Ally McBeal
Approval Rate: 53%
Reviews 50
by coggy13
Thu Jul 29 2010Very good show in the beginning, then went downhill, then Robert Downey, Jr (and Anne Heche for a bit) gave it some life, but then Downey went on a bender and never returned (if I recall correctly, Heche was abducted by space aliens) and that was that. Once the show reached a few years old, every episode seemed to consist of a case about sex, bickering between the lawyers, and then a long montage of the cast walking around as a tune of that singer (whom I've never heard about since) played. Did she blackmail the producers? I mean she wasn't horrible, but every show? They couldn't stretch out the episode a bit to make it an actual hour-length show? Correction, 42 or 43 minutes. Anyway, like I said, in certain parts of its tv life it was very, very good.
by szar101
Sat Feb 21 2009This show was awesome. Each week I would watch it with my parents. My favorite eposides were when my favorite singer Josh Groban was on. When this show ended I was very sad.
by edd10329
Tue Jan 02 2007Trash, even in it's earlier seasons.
by lastmessenger3
Thu Jul 06 2006Ok! It's going to sound unlike me, but I liked this show. Those characters were so crazy. Ally was neurotic, comfused, and stuttering. John with his pet-frog always cracked me up. Ellaine was too oversexed and nosy. Nell too comfused. Ling too bitchy. Geogia too jelous. In the beginning it wa pure fun, later story became too predictable and not as funny. Oh well, everything has its end.
by ungodlyugly
Sat Jun 03 2006Shamelessly trashy.
by caligula
Tue May 30 2006I hated the main character. Occassionally amusing, but the main character was so bad it was nearly impossible to watch.
by frankswildyear_s
Fri May 26 2006Pretty original when it started and a few of the characters were truly great, but it got way too familiar way too fast. Still, a few minute of Lucy Lui was worth an hour of my time once and a while.
by angelaah
Tue Dec 06 2005Started out with a great premise sorted of fizzled out towards the end...
by canadasucks
Tue Nov 01 2005It's not just that I hated this show- it's fans were lemming-esque chicks that had a problem with you if you didn't worship the show.
by heatther
Tue Nov 01 2005I loved this show it was funny. This show was great and i loved the dancing baby! I dont understand why people did not like the show but if you watched it from the beginning you would and will love it. Also, my favorite memory of the show was when the secretary sung on a show"I saw mommy kissing santa clause" It was so cute and I liked how she remixed it and I always love to sing the song the way she sung it. But the show is great!
by numbah16tdhaha
Tue Oct 25 2005Another show I never understood the appeal of. Then again, I was never a tool!
by edt4226d
Tue Oct 04 2005I could never sit through more than 10 minutes of this dreck. More tiresome yuppie navel-gazing and self-absorption. Who in the world thinks that crap like this makes for intriguing drama and/or comedy?
by randyman
Sat May 07 2005Never saw the appeal in McBeal.
by irishgit
Fri Mar 25 2005Twitish comedy, made for twits.
by nightbird
Thu Aug 05 2004It was funny to see a single female lawer acting crazy and fantasizing about creepy little babies that dance.
by matt78
Wed Jul 21 2004This show was amazing. It was hilarious. I laughed so hard each episode. They did such a great job on this. The whole cast did a great job. I miss that show.
by eddill
Thu Apr 15 2004At it's peak, it WAS a great show! Then, when some of the original cast members left, the show never recovered for me. Still, some of the episodes and some of the recurring bits of schtick are as memorable to me as anything on tv. It WAS one of those love it or hate it shows for sure.
by evileye
Thu Apr 01 2004I was able to tolerate the first 2 seasons, but then it became the most irritating show in the world!!!!! I can't stand Calista Flockhart, she ruined her career by that show. Then they tried to bring famous actors to make things better, but it just killed the show even more!
by summerleisure
Wed Feb 04 2004What a waste of time! If I wanted to see a woman acting like that, I could probably see someone just a quirky at work. Believe me, it's not something I want to see after hours!
by mllelarisa
Sun Nov 02 2003Rather annoying, dancing in the bathroom? That dancing baby was evil. I don't get this show. Not awful but way over-rated.
by kmg1171
Sat Sep 27 2003It was sad when they cancelled this show! Very rarely do you find an hour long show that is both funny and dramatic. This show was great. It was going downhill for a while, when Lucy Liu left, but they cancelled it right when it started to get good again with Robert Downey, Jr. and when they added Christina Ricci. It is so annoying when people just bitch about Calista Flockhart's weight. So she's skinny, it doesn't have anything to do with how good the show is!
by lanelle
Tue Sep 23 2003What I like about FOX is that they're willing to give some time to new writing. This show certainly wasn't cliche with token characters. Like many of Fox's most promising shows it starts out fun and even exciting to watch, but after a few seasons starts to go downhill. But this of course does not only apply to Fox, I've seen it on all the other networks with shows like Friends for example which was fun but then the desperate struggle to remain afloat in the ratings compromises the writing itself. Once cheap and transparent tricks start permeating into the stories it's time to leave well enough alone.
by revenant2u
Sat Sep 13 2003The only way you could find this show funny would be about a quarter of a century watching grass grow!
