
Approval Rate: 63%

63%Approval ratio

Reviews 22

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    Tue Jan 18 2011

    Wow, after reading all of these comments I have to say there are alot of opinions about this company out there. As far as I'm concerned? Everyone who's flamed it doesn't seem to have any form of experience or credentials as far as to WHY it's a pyramid scheme and more importantly as to why their opinions matter over someone who enjoys being with the company. Honestly I think anyone who enjoys selling and marketing as well would probably like this company. I mean seriously I looked it up and it's the 2nd largest producer of millionaires in the world next to Microsoft. On top of that it's a multi-billion dollar company, which is impressive in any economy, and while the economic crisis' were going on, this company was growing. You can't look at a major sports event without seeing their products or logos, their makeup alone is #1 in Japan, and #3 in the world, I mean come on you have to be either a total friggin idiot to not think that their might be some money in this thing, or you're jus... Read more

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    Sun Oct 17 2010

    Amway, A pyramid scheme...yeah right!. That's why I'm making 6,000 dollars a month and received a $20,000 dollar bonus check. Only the people who do not succeed at this business venture (due to lack of motivation, knowledge, support, or whatever) call it a pyramid scheme. People buy things everyday from others and recommend products everyday to others. Yet when you attach the opportunity to make money with it then it's something wrong. What a shame! I totally believe in Amway and it's opportunity. You do not have to spend alot of money to be successful in this business. I personally only brought what my business could pay for. My business paid for itself and my upline encouraged that. No one tried to "get my money." So before you start judging, please know what you are talking about. Ignorant comments is the reason so many people are missing out on great money making opportunities...not just from Amway, but others also.

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    Sun Oct 10 2010

    Hi, Found your Amway Business on the net and was wondering how things are going for you? Sincerely, Andrae' 980-219-7034 .

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    Fri Jun 25 2010

    Originally, people have speculated that Amway is an ancient pyramid scheme discovered on CDs within the wreckage of the 1947 Roswell, New Cloverdale crash of an alien space ship by world-renowned archaeologist Mathew Lesko and the Vatican’s envoy to the Academy of Crucifixion and Resurrection, Father Guido Sarducci. Recent evidence suggests that these laser discs were a hoax perpetrated by Bullwinkle Mooseknuckle of Winnemucca Whatsamattayou, Canada. In actuality, the CDs contained illegally downloaded elevator Muzak from such artists as The Beach Boys, Tupac, John Denver, Peruvian Pan Flute, Ravi Shankar’s Heavy Metal Acid Sitar, and Gregorian Monk Rock. Ironically, although these CDs contained no pyramid scheme information, when played backwards, the CDs did provide some anecdotal historical trivia. For example, easy to follow instructions on how to construct the Great Pyramid of Giza, 1,000 and one sexual origami position diagrams, 1500 Mad Lib booklets, an audio book titled “How to... Read more

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    Wed Jun 23 2010

    Amway is not a pyramid and people who are saying negatives do not understand enough how great the opportunity is in all the ways, health and wealth. Unfortunately...

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    Tue Jun 01 2010

    Brainwashing similar to Scientology. The people who do get in are hooked, total addicts and zombies. But they all pretend that they're there for the "personal development" and they claim that after joining, they feel like a new(born) man. It's frightening how much it has in common with a sect.

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    Wed Apr 14 2010

    I wish this fad would go away for good. maybe internet shopping on our own terms will get rid of this "business" I am glad i no longer know someone who pushes me into buying their over priced crap

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    Tue Apr 13 2010

    Amway...I'd like you to meet Amazon. Enjoy your demise. Update: Although not _technically_ a pyramid scheme, Amway is almost certainly a cult whose members typically make no money while alienating their friends, family and acquaintances.

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    Wed Jul 30 2008

    Chip products with the prices at least 5 times higher than they must cost. And forget all the fairy tales about concentrated toothpastes... )

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    Thu Apr 12 2007

    hey im emma just turned 18. my dad recently got involed in this business few weeks ago and has been researching it after involving me an my boyfriend, we havnt joined yet but my dad has is begining to regret it. he and my boyfriend have decided to go no further, but i don't know what to think myself. i have heard some people say how they wer lurred in an robbed of money but others say how the business has worked for them an i have seen some of the diamonds and i wud love to have their lifestyle for me an my family for when i get older and i feel if i dont join i cud miss out or on the other hand i cud lose alot of money, friends and family. please give ur opinions on this! thankx :) xox

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    Sun Mar 13 2005

    A mild scam but could be worse.

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    Sun Jan 09 2005

    It's not a pyramid scheme!! Admit it, there was a time when each of us thought the basic premise for Amway sounds legit, and we've all defended it at one time or another. The lucky ones, like me, snap out of the trance and hypnosis before you buy into it. But I've seen some people get roped in...and waste their time and money while trying to drag everyone they know into the flames right along with them.

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    Tue Nov 30 2004

    Is Amway pig latin for Wam?

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    Tue Nov 23 2004

    The Best Business i Ever seen in the world which every bodies mind set to become healthier and wealtheier in the world Never ever miss this great oppertunity

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    Tue Nov 23 2004

    Twice in my life it happenned. I'm at a service station or book store, and a clean-cut looking dude comes up to you and asks if I'm in the military (I had a buzz cut so that was obvious). Dude starts some pointless conversation, then somehow cajoles a phone number from me (dumb move on my part). 48 hours later, dude calls and quickly cuts to the chase: How would I like to get in on a great business opportunity with him? At that time, I get medieval with them and warn them never to call me again. Of course they were Amway scammers, hoping I would be the next stooge in their Ponzi Scheme. I also heard a story from a guy where one of his shipmates gave the ship's officer roster to Amway. Everyone got harrassing calls from them. The Skipper was so irate with him, he transferred him off the ship and told the miscreant, Get off my ship, you piece of s---!

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    Tue Nov 23 2004

    Never miss an opertunity like this

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    Sun Aug 01 2004

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    Sun Aug 01 2004

    Amway freaks remind me of the zombies from Night of the Living Dead because they just never quit despite pleading from family and friend alike. . .

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    Tue Mar 23 2004

    There's one born every minute.

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    Mon Mar 22 2004

    The best business I`ve ever seen or been with.

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    Mon Dec 15 2003

    The leaders and creators of this company should be in jail for pyramid is a total joke and they rip off so many innocent people every year....

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    Sun Dec 14 2003

    I don't know what's worse, this crap or the people who sell it.