American InterContinental University Online

Approval Rate: 87%

87%Approval ratio

Reviews 24

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    Wed Jul 13 2011

    I have done tons and tons of research on online schools because I wanted to make sure that I chose a school that was going to get me my degree the fastest. AIU is the ONLY online accredited school that offers 5 week terms at 2 classes a term. I was told that I needed to have an Associate degree before i could start with my Bachelors. I wasn’t too interested in getting an Associate degree, but the admissions councilor made it very convincing that 2 degrees was better than 1. Especially since the Associate degree was only a 14 month program. I gave in and started on my Associate degree in Business Administration in August 2009. I was going through a bad time and I had failed math 2 times, I was very discouraged and quit AIU. I quickly realized that it was a mistake leaving AIU and re-enrolled. Unfortunately when I re-enrolled the curriculum had changed and I had to take more classes than before. It is now July 2011 and I still can’t finish my Associate degree with AIU, my expected gradua... Read more

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    Tue May 10 2011

    Really Its A Best University... I tried It And Really Appreciated From That University American University

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    Thu Mar 17 2011

    I have been attending AIU since July of 2010. At first, I matriculated at AIU after a protracted discussion with Brett Bell, my recruiter. While my motivation was marginal at first, I quickly found myself (really) taking to the online learning genre. The AIU website, with the exception of email, is very easy to access and helps navigate around the "campus." As far as the classes are concerned, it is no different than any other school; it comes down to the abilities of the professor. Recently, I completed my first accounting class and found myself in an ambivalent state. While the generalities introduced in the class are essential to understanding the accounting megacosm, I feel that writing papers all semester long is obtuse. I was expecting to work with Excel and do some real accounting. - But little math was involved in the course. Also, her (I won't divulge the name) lectures were (pretty much) useless. All she would do is read from the textbook and proliferate very little beyond th... Read more

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    Wed Feb 02 2011

    I can’t express how much I regret attending this college. In 2009 I decided to enroll because of the convenience and benefits online colleges bring you. I was a new mom and I wanted to attend school while being home with my child. AIU is not challenging, they barely teach you anything, and the curriculum they use to teach their students has not changed over the years at all. You can find every question your instructors give you answered by someone over the internet years ago. They don’t quiz you on anything you might have learned either instead you write weekly papers. Seriously even in accounting I wrote weekly papers which surely didn’t help me understand accounting. I don’t think the instructors grade anything ethically either. I started slacking in Algebra because I didn’t receive the help I needed so I practically gave up in the class. I scored 200 and something points out of 1,000. I never once retook the class and they said I made an A. Hmm... I never brought this incident t... Read more

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    Thu Jan 27 2011

    Im going to be very brief. This school is only there for profit. The instructors rarely respond to email in a timely manner, make mistakes in their instruction. Many group assignments where other students may or may not cooperate. Instructors may have experience in respective fields, but are not good qualified instructors. Way more expensive then they lead you to believe. The Admissions seem to only care enough to get you enrolled to get their quota. Financial Aide is a joke and do not care if you get your refund. Records department's inadequacy is high as they cannot seem to get their records in order, therefor messing up your financial aide. I would not recommend this school to anyone. R. Eckert, Michigan

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    Wed Jan 19 2011

    This school was the biggest joke. Not to mention put me 20k in debt with nothing to show for it. When i first spoke with a representative 5 years ago i said i wanted to get an associates in criminal justice. They said oh yeah we can do that lets get you signed up for loans and everything. so i did all of that got excited and class after class were business classes. after a few months and several changes in my councilors, i called and was told they do not offer ciminal justice associates. only bachelors. but they could give me a slight focus in criminal justice but it would cost more money to change my classes. So not only did all of my councilors lie to me but then they tried to charge me more. and when i would send a message about something i was displeased with it was completely ignored. These people are out to ruin lives and they simply do not care. i only hope one day someone catches on and shuts them down.

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    Sun Sep 05 2010

    American Intercontinental University is a project based type school. What I mean by this is that you are given things to research which pertain to the class you are in. Each class is 5 weeks long and each week in the class you have a different topic to do your research on. Along with this you also have a discussion board which you must also post to on a weekly basis, along with responding to 2 other students post during that week too. 90% of all the assignment at AIU Online are regurgitated over and over for years. So this makes most, if not all of them readily available on the internet It is not a bad school but the teacher seem to think that just because they have all their experience and education, that the students which are taking the class they are teaching should be doing the work as if they also had all this education and training too. The straw that broke the camels back for this student was when one particular teacher Claudia Swint was permitted to not answer a q... Read more

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    Fri Feb 05 2010

    I started my journey with AIU in January 09 and do not regret it. I actually appreciated the constant calls received after my intitial inquiry. Some people call it a hard sell. I think it was more of a motivation for me. I had the desire to return to school after 20 years but never followed through. My counselor contacted me weekly, gave me the pep talk I needed to begin class in March 09. Is it expensive? of course, whats wrong with investing in yourself. You spend money on many unnecessary things, why not invest in your future. AIU classes are just as challenging if not more challenging than your traditional school. I have worked hard to maintain my 3.8 GPA. Are there slackers who do not participate in group projects? yes. When you begin working in corporate America or any job, are there going to be slackers? of course. I look at it this way, AIU is preparing me for the real world. There will always be someone who don't do there fair share. Are you going to quit every job because the... Read more

