Alex Rodriguez
Approval Rate: 77%
Reviews 0
by sgfsaf
Thu Nov 12 2009A complete player.
by chalky
Tue Feb 17 2009Milo told me about an interleague game b/w the Dodgers and the Rangers where A-Rod used to play. Milo asked him if he ever touched the stuff, and A-Rod shook his head no but the whole thing was that Milo remembered A-Rod not even making eye contact w/him. Maybe it was because Milo was a utility infielder for the Dodgers but in retrospect Milo thought A-Rod just couldn't handle the situation at the time. Needless to say, Milo and A-Rod are not on speaking terms.
by oscargamblesfr_o
Sat Feb 07 20095 stars until the proof is beyond a shadow of a doubt. Purple Lips is a prima donna, but there is no question that he has been a great player.
by astromike
Sat Feb 07 2009Not a fan at all. Just a beaseball fan....The guy puts up what some people call "empty numbers" but they are Hall of Fame numbers none the less. Off the field, he may be a lil on the anoying side, and kind of a drama queen, but he has put up rediculous numbers thus far in his career. Assuming he is CLEAN of steroids, like him or hate him he deserves to get in with those offensive stats alone. Even if he retired today
by nutballgazette
Sat Feb 07 2009He has no chance with the positive Drug test
by james76255
Sat Feb 07 2009He's still young so he has a lot of career left, then five years after that before he is eligible for the HOF. His only chance right now is if attitudes toward players who tested positive change in the next 20 years or so. I'd say that is possible, but not likely.
by minkey
Sat Feb 07 2009I don't know. This morning on CNN they were talking about how Sports Illustrated has proof that Rodgriguez tested positive for steroids in 2003. He had been very clean up to this point. Jose Canseco insinuated that he put A-Rod in touch with his supplier but there was no proof and A-Rod simply denied the allogations. But now with the facts SI says they have he could go the likes of McGwire and Bonds, probably never making the Hall.
by irishgit
Sat Feb 07 2009At this point, the only question is whether he goes in on the first ballot or not. I suspect he does, especially now that he has the benefit of playing in the New York spotlight. Personally, I think the guy is over-rated, but not so much so as to keep him out of Cooperstown. UPDATE: Taking the recent steroid allegations into account, he has at least five to eight years left in his career, barring major injury. There are then 5 more years before he's eligible for election. I strongly suspect that the steroid perception for a lot of players will change over time, given how many are implicated and how spotty the evidence of who is "clean." It will become apparent that selectively eliminating people from the Hall on the basis of suspicion is a dubious concept, particularly because the "clean" players are never proven to be "clean." Remember that it was only a few months ago that Rodriguez was hailed as the drug free successor to Bond's tainted home run record. Now, he too is tai... Read more
by moosekarloff
Fri Oct 10 2008"Get into the groove, so you can prove your love to me." King of the Meaningless Home Run. A $25 million+/year choke artist of the first order. Although he was pretty awesome nearly ten years ago when he played on weaker teams, he's at this point quite possibly the most overrated player ever to play the game. If he weren't so heavily protected in the Yankee line-up, his numbers wouldn't be nearly as inflated as they are. He's the type of streak hitter who'll hit three home runs and drive in 9 runs in one game, but then strike out and continually hit into double plays for the rest of the week.
by badgerfan
Thu Oct 09 2008Obviously. He will probably be named the best player of his generation. He probably should at least. Look at the numbers.
by millarsux
Fri Sep 05 2008Has the stats, but not when it counts.
by lisa5119
Thu Sep 04 2008Best Looking maybe
by ricky_patnaude
Fri Jul 11 2008FAV
by jamie714
Thu Jul 03 2008yankees? come!
by g8rhoo
Sat May 31 2008A-Rod is a great player, no question. I'll go ahead and rate him as "Great" even though I'm sure that Yankees fans are waiting to see him produce in the post-season before bestowing that title upon him.
