American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Approval Rate: 39%
Reviews 0
by x_factor_z
Wed May 28 2008They are there to protect your freedom and the people who hate the ACLU are mostly people who want to destroy freedom.
by teresag
Fri Feb 29 2008I am pretty amazed by some peoples' thoughts here. Everyone knows the A(anti) C (Christian) L (liberal) U (union) are NOT securing the rights of the American people! A child ~ yes, I said child, can go to school wearing a t-shirt claiming the devil rocks, but if another one tried to say a prayer ~ LOOK OUT! That's unconstitutional! The ACLU are out to help anyone of anything that doesn't relate to God. They have an agends folks ~ and it doesn't include any form of Christianity. They have taken "Christ" out of Christmas, we know longer have Christmas trees ~ only Holiday trees, we now say Happy Holidays, and heaven forbid, if someone sneezes and you say God Bless You ~ you may end up in jail for OFFENDING someone. There are so many frivolous law suits out there by the ACLU that, mark my words, pretty soon EVERYONE will start to get sick of them. And for those who think this organization is "fair" and there for EVERYONES' rights ~ I challenge you to find one time the ACLU stood ... Read more
by twansalem
Tue Sep 11 2007If they truly defended everyone's rights, this would be an honorable organization. As it is though, they seem more interested in protecting the rights of some groups at the expense of others.
by rok100
Fri Mar 23 2007Thanks to Republican and Christian-Fascist disinformation, the American People would VOTE DOWN The Bill of Rights if it were put to a vote today. The ACLU isn't "alleged" to support the Bill of Rights, they DO support the Bill of Rights, they are THE ONLY PROTECTORS of that, the most important of our nation's Charter Documents.Consider the very real effects of propagated religious right-wing political enfluence on the population: Today, it's considered "too controversial" to place our government's founding documents on a school house wall, but it's considered "un-American" and "un-patriotic" to oppose having the bible or the ten commandments placed in our public school classrooms. <~ That's INSANE. David Koresh nor Jim Jones nor Tom Cruise nor Mullah Omar nor Focus on the Family should be allowed the right to be using a captive audience in a school biology class for indoctrinating or evangelizing our school children.We don't get to go into their churches, synagogues and mosques and mak... Read more
by victor83
Fri Mar 23 2007The ACLU was founded in 1920 by Roger Baldwin, a self-proclaimed communist. Nuff said.
by illusionbuster
Sun Feb 04 2007Earl Browder was secretary of the Communist Party in the USA from 1930 till 1944. When the party was reconstituted as the Communist Political Association later in 1944 and Earl Browder was the president he said that the ACLU was "a transmission belt" for the Communist Political Association.
by donovan
Fri Jan 12 2007They try so hard defending our "civil liberties" that we end up not having any!
by sharonparry
Wed Dec 20 2006Here's the web site... I have something goimg with them right now. I don't understand why when someone goes into the emergency room at any given hospital and they are given a sheet of paper with their legal medical rights on it to sign, they are espected to read it before they sign that paper! If you're in emergency, in most cases you are not in any condition to read that paper, which explains to you, the emergenceeee, that you must sign a waver for someone to have access to your medical information. If you are not told in plain words that this must be done, no single person can get any information on your condition. That means people who are not in their right mind, people in shock, people who are elderly and can't see well, people in serious detrimental conditions. I believe that this part of the document should be recited to them, not just handed out for them to read. I'm hoping they can help. It seems like they are trying.
by bassman44113
Wed Aug 30 2006One of the most, if not THE most dangerous organization in the USA today. It was started by a communist (if you dont believe me, look it up), and they continue to dissmantle America brick by brick. They stand for everything Im against.
by jj_frap
Sat Mar 18 2006The crap and the propaganda I am reading here is typical of the brainwashed buffoons who support the American right... I mean, how can you not love an organisation that fights for the supremacy of the secular state (any form of theocracy, including an atheistic one like the Soviet Union or the PRC, is immoral), the right to privacy in the wake of increasingly intrusive government, stopping theocratic and corporatist interests from forcing Chinese-style censorship down the throat of American Internet users, the right for adults to privately use cannabis... My God...If I were American, I'd be a card-carrying member...:-P...It's the closest relevant organisation your country has to Canada's NDP...Too bad it isn't a political party...