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    Sun Jan 24 2010

    I've been a student in the BIT program for about six months. Here's my take. The Bad: It's expensive. Total program cost for me was $28K. Compared to traditional Universities in my area, it's about 1/4 of their cost for a WHOLE program. Not a year or semester, your entire degree. Remember that when you're checking them out. It requires discipline. You will be kicked out of your program if you slack off and you aren't given very many chances. 5 week courses...whew! The semesters are abbreviated, so you complete an entire course in only 5 weeks. A lot of information is crammed into that time. They drive a hard bargain. When you contact them, they will try to convince you that this is the best option for you. It's a hard sell,it's the same for any recruiter for a school. I can remember a recruiter actually crying when she talked to me about attending a small liberal arts school when I was in high school. It's their job, so be prepared when they do it well. The Good: I... Read more

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    Wed Nov 25 2009

    I attended AIU for my BA degree and planning on returning for my Masters. I loved it. I was attending a typical university but after calculating my classes I would still be in school for 6 years for a BA because some semesters a certain class isnt available. But with AIU I was able to complete my BA in 14 months. I am in my 20's and I work fulltime 40 or more a week, so AIU was happy with my decision to attend AIU. I am working at a major school now and one of the reason I got the job was the manager in HR attended AIU as well and we bonded as fellow alumni. I am going for my masters starting January and hope to further my career. You have to attended the school before you make judgement. I read all these negative blogs before I attended but I wanted to judge the school on my own. Now I have a great job and the other bloggers are unemployeed and degree-less still bashing AIU. Losers! AIU IS THE BEST!

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    Wed Nov 04 2009

    AIU is a great school for students who are mature and have discipline. If you are the typical Gen X/Y slacker, this school is not for you. Yes the University is expensive but they provide concierge service. Everything is done for you administratively and all books & software are included in the tuition. Frankly, as I read some of these negative reviews the common theme is the whiner "they didn't do everything for me and I actually was expected to put forth effort" routine. If you can't do the required work without having a professor hold your hand, AIU is not for you. I completed my undergraduate at a traditional school. The university expects graduate students to be self motivated and if you are you will succeed, if not you will fail. I would venture that anyone who can not do well at AIU will likely not do well elsewhere... or in life.

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    Wed Aug 19 2009

    This school is for busy people who have careers, but little time to attend a traditional university. I would not recommend this school for those just out of high school. It is fully accredited. I have been attending AIU Online for the past 6 months, and I am very satisfied. I am a husband and a father of 2, and also a business professional. This school has a curriculum tailored to people like me. I have also been able to apply what I have learned into my work.

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    Thu Jul 23 2009

    DO NOT ATTEND A.I.U Their classes are a joke.They are based on a 9 credit hour criteria. There classes are only 5 weeks long and have group projects. In these projects most are slackers, and is very difficult to find anyone with any initiative. When you take the lead, be prepared to do all the work, while others do nothing and get recognition on these projects. I attended for 3 semesters and ran up a $12,000 bill. On top of that there collections department are hassling me for $487.00 balance owed. I told them at the begining that all of it must be financed through student loans.They by no means were not transparent. I am know going to Devry. I think their degree will mean something. I can not se how you can truly learn in order to get a great job.Their concentrations are only three classes. Most classes are easily passed. IT IS a great rip off ****. As for those bragging about their Batchelors and Masters degrees, I can not even begin to compare their knowledge ... Read more

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    Thu Jul 02 2009

    I'm an MBA graduate of AIU Online, I completed my degree in May of 2009. Overall I've had nothing but great experiences with AIU Online. People if you are interested in attending an online school please do not listen to internet reviews. The reason I say this is that the internet is full of people bashing online schools, including AIU Online, University of Pheonix, Devry, Kaplan, etc. AIU Online is a fully accredited school. AIU Online was accredited by SACS but they are now accredited by NCA which accredits almost every major (legitimate) University in the midwest. I live in Illinois so NCA accredits every state school including Northwestern. I see reviews all over saying AIU Online was about to lose to their accreditation a couple years ago. They would have lost their accreditation if they didn't take action but let me tell you, this is the exact reason why University's are accredited! Accrediting bodies will review the University every several years. When they see a University is la... Read more

