Approval Rate: 85%
Reviews 0
by simplyla
Tue Aug 09 2011Amazon does a good job of what they do -- sell almost any item at pretty good prices. I like -- * great descriptions on almost all items * plenty of reviews from other users * accurate photos of the items * recommendations of similar items * universal wishlist feature * if there's a problem, they'll fix it (refund for lost order, etc.) * lots of free kindle books I can read on my Mac with their free e-reader I don't like -- * living in China, it's annoying that they don't tell me in advance which items they won't ship here * also living overseas, their international shipping is way expensive (Better World Books ships my books here free, why can't Amazon?) * even though they'll fix it when there's a problem, the email customer support can be rude about it and it generally takes 3-5 more rounds of emails to get the solution * Kindle books can only be loaned out once, to one person
by sweetloretta
Mon Feb 28 2011Best selection in or out of cyberspace, great prices, quick delivery, free shipping over $25. What more can you ask of a bookstore?
by jedi58
Fri Feb 25 2011Great way of getting books and is even better than ordering in-store as you can pre-order them and then forget about them so every now and then you'll have a new book through the post that you've forgotten about! Since they released the Kindle they've also become a great source for ebooks as well with a good selection of books both old and new.
by venana
Wed Feb 02 2011Amazon is okay, and probably more than okay, if you live in EU (or USA). I don't, which means my shipping is exorbitantly high, especially with all the per-item charges. Most often the shipping itself cost me much more than the items I was ordering. Another problem when you live outside of EU is that not all items found on Amazon can be shipped to my country (and I don't live in godforsaken boondocks where no postman dare come). Well, that would be just fine with me if Amazon weeded the unavailable items out of the selection. Based on my location (which it does have stored in its database), it should only show me the items which can be delivered to me. It should not let me add stuff to my basket, only to announce on one of the final steps of the check-out process that this and that cannot be delivered. It is very frustrating and time consuming. I do however have to commend them for their "lost stuff" policy. One of my shipments went missing once -- I guess some postman somewhere got ... Read more
by bird808
Fri Nov 05 2010I have absolutely no complaints about Amazon whatsoever. Been shopping there for a few years now and I find their services outstanding. Particularly when it comes to books and CD's. If you know the book you want and don't really need to go into a bookstore in person then this is the place. The prices are incredibly reasonable and they even have a marketplace if you want to get second-hand books. I agree with reviewers who say that going to a bookstore in person is a far better experience to browse, but when you know the exact book you want and don't have any time to waste, Amazon is the place.
by kamylienne
Tue Sep 28 2010For ordering books, getting them through is usually a pretty good bet. Of course, they have the benefit of having an almost unlimited selection (as opposed to your standard brick & mortar kind of store, which has obvious space limitations), AND they usually have pretty awesome discounts. If you get enough or the right books, you can also get free shipping. Only downside is the lack of instant gratification; of course, with your traditional store, you buy it and *poof* there it is. But, if you get enough books in an order, it's probably worth the wait in savings.
by mzscarlett
Fri Sep 03 2010really good experience with ordering DVD's; organic items like from Bob's Red Mill that are not available to me here locally; with the free shipping available on most items when the order is $25 or m ore I find it a FANTASTIC place to shop! Even coffee beans can be had that are fantastically great at a fraction of the cost I can buy locally where I am located normally, so I am very pleased and happy that this service is available! Every thing I have ordered has arrived promptly, well packaged and would highly recommend them to others! However just like with any store, and any items, check and compare to make sure that what you are getting IS a good deal!
by pcpeter774
Sat Aug 21 2010Fast, cheap, and hasn't let me down yet.
by equayona
Tue Aug 17 2010I have not had any real problems shopping at Amazon, and they have a great selection. What I find repellent is that they carry books, magazines and videos promoting dog and gamecock fighting. Pitting animals against one another in a fight to the death is a vicious and heartlessly cruel activity. When I contacted Amazon about the animal fighting, I received a response stating that they don't believe in censorship. They do not carry hard core pornography so that is a lie. Businesses that help promote savage cruelty to animals are bad businesses, I don't care how great a selection of merchandise they carry.
