Andrew Dice Clay

Approval Rate: 48%

48%Approval ratio

Reviews 42

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    Fri Dec 05 2008

    A one-trick pony. Has some potential as an actor.

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    Sat Nov 01 2008

    I don't know what's more pathetic- "Dice", or the people who still think he's funny. Seriously, how many times can we listen to "hickory dickory dock- suck my ****!" or variations on such, before it gets ridiculously tedious? As for Dice being "great" because he's not afraid of hurting anyone's feelings... Well, maybe that would hold some water if he wasn't such a crybaby himself. I just can't find anything GOOD to say about this guy. Too bad I can't give him ZERO stars.

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    Tue Aug 26 2008

    Stone boring. He works so hard at his controversial schtick, but it is about as funny as listening to a drunken longshoreman talking about his sex life. Wait, cancel that, I've heard a longshoreman do that, and it was a lot funnier than Clay.

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    Mon May 12 2008

    Saw him in No Calif in March. Not as funny as he was in the late 90's. His sidekick was a blast though!

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    Mon Dec 24 2007

    He was the funniest thing on earth when I was in 8th grade. I must have grown up.

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    Mon Dec 24 2007

    Filthy language and not funny

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    Tue Dec 11 2007

    More interesting as a barometer of the late 80's and 90's. . .very homophobic and sexist jokes (some were funny- some weren't) were all the rage and then there was a P.C. rage that seemed to slow his career (along with bad career choices) Dice tried to change his m.o. with the PC times and wound up alienating his core audience. . .I wonder what his career might have been if only he had the guts to ignore the PC winds. . .(for ex., Sam Kinison wouldn't have given one damn about the PC-cleaning of comedy during the 90's. . .)

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    Tue Dec 11 2007

    I'm predjudiced-first time I saw him was as Max Goldman on 'Crime Story'.Some of us afre still in mourning since it ended after two years.Then I saw him on some forgettable movies and TV.At some point,somebody decided he was public enemy number one because of the 'not for polite company jokes' he tells.Anyway...what do I know-I think he's funny.

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    Tue Dec 11 2007

    His attention grabbing shock style carried just as far as one can go without any discernable talent.  Once he had our attention, he did the same lame stuff and became quickly ignoreable.  Dennis Leary is far more effective at jarring your sensibilities and then making you think.  Howard Stern has used the tactic effectively for 20 years.  The master is George Carlin.  Andrew didn't bother to finish reading the book on how to be a shock comic, I think he only read the first chapter.

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    Mon Feb 27 2006

    I personally couldnt sit through an act of his. Not because of the vulgarity or anything like that, but simply because I didn't really laugh too consistantly when I saw one of his routines on tv. Some pepole seem to love this guy, but he just doesnt make me laugh, all i may have been able to muster up was a slight chuckle or 2. That's about it.

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    Thu Oct 06 2005

    dumass, not impressed with his unneccessary vulgarity. if your going to be vulgar, at least be funny too.

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    Thu Jun 16 2005

    I just recently started getting into his stuff and he is GREAT, he is just what we need in these politically correct times. He makes fun of women, midgets, gays, asians, arabs(he calls them urine colored people) He makes fun of people in his audience, he rants about everyone being too politically correct, he complains about his nagging wife and how he's alway getting blown. This guy rules, he still sells out shows in Vegas. Be sure to look out for his new cd Filthy Animal coming soon. So very underrated.

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    Tue Jan 18 2005

    My greatest fear in the late 80's was that this guy was going to catch on. Thankfully, that didn't happen. Not only is his Brooklyn yahoo shtick very nasty, but it's unfunny. Someone like Howard Stern is also pretty nasty, but not untalented. Though I'm loath to admit it, Stern occasionally is capable of making me laugh out loud. Witnessing a Dice concert is an exercise in torturous tedium. Also, watching the reaction of the crowds that revered his yawn-inducing nursery-rhymes was like watching a Nuremberg rally of gavones.

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    Tue Aug 24 2004

    The Madonna of comedy only talentless. How did he get the exposure he got?

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    Tue Jun 29 2004

    Really terrible!

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    Mon May 17 2004

    should go suck himself

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    Fri Apr 30 2004

    This guy would be a perfect MTV VJ

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    Mon Apr 05 2004

    i seriously cannot think of any comedian that is more unoriginal than this guy

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    Fri Sep 12 2003

    He is a little vulgar at times, but I still find him funny on occasion. I think it is hilarious that Andrew Dice Clay was the first person to ever be permanently banned from the VMA

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    Tue Aug 05 2003

    This guy had a tremendous sense of humour, but he wasted it all with his offensive and misogynistic routines. He could have been somebody memorable, but decided to cater to the basest and ugliest of human emotions, and I don't find him or anyone like him at all funny. Would you laugh at a white supremacist comedian? Then why laugh at someone who says the kinds of things about women that the KKK would say about blacks and jews?

