American Psycho
"American Psycho" (2000) is a drama starring Christian Bale, Willem Dafoe, Jared Leto, Reese Witherspoon ...
Approval Rate: 40%
Reviews 0
by medgarevers
Tue Nov 10 2009Batman's better!
by magellan
Sat Feb 09 2008By far my favorite parts of American Psycho are Christian Bale's character's musical rants right before he cuts people up. Huey Lewis, Whitney Houston, Phil Collins - the American Psycho loves them all, and they somehow seem to propel him to unspeakable violence. Bale plays a pretty amusing mass murderer in this one, but like the reviewer below, I felt a little let down by the ending.
by phlip_tout
Thu Jan 01 2004I left the theatre feeling crappy. Purposeless violence.
by kolby1973
Sun Aug 03 2003Unlike the novel by Bret Easton Ellis, which is one of the best pieces of literature ever written by man, this movie was so horrible. I know this movie was not meant to have deep meaning to it, but it could have been close to the book, which it obviously was not. Any true Bret Easton fan could tell you this. I don't think any of his books have been made into great movies to date, except for maybe Less Than Zero. I do not recommend this waste of space to anyone. :(
by jinglis
Tue May 27 2003One of my favourite films ever! Everything about it is brilliant, from the acting, directing, casting, to the plot, humour and look/feel of the film. Christian Bale is perfect as Pat Bateman and he is genuinely intense and powerful (physically and mentally) througout. The fact that I love all things New York and 80s was pretty convenient in this film! The soundtrack is great, with Huey Lewis and Phil Collins fitting in well, contrasting against the violence being portrayed. For example Huey being played while Bateman axe-murders a colleague. The idea that everyone on Wall Street at that time is anonymous is clever, such as Bateman being mistaken for other people by his own colleagues, and the displacement of identity is a foremost theme here due to commercialism and vanity. Easton Ellis' book is brilliantly written and extremely graphic (in both good, e.g. knowledge of the hit records released in the 80s, and bad ways, e.g. killing of the prostitute), although the film's locatio... Read more
by babyzero
Thu Oct 03 2002I feel stupis even giving this crap 3 but it only gets that because of the killing and daringness of the writer other then that it's bad acting, bad story, just BAD
by movieguy108
Fri Jul 13 2001This is one of the funniest movies of 2000! Some may not catch on to the humor at first but when you do it is a laugh riot. And for God's sake the killing is not the point of the film. It's a comedy....a dark dark comedy.
by danmuse
Tue Jun 26 2001Sorry, but this movie sucks. It's not that I object to the subject matter. It could have been portrayed and written so that I could care. I did not care. It just seemed too over-the-top and trite. Sure, it's got some amusing in-jokes about our consumer culture, but there is nothing here to sustain interest for the duration. Disappointing.
by jbiscuit1
Fri Jun 01 2001Bad. The amazing one word description. There is no chill factor in this movie, and while the aimless killing of a psychotic individual is the point of the film. No background is given, and most of the scenes in which the killer is preparing to murder another victem are simply comical. There is no inward horror or struggle by the main character, and his relationship with his supporting cast is not well conveyed.
by yadayada
Wed Apr 18 2001Gross, sick, disgusting, no purpose and defiantely not worth the money to see or hire. Sure it has the great actor Christian Bale, but it doesn't do anything for the audience. It is also at most points confusing and u get mixed up with what is real and unreal. A bit of weird, gross movie that isn't worth a look. Just read the title "American Psycho"
by mr_pink
Tue Apr 17 2001i don't understand how people could not like this movie.people look too hard to find some deep meaning, but there is none. its just a morbid, comical look at 80's yuppie lifestyles. this movie is hilarious.christian bale was the perfect person to cast for this movie. i highly recomend that you see this movie with your friends, i guarantee you will laugh your asses off.
by hicksd02
Mon Mar 26 2001i thought that this movie was excellent. i was able to follow everything that happened. i was a little sad that they didnt use the part with the rat from the book. it was awsome and i will see it again.
by thorne
Sat Jan 27 2001I think people went to see this movie expecting too much. This is not ment to be deep in any respect. It is a funny warped look at the 80's yuppie life style. I found this movie to be a well made masterpeice of the strange and macabre. It was interesting how greed and materialism can make you completely disconnected from those around you to the point of homicide. This film is ment to be taken as a very dark very tounge in cheek comedy. I thought the threesome scene with Sussudio playing in the background was classic. My friends and I laughed about that all night and is to this day a great source of amusement and an inside joke. If it is deep at all it succeds in showing how deep the depths of shallowness are. I am a fan of the book and an even greater fan of the movie. Christian Bale was perfect for the role and did a masterful job at what he did. I highly recommend it for its brilliant humor. Deffinatly a movie for those with a taste for morbid humor.
