Andrew Wommack
Andrew Wommack is the founder of Andrew Wommack Ministries and Charis Bible College.
Approval Rate: 90%
Reviews 46
by west2nd
Sat Jun 09 2012Not a bad guy, but he says the same things over and over like you are watching Groundhog Day.
by oscargamblesfr_o
Sun Aug 22 2010Change this to Bobby Womack so we can discuss his music.. I don't wanna hear any of Andrew's sermons about how much Nestle Quik John the Baptist would have consumed if this was 1981, or any of that other ridiculous and/ or divisive nonsense spouted on here by goobers.
by colorfunch
Wed Aug 11 2010Even though I like some of his teachings, he clearly veers away from some of the fundamental teachings in the Bible. I lost interest in watching him when half of his airtime is spent on putting down other preachers Let him that thinks he stands take heed lest he falls, God cannot be locked in a box
by stangtamer
Tue Jun 15 2010I started listening to Andrew in the early to mid 90's, and his teachings have transformed my life in so many ways. Through his teachings, I now have a true relationship with God. His teachings "God's Kind of Love, the Cure For What Ale's Ya!", "The True Nature of God", "Four Keys To Staying Full of God", "Hardness of Heart" are a few of my many favorites. Listen to any one of those series for a week or two, and see if your life is not transformed. Everything he teaches on is top notch!! I thank God for Andrew Wommack Ministries. Here are some of the things I like about Andrew Wommack... -God told him to quit college and go into the Ministry, and he held God's Word above all. He had pressure not to do it from his family and friends, when they made perfect sense. He would lose a lot of money(back then) that he was receiving from the government from when his Dad died, and to top it off he would get drafted to Vietnam!! Most of us would have gave in once our family and friends... Read more
by algebra
Thu May 06 2010Andrew Wommack is great
by calguy
Thu Apr 29 2010The whole scripture reads (Matthew 7:20-23) Really, then, by their fruits YOU will recognize those [men]. 21 “Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will. 22 Many will say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name?’ 23 And yet then I will confess to them: I never knew YOU! Get away from me, YOU workers of lawlessness. Is Andrew performing many powerful works with his healing? Jesus gave us a description what to look out for. He said by their fruits YOU will recognize those men. What fruits was he talking about? He said “many powerful works” and “expelling demons in his name. Very clear description of what Andrew claims to perform and the Bible teaches us that these men are worker of lawlessness.
by francismotta
Mon Mar 15 2010Speaking of false prophets Jesus said "by their fruits you will know them." (See Matthew 7:20) So if Andrew Wommack is a false prophet, we would be able to see it from the fruit that is bore of his ministry. It will only take a few moments to see the impact that Andrews ministry is making around the world. Gods’ message of love and grace is reaching millions, setting men free from religious ideologies that still work to subvert God, imprisoning people’s minds and hearts. Jesus came to set men free from the confines of religion and he did so by fulfilling the law. It is our heart condition that concerns Him, not some religious tally sheet or view of doctrinal law. If we open to His leading we will find this to be true and His word reveals and confirms it. As for Andrew and his motivation, ask those who know him best what his life has consisted of for the past fifty years. Look at the life of the ministry, its growth and how it operates. Look at his lifestyle. Look at how and where he ... Read more
by rbman8a4
Tue Jan 19 2010I believe Andrew is a man of God being used to help people to understand the kind of God we have, how powerful is our Lord. The gospel is power to those who believe. Andrew is a great teacher of the word I know he speaks out of revelation. Andrew make very clear the doctrine of salvation, faith, power, healing, prayer, in general if you feel confused do some teachings out there, Andrew is the man to help you clarify the word and make go back in track with the Lord and live in the kingdom with power and enjoying the grace available for all those who have a clean heart to believe what our God has done for us. Listen be humble and learn Rafael Barake, Worship minister
by truthnlv
Wed Nov 25 2009I have only watched this slow-talking TV evangelist a handful of times. He seems sincere, but then so did Jim Jones... NOT that I'm saying Andrew is a cult, but I agree that he has some out-there ideas, The main problem as I see it and have gotten the opinion of trusted local pastors about him, is that he takes verses out of context. This is especially true in the subject of healing. Also, he misinterrupts the verse about "...and you shall do even greater works..." as Jesus says. It's NOT that we will do above and beyond what our Savior did, but that with the technology now possible, we can reach even more unbelievers today than He did from a boat out in the lake, and so on and so on. That is only one example. HEALING - My dear friend, Chris, sucks in Andrew's words to the point I feel he nearly lets Andrew talk to him more than Jesus Christ, sorry Chris, but you do. (Not that you'll ever read this I'm aware.) I have cancer, am on the road to recovery, but Chris tells me that A... Read more
by plingc13
Tue Nov 17 2009I love Andrew Wommack. He really ministers to my soul. He is right on with the word of God. I can see people getting saved and delivered for real. Praise Almighty God for his word. I thank God for Andrew Wommack. Many people are being led astray and so many deny the word of God. God is an awesome God. Andrew helped me see what a mighty God we serve. Andrew will lead many people to Christ because he preaches the true word of God. The to good to be true news. The gospel of Jesus Christ. Andrew keep on delivering people from religion. I appreciate what Andrew is doing in the body of Christ. I really believe people will want to be saved after listening to the word of God preached by Andrew.