by fb1064118008
Fri May 23 2008Just call him, "A-Hole"
by sperryc
Fri Apr 04 2008will have 800+ homers if he averages just 30 homers a year for the remainder of his contract with the yankees. even if he weren't a sure thing in the field, that is just mind-boggling.
by trebon1038
Mon Mar 31 2008I know people don't like him...he is arrogant, but he is a good player, or at least was.
by hideouslyugly
Sun Dec 09 2007*Choke*
by oc628ac2
Wed Nov 28 2007There is no debate here. Barring injury he'll probably end up with over 800 HR's.
by nickatina
Wed Nov 07 2007He is too expensive. Signing him to a contract would be like getting a hooker - you give him all your money, and he will make you happy, but he leaves your clubhouse diseased.
by ksyankeefan
Sat Oct 27 2007Future home run champ...
by mbusha79
Wed May 30 2007A-Rod is a beast, i personally dont like the yankees though but who does?
by inkstainedwret_ch
Tue May 15 2007Obvious first ballot selection, even if his career ended today.
by numbah16tdhaha
Mon May 07 2007I'm gonna become an A-Rod fan if Bonds get the Homerun record.
by twitchin_monkey
Mon May 07 2007he gets a 4 because he's a great player and will undoubtedly make the hall of fame. he doesn't get a 5 because i hate him. but something in me starts to pull for him when the yankee fans boo him for striking out, then cheer like he's the best thing ever if he should get a hit or make a play.
by hurricane658
Sat May 05 2007First of all, A-rod is a shoe in hall of famer. Any guy who has an average of .300 or better with 40 + HR's and 120 RBI's every year will obviously make the first ballot he will be on. This guy will play until he is 40 and produce the same numbers, wherever he is, until the day he hangs the cleats up. Another huge asset he has working for him is that his name has never been in the steroid talks.
by momsandpopscal_lmejoe
Tue Feb 27 2007Hes a good player but I dont really know if I can trust this guy. Everything he says/does seems scripted. And he just aint a clutch player. Great regular season stats but can he give ya that clutch hit in a tight playoff game??
by cgreen
Sat Nov 25 2006LOVE A-ROD
by canadasucks
Tue Jun 06 2006A sure-fire first-ballot player. . .and remember, almost any Yankee gets in anyways. . . UPDATE - WHOOPS! Positive-drug result! At this point, baseball records are indeed in dispute because we haven't reached the bottom of the barrel concerning how much or how little records have been tainted by steroids. I'll move this opera-singer from five to four. Voice from the back of the gallery: ("Wot? U changin' ur mind? U cant do dat! Dats FLIP-FLOPPIN'! U cant chage ur mind ever! Evidence? Wots dat? Evidence aint no reason tuh FLIP-FLOP!")
by jamestkirk
Mon Jun 05 2006Slam dunk. ARod is the best and most consistent player in the majors for at least the last five seasons. He is the complete package-great hitter and great fielder. he is obviously better defensively than Jeter, but his character is shining through by not complaining about playing 3B.
by doobiesnhof
Tue May 30 2006Good player but is he worth $25 million per year?
by scoonman
Mon May 08 2006Yes, done deal regardless of his post season struggles. By the time he is finished, he may have the HR record.
by mtbmlb
Tue Feb 21 2006I like him. One of the best all around players in the game today.
by zuchinibut
Thu Nov 03 2005I think ARod is a tool, and I hope that he doesn't perform well every time he comes to the plate. However, despite the pressure that is on him to perform, he still comes in every year and has numbers that are among the lead leaders in the triple crown stats. He has a chance to set some huge records if he continues to play at a high level, and he will most likely be a first ballot type of guy when all is done.
by bino5516
Mon Oct 03 2005One word to describe arod......amazing. This guy switched from shortstop to third and did it without any trouble. Should win the mvp this year and possibly a gold glove. I can only think of one other guy who moved from short to third and his name was ripken. That's pretty good company if you ask me. The guy plays hard everyday and can change a game with one swing of the bat.