by decalod85
Mon Jan 23 2006The ACLU tries to help anyone being oppressed by the government. They even tried to help Rush Limbaugh, who hates them completely.
by drbowler
Wed Nov 09 2005Anti-Christian-liberty-Union Update: I am sadden to see this bias, travesty of an organization rated about the Boy Scouts.
by reaverto
Sun Jun 26 2005They are to be commended for helping those who are disadvantaged and discriminated against. Free speech is something (like this site even) that must be protected. I am conservative on crime though and I do not agree with coddling murderers, rapists and child molesters so I subtract one star based on this.
by james76255
Thu Jun 02 2005Another organization that was born with from a good idea, but has deteriorated into little more than a left wing political organization. Despite thier twisted views of things like separation of church and state, I'll grudgingly give them 2 stars for the rare times they actually do the work the organization was founded on.
by thirdparty
Sun Apr 24 2005The ACLU is oxymoronic, with the emphasis on moronic.. stressing equality, they secretly , no OPENLY flaunt hatred against Christians and Jews... The ACLU is Communist and Nazi, Communazi...
by nhhcguy1977
Thu Apr 07 2005America would be much better off without the communist ACLU. Too bad I can't give them a negative rating because they suck so much. I hope they all rot in hell.
by sixty7a
Tue Apr 05 2005Another group of morons like NOW, who only fight for your rights if your on their side of a political issue. Too bad the innocent woman condemed to die by a Floida judge wasn't worth their time. But if she was convicted of killing six children and on death row they would have fought to keep her alive!
by birdegal202
Thu Jan 06 2005A good organization that protects our civil rights.
by scarletfeather
Tue Dec 28 2004Well, they back some unpopular causes sometimes, but I don't know about you, but I would like to have my civil liberties defended.
by djahuti
Tue Dec 28 2004This Organization is defending our Constitution.That is the most Patriotic job around,because our Flag is only a symbol of the Freedom that is guaranteed to Americans by the constitution.If the Constitution is tampered with or gutted,we will no longer be a free country.That makes the Constitution more sacred than even the flag.
by eschewobfuscat_ion
Tue Dec 28 2004The ACLU is not a patriotic organization. It is an organization which hates America and places the radical whims of a few activists in front of the general moral good. It twists the US Constitution to its purposes and takes advantage of the plethora of liberal judges and their America-hating agenda to foist the will of a radical, anarchic minority on the rest of the country by glamorizing a few successful verdicts. Tell me again about NAMBLA, and how their constitutional rights were violated. Do some research.
by beelzebub
Sun Dec 19 2004Thank the creator for the ACLU. They're out there stopping the government from sucking the guts out of the Constitution. If our country was founded by Christians, why isn't Christianity our state religion? Why did the Founding Fathers make sure that religion didn't get mixed up with politics? If you think the Founding Fathers were Christians, you believe a version of revisionist history that simply isn't true. So, when the ACLU gets prayer out of a school, or that incredibly ugly 10 Commandment statue out of a courthouse, they are doing the work of the Founders. UPDATE: helmut, if you were to read my post carefully, you would understand that I do not state that the First Amendment was intended to keep the church from interfering with the state. That makes no sense. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. The Framers were very clear on their intention that the government not be able to establish a state relig... Read more
by helmut
Tue Dec 14 2004Beelzebub, get your facts straight. Separation of church and state was originally intended to keep the state from interfering with the church, not the other way around, as it is often interpreted today. As for the ACLU, I guess they have good intentions, but I think they have gone a bit off the deep end. Trying to get rid of Christmas? That's a little much.
by mrpolitical
Tue Dec 14 2004Whose liberties? Those of Micheal Moore and the far left extremists? They sure don't represent me or anyone else who cares about their country AND civil liberties.
by ernesta
Sat Oct 02 2004A communist agitating group that seeks to bring down the United States and it's institutions and traditions. Very dangerous. Must be stopped.