by passion4god
Sat Nov 07 2009Without faith no one can please God(ref. Heb 11.6). But the greatest of faith, hope and love is LOVE(ref 1cor 13.13)! God wants you to love Him(Greatest commandment) and establish a relationship with Him in that love. If you love God, you will always think about His things, His interests and He will be always in your heart and mind :).. renewing of mind. Transformation happens through renewing of mind(for ref. Rom 12.12) . so think according to Phl. 4.8. Any thought which comes other than these don't think, just stop when it pops up, else it will take you! Filter your thoughts..Practice it until it works out! Praying in tongues and renewing of mind will always lead to victory! coz u give no room for evil. When you pray in tongues, pray in your mind also(simultaneously, practice this)as in 1cor 14.15 Dont give your thoughts to satan and always be full of the Holy Spirit! Andrew is a great teacher of the word. His foundational teachings are indeed good, but I believe if we need to... Read more
by citizenofheave_n
Fri Oct 30 2009It is hard to believe you ever actually listened to Andrews teaching, because He answers your questions so many times and so clearly. All of his teaching is scriptural and by never dangerous, at the least it is liberating. Jesus said "If we continue in His word ....we shall KNOW the truth and the TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE." John 8:32 So it all the depends upon HOW MUCH TRUTH YOU KNOW! CALVINISM was ignorance gone to seed from the beginning and IS BOTH DANGEROUS, STUPID, and NOT EVEN LOGICAL. Unlike calvisms ridiculous illogical premise(everything that happens is Gods will), the truth is that "EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS IS NOT GODS WILL! IF EVERYTHING IS GODS WILL, THEN YOU SHOULD STAY SICK, STAY POOR, DON'T WORK, DONT EVEN LOOK FOR WORK, EAT JUNK, DON'T EXERCISE OR TAKE VITAMINS, AND DON'T GO TO A DOCTOR-------- BECAUSE YOU WILL BE FIGHTING AGAINST GOD GOING TO A DOCTOR SINCE GOD MADE YOU SICK OR ALLOWED YOU TO BE SICK! or looking for a job since God made you poor, etc.------ THIS IS JU... Read more
by agape1
Wed Oct 28 2009i used to listen to a lot of andrews teaching when i was a new beleiver and a lot of it really transformed my life in a very real and big way. The problem is though that much of his teaching is so lopsided and un balanced that it causes a lot of problems especially for people who are sick and are operating in all the faith they have got and are still not healed, in this amongst other things i do agree that he could be a bit dangerous, it think though there is a lot of good in there though. i love andrew and am very grateful for him, hes a man that really genuinly and deeply loves Jesus and i think his motives for teaching what he does are real. I am actually a calvinist now but i just want to see andrews ministry blessed and i pray that andrew would be able to embrace the gospel just as it is in the bible;like we all should, lets all of us be humble and let God teach us and love our brothers and sisters the way God would have us do...
by anita_shannon_morrow
Tue Oct 27 2009I have been a Christian since I was 8yrs. old. I was raised in a Christian home. We attended church regularly. No church has ever taught the Bible like Andrew. I have learned more in the last 5 yrs., listening to his teaching, than ever before. My parents taught me so much, just by being like Jesus, they lived what they believed, but their knowledge was limited. I thank God my sister told me about his teaching. My relationship with Jesus gets better every day. I like everything about Andrew's approach, from giving his material away, to those who can't afford to purchase them, to his Texas accent! He truly knows our Father God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit! I'm very thankful for Andrew!