by stanuzbeck
Thu Aug 28 2003This show was entertaining for a single episode when it first came out. I enjoyed it for exactly one episode. Then it started to annoy me within the first minute of episode two. And whatever else this show may have accomplished, they will never ever redeem themselves for the grievous sin of introducing Lucy Liu to the world. There is no living actress (other than maybe Jada Pinkett) who is more intolerably smug than she is. I wish she'd die in a fire.
by afterglow70
Sun Aug 10 2003Thank God its cancelled! Now Calista can eat!
by jasonluver
Fri Jul 18 2003honest to god I cried when I found out that it got canceled. As much as I hate to admit it, I loved the show so much! it was hysterical!
by ironlaw
Mon Jul 14 2003Before Calista got all flaky and shrank to the width and breadth of a linguini, the show was really good. Then it started taking itself too seriously. Then, crap.
by kolby1973
Mon Jun 30 2003About time FOX figured out that Ally McBeal was nothing but the office tramp with no talent...ugh.
by ashleyfogg
Mon May 12 2003I loved this show and miss it. One mistake? It never was a comedy or a drama. it was both. It had soul, and compassion and consciousness, and there just is no category in US television for something so sweet and complex. I appreciate David E Kelley on all counts, and the wide range of women actors he uses in all his shows. from Callista to Camryn, all physical types, career women, maternal women, with no judgement on any of them. how refreshing.
by president_x_d
Tue Apr 29 2003I'm very glad this show got cancelled. This is another one of those bad bad shows that got popular strictly because of the hype-machine. I expect a very short syndication run and that will be that.
by moosekarloff
Mon Apr 28 2003A limp attempt at comedy showcasing an anorexic little runt with weak, dirty hair. I've worked in law firms for a dozen years and I found this show to be totally unrealistic in terms of getting across the temper and flavor of such environments. This was a product of that dreadful Rupert Murdoch Fox Network, so it's not surprising it's tripe.
by drbanner
Thu Mar 27 2003I only liked it when Ally was having those fantasy moments. And I like the theme song. It started getting more and more offensive.
by fiestyred
Sun Mar 09 2003i was addicted to it,then they had to cancell it ,damn,every time i find a good show-gone gone gone...
by natasha21
Thu Feb 13 2003Ally McBeal is a great show and I am sad it is no longer producing new shows. Calista Flockhart is a great actress, despite what some may think about her appearance. She is NOT anorexic!. I am a naturally thin person-like Ally, and I do not have anorexia nervosa. People should get their facts straight and be more understanding.Go Calista!(and Ally:). Sorry to see you go.
by heidleehope
Sun Feb 09 2003This show was great....we woman really think like that...must of been a mans choice to take it off the air!
by bcm2116a
Mon Jan 13 2003I never watched the show until it started being repeated on other channels. Then I became hooked during the last two seasons only to have it cancelled. It was funny and nice to watch someone who was a little crazy.
by jakey333
Tue Jan 07 2003great show but ratings fell so low
by mynameisjonas9_97
Sat Jan 04 2003cant stand the show, shes so freakin ugly
by fredwah
Sat Dec 14 2002At first it was funny, but it seemed that the writers didn't know whay it was funny and lost it.
by fun4maryjo
Wed Dec 11 2002Main charactor was insane. Bad writing.
by lcarlborg
Tue Dec 10 2002Liked this one.
by theskylitup
Tue Dec 03 2002Funny, touching, wacky, always unexpected...sometimes the wackiness was annoying though.
by jason1972
Thu Nov 07 2002It actually was an enjoyable show but the show jumped the shark after the 2000 season, when some of the original cast started leaving. After that, Ally slipping and falling down, Peter Macnichol's nostril whistles, and that nagging computer-generated baby gets old very quick. They had to rely on cameos toward the end to make the show almost interesting but not. I will not miss this show.
by hoovertbeanhea_d
Mon Nov 04 2002If either Gil Bellows or Robert Downey Jr. didn't leave the show, I think this could have been the best show through the end. Unfortunately, they both left leaving us with an absolutely horrible final season. During the first few seasons I watched every week and loved it. I wopuld have given it a 5 if it weren't for that last season.P.S. That last epeisode was worse than the final one of Seinfeld, it had absoulutly no sense of finality to it and made me hate it.
by classicmusiclo_ver
Fri Sep 06 2002I don't miss it. It just looked so fake in the comercials that it just never grabbed my attention.
by pooch26u
by marsobig
Tue Jul 16 2002Shock humor. I hate it. Calista needs to look in the mirror. David E. Kelley needs to pull a murder-suicide involving Michelle Phieffer. I would die a happy man if I never hear anything about this show ever again.
by zuraya
Sat Jul 06 2002Although I am glad to see stubborn, and less than funny Ally go, I will miss the comedy that went with it, plus all the characters (excluding the very annoying ally)
by kevansf
Wed Jun 26 2002It was up and down in quality, but what I liked about it was how it dealt with mental health and depression (although not necessarily in a direct manner). The episode when Billy died was powerful.
by shudcf86
Fri Jun 14 2002for the 5 season run = 3 last season = 3 Started off as 1 of tv's best shows, then went a bit over the top! As a result, show's quality declined, so did the ratings!