by el_coronel_sol_itario
Tue Aug 17 2004I'm not sure where louie is getting his facts, but they're wrong. If the ACLU is so supposedly anti-Christian, why then did they help a student get a Biblical passage back into her school's yearbook?,2933,119725,00.html
by louiethe20th
Sat Jul 24 2004It is time to put a stop to the worthless and useless ACLU!An extremely liberal organization that goes to bat for everyone in this country, but Christians!I agree strongly with ClassicTV, this nation was founded by Christians and they would not approve of this organization full of scoundrels!It is time for people to take a stand against this group of scum!
by 1american
Thu Jul 01 2004Doing more to destroy America than Al Qaeda. Atheists Communists Liberals Union
by classictvfan47
Wed Jun 23 2004A goofball organization that supports pedophiles, smut-peddlers, insanes. Even more, this organization wants to destroy Christmas! Even more, they've gone off the deep end in their quest to have people believe that Christianity never existed. Like it or not, our country was founded by Christians--that's a part of our history. Why ignore that?
by useyourdamnbra_in
Wed May 26 2004Get real and rid yourself of any notion that these clowns stand for any kind of ideals. Like any other PAC, these bozos are in the game for money and political power only. Otherwise how would you explain the inane logic that seems to accompany every one of their idiotic lawsuits?
by get_a_grip
Wed May 26 2004GET A LIFE !!! (This is an e-mail that was sent to the ACLU) Which member of your brain trust dreamed up this utterly inane lawsuit ??? If you are going to argue that the extremely small cross on the LA County Seal is an endorsement of religion, then you should also sue LA to remove the godess Pomona from the seal, as this is 'obviously' an endorsement of paganism and the Greek pantheon. But why stop there ? The cow depicted on the LA seal (which is significantly larger than the cross) is 'obviously' offensive to Vegans and Hindus; let's remove that. The oil derrick is 'obviously' offensive to environmentalists; let's remove that too. The Masonic symbols are 'obviously' a backhanded endorsement of religion (since the Masons are a religious/Christian group, and composed mostly of the 'evil white males' that you liberals so despise); let's get rid of that too. The sailing ship 'obviously' resembles those used by the European conquerors who invaded North America and oppressed the N... Read more
by solenoid_dh
Tue May 04 2004They should be called the Anti-Christian Liberties Union. They keep attacking things that are dear to people, then posture themselves as being noble for championing unpopular causes. But there is nothing noble about these mean-spirited meddlers.
by billiefan2000
Thu Apr 29 2004I wanna know why John Ashcroft hasnt busted up this terrorist group called the ACLU under the RICO ACT cause the ACLU needs to be busted up under the RICO ACT for what they have done to America by supporting Perverts and Terrorists and anyone who wants to persecute Christians
by twinmom101
Mon Mar 15 2004I do not agree with many things that the ACLU does. Often this organization cannot see the forest from the trees and their use of zero tolerance and blanket policies (something that the war on drugs has already proven to not work) gives this important organization a bad rep. HOWEVER, in these frightening times, I am sure glad the ACLU is around. Since Asscroft has come to power, we have seen an unprecedented decline in our civil liberties with his Patriot Act. The ACLU may be far from perfect, but in a day when this administration now can hold anyone they want without legal advice for as long as they want, tap phone lines, confiscate property and jail anyone who even disagrees with this administration, I'd say they have an important job. people can say all they want that the government will only use the Patriot Act to protect us from terrorists, but I doubt that. It sets a dangerous precedent for future abuses. I'm not going to let this government or media strike fear in me to g... Read more
by yourmamma
Thu Jan 22 2004The ACLU is one of the main problems with America today. The ONLY way to achieve America's goals is if people (by people I mean protesters, the ACLU) SHUT UP! Believe what you want to believe, and share your opinions. That's what this country is all about not Do what we want or you'll see us in court! That's pretty much what the ACLU does. I believe the ONLY way to truly put everyone on the same level is to completely get rid of all hate-crime laws, because I believe they are unfair. Think about it, if a white person killed a black person, he would be charged with a hate-crime. However, if a Black person killed a white person he wouldn't be charged with a H-C. The only way to achieve true equality is if we get rid of ALL anti-discrimination laws, and stop forcing schools to meet a quota of minority students. Finally, I believe businesses should be able to higher and fire (I'm not exactly sure if that's how you spell them... I wasn't born with the spelling gene) who ever they want.
