American Family Insurance

Approval Rate: 29%

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    Fri Aug 12 2011

    The worst! Had our home and cars with them for 20+ years. Turned in one claim, the adjuster bungled the claim and we got nothing but a large repair bill. Terrible customer service. I wouldn't recommend them if they were the last insurance agency in the world. TERRIBLE!

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    Mon Jun 28 2010

    American Family Insurance My opinions, ratings, are summarized by saying this is one of the worst companies I have ever dealt with. I have WAY too many stories to itemize here but I will list several of my examples below. Overall I have found them not to be trustworthy, knowledgeable about their OWN processes, slow to respond, and most of all they set the record for making ridiculous/silly excuses why they cannot do something simple or answer a question. My frustration led to having my wife deal with them towards the end (cancellation) as she had previous years of experience as a licensed insurance agent/broker in a past job. 1. I am a detailed oriented person so I asked and verified the answers to my questions originally in person with the agent. Almost 100% of her answers were wrong leading to many frustrating conversations after the insurance policy went into force. 2. Further frustration came from the flood of excuses for no answers or wrong answers and were exasperated by th... Read more

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    Mon Jun 07 2010

    I've had AmFam for about 3 years. In that time I unfortunately my home was robbed. The adjuster claimed my losses to be $45,000 after depreciation etc (although my actual loss was way more than that). After feeling violated enough by the break in, I was robbed a second time by American Family when they awarded me a check for $5000. They cited that they were not going to cover things such as my home computer etc because I check my email on it (which to them justifies it as business use which I did not have a separate policy for). To add insult to injury, I stayed with AmFam and had decided to expand my coverage to cover my "business property" such as computers etc. On Dec. 6 2009 my office was robbed. Cleaning out over $80k worth of computers, couches, musical equipment etc (about half of that was my personal loss). I lost about $50,000 in equipment (including vintage couches from the 60's that were $6,000 each). After depreciation etc They valued my loss at around $27,000. Of which ... Read more

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    Thu Sep 17 2009

    I've had AmFam for more than two years and yes, I've filed a claim in that time. It's been the best insurance company that I've ever had to deal with and I've had esurance, Allstate, and Hartford. AmFam processed my windshield claim quickly and was done within two days. Even the company, that I chose, to change my windshield was happy to hear that I have AmFam. They said that AmFam and State Farm are the two insurance companies that are the easiest to deal with and are the quickest to process claims! I insure everything with them, literally! Home, cars, jetski, & life. My coverages are in the upper limits, I have riders on the house policy and all-in-all my total price is still $400 less than the next insurance company that will insure all of those same items! Now, if they only offered Pet Insurance. :)

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    Sat May 10 2008

    American Family Insurance Company, in my opinion has got to be the worst. I had a small fire (furance)in my home in February. It is now May 9 and I still have no idea what the settlement amount will be. They are totally unresponsive and the only excuse I get for the delays are "I'm busy. I handle many cases." I have called the customer care line, a totally misnamed department and all the girl did there was get the adjuster on the phone and then she pulled herself out of the conversation! We are talking about a small claim here.....20,000 at the most. I could have bought a new home, obtained my financing and moved in in this amount of time. I see no end of the rainbow here. The adjuster orginally told me this would be completed in 2 months. Here we are at 3 months and we are no closer to settling this then we were the day after the fire. And the kicker is homeowners premium was increased by 44% a month after I filed the claim, and God forbid I'm late with that payment or t... Read more

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    Fri Sep 07 2007

    american family is the worst to pay on renters ins. they are the the thiefs. Pay your premiums have a propery loss believe me Amfm will stick it to you some more. They are the real theifs.

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    Thu Aug 30 2007

    We had a little bad luck in the last few years. One a house fire and two a deer jumping into the car. Response was immediate, called the 800 claim number and had an adjuster out within hours. I cannot complain too much, I met others with house fires that were being screwed. Some construction workers told me of a company that decided on how and who did repairs - and they were not completed to standard and the homeowners did not know. The only complaint is the one home adjuster worked out of his home and lost receipts - he was disorganized not AmFam. Always keep copies of receipts is my advice and know your rights.

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    Tue Jun 19 2007

    AMF ins. is simply the fastest in responding to a home loss claim. I called ,they came ,I had a check all within 7 days!

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    Tue Jan 02 2007

    I got rear-ended by a driver that did not have insurance. I turned the claim into American Family and I was told that I would recieve a call within in 2 business days. I never recieved a call so I called them and they told me that they were going to contact the other driver and they would get back to me asap. A week later, after not hearing from them, I called them only to find out that they had not requested a police report yet and then I was told that they would call me within 2 days after they had recieved the police report and had more information about the claim. Again, I did not hear from them for 4 days so I called them and was told to "just calm down becasue they can't control the mail." After they recieved the police report they called me and scheduled a time to come write an estimate for the damage on my car, ten minutes before our appointment they called me to say that they aren't coming, they would like me to go to a dealership nearby and they will go off of the estimate fr... Read more