by funeddie
Sat Sep 24 2005Good hitter, but is he light in the loafers or ???
by griffeyfan04
Thu Sep 15 2005Alex Rodriguez will finish his career as one of the best players to ever step onto a ball diamond. He can do it all. He's got amazing power and can also hit for average. He can steal a base when his team needs it and his defense is actually underrated. Perennial MVP candidate.
by avalonman96
Wed Aug 24 2005A great shortstop who was forced to 3rd base by the no talent hack Derek Jeter. Luckily for the Yankees that A-Rod transferred his skills over to third with him. And thanks to him, the Yankees are now a dominating, Red Sox destroying team!
by dukesucks
Wed Aug 03 2005A-Rod is a great 3B.
by kingguiness
Tue Jun 07 2005A Rod has not been able to handle the pressure of playing in NY. He has been struggling and has yet to truly earn his fat bucks!
by yankeelover213
Tue May 31 2005I think that you are a very good Baseball player..actually one of the best ones...well you and Derek Jeter!...So you had a shaky season in what? You know I've read a lot of books on you, and know a lot, and know that you can do well on the Yankees and that you derserve to be on the Yankees no matter what people say. You just got to belive and you got me to belive in you, too!
by lil_yankeear13
Tue May 10 2005Alex Rodriguez is one of the best players that are/ever played standing next to Mickey Mantle,Babe Ruth,Roger Maris, and Derek Jeter. I think that everybody who says he just wants a ring and he's only playing for the money....are wrong!Of course he wants a ring (wouldn't you?)And he is like the best baseball player(right now), wouldnt you pay him a lot?!
by jtc022
Sun Apr 24 2005A very good shortstop, offensivly. Defense is another story, he's average defensivly , but definetly not as good as Omar Vizquel in the field.
by eschewobfuscat_ion
Fri Apr 15 2005Is it time for Yankee fans to turn ugly on this guy yet? No, I mean really ugly. When you buy the best all around player in the game, you buy a guy who ought to be able to hit his weight. When you plug a guy into a stronger hitting line-up, his average (and power ratings) should go up, not down, not into the toilet. No more excuses, no more allowances about how tough it is to learn a new defensive position, to go to New York and play, blah, blah, blah. Bring a friggin' bat to work with you and start producing. This guy should be competing for the Triple Crown, not struggling to stay above .265 with the manager thinking: hmm, down one run, runner at first, nobody out. Do you bunt Rodriguez? Start producing or go back to Texas. Or Seattle.
by alpepper
Fri Apr 15 2005Stellar, but Enigmatic. The most productive shortstop in baseball history in terms of batting. 57 homers in a season by a freakin' shortstop -- give me a break. A legitimate shot at 700 homers. Now the enigmatic part, A-ROD leaves Seattle and the Mariners win 116 games. A-ROD leaves Texas and the Rangers go from doormat to contender. A-ROD goes to the Yankees and they commit the BIGGEST CHOKE IN SPORTS HISTORY. It defies logic that a team would improve with the departure of his potent bat, but the acquiring ballclub regresses.
by allstardude1
Thu Apr 14 2005How do you like a guy that needs to have more than 25 million a year( he went to the Yanks for a ring)?
by yankeelova14
Sat Apr 09 2005Ok, so he had a shakey season in 2004, but who wouldn't after moving from Texas to New York. Everybody was watching him like hawks. And plus, he had to adjust from shortstop to third base. I think he's gonna start focusing on his hitting this year and prove to us Yankee fans why he deserves all this cash George is giving him.
by hello333
Sun Mar 27 2005Alex is a wonderful baseball player and he is good with the yankees.
by skizero
Tue Mar 01 2005Probably the best all-around player in the game today. a superb Shortstop(i dont care what he plays now), and a batter who hits for average and power. forget Bonds, A-Rod has a good shot at crossing the 800 homer run marker before he retires. that's Oh territory for you followers of the International game.