Animal Rights

Approval Rate: 39%

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    Thu Jul 02 2009

    I support their cause, but now-a-days they go too far. I love my Saltgrass Steak House thank you very much!

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    Wed Jul 01 2009

    I enjoy a good Steak now and again, as such, maybe I should not be rating on this Subject. But I would Probably feel better about it If I knew the cow was not Hurt more than Necessary. Animal right may not be a political Issue, and since Animals can not vote it will likely never be a Political issue. But as Ghandi said "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." I support rights for All animals like I support rights For all people. To do otherwise to me seems Silly. We share the Earth, we are not on this Planet alone. We must look out For one another. Man should look out for the creatures of the earth the same As he looks after His Brother. We are not Complete until we can do so. "Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages." Thomas A. Edison

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    Tue Oct 21 2008

    This should not even be on the list. Compared to everything else that needs to be dealt with. Besides this is a state issue, not an issue that should be handled directly from Washington.

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    Tue Sep 30 2008

    Animal testing is wrong I am a vegetarian because they kill innocent animals! They never did anything to us!

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    Tue Sep 30 2008

    I hate it when animals get abused, and tons of other stuff it is way to sad i can't believe you can get paid for this kinda stuff. it makes me so sick that people are aloud to do that kinda thing i hate it hate it hate it.

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    Sun Mar 09 2008

    only in the eyes of the fanatics...animal welfare is good but animal rights is ridiculous.  We have people living in cardboard boxes and others losing their homes and PETA is trying to pass legislation to keep cows from being embarrassed about being milked...give me a break!

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    Thu Feb 28 2008

    Animal abuse is bad, but lets face it, there are plenty of more important issues to deal with.

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    Tue Jun 05 2007

    We must be certain that animals are treated humanely. Animals have no rights, per se. No animal can go to court, or own property, or perform any other function that we associate with rights. Animal rights is a fantasy of ignorant pantheistic druids or other deluded neo-pagans.

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    Tue Jun 05 2007

    Being at the top of the food chain gets to our heads. Now that we are calling the shots lets hope we make educated decisions regarding our animal community instead of individuals assuming knowledge about the degree of consciousness different animals embody. Who says that we are bright enough to recognise intelligence in all forms we are no gods. We have done very well to make our way to the top of the food chain with little to no animals threatening our extinction now. Yet we as a whole haven't dropped the habbit of only thinking of ourselves inhabiting this planet. It does take quite an adjustment of prospective to redirect thoughts revolving around our own quality of life, towards steping up the par of lives surrounding us. We are at the point where we can decide whether or not they exist. I really don't think that's our choice to make. Plus it actually increases happiness when we are able to observe wildlife and animals exist naturally in our environments. Lets hope we get WISE.It w... Read more

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    Fri Aug 04 2006

    I am all for animal rights. I read somewhere that a PETA official called humans the blight of the earth and guess what? I think PETA is right.

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    Fri Jun 16 2006

    Animals do have rights. It takes a pretty sad individual to make hateful remarks about innocent animals. There have been a couple of very uncalled for and sick statements on this issue. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: anyone that is mean and hateful towards animals will also do the same to people.

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    Mon Mar 06 2006

    I care more about animal rights than gay rights. If 2 gays want to screw each other do it at home, but don't complain that you're treated unfairly! Why should they get tax breaks!? Keep fighting the strong fight Biscuit!

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    Sat Feb 04 2006

    I cannot believe this. Animals do have rights. Don't animals also have feelings? Don't animals get hurt? Sure our ancestors killed animals and used them for a number of things but we don't don't actually need animals for all that stuff anymore! I don't think that it's fair to treat animals like they have no feelings whatsoever. animals are being totured because ofb selfish reasons. There is also the fact that if animals were created to be slaughtered for clothing and food and all that then there might as well be no animals if they were just meant to be killed. I think that we need to start taking care of animals and our environment because if we don't in years time animals will be only just a memory.

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    Thu Feb 02 2006

    Rated a one star as important--but not THAT important.