by morninglory333
Sun Oct 11 2009We are looking for a church that teaches the Gospel from the perspective that Andrew shared in his teaching about Grace -The Power of the Gospel. Does anyone know where to start looking? Maybe a resource online that would help us link up with others with like beliefs? We have experienced some truly miraculous things in our lives and will always be thankful to God for what He has done. We ran into Andrew's teachings about 2 years ago while going through a crisis that, along with many hours in the Word, have been a huge blessing to us. We have grown so much in so many areas of our lives- the most important one being a clearer understanding of who God is, how much He loves us, and what he has done for us (not WILL DO- CAN DO- but HAS DONE!!) WoooHooo! These truths released the power of the reality of the finished work of Christ in our lives. Thus we have experienced first hand miraculous healing in our marriage, family, emotional issues, and freedom from a deep rooted addiction. W... Read more
by corwin
Sat Sep 19 2009My Christian life has been goping from one teaching to the next, each one seeming to getting to the truth. I have felt, having gone through the two year course at Charis Bible college and now teaching Discipleship Evangelism, that this is the final revelation. God Loves Me. Andrew Wommack's teachiing has changed my life, by knowing that God Loves Me, everything else falls into place. If we remember this one thing, nothing life can throw at you will faze you. If God Loves Me; what else matters? Don't write AW off, listen to his heart, you will never be the same. Of course if you are not going to let the Bible change what you believe, then don't listen, stay ignorant of the fact that God Loves You.
by brutusmustgo
Fri Sep 18 2009I used to be a faithful follower of Mr. Wommack's teaching, and downloaded and listened to over 100 hours of his sermons. That is a fact. My iTunes playlist showed me how much I had listened to him. I bought it all. I rode out my faith as far as possible under his guidelines. All I can say is, what he says IS NOT TRUE. It's still too painful to discuss in detail. But after being under his teaching for a long time, following his words and walking in faith as HE teaches it, I was left absolutely devastated. My faith was shattered. It left me in a spiritual coma, from which I am slowly awakening. Through it all GOD WAS FAITHFUL. But Mr. Wommack's theology is incredibly flawed. There is no humility. We are told to humble ourselves in the sight of the Lord. But his stance is one of arrogance, and it places the authority and burden on us. He is one of those to whom the scripture is referring when it says [Luke 11:46; Acts 15:10] "They tie up heavy burdens and lay them on men's ... Read more
by 1jesustruster
by jordanwatts200_3
Fri May 08 2009Check out the video on youtube called Andrew Wommack, the most dangerous preacher on television. It will show you just some of the false teachings that he teaches.
by aposor
Wed Feb 11 2009I am a former student of his and his doctrine is biblicly sound especially his teaching on the Sovereignty of God. God is sovereign indeed but not the way most churches teach and certainly not as Calvinists teach.
by myblessings09
Thu Jan 29 2009We should be thankful for Andrew Wommack's ministry. Remember those that teach the word will be critized the most. I love this ministry.
by jkealoha
Sat Jan 10 2009Andrew Wommack is a very wise teacher of Gods' word. He is a man. The subject should be Christ alone at all times.
by jeflef
Tue Nov 25 2008I like his teachings, I find it very interesting that those who oppose his teaching have never really taken the time to actually listen to him. They seem to already want to disagree with him and so they cherry pick his teaching for something they can use. I also want to note that it is typically the ones with Calvinistic background that seem to always want to look for a fight to defend their views. I disagree with much of what Calvinism teaches and can use a-lot of scripture to back up my views but I am not running around trying to expose everyone I disagree with as a heretic. I have been around this for the past 20 years and it seems that the Calvanist's have the biggest tendency to want to dispute and debate people using their intellect. I find the whole phenomenon quite disturbing. Sometimes I think that they feel they have the upper hand on doctrine and it's their God given right to debate everyone they disagree with. I think it is a great exercise to ask God to reveal the moti... Read more
by mily67
Tue Nov 18 2008I was taught and told that the problems we are facing are because of our bad behavior, that we are being punished for "something we did wrong" (whatever that was), and that G-d is using this to teach us a lesson. In my heart I could not believe HE being a G-d of pure, sacrificial love want my family and I to go through such adversity as punishment for our sins? I thought the devil was attacking us because I am trying to walk the walk not only do the talk....Anyway, I heard him about two months or so ago and Mr. Wommack in his very simplistic way taught me otherwise and showed scriptures to back up his teaching. Though we are still facing tremendous attacks in our family (especially my 20 yr old son), I know it is not because we were being bad....and I needed to know this in my heart, mind, and soul. Thank you. I am still learning and hope to really get immersed in the Word and be able to help others. Shalom
by samrag
Sat Oct 25 2008A Great Bible Teacher and a blessing to the body of Christ!
