Angry Moon Tattoo

Approval Rate: 38%

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    Sat Oct 24 2009

    so you all know (this is Cantu) angry moon is now closed. there were many issues with our business operations that led to this closure, but i am here to set the record straight: joey (A&E intervention show) had problems he didn't share with us and we were as shocked and disgusted as anyone to find out how he was acting. no one else at our shop was doing dope. to address the complaints below i'll say this: there were many factors that led to your less-than-stellar service. our company had many internal issues that ultimately led to its downfall and it really is a shame. certainly, i apologize for any inconvenience i may have caused anyone in our process but truthfully the majority of our clients rave about our quality and service. you can't win every consumer's heart and sometimes, honestly, the public just sucks. (last statement directed toward mojobot, who really is just lame... i sat with this man for 10 minutes and sketched out a design... then, for a 20 dollar deposit i spent many... Read more

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    Mon Oct 12 2009

    They wouldn't hire junkies your right. They hire incompetent people who can't do their jobs right. I've gotten 2 tattoos from Angry Moon eac...

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    Sun Sep 13 2009

    I went to Angry Moon to talk to someone about a half sleeve. This guy Cantu didn't have a portfolio because he had "lost" it, which should have been a big red flag, but he offered to draw something based on an idea I had. I commissioned the drawing for $20. It would take about a week. He said that he could scan and email it to me. If I liked it, he would put the commission toward my tattoo. Great idea, right? ...Except that this guy is impossible to reach. Over the course of six weeks I emailed and called the number on his card about half a dozen times, with zero response. Finally he emailed me to say that it was ready and that I should stop by to see it. So I stopped by. He said that he didn't have the drawing with him, and I would have to make an appointment to come see it. When I asked if he could scan and email it, or just mail it to me, he said he wouldn't because he was afraid that I would go somewhere else to get the tattoo. I pointed out that I had commissioned the drawing an... Read more

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    Sun Aug 16 2009

    The employers and employees at Angry Moon were not aware at the time of hire that Joey (a&e intervention) was a junkie. It wasnt until months later that they started to suspect something. When their suspicions were confirmed, they were very supportive of getting Joey the treatment he needed by the proper people. Joey did not have Hep C, nor any other disease that could have been spread due to tattooing. The shop is a clean and sterile invironment, and is not run or worked in by junkies. Anyone who assumes, based on one person's personal decisions, that because one person who worked there for a short amount of time was a junkie that the rest of the staff are therefore junkies is ignorant. The work that is produced more than speaks for itself.

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    Sun Aug 16 2009

    The employers and employees at Angry Moon were not aware at the time of hire that Joey (a&e intervention) was a junkie. It wasnt until month...

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    Mon Aug 10 2009

    I've gotten a couple tattoos there and they are a fantastic shop. Everyone there is incredibly friendly and nice. I don't know why other people didn't have a good experience... Very cleanly and great atmosphere, I recommend them over other shops that I've gotten tattoos at in the SouthSide. Great job guys, keep up the great work!!!

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    Mon Aug 10 2009

    i think the tattoo studio hires junkies & that means HEP C YIKES stay away!!! thats why they dont answer the ph or give a care in the world ...

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    Sun Aug 09 2009

    I went to Angry Moon last February because I wanted a custom tattoo and I had seen the shop on Carson Street which is the same street I work at. I walked in one night and was ignored. I thoguth it was because I wasn't "cool looking enough" all my tatts were covered by my coat. When I finally got one of the dudes to talk to me about a tattoo, they told me that what I wanted would be to difficult and tried to dumb the design down, simplify it and charge me $450 for it. I went to Southside Tattoo that week and got exactly what I wanted for HALF that. Honestly I had forgotten about my bad experience at Angry Moon until just now when I see that they're on the show INTERVENTION because their employees are HEROIN ADDICTS with "maybe" Hepatitis C. I dodged a bullet by leaving thank god! No wonder he wanted so much money for less work. If you value your wallet, your skin and your health you'll stay away. I totally recommend Southside Tattoo if you're in Pittsburgh.

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    Sat May 30 2009

    They are unprofessional in their communications- what kind of business doesn't answer their phone or check their messages? The scheduled ta...

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    Fri May 29 2009

    Unprofessional. Artist never showed up.Never called to apologize or reschedule. They were hardly helpful, no 'sorry, what can we do to make it up to you' , no 'we care about what you think about our business and service' Look at other reviews around the web, too... If they are this unprofessional at the front door, what must be going on behind the scenes?

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    Tue Apr 21 2009

    First off, I am in the customer service industry (hairstylist), so I know how's guest should be treated. Everytime I walked into angry moon, I was ignored, I just hve them the benefit of the doubt and approached a employee about having a tattoo done. I looked thru some portfolios and chose an artist. I had him draw up a tattoo for me which he said would take no longer than 2 weeks. Over a month later he had it drawn up, I let it go assuming he was just busy. My tattoo was going to be done in no more than 3 sessions, so he said. I made an appointment to have it started. When I arrived for my appointment, 10mins early he said to come back in an hour. No big deal, I went and got something to eat, 2 1/2 hours later he finially got it started. He did the outline of my tattoo, and I made another appointment. When I arrived for that appointment I was not greeted in any way even when I walked up to the counter. I told an employee I was there for an appointment and he told me to sit down. I pi... Read more

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    Fri Apr 25 2008

    I got my belly ring and my second tatto here also took alot of friends here to get pierced ther cater to cowards and do an awsome job .....

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    Wed Apr 02 2008

    Got my first and second tat there..two different artists....I was a frady cat..but they took thier time, and made sure the tat was to my liking...Id reccomend these guys to anyone that is nervious about the first time they get Inked.... LadyPennDragon.....from Butler, Pa

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    Sun Dec 31 2006

    I have recently went to Angrymoon on Dec. 27th 2006, and I must say the NEW female body piercer Jackie is by far the best experience I've ev...

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    Wed Nov 15 2006

    I went there to get my eyebrow pierced and they wanted to pierce it with a 14g navel barbell! These people have no idea what they are doing ...