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    Fri Dec 02 2005

    Judeo-Christian teachings maintain that animals were put on the Earth for the benefit of humans. If you are one of the approximately 70% of people on the planet who are not Jewish or Christian, you may or may not believe differently. However, since we good Americans base our laws on J-C principles, it is no wonder that we have few rights for the animals who aren't lucky enough to belong to our species. If not for religious reasons, why are humans the only animals with rights? We are not the only species with intelligence, and we are far from being the only one with a complex social organization. Just admit that animals have no rights to you personlly because you believe in a supernatural being who magically placed them here for you to exploit--rather anything quantifiable--and you've got something. Otherwise, your reasoning is crap.

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    Wed Nov 23 2005

    umm guys i love animals , i have them all over my room but how stupid would that be to walk around with FAKE fur on your coach purse!!! know one would bye that coach because it is made cheap! i like fur becuz it is fashionable and stylish , rich and fuzzy! , i feel bad but thing about it

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    Fri Sep 16 2005

    i think you should not kill tigers . leopards , lions , all the big cats and the other endangered animals , , you are aspost to eat cow and chicken thats whats it there for , nothing else really,,

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    Mon Sep 05 2005

    One of those issues where the discourse is dominated by extremists. We need laws that recognize basic rights of chimpanzees and apes and laws about torturing chickens, but when we get to banning eating all meat or banning pets, we're taking it too far.

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    Wed Aug 24 2005 Take a look on this website. Animal testing is sick!!! The poor monkeys.

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    Mon Jul 18 2005

    Too many anthropocentric fools don't believe animals have rights, except for the right to hunt or eat them. Have a bit of respect ingrates, we're only a more advanced species of animal, anyway. As for the sadists that commit cruelty to animals, you belong in a different species: parasites.

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    Mon May 23 2005

    Some of the comments I'm seeing here completely disgust me. That people can be so ignorant, so selfish, and so misinformed on the subject of animal suffering is apalling. Animals are just as intellegent as we are, and they feel pain just like we do. Have you ever been to a slaughterhouse? No, of course you haven't. I'll tell you about it. Animals on factory farms are treated like machines. Within days of birth, for example, chickens have their beaks seared off with a hot blade. Male cows and pigs are castrated without painkillers. All of these animals spend their brief lives in crowded and ammonia-filled conditions, many of them so cramped that they can't even turn around or spread a wing. Many do not get a breath of fresh air until they are taken to the slaughterhouse, often through weather extremes and always without food or water. The animals are hung upside down and their throats are sliced open, often while they're fully conscious. Today's factory farms use everything they kill,... Read more

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    Thu May 05 2005

    Animals rights IS human rights. I know that sounded like improper grammar but hear me out. If animals are treated nicely, then the Earth will be better off (no depleting of resources, etc. It's called the eco system, look it up.) If the Earth is better off, then humans are. Not to mention that eating meat & dairy is bad for human's health (yeah it is, look that up too.) And oh yeah, isn't one of the signs of a psychopath animal abuse when they were kids? One day you're tossing a puppy around, the next, a woman. I don't see how anyone could differentiate between a baby monkey and a baby kitten, and a baby human, and a baby pig. They are all sentient beings, with approximately the same level of intelligence (sentient IS a word; look it up). In the words of Ron Reagan - It's just that I have this funny objection to torturing small animals no matter how scrumptious their body parts might be . Our food industries are equal opportunity abusers: cows, chickens, pigs, and a special mention to ... Read more

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    Thu Mar 24 2005

    Thats a pretty disgusting, specesist thing to say fierce ,specesism is second on my list only to racism. It doesnt matter that I'm more intelligent than say, my friend, or less, we should still respect eachother. Animals have the right to be happy and live a life without pain but thats it. Remember, your eating a once living thing that was killed for you to eat, so if anything, you should be thankful to that chicken or cow for giving you the protein you need

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    Wed Mar 16 2005

    all of you are spoken like truly blind followers of Descartes, a blind frog if ever there was one. enjoy Hell.

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    Sat Sep 11 2004

    The only right than an animal has is to be eaten by a far more intelligent, evolved being (that would be me) and defecated into feral, fetid waste.