by lmorovan
Sat Oct 25 2008If you are interested in learning the "gospel according to Andrew Wommack", then he is the man. Unfortunately, his gospel is not in the Bible. Update: the more I listen to this man, the most I believe he is becoming dangerous. He is so out of touch with what the Bible teaches that sometimes I wonder if he is actually preaching the Bible. Christians, beware! Some of his latest herecies: God has no physical body Cats, dogs, ants have more authority than Satan Mankind created Satan Lucifer became Satan in the Garden of Eden God doesn't control everything God spoke Adam into existence God spoke Jesus into existence God became hostage of Satan God is not in control over the world after He gave the authority to men There are limits to what God can do Satan can stop the power of God God will not do anything against men's will The prophecies about Jesus were implanted in mary to conceive Jesus Miracles are conceived, carried to term and given birth by believers All Wommack's ... Read more
by lwp510ab
Fri Oct 24 2008Andy is great teacher of Gods Grace I have never read a full book in my entire 23 year old life but the Bible front to back at least a 157 times I find his teachings on the most part with the word. AND TO ALL THE NAYSAYERS READ 2TIMOTHY3:7-10
by inthelight
Sun Oct 12 2008Wow, I am continually amazed at those "in the body" want to weaken or explain away the working power of the Lord through His own...I am not the sharpest tack in the box, but I can ask the basic question, who does it serve for people NOT to be healed? for believers NOT to have authority and victory over this fallen world? The answer can only be satan. Did Christ's defeat of satan only purchase a lame inefectual authority over "serpants and scorpions". What about God not descriminating among persons....what about him being the same yesterday, today,tomorrow? Maybe my reasoning is simplistic, but I praise the Lord that He loves me as much a the apostles and bought me the same victory and authority...Thank you Lord for being the same for me today as you were for apostles. Thank you Lord for freeing me more and more every day from the doctrins of men that have made the word in effectual in me for 40 years! Thank you Lord for using Andrew Wommack to stir your word in me.
by shayne
Tue Aug 26 2008the first time I saw Andy on GODtv (+-2003) I thought "this guy is dodge". Probably because he was too simple, and didn't have a flashy show like others... but when he spoke I immediately had red flags go up!!!! "this guy is off track" I thought. But I listened on and as I listened I realised that what he was saying was actually in the Bible. I listened to his teachings over and over...sometimes up to ten times... and then dug into the Word for myself. I can honestly say that He believes and preaches the GOSPEL TRUTH. He continues to challenge my beliefs, and causes me to constantly dig DEEPER into the Word and get illumination of the Truth for myself. Andy is a blessing and is the most solid Bible Teacher I have ever come accross. A note to the critics: Rather than tear down those reaching the lost; even if you disagree with them in part, why not obey the command and put your efforts into reaching the lost. Jesus said "Go disciple nations..." not "Go expose the tea... Read more
by porkskin
Sat May 10 2008I think it needs to be said this is not Andrews teaching or his interpritation it is what the word of God says God said it first Andrew is just one preacher who is standing up for Gods truth. God is a good God.
by uniman
Fri Apr 11 2008I was one of those Men, even though saved, that rebuked the teaching of speaking in tongues, healings, and whatever else that was inconvenient to me. I tried to watch Andrew Wommack on tv becuase my wife did. I just pushed him off as another tv preacher looking for a way to make or take money. My story starts when I retired early because of injuries at work. So I had more time on my hand and started watching him with my wife more. Then I realized that he really made sense. And believe me I searched scriptures for truths when Andrew got my attention on a subject. Now after a year or so I still am hooked on his teachings. I download his audio teachings from his website and listen to them at my pace and he is the real thing. The only way I can respond to those who call him a false teacher is the same reason "I" did in the begining, and that was because the truth was inconvenient to me. After all the years we are taught by our churches to be good and beg God constantly and maybe ... Read more
by watchman777
Tue Mar 18 2008It is OBVIOUS to those of us who have listened intently to Andrew's teachings, WITHOUT a preconceived judgementmental attitude that those of you who wish to condem and would do so at any cost, have a totally different perspective of him. I have heard MANY hours of his teachings and admit that he does NOT fall into the "cookie cutter" doctrine of traditional interpretation of the scriptures. He takes a no nonsense stand and uses scripture to back up his interpretation. Yes, he does at times use his own life experiences as a testimony, but here again, back's it with scripture.He does NOT adhere or condone the "name it claim it, blab it grab it" crowd as he has been accused of, quite the oppoaite. If you critics would take the time to actually LISTEN to what he says, you may find that your preconcieved opinion IS totally incorrect. I am NOT a novice and have heard MANY tel-evangilists who preach pretty much the same acceptable doctrine that "main line" ministers are taught at cemetary, I ... Read more
by jcsaves
Sat Feb 23 2008Wommack is what I refer to as a "Heretic lite." He is a false teacher, but he's less filling than your regular prosperity preacher. He's somewhat subtle in the prosperity doctrine, and his push for money doesn't quite equal that of prosperity hustlers like Benny Hinn, Paula White, Creflo Dollar, TD Jakes, Paul Crouch and so on, but he can be just as dangerous. He comes across as very knowledgable and very humble, but his doctrines and teachings are a product of very carnal-minded scripture interpretation, and he often bases his understanding and teaching of scripture passages on his personal experiences. Most of what he calls "gospel truths" are mostly his opinions on what he thinks the scriptures say, and they're mostly wrong. He so rarely, if ever, compares spiritual things with spiritual, as Paul said we are to do with God's word(1 Cor 2:13). I know most people won't agree with me about Wommack, and that's OK. His soft-spoken delivery and confidence are very appealing to people who... Read more
by laurief317
Thu Feb 14 2008I'm so thankful the Lord led me to Andrew Wommack's teaching. He's honest, humble and an amazing teacher. I'm being freed and the Lord is able to use me now.
