Alicia Keys
Approval Rate: 87%
Reviews 0
by badgerfan1
Sat Jun 19 2010She is not slutty, but her singing isn't all that great. She can't sing live very well, tries to hard most times, overrated, but I like the fact that she is generous and cares about others and I like some of her music, just would never see her live.
by sultana1
Tue Jun 15 2010Alicia is talented and beautiful. All you haters trying to convince yourselves she's ugly can just eat your hearts out cuz you know it's not true. .
by fb621370910
Fri Nov 09 2007im soo in love with that woman
by bird808
Wed Apr 18 2007Talented, talented, talented and very beautiful. She's never dressed indecently, she's all about making the music rather than the music making her. I thought her first album was good, but I absolultely love the second one "Diary of Alicia Keys", I can't wait to see what her third one has to offer. I don't even think this woman has even scratched the surface of her true talent and potential as I feel she has so much more to give and I see longivity in this girls career.
by lastmessenger3
Wed Sep 20 2006Pretty girl with a pretty voice, music is too one-dimensional, every song sounds the same.
by cwhite329
Wed Jan 18 2006Alicia is one of my favorite R&B; ladies right now along with the likes of Mary J., Mariah Carey, Fantasia and Faith Evans. I love true talent and I think she has it. Her style is unique and I think that's what I'm feeling the most. When she first came out I wasn't a big fan of her first song "Fallen" but I liked her look and style. Then when I heard "A Woman's Worth" I became a hardcore fan. Diary of Alicia Keys just blew me away and I still listen to it like crazy when i'm riding in the car.
by pr1ncefan
by guitar_chick49_3
Wed Apr 06 2005pretty, talented, i love her music. karma was one of her best.
by lexia02d
Sun Mar 27 2005I like her, even though I would never buy her albums. She's pretty and her tushy isn't all plastered on the screen in her videos Beyonce style. The girl's has obviously got talent and I do believe she is just being herself and speaking like other kids in their early 20's. She was valedictorian of her class and graduated a year early, so don't think you have to speak like a harvard grad to be intelligent. Overrated she is but her talent speaks for itself.
by pac1494e
Tue Mar 01 2005Is she really racist? Well, anyway. I wanted to say that I don't care for her music and here are the reasons: 1. overrated 2. something about her I don't like 3. same ol' urban cruddy formula of R&B; I can't stand
by juliet73
Thu Jan 06 2005Alicia is very talented and pretty, but there is something about her that turns me off. I sometimes feel as though she tries to be street , I think she should just be herself. She is also fiercely private, being like that is good, but its hard to relate to a lot of her songs. Whereas with Lauryn Hill, I really feel everything she's singing about. But, I'm not hating on Alicia, she's talented.
by mariusqeldroma
Sun Dec 19 2004McGowan, you seem to have a very closed mind about a lot of things, and it seems that music is another sticking point. Do you listen in depth to anyone you care to bash on first to make sure you're not inserting foot? I have heard some nice tunes out of this artist, and I'm looking forward to hearing more of the same. :)
by kmc9135e
Wed Nov 17 2004She's got talent, long pretty hair, a clear complexion and a fat a**. I would hit that like a homerun in the 9th inning!!
by itsokhesjamaic_an
Mon Nov 15 2004GO ALICIA!
by lalapaulooza
Thu Sep 09 2004Verry Talented!
by fantaci_babe
Wed Aug 25 2004it's funny how many people are jelous of her. i think she is very talented and i love the songs a womans worth and ain't got you she has her own style and can actually play an instrument unlike a lot of musicians who just try to get through with a voice. did i hear beyonce was crap? that came out of envious lips becuz if anyone says 5 grammy's is crap they are harsh jelous. oOoXo ..::melody::..
by akeysondarmx63_0
Tue Aug 17 2004alicia keys is pure talent....and besides..she is my cuzzin!
by spirit510
Tue Jun 22 2004Before I purchased her latest Cd, The Diary of..., I was not a fan. Her singles from Songs in A Minor just did not impress me. But now I can honestly say, she's alright LOL. I mean, she can sing, she's is a classical pianist, she has good rhythm and soul (however manufactured it may be). This latest CD was not half bad. I liked it better than Beyonce's latest which was pure crap. She has an original style no doubt and I've always appreciated someone that doesn't feel it's necessary to flaunt their body, her talent speaks for itself.