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    Fri Jul 25 2003

    This mans humor is soooo damn obnoxious and crude. A man who portrays himself as being "the" man. Yea ok Dice, you suck, PERIOD!

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    Mon Jun 30 2003

    Frim what i hear about the guy, i hear he is a REAL arrogant douchebag. So hence the 3 stars.

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    Fri May 30 2003

    Tremendously unfunny. Extremely crude. Yet he had more than his 15 minutes of fame. Who likes his kind of humor? Sexually confused 13-year-old boys? Dice's career has been in the toilet for about ten years, so you gotta wonder what he's doing for money. Little Boy Blew?

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    Mon May 12 2003

    A waste.Saying words for the thrill of saying those words does not make one funny having a take a subject make you funny.The rest make you a has been.

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    Sat Mar 08 2003

    Andrew Dice Clay is isn't even remotely funny. If being funny means getting on stage, insulting the audience(especially women) and being a foul-mouthed jerk, then Clay is the king of comedy.

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    Fri Mar 08 2002

    I haven't heard very much of his material, but three minutes was enough for me. He's not funny, just crude. Now, I like crude humor if it has a decent amount of wit to back it up, like George Carlin. But pure crudeness isn't funny. There's a kid in my school who's practically a dead ringer for him, only WORSE, if that's possible, and I hate that p--ck too!! Clay simply isn't funny!

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    Wed Feb 20 2002

    Really funny, although it can get old fast. For those politically correct types who don't like his brand of humor, consider this. His rating as of the time of this comment is higher than that of Ellen DeGeneres.

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    Mon Jul 09 2001

    I actually remember thinking that this guy - though crude to the extreme - at least had an original approach. On second glance I realized he was for the most part just an 80's Lenny Bruce wannabee. Oddly, I still haven't figured out exactly why it is that I felt kind of sorry for him when his career crashed and burned so suddenly. I suppose his problems destroyed the tough facade ironically making him less easy to dislike. What a weird Catch 22!

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    Sat Apr 07 2001

    Andrew Dice Clay is a good example of an unfunny, and just plain old bad actor. He doesn't make me laugh at all. He jokes are so outdated, and he never changes his bad style of showing them.

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    Sun Dec 17 2000

    Dice is the man. It is crudeness which makes him great. Although he is very controversial, his wit and charisma make him an attraction. The controversy behind his stand-up routine appeals to many. However, he is not supposed to act in movies, he is much better doing stand-up. Or, I think it would be great to see him on Politically Incorrect or Larry King Live.

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    Thu Dec 14 2000

    Really an underrated comic. His rude comments paved the way for all the "bad boys" of today. He has some truly funny things to say.

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    Mon Dec 11 2000

    He is the crudest, rudest comedian in the industry. He has no mercy on anyone and will tell a joke about anyone and any subject, touchy or not. He cared about no one's feelings. And that's what makes him so funny.

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    Mon Dec 11 2000

    I love Andrew Dice Clay. His style is so raw. He doesn't care about censors or nothing like that. He comes to entertain, and he really knows how to put on a show.

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    Sun Dec 10 2000

    I hate him, his mouth is so dirty and offensive. His mind is twisted. He is a straight up PIG. I hate the way he degrades women and talks about them like they are just objects. He's so conceited and arrogant I would hate to have a conversation with him. He portrays himself as a stupid male chauvinist pig and I hate it.

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    Fri Nov 17 2000

    Diceman is a pioneer in the world of shocking humor! He leads the way for other rude and lewd comics. He makes sexual perversion and bad values extremely funny. My only dislike is that his rude mannerisms on stage make him not very versatile!

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    Sun Nov 05 2000

    he was ok in his time.first few shows were funny but he ran out of kids still recite his mother goose gig but he has past by the wayside.he is a decent actor with the right parts,he should stick with that for now.did by the way find one person who did not find him funny,my ex-wife,all 280lbs of her.i think it was the part about sex with fat chicks.

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    Mon Jun 12 2000


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    Mon May 01 2000

    I've definitely laughed at a lot of things he's said I'll admit it. Of course they were mostly while I was in high school. I think he got a bit of a bum rap but in the end he's basically where you'd expect him to be, he had his run.

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    Mon Feb 07 2000

    I'm no prude but Clay? Too Crude!

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    Sun Feb 06 2000

    Is he still in show business? He made is mark with shock humor (which at times was pretty funny). Unfortunately, he still thinks that he is a comic genius when, in fact, he has done anything funny in years.

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    Sun Feb 06 2000

    Besides all the curses and swear words, does he know anything else, or any other way to entertain people - no! SOme of his stuff is funny, but the profanity is just a bit too much!

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    Sun Feb 06 2000

    he is so cool and i have watched every one of his videos.