by simppoet
Mon Jan 15 2001A horrible movie about a man with a pefect life who hates it so much he pretends to be others and murders people in gruesome fashion. Redeeming factor- threesome with two girls.
by angelthree
Mon Jan 15 2001This movie is the equivalent of a soft porno. The end leaves you confused and the lesbian sex makes you queasy. Other than that, the acting was alright, but still didn't makeup for the rest.
by p_dogg_707
Thu Jan 11 2001I thought this movie was okay. It had a bit too many sex scenes and violence. The bad acting is what bothered me the most. I really didn't find having a high class, spoiled brat as a killer all that scary. If it did have more suspense I would have enjoyed it a little more.
by upchuck
Thu Nov 16 2000Good rental movie, glad I didn't see it in a theater...Acting was good, story line a bit confusing, very graphic violence and the main character sure was a sick puppy (or was he???). I wasn't sure at the end of the movie what actually happened or didn't happen.
by lusipher
Thu Nov 16 2000It's a shame that not too many people understood this movie enough to look past the violence and gore. In fact, this movie does a good job at parodying the audience because of its lack of respect for this movie. Watch it, and you'll see what I mean.
by alicat
Mon Oct 23 2000I saw this movie this weekend because the pickings at the video store were quite slim. I had heard that this movie was really bad so I wasn't too excited about it. I was surprised that it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. It was pretty entertaining and kept my attention throughout the film. I can see how people didnt' really like it because there were so many unanswered questions but I think that is what the movie was supposed to be like. It wasn't scary either. It was definitely more of a thriller than a horror movie. I also had heard that the book is a lot better than the movie and I can see that. I bet the book explains a lot more than the movie did. If there is nothing else to rent, this isn't the worst movie out there.
by samiam
Wed Oct 04 2000I don't even know where to begin with this review. I am not even sure how to rate it. As far as American Psycho's ability to disturb me, it definitely gets a 5 star. If it's purpose was to be so incredibly graphic and violent to make me physically cringe and literally cover my eyes, it acheived that goal. I am shocked to read one of the reviews here that says the movie did NOT portray some of the MOST disturbing scenes from the novel. I can't imagine it getting much sicker and more demented than watching Bateman put on his raincoat and pick up his shiny axe while his unsuspecting victim sits in his living room, in a chair covered with sheets over the floor that is covered with newspaper (for easy clean up)..the whole time, Bateman is explaining the wizardry and intelligence of Huey Lewis' "Hip to be Square"..this movie made my brain hurt..However, as sick as it is, I enjoy being terrified..therefore I guess I have to say it was good. Entering the mind of this "American Psycho" trapped... Read more
by init9859om
Thu Sep 14 2000Based on Brett Easton's equally absurd book, this turkey belongs in the elite class of films like Ishtar, Heaven's Gate, Hudson Hawk etc. Granted, it does accurately portray the greedy, power-hungry, self-centered, Stepford Wife mentality of the 80's yuppie, wall street crowd, but everything else is pathetic. Christian Bale was too old for the lead role and his acting was beyond terrible. Willem Dafoe and the great Reese Witherspoon, were wasted in their small roles. The book failed miserably at it's attempt to get real deep and psychological so the movie tries even harder and fails even worse. The did he or didn't he angle was a great idea but neither the author nor the director had the talent to pull it off. Then, to make it even worse, the director tried to make it look 'artsy'...PUH-LEASE !!... I think every copy of this pitiful movie should be burned. What a waste of time and effort.
by tonj8639om
Sat Jul 15 2000Everyone that read American Psycho will definately recognize its atmosphere in the movie. The only downfall was that things were a little TOO obvious, so that people that haven't read the book might not get all of the subtleties.
by moth7290om
Fri Jun 09 2000The writer/director did her best at making the unfilmable movie out of Bret Easton Ellis' terrifying novel. The translation lost a lot of the power of the novel, and was better viewed as a companion piece than a movie. The movie was confusing to anyone who hadn't read the book, and somewhat disappointing to those who had. Christain Bale, as Patrick Bateman, was marvelous.
by skru7236om
Thu Jun 08 2000They tried to make the movie too deep. It was a good idea for a movie but it turned out horrible. It was very confusing and it was just dumb. It got boring to watch a crazy guy getting crazier and killing people over and over again.