Allen Fieldhouse (University of Kansas)

Approval Rate: 72%

72%Approval ratio

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    Mon Dec 14 2009

    Not that tight.

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    Wed Dec 02 2009

    The most prestigious and hallowed of any basketball arena in the world. Naismith, Allen, Chamberlain, Pierce, Manning, Williams, Smith, Rupp, etc. etc. The history is undeniable. Those lucky enough to play, coach, or watch a game here experience something truly unique. Basketball at its purest.

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    Sun Jul 27 2008

    to hot.

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    Wed Aug 29 2007

    Undoubtedly the best. Would be rated the best if it wasn't in the middle of Kansas. Y'all just don't know. Too bad. Too bad.

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    Sat Jul 07 2007

    Ok, this is the best place to watch a game hands down. All those who say it sucks and r given one star r mizzou fans of have never been there. Also, the renevationas have made it more modern while not losing charm. Those who say its not intimidateing r just wrong. Yea richmond got lucky once, that has happened to every big time team at home at some point or another. I was recently at the ku texas game and i can tell u that the fans won that game for the hawks because texas was on fire that day and would not have lost if they were playin anywhere else. Those who say its not loud must have never been there or went when the played some lil d2 school. If ur complainin about the seats u shouldnt be at a game, a good stadium has nothing to do with how comfortable ur butt is and u dont even notice it if ur payin attention to the game. building a new arena would be the worst idea ever. People commenting need to have at least been there once.

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    Sat Mar 03 2007

    More history than just about any other stadium outside of the Palestra. More charm and character than money can buy. The house that Wilt built is unsurpassed.

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    Mon Jan 15 2007

    nothing like the tradition at ku,the rock chalk chant it gives you chills!!!

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    Sat Jan 13 2007

    I have personally been to about 20 different arenas and I find Allen Field house to be the most "Electric". It left me with chills on my arms.

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    Wed Nov 29 2006

    I've been in alot of college basketball venues, and there is none better than Allen Field House. There's an intangible feeling--not just the age of the building, the tradition of Jayhawk bball or how loud the crowd is--it's just an incredible atmosphere period. The building is electric for a rivalry game or playing an Ivy League school.

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    Tue Oct 31 2006

    You can feel the history, and the vibe during the games is EXCELLENT. Add to that good fans, a great student section and a friendly climate and it is a great experience.

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    Fri Oct 27 2006

    A classic. This arena guarantees that you will not be far from the action. Lots of seats reserved for students and a history exceeding any other college arena. A must visit.

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    Sat Oct 21 2006

    incredible place!

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    Fri Oct 20 2006

    No place loader and no crowd gives the players more support than Allen Field house.

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    Fri Oct 20 2006

    Bestg ever. And I've seen em all.

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    Fri Oct 20 2006

    Get serious - this is Mecca

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    Fri Oct 20 2006

    The best. No comparison.

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    Fri Oct 20 2006


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    Fri Oct 20 2006


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    Fri Oct 20 2006

    Unparallel atmosphere

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    Tue Oct 17 2006


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    Sat Aug 05 2006

    Great place to watch a college basketball game...

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    Sun Feb 19 2006

    This is the greatest place ever to play a basketball game in front of the loudest 16300 people i have ever heard. Every team is scard of the phog and it is #1 in my mind

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    Sun Feb 12 2006

    Nearly 10,000 shy of Bud Walton. A futile attempt.

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    Tue Oct 25 2005

    Great place to play and nothing feels better than to hear the Chant in the final moments of a Jayhawk victory!

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    Tue Sep 27 2005

    allen fieldhouse has a lot of tradition....

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    Wed Mar 02 2005


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    Wed Feb 02 2005

    It's the best place to play and watch Collgeg Basketball. It's loud, well kept, looks amazing for its age, and has so much history in it. How could you not give it anything over a 3!

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    Mon Jan 31 2005

    Phog Allen Fieldhouse is definitely THE BEST college basketball arena out there!

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    Sat Jan 22 2005

    Nice arena, but overrated. Noise is a non-factor, and the arena itself is outdated. But beside that, a good atmosphere.

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    Thu Dec 23 2004

    Kansas University basketball history is untouched by any other period.