by i_am_the_observer
Mon May 10 2004I love your latest song on tv Alicia. 'If I Ain't Got You' is real soul music. They way you can play the piano like that...Normally, the musicians I see on tv lately can only spit out useless phrases and can't even play a musical instrument...but THIS IS: MARVELOUS YOUNG SOUL!!!!! Good going, I'm your new fan! (But I'll buy The Diary later...)
by bugahane
Sun Aug 10 2003Thank God her hit has finally faded away, hopefully she will be off the music scene soon. When she went up to recieve her awards at the Grammys, she speaks like she has a fourth grade education.LOL I guess with the cornrows and ghetto attitude, she doesn't want anyone to know she's half-white. You're cool Alicia.
by mikeholly93
Wed Aug 06 2003Alicia Keys does some very excellent music. She is very skilled with the piano just like Vanessa Carlton.
by jimmyinatlanta
Sat Jun 21 2003She bugs me like that Fugees b***h did. Too much hype too quick. I guarantee you'll never hear much from her again
by cjs133c0
Sun May 11 2003very heavilly influenced by prince, which is not a bad thing, a true true talent, and a natural beauty, she should drop the thugh posing, and accentuate her understaed sexiness
by eugene
Wed Apr 30 2003She is a diva.She rights her own music and she plays the piano.It's important to write your own music as an artist and she is good at it. She does not just mix words together her songs sound good. She has alot of individuality with her sound and style.These days alot of artists that come out look the same and sing the same music but she has something different to offer.I know she will continue to succeed because she has true talent to offer us.
by kikid680
Sun Jan 26 2003Poseur
by scar71
Sun Jan 26 2003alicia off-key, you mean. take those tired corn rows and get packin.
by leslieslink
Tue Dec 17 2002I think Alicia Keys has great potential and wonderful talent. She has a diffrent sound than the normal hip hop/ pop beats.
by ultraalkaline9_9
Tue Nov 26 2002I can't stand her ghetto, chubby self.
by addicted
Thu Oct 24 2002No doubt she's got talent with that astounding voice, but she better hope somebody gives her some decent material to work with if she wants to make it. Her hair is yucky,too- just thought i better mention that!
by timmy3ad
Wed Aug 14 2002Because she can bang out a few minor chords on a piano Alicia (or her fans) thinks she's some kind of R'n'B diva/goddess with real soul. Mediocre at best.
by monty02
Thu Aug 08 2002Overated!! Fallin was her only good song.
by beatles2002
Sun Jul 07 2002ok but overplayed
by liddlebopeep
Fri May 17 2002Gimme a break. Enough with the hype. If Alicia's all that she's cracked up to be so be it. She doesn't impress me.
by teaseress
Thu May 16 2002I think Alicia has a lot of potential. She's been writing her own songs for quite a few years now and has created an outstanding first album that has received critical acclaim. If she can keep it up for the second album, then we now its not a once off thing.
by funnie23fri
Mon May 06 2002youkno she has a pretty voice and is very tallented but to me i feel tht she is how do I put it Getto. i mean the way she speaks public is childesh
by reenyf4b
Mon May 06 2002Alicia Keys is a very talented young woman and I think she will be on the music scene for a very long time. She can sing and play the piano and she has earned some grammys for her work. Quite an accomplishmet for her first album. She isn't bad looking either.
by utvolusn
Tue Apr 30 2002Anybody can put out one good album. Before she can even be spoken about in connection to anybody in the top 100 she's going to have to have a few more albums and a couple more hits. Linkin Park sold more albums than she did but they aren't at the top of the list, because like I just said it takes more than a debut album to be a musical giant.
by alicekeys2002
Thu Apr 04 2002I think Alicia is real great, and her songs just rock more than any of these tennybopper singers who are around at the moment, plus she writes all her songs too.
by lukefrogeater
Sun Mar 31 2002A great voice, and lovely songs. Fallin' may be overplayed now but still her album is very good.
by snoopy
Mon Mar 25 2002My local radio station plays her stupid "Fallen" song over and over again! UGH!!! It's such a dumb, corny song. She does have a nice voice though.