by terminator
Sat Nov 22 2003American Communist Liberal Union. They stand for nothing but their tiny focused viewpoint.
by jagman28782
Fri Nov 21 2003I have hated the ACLU for quite some time now but I haven't said anything about it now, but I've reached my breaking point. The ACLU has been trying to abolish Christmas for quite some time now and it just makes no sense. I know these socialist atheists are trying to make a minority happy and I ask why? Why should the 5% percent of the atheists in the country along with the ACLU destroy Christmas? Christmas is the most holy Judeo-Christian holiday all year, it is meant to honor the Lord Jesus Christ. If you don't wish to celebrate it, look at it this way, at least you get a day off from work. Plain in simple, if we let the ACLU suceed, which I think won't happen, then we can kiss all of our holidies, religious and secular, good-bye forever. However, America will stand up and fight, and the ACLU will fall!
by eagle_scout
Mon Nov 17 2003What a buch of blowhards. This organization made an attack on the BSA's rights to choose its own members. An enemy of the BSA will always be my enemy.
by lakersuck
Sun May 25 2003These are the same people that would defend a child molestor's right to a vegan entree in prison. But they seem to approve for a baby to be partially pulled from the mother's vagina, while the Doc jams some kind of sharp plier in the back of the baby's skull, prys it open, then sucks out the brains while the baby twitches and then shrivels up and dies....nice people.
by gups11
Fri May 16 2003The original idea behind the ACLU was great. However, this group is now showing itself to be racist on anything that is white and chritian. They have done more to stall ending racism than the klan. It's sad because if they didn't do all these b.s. lawsuits it would really help this country. Why don't we stop making everyone equal in every freakin way and embrace our diffrences.
by rebelyell1861
Thu May 08 2003If only they used their powers for good instead of evil......
by trishbn5
Fri Mar 07 2003Socialist Criminals
by mrkpza14
Thu Feb 27 2003Agreing with Solinod_DH and Ruby on this one.
by laotzu
Sat Feb 22 2003the ACLU is incredible. When you see a lawsuit on TV and you think to yourself "that will never go through, it violates our rights!" You have the ACLU to thank. Behind the scenes are these motivated individuals who are fighting to protect your god given rights that you don't even realize are being jeopardized.
by canadasucks
Tue Feb 18 2003They stand up for unpopular causes that have legal standing. . .sometimes they bug me but they have a strict interpretation of the law that one cannot argue with (people emotionally attack the ACLU- rarely do they attack the ACLU on legal grounds.) Sorry America, but what is popular is rarely right.
by stickfigursici_de
Sun Feb 02 2003Ok. Im a highskooler. At my high skool, the ACLU is FIGHTING the skools decision to do random drug testing ONLY on students that are in after skool activities. THIS IS CONSTITUTIONAL! THOSE IDIOTS! ACLU should stand for American CRIMINAL LIABILITIES UNION! They even tried to stop the militairy from using its spy planes to try to hunt out the sniper! OMG! arg. we should shoot all those democratic bastards. their idiots. lets let the Darwinian procces run its corse.
by gopman79
Sat Jan 04 2003In the constitution, the separtion of church and state was only meant to do one thing, keep the state and federal govts. from setting up an official religion. Thats it. But the ACLU has completely misread that. The ACLU is the most immoral non profit organization out there. They have set out on a mission to tear apart our constitution, and somehow, Americans shouldnt let that happen.
by shukhevych
Wed Oct 30 2002If they are suck staunch constitutionalists, why do they never support the second amendment? militant leftist atheists...
by loki13
Tue Apr 09 2002Im at the middle of the road here. I respect the fact that the ACLU fights against religous domination, but condem them for making escuses for lazy ass blacks to sit on their arses to collect welfare.
by benfergy
Tue Jan 29 2002A group which stands up for what is right, even when the are verbally assulted for it. I still think most people who are so strongly against this group either are ignorant of it's history, or are hateful people. PS: To those people who gave me bad ratings: be a man and tell it to my face! (email)