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    Tue Dec 14 2004

    JayhawksRule The ppl who put the building down is the ppl whose team can't win there lol.

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    Sat Dec 11 2004

    As a MIZZOU fan it hurts me to say this... The place may suck physically, not have Barcaloungers for seats and may be ancient, but it is HARDER THAN HELL to win there, PERIOD. There may be some exceptions to this, but you all know it's true. In my opinion the only thing that matters is the W. If you want a better view of the action in a nice seat, stay at home. I rate it a two cause the arena is poop, its the fans that make the difference. Also KU SUCKS MIZZOU_RAH

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    Sat Jul 31 2004

    Overrated. It is only great because all there is to do in Kansas is watch basketball.

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    Wed Jul 21 2004


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    Fri Jul 16 2004

    Allen Fieldhouse is truly a religious experience. A facility rich in tradition is much more important than comfy seats because real fans stand at a game. Rock Chalk.. Allen Fieldhouse is hands down the best place to watch college bball!

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    Thu Apr 29 2004

    It is the best place to watch a basketball game in the world. plus it has a lot of tradition

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    Tue Apr 20 2004

    Tradition, Winning Records, History and Rock Chalk Chant make this one the best by far.

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    Wed Apr 14 2004

    Put a match to it already. It's decorated with banners of every other number(I believe Lester Earl's number will be retire next) and the Spiders emphasized the lack of home court advantage.

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    Wed Mar 17 2004

    Talked about way too much. I've been to high school gyms and have been more comfortable and had a better experience! I'm tired of KU fans building this barn up. Finally going to spend some money to renovate it, maybe then it will be better. Must be real intimidating to play since Richmond won there, I think I could bring in a little league team and they wouldnt' be impressed

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    Mon Mar 15 2004

    This ranking isn't only on the best facilities, it's on the best venue to see basketball. Sure the fieldhouse may not have the softest seats and some of the seats are quite a ways off the floor but if it so bad, then why do people pay an arm and a leg to get in when they could just watch every game on T.V. Plus, if your going to compare it to Rupp Arena or the Dean Dome, then you must note that both of those coaching greats played for Phog Allen on nat'l championship teams.

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    Tue Mar 09 2004

    The University of Kansas is the birthplace of basketball and Allen Fieldhouse is its cradle.

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    Tue Mar 09 2004

    Allen Fieldhouse: one of the most storied arenas in all of college basketball. Few, if any, can match it's history, tradition and fan frenzy.

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    Tue Mar 09 2004

    Best basketball environment in America. You can feel the ghosts of Naismith, Allen, Rupp (yes Rupp, he played there), Smith and Ralph Miller. And we haven't even mentioned Chamberlain, Lovellette, White and the rest.

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    Tue Mar 09 2004

    Those who rate Allen Fieldhouse low are likely those who have no appreciation or understanding of tradition and history. Newer, bigger, and prettier may be appealing to those yet to depart pubescence, however, to anyone with a deep love and understanding of the game, there are few venues with the charm of Allen Fieldhouse.

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    Tue Mar 09 2004

    Allen Fieldhouse is the most storied building in all of college basketball. Take someone that has never been there to a big game sometime. I've done that on several occasions. They can't stop talking about the experience. If you haven't seen a game there, it should immediately go on your list of things you must do before you die. The game atmosphere is nearly a religious experience, if you are truly a college hoops fan.

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    Tue Mar 09 2004

    Anyone who sells Allen short is either being dishonest or has never been there for a game. Sure, you have about four inches of space to claim for your seat, and that seat is old, hard wood. Yeah, it's not full of fancy bells and whistles, it takes forever to get out after a game, and there are some corner seats that force you to duck under beams to see the court. But what matters is how all those people who are packed in interact with what's happening on the court. Any arena can be great when a ranked team or arch rival comes to town. But the truly great arenas are great every night. Allen is one of the rare few that can impress whether the opponent is UCLA or a local, D2 team. The history (Four national championship banners for you haters out there), dedicated knowledgable fans, and consistently good teams make up for anything that's lacking in ammenities. One day a new arena will be built in Lawrence. It might be great, but it will never be as good as Allen.