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    Thu Apr 09 2009

    I graduated from American Intercontinental University in 12/2008 with Associate's Degree in Business Administration majoring in Medical Coding/Billing. It seems from my experience, the school has more cons than pros. Good: (1) The convenience: you can learn anytime, anywhere. (2) I like a challenge, most of the curriculum is challenging just not in what I'm majoring in! The majority of my classes were for business; I worked very hard to receive high grades for these classes. (3) Most of my professors were professionals of related fields in the classes they were teaching. (4) They're accredited, so they say. Now here comes the bad... (1) As mentioned before the curriculum, I believe the college does not offer a good amount of classes for what the student is majoring in. Three classes for medical coding and billing with just a general background of each, no actual real life practice of these processes. This field has a lot to do with medical terminology, physiology, and anatomy as wel... Read more

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    Wed Feb 25 2009

    I got my Associates of Business Administration through AIU in 2006. I attended because I was trying to get hired as a police officer in the pacific northwest, and many departments required an associates degree or higher to apply. Here are the good and the bad as I experienced it. The Good... -Convenience. I was living on the big island of Hawaii, working full time, and there was simply no physical way possible that I could have attended UH Hilo or one of the community college campuses.... to far away. -Format. The classes were laid out in a (for the most part) logical order. I.E., I was not studying business management prior to basic fundamentals of business etc... -Technology. The campus interface was user friendly and intuitive. The Bad.... -Expensive. Oh my God! -Grades. I am a highly motivated individual. I worked my ass off to EARN my grade, took the initiative to lead group projects, and always turned in top notch work to try and keep a perfect GPA. Imagine my dismay ... Read more

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    Sun Nov 09 2008

    AIU had one of the best programs that I could find when looking for an online MBA program. So, What hard sell is anyone referring to unless the University has drop its ethical profile. I enjoy the sessions and think that it was a program which I recommends constantly even today.

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    Tue Apr 15 2008

    Councelor support was terrible: 4 different ones within 1 week. The professor could not speak clear english. Over charged for a class and they will not correct it.  My total experience with this school was terrible.

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    Fri Mar 14 2008

    I suspect this site was created for some good reasons. In the computer age, we are in a fight for REAL DEGREE DIPLOMA vs FAKE DEGREE DIPLOMA. CAMPUS vs VIRTUAL SUCCESS. There is a bitter fight with scare tactics and propaganda to veer individuals away from certain schools of online learning. I think it is great that people have an area to vent, but the creator of this site and all of us should be careful not to conclude misleading information to individuals about AIU or any other school, unless we have concrete evidence at hand. I can understand someone being upset and reporting or telling others, but some people have had a great experience at AIU, UOP, and other institutions that have bad comments on the site. Each experience is different and my heart goes out to any misfortunes. I have a TRADITIONAL Bachelor of Science Degree and I'm strongly considering achieving my Master of Science online. To be factual, all higher learning advisors and administration usually have degrees in busin... Read more

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    Sun Sep 16 2007

    Beware of AIU!!!! When selecting a school to attend keep in mind two very important things. First, will my school be valued by employers and second, is the cost worth it (loans must be paid back and the interest is a killer). If you are thinking about attending AIU please visit where you can learn the dark truth about his school.

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    Fri Jul 27 2007

    I graduated from AIU this summer with a bachelor's degree in criminal justice. I can say alot of good and bad things about this school, but I must be fair. The education, frankly, is top-notch. The instructors are excellent, qualified individuals with alot to offer. The course material is relevant and the the program is intense. I had 9 years in the law enforcement field prior to starting at AIU, so i can tell you that the education they are providing is real-world and cutting edge. I have absolutely no complaints about the courses, the instructors, or the education I received. Now, on the flip-side, AIU is on probation with SACS. This is a fact I wasn't aware of when I enrolled in 2005. I made the mistake of not doing much research before I applied. I believe AIU was placed on probation just prior to my enrollment. I can honestly say that the administration at AIU is less than desirable. This school is owned by a private corporation which is not in the business of pr... Read more

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    Mon Jul 09 2007

    I graduated from AIU online with a BIT Programming. I decided to finish my education with a online school after 8 years of attending a State Uni. I had a serious problem with the state uni, I was never able to get into any of my classes, due to time constraints, I worked fulltime all the way through school, and because freshman had priority on all GE classes. What this equaled was 8 years of college, all GEs except math complete and my major classes were never scheduled so I could attend. I ended up taking 2 classes a semester because I due to the state colleges bureaucracy I was never able to find or enroll in classes that would work with a fulltime schedule. My biggest fear was that if I ever finished school I would never even use my degree, after all, at the time I was working in a retail store with several college grads doing the same thing as me. I entered AIU with a beginners level in computers. I had worked with some programming but not much. The classes were laid out ... Read more

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    Sat Jul 07 2007

    When I was taking the initial steps for pursuing my M.Ed., I looked at several accredited online universities. I decided on AIU. It was a wise choice. The university's M.Ed. program is highly recommended by the U.S. Department of Education for its superb training in meeting the mandates of NCLB. The coursework was callenging and I learned a great deal. I would highly recommend AIU to anyone.

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    Thu Jan 04 2007

    Please don't go here. They were or still is on probation. They are also too expensive and not very challenging. You only have to earn 3 credits in Math-Business Math. You want to be proud in the college you attend and AIU is not one. Save your money.