by irishgit
Thu Aug 12 2010I'm of the opinion that a book store is a building you can enter and browse around the shelves in search of a particular volume, or just while away an hour or two in the company of books. By that definition, Amazon (and a few others on this list) doesn't measure up. I'll give them credit for competence, decent pricing, and convenience, and I have used them from time to time, but they aren't a bookstore.
by djahuti
Sat Oct 10 2009Great selection,and really good deals on used books.Sometimes they arrive so fast it's amazing.Never had a problem here.
by margue
Wed Aug 12 2009Definitely my favourite shopping place. Always shop here and enjoy outstanding customer service.
by canadasucks
Tue Jun 23 2009Plus - solid yet unspectacular selection and (in my experience) good shipping. (And I've had the 'zon deliver to Asia, America, . . .and New Jersey) Minus- Certainly overpriced items . . .but this complaint is counter-balanced by some selections on used books. Overall, still a good bet for shopping for a book for that special literate someone. . .but not the best for hard-to-find collectibles. ..
by bkaybaer
Sat Jun 13 2009I found that Amazon has been very inconsistent with my orders. I ordered 2 items in September, the one item was at my house the next day. I ended up having to cancel my second order because they kept changing their delivery date and saying they couldn't locate one, but when I placed the order they told me they had it there and it would be shipped within 2 days. Then they kept changing their story and they still didn't have it to me by Christmas. I was very displeased. So I consider it a hit and miss way to shop, because I have heard several stories similar to mine.
by the3rdright
Fri Jun 12 2009I am very pleased with Amazon, every order that I have made with them-have been almost perfect. I also like the quick ordering.
by shoppinghelp
Tue Mar 03 2009What else can you say? Affordable prices and fast delivery.
by stogie
Fri Feb 06 2009I use seeing as I live in Canada. I highly recommend Amazon. They have stellar customer service, quick (and free!) shipping, an excellent selection and generally good prices. I buy a lot of CDs (jazz), and all of them come from Amazon because regular music retailers never carry what I want (and in the extremely rare cases when they actually have a title I want, the regular stores are way too expensive). The only reason why I didn't give Amazon 5 stars because I'll find the occasional CD on my want list that Amazon has too high a price on (generally I consider those CDs priced $18 - $20 + too expensive).
by mdmsupra
Sun Oct 26 2008The best thing around sliced bread.
by silver_eagle_252
Sat Apr 01 2006Since I don't have time anymore to hang out in book stores, Amazon is the next best thing. Great selection of new and hard to find titles, prompt service and free shipping for a lot of items. Have never had any problems. Amazon has a good system and is a respected leader in internet shopping innovation.
by recolection
Sat Oct 29 2005Good place. Sends things quickly. Has separate sites for other countries so they don't have to pay international shipping. Has a large selection and refers you to other sellers. I've been ripped off by so many companies, and I tried to think of one that hadn't ripped me off, and I like besides, and here it is.
by edt4226d
Sun Sep 04 2005It has sort of revolutionized the way I shop. Before, I used to haunt out-of-the-way or obscure bookshops from Providence, Rhode Island, to NY, to the southernmost reaches of PA for that rare volume of literature. Now, all I have to do is go on-line, type in my password, hit enter, and the book, CD, or DVD is on its way. Sometimes I do miss the traveling I used to do and the combing through funky old bookshelves, but Amazon does save me gas money at the very least. The reader reviews can be enlightening or entertaining (I've written a couple myself) and the selection of items is pretty extensive. Some items are very overpriced, and there is occasionally a glitch in the service, but these are problems you can encounter anywhere.
by insencebrnr
Thu Aug 25 2005Well I think that if you buy a product from and it actually being sold buy an independant shop or person, Make it more clear when ordering. I have been waiting for a strategy guide I have been waiting for 8 weeks and still nothing. No updates and Amazon doesn't show any order being placed. On my account.
by synapse
Mon Mar 14 2005A terrific place for finding more obscure or out of print books, and the reviews from readers are a terrific bonus. However, I find I still buy the majority of my books at physical stores. There's something about being in an actual bookstore, with the books and the atmosphere, that you just can't get online. Amazon is absoultely terrific if you're looking for something specific, but for general browsing, I'm not sure it's as useful.
by russelljcoll_erjr
Fri Jan 28 2005$$ Competitive / prompt deliv
by jtolleson1
Mon Sep 13 2004I've had flawless delivery results in dozens of purchases, and they bring the rare and obscure book or CD to the masses even better than the large independent retailer, so they get a bum rap for their effect on the literary world. Thumbs up to
by mariusqeldroma
Mon Aug 02 2004You can stop spamming me any time now....
