plugged into a USB port during the day while working, but weekends are a problem.Other wise great as a phone, surfing and viewing the web is fantastic.Would reccomend it.
by ms_169536631
Mon Jul 21 2008kick azz phone
by goodformecoffe_e
Sat Jul 19 2008Love pretty much everything.
by lena7358
Mon Jul 14 2008So I just got the 3G version of my favorite phone ever, and I'm highly impressed. The pricedrop makes it highly affordable for a lot more people (granted if you're already an AT&T; customer and you didn't already have an iPhone you're pretty much screwed because they won't give it to you for the discounted price unless you're already due for a phone upgrade). There are a number of fantastic features that are available on the old iPhone too, such as applications, bulk email management, exchange support, realtime geolocation in maps, etc, but the new 3G phone does it faster and more elegantly in most cases. An example of this is the realtime geolocation feature in Google Maps. The old iPhone will do a decent job of approximating your location, but the gps has been spot on and tracks quite accurately for both walking and driving. The 3G network is blazingly fast when accessible. My apartment can't decide whether or not it wants to use 3G or Edge, unfortunately, so that causes some ... Read more