by 2blessed
Wed Feb 06 2008The way to God is straight and narrow and not many find it. if truth is what you seek you have found the man bold enough to teach it!
by chiatheo
Thu Jan 03 2008I am Chia Theo a cameroonian born again believer. I have not yet seen anyone preach the grace of God like andrew. To be franck, it is not easy to understand andrew with the mind set that the modern christain church has presented the gospel. I really feel blessed by this mans teachings and I think I will teach the same things.Thank you God for sending a man like Andrew to the body of Christ. Amen.
by donajoedotcom
Wed Jan 02 2008Andrew truly presents the Gospel Truth. He teaches the Word of God, and does so in a no-nonsense way. God bless Andrew Wommack Ministries.
by nancypants
Mon Dec 03 2007Andrew is amazing. All this calling him a "name it and claim it" preacher is nonsense. He actually preaches against that if you ever took the time to hear him preach, and as for "begging" for money to stay on the air, totally absurd! His ministry is doing great even with sending 3 FREE teachings EVERY week to ANYONE who calls and asks for them. He doesn't need to beg for money, God takes care of him fine.
by deadman2664
Sat Dec 01 2007andrew is a true blessing to the body of christ!!!
by kunjikorans
Mon Nov 19 2007He is one of the best preachers I have ever heard. Will teach u the Word of Gos rather than doctrines. His teachings have not not only been life changing but also a LIFE-SAVER. And the best part is, Andrew never pressurizes or emotionally blackmails people to give money. He never threatens people using Bible Scriptures. Just a very simple but tremendously effective man of God who teaches people about the Unconditional Love and Grace of God for us humans.
by gnorm9d3
Thu Nov 15 2007The bottom line is... you just can't argue with Andrew. Either you believe what the Bible says, or you don't. You can't pick and choose.
by sonyanobody
by aaa111
Fri Nov 02 2007He teaches sound, powerful doctrine! Especially regarding God's unconditional love and the balance between grace and faith. You'll be blessed to listen to his messages, and if you ever get the privilege of knowing him or his wife Jamie, you'll figure out quickly that they practice what they preach. Very good fruit comes from their ministry and lots of it, too.
by montia3
Mon Oct 22 2007I think Andrew is an excellent teacher of Scripture. I have been taught the wrong interpretation for quite sometime. Iam understanding the word now and Iam loving it. I wish There was a church near me with teaching like this,I mean Andrew really brings the Bible alive.montia3
by cowboy50
Fri Oct 12 2007Best of the TV preachers
by mydaughter
Wed Oct 10 2007I agree with most of these people about Andrew Wommack, he tells it like it is, in such a loving way. I got born again Nov 4th 2005 when he was teaching on his tv show that Jesus commands us to be born-again. I knew I was not born again so when you become born again of the spirit you know it because you know it. My husband does not like the way he talks, but I tell him that I used to fall asleep when I had started to listen to him.(it was actually the enimy that would put me to sleep. Till that day when I stayed awake and fought the devil with everything I had. You see I was diagnosed with bi-polar desease and a bunch of other brain disorders. But I got totally delivered from all the loony mumbo jumbo that almost landed me in an insane asylum. The day I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ I understood how much God loves us, and we cannot make light of it. The day Jesus sacrificed His life for us, our little peanut brain cannot grasp it. I just want to say that God has given me so many... Read more