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Andrew Tate Reviews | RateItAll
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Andrew Tate

Andrew Tate an ex-kickboxer, entrepreneur and influencer, known for misogyny and luxury lifestyle, charged with rape and human trafficking in Romania. Website

Approval Rate: 24%

24%Approval ratio

Reviews 6

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    Wed Aug 02 2023

    I have to admit, I used to admire him. But something shifted. I always sensed there was a hidden inconsistency in his words. But I ignored my intuition. I thought he was rich, successful and a four-time kickboxing world champion, he must know better than a novice like me. But the more I consumed his content, the more I realized what a jerk he was. When he said it’s fine to cheat if you are a wealthy man, I thought maybe it’s his personal issue. I don’t have to agree with him. Let’s just respect our differences. Then I heard him saying things like, “Why would you be with a woman whos not a virgin anyway (sic)? She is damaged goods. Second hand.” I mean you can have your opinion, maybe a harmful one, but you are free to say whatever you want. BUT YOU BRAG ABOUT HAVING SEX WITH MORE THAN 200 GIRLS. YOU KEEP MULTIPLE GIRLFRIENDS. AREN’T YOU TAKING THEIR VIRGINITY AND AFTER YOU ARE DONE YOU ARE SAYING THEY ARE “DAMAGED GOODS”? WHAT A CONTRADICTORY PIECE OF S***. The final blow, h... Read more

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    Wed Aug 02 2023

    Misogynistic piece of shit.

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    Wed Aug 02 2023

    Fucking hate Andrew!

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    Wed Aug 02 2023


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    Thu Aug 03 2023

    all these sore losers hating on the king! no matter allah is watching

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    Wed Aug 02 2023

    It's crazy how some people are supporting such a person who is even sued for human trafficking. Generation is doomed!