by pf7287aa
Mon Jul 12 2004The marketplace at Amazon makes more books and other media saleable thus available nationwide. That is really the essence of e-business.
by niler1
Fri Apr 23 2004Amazon does not/can not deliver/ship ordred items. Have ordered 7 - 10 items in the last 2 months that were all listed as normally ships in 24-hours. Still waiting on a couple! The Free Super Saver Shipping only makes things worse, you've waited 7 - 9 days before finding out has slipped the estimated ship dates - again. No clue what the deal is, but if you order tools or hardware from Amazon, you'd be better served to find a vendor who actually has the item in stock and can ship iot in a reasonable length of time (for reasonable shipping costs).
by btdt7450
Tue Apr 13 2004Excellent, but I do have one quibble. When searching in Books, it returns not just * real books* but audiobooks as well, cluttering up the results. List them separately please! People in search of real books usually don't want the ones on tape.
by kettke
Sat Mar 13 2004While working overseas for the US government (China and Germany) Amazon has been a lifeline and a lifesaver. My only complaint is that they make it too easy to spend money. I should have bought stock years ago!
by teaseress
Sat Jan 24 2004I have used amazon for buying books before and I have never had a problem with it. I've recently ordered a book which I'll have to wait for because it hasn't quite been released yet - but its well worth it. (sorry RIA, but I have to spam this) The book is called 'Lucky' by Eddie De Oliveria, he's a very good friend of mine, it started out as a play which I went to go and see and now he has it out as a book. Please check it out!
by dovekiller
Mon Sep 15 2003This is always my first shopping stop and usually the last. Wicked web site. The one-click ordering feature is addictive.
by crimson_and_cl_over
Tue Feb 11 2003totaly great. great prices and is shipped very fast, ive always recieved my stuff just 2-3 days after i ordered it.
by mikeholly93
Mon Jan 27 2003The best online store ever! Good reasonable prices, excellent service, and an excellent selection of books, toys, dvds and videos, and other items. Plus, most of their items arrive quickly in only 2 or 3 days. I also love their gift certificates.
by reenyf4b
Mon Aug 12 2002Another great bookstore! I found several out-of-print books on amazon and I have been hooked ever since. is right along side of Barnes and Noble as far as book selection goes. I use it a great deal.
by callmetootie
Sun Apr 07 2002Amazon is not the place for books. Good for electronics, music, toys, etc. Amazon always puts you on a waiting list for the books and they come in funky condition.
by molfan
Sun Jan 20 2002We order on the internet on occasion. And we have had good luck with so far. they have a very good variety and fair prices. One thing I liked is we can track the shipping route so we have a good idea when the package will arrive.So far we have ordered books and video games and have been satisfied with their service.
by galomorro
Sat Jan 19 2002Cannot say enough good things about this site. So many things I want, so little money! You can check out your account and review what you've ordered in the past. They take personal checks. They notify you when your item has been shipped. They have good e-mail customer service. And there is so MUCH to choose from. You can order out-of-print books and they'll try to get them for you. A gift certificate for Amazon would be a great gift for almost anyone.
by castlebee
Tue Jan 08 2002I love! They were my positive introduction to online shopping. My experience with them has been one of consistently great prices and quick, reliable service. For instance, I sometimes go to technology workshops where you usually get a list of new reference books. I was tempted to buy several from the list once following one of these workshops but suddenly had the bright idea to cross reference the price and availability on In each case the book was at least 10 to 15% less than it was on my list. The list went in the trash and I went to
by springsteen80s_baby
Sun Nov 25 2001The search engine on this site is amazing! You can find any book you are looking for, and even some serendipitous others, too!
by artbuf
Thu Jun 28 2001The only experience I ever had with these people was a nightmare. I ordered books, phones, and some other items from them, put in my credit card information...and four days letter got a response saying that they could not process the transaction, and couldn't explain why. So I checked with my bank, no problems. I re-submitted the order...same things. It takes four days for them to figure out they can't run an order, and then they cannot tell you why? I buy stuff on the 'net all the time, and I have NEVER had a problem with ANY other vendor.