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    Wed Aug 11 2004

    First, we should clear up the concept of animal rights. This is actually a misnomer as animals have no rights, but humans may or may not have the right to treat animals a certain way. This is similar to zoning laws for real estate. Your property doesn't have a right not to have a factory built upon it; one just doesn't have the right to build a factory on that piece of land. With that said, it appears that the issue of animal rights boils down to health and morality. The former is easy to discount, as this is a matter of choice and the risks one wishes to assume. Humans are natural omnivores, so there is nothing necessarily morally wrong with taking life for living and survival. This would also apply to testing for health reasons. Nevertheless, how humanely we treat animals raised for food and testing is basically determined by how much we are willing to spend. More humane treatment means higher costs for food and goods requiring testing. Where the line should be drawn is som... Read more

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    Fri Jul 30 2004

    God gave us the beast for our own uses. Ive always thought that the American Indians has a real vision for how we treat our animal world. We are there brothers and we should only kill to feed or cloth ourselves. We as humans ofcourse have perverted the meaning of 'need' and go beyond it. I have pure hatred for any human being who harms and animal for pure sport. I am an avid hunter but I would never make a kill and not harvest its meat. I would never harm a domestic animal for any reason. Dont let me catch you do it either. I would report you to the police directly or worse. Absolutly there should be laws to prevent this kind of abuse to animals.

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    Thu Jun 03 2004

    For health reasons alone (forget rights for a minute, if you can): Not only are meat, dairy products, and eggs inherently damaging to the human body on a regular basis, but in today's polluted environent, these products are laced with hazardous chemicals. Toxic chemical resdiues bioaccumulate in the food chain and are most likely to be found in foods highest in the food chain (people - check out escalating cancer rates as the *result* of this, then meat, fish, dairy and eggs) Hazardous substances including DDT, Haptachlor, PBBs, PCBs, Dieldrin, Dioxin have been found regularly in americas food supply (when tested) IN addition to environmental pollutants, meat, dairy and eggs also contain hazardous drug residues (between 30 and 50% of the antibiotics produced in the US are fed directly to farm animals) - and subsidized by our tax dollars via agribusiness subsidies, resulting in the VERY profitable pharmaceutical industry, also now subsidized by our tax dollars. Bacterial contamina... Read more

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    Mon May 31 2004

    WHAT animal rights?

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    Tue May 04 2004

    We need to be concerned with the humane treatment of animals. Animal rights pushes things toward PETA, which morally compares the Holocaust with barbequeing chickens.

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    Wed Jan 07 2004

    we need animal rights, I dont want to wonder if every time I eat a steak if it sufferd, or if the milk I drink is full of pus, cause the cows are stressed. An they feel just like we do, Hot or cold, hungry, Ya. they need rights, because we dont treat them always as they should be treated. and there the weaker one on the earth , it is out job to protect them, Then we are also taken care of ourselves, we all are one together,

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    Sat Jan 03 2004

    I don't think people should be allowed to put their small pets in the microwave or endangered species should be killed for their teeth or fur. Animals are important to the eco-system as well as the balance of the food chain and the economy. When a man shoots a deer or a hooks a fish, not for food, but for a trophy, Then that man is not worth doing anything for.

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    Sat Dec 27 2003

    Animals have the right to be shot, killed, skinned, and eaten.

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    Mon Nov 24 2003

    I think it is very, very important to stop the widespread animal abuse in the world. There should be harsh penalties for every person who commits this crime. Someone needs to defend the animals that are abused, as most of them can't defend themselves with the weapons we have nowadays.....

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    Sun Nov 23 2003

    Animals themselves do not have any rights. However I am against cruelty to animals. I support a person's right to hunt or fish though.

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    Wed Nov 19 2003

    Animals taste good. I dont beleive in sadistic torture of animals, but I dont think that we should make laws about it.

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    Fri Nov 14 2003

    Stupid. Why is there a law against cock fighting? What future does a chicken have anyway? How does a successful chicken end up? In a 10 piece meal.

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    Sat Nov 08 2003

    Ok Solenoid, humans are not humane to animals. Have you been to a slaughterhouse? Well let me tell you about one since I have. These places are 1000 times worse than any concentration camp. Animals have no space, are injected by steroids constantly. Imagine living for one reason-to die, and not even in a human way. Cows heads are put into a groove, and then their stomachs are slashed while they watch all their intestines flow out as they are still alive, I challenge anyone to find any right in this situation. When animals kill in the wild, they are free. Its not like the shameful conditions of the meat packing industry which is definately NOT humane.

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    Mon Sep 22 2003

    No, this is not a very important issue in the long run. Human Rights, for example, are far more important. Yes, animals have rights, and we must respect them, but it doesn't take of lot of effort to do so. Just don't harm them unnecessarily or, if you must kill them (for food or for hunting) then do it in a way that minimizes their suffering. Mission accomplished. I really hope the government doesn't adopt animal rights as a cornerstone of policy, though, since as I said there are a zillion more important issues right now to focus on.

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    Mon Sep 08 2003

    We all know it's more depressing when a dog dies than a human.

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    Mon Sep 08 2003

    I like animals, but this is ridiculous! Humans are animals too? There is no god but mother earth? We should abandon clothing and have one massive world wide orgy? Abandon civilization? These people are sick!!!!

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    Fri Jun 13 2003

    Animal Rights right now seems very ridiculous, especially when American diet is Burger King, McDonalds, and KFC. Why even give rights to species that kill each other and are at constant war with one another. I can see this is a political issue, but animal rights will never ever get much support at all, and will never become into law.

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    Sat Jun 07 2003

    If God didn't intend for us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made them out of meat.

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    Tue May 27 2003

    This is a really important issue. Animals should be treated much better than they are now. We have no right to abuse animals. And by the way, Rodoedo, humans are able to survive perfectly well withour meat, in fact vegetarians are much less likely to suffer from heart disease, cancer or strokes than meat-eaters. I have been a vegetarian for 6 years (since I was nine) and a vegan for 1 year, and I never get ill. Also it is very bad for you spiritually to eat meat, people have known this for thousands of years.

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    Sun May 18 2003

    Spare me. . .

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    Wed May 14 2003

    Not a big POLITICAL issue, but a moral issue. I, as a human, am omnivorous; I like eating meat just as much as I like eating vegetables, and I am thankful for the life which ended to preserve mine (plants are living, too, by the way). It can't be avoided, so the least you can do is be thankful for it. We certainly should NOT be wasteful (i.e. hunting for a trophy and not eating the animal, that's pretty screwed up), we should certainly NOT torture aniamls or treat them inhumanely even if we're going to end up eating them, but eating is a part of life. Now, for cosmetic research/medical research, that's a tough line to draw. I don't think we have to stick eyeliner in a rabbit's eye to see if it irritates it--I think the answer is pretty obvious. Stuffing an indecent amount of ANY chemical into a rat is probably going to cause cancer--A creature can die of drinking too much water, ANYTHING in excess'll kill you. But, for medicines, I can understand that testing is helpful to ens... Read more

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    Mon May 05 2003

    Animal rights is an important political issue. We do require meat to survive and this meat comes solely from lesser animals. Hunting for sport or fun is cruel and useless, and should be banned as far as I am concerned. If we didn't have any regulation on animal cruelty, then it would run rampant in this country. There is too much of it going on as is. They need protection too.

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    Sun May 04 2003

    I don't know...I guess it gets three stars because I think some of things that are done to animals are obsolutely terrible and should not be done even if it means some whore can't go strutting around in fur. I also believe in protecting wildlife and endangered species. But I won't feel bad for eating a cheese burger or enjoying sushi.

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    Wed Apr 30 2003

    Living in Cookeville, Tn, I can attest to the need for animal rights. Having watched the cops pull over an innocent family, and blow their dog away makes me sick. When you treat animals bad, I feel there is a tendency to start treating people the same way. It de-humanizes (or de-dogizes) cruelty, and shows a lack of respect for God's creatures.

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    Mon Apr 21 2003

    Animals do not have "RIGHTS" . with all the trouble human beings are having right now all over the world theres more important things to think about than hysterical ideas about the so-called rights of animals.I believe in animal welfare rather than animal rights.