Alex Lifeson

Approval Rate: 78%

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    Thu Sep 16 2010

    4stars Great Band with an unmistakable sound... I have seen them live 11 times... His playing is so varied. A good example of his genius on the last tour was an obscure tract from Grace under Pressure... Between the wheels.. Check it out snakes and arrows live...

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    Thu May 20 2010

    Alex Lifeson is not only part of perhaps the most tight ,creative and complex bands ever but he may be the most talented of the three!!! Peart is almost everyones pick as the best rock drummer of all time. Geddy Lee makes anyones top 3 as the best rock basists of all time. This no doubt shadows Lifeson because there are more good guitarists than drummers and basists! Lifeson might not be the best blues player or the best in any specific area. BUT he is better than most in ALL areas. Lifeson is the best all around player I have ever heard in rock. He is in the zone on the new Rush DVD Snakes and arrows live. Check it out!!!!!!!

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    Sun Apr 11 2010

    Alex Lifeson is easily the most underrated guitarist ever. The problem is that because so many people dislike Geddy's voice, they don't like to listen to Rush, which is why they they haven't really heard of Alex and his awesomeness! It's also hard when Neil Peart takes almost all the glory for being one of the greatest drummers of all time. Too bad people are stupid and judge Alex, and Rush for that matter, by Geddy's voice because Alex is one of the greatest of all time. I mean look at the solos for YYZ, Tom Sawyer, Limelight, Freewill, Spirit of Radio, the intro to La Villa Strangiato, and there are too many more. Alex deserves to be on this list. PERIOD!!

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    Sun Oct 19 2008

    Alex Lifeson may be the greatest guitar player of all time. And if anyone doubts that, just listen to the whole 20 minute and 58 sec long 2112 series, it is truly epic!

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    Fri Oct 10 2008

    i've never understood the facination some people have with rush.  worst vocalist i've ever heard and an unbelievably boring guitarist.  outside of tom sawyer, i cannot listen to any of their stuff.  they come off a bit pompous and self serving.

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    Wed Aug 27 2008

    I feel a little guilty about giving him a 1 star because I've never actually been able to stay awake through an entire Rush album.  There may be some interesting playing deep on side two of their records that I've never heard.  So to be safe I'll elevate him a star.

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    Sun Aug 03 2008

    The lead guitarist for Legendary Rock Band Rush is the most under-rated guitarist in music. Anyone can play fast, but Lifeson plays like lightning quicksilver and he does it with heart and originality.

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    Fri Jun 20 2008

    Incredibly gifted guitarist, but wow, his guitar riffs were very complex and to do them Live with such uncanny savour was awesome.  After a few songs though, he does tend to sound the same.

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    Tue May 06 2008

    Lifeson is one of my favorite rythym players. When he switches to lead guitar he is above average. One of my favorite riffs is the opening bars of TOM SAWYER, so powerful it is almost thrash.

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    Sat Mar 22 2008

    diffently one of the best of all time also one of the most underated, Alexs solos are so full of feeling. i am a guitar player my self and he inspired so much. if you just heard of tom sawyer and lime light then you need to listen to more because, thats is not his best work. you must listen to la villa strangiato or xanadu. and if you do listen to la villa strangiato then make sure you go on you tube and see the live version, unbeliveable!

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    Fri Mar 14 2008

    He is the perfect example of a guitarist complementing the band.  And if you've heard Rush, you know that is hard as hell to do.  He creates magic.

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    Wed Mar 12 2008

    Ya, I'm the same guy that gave Petrucci five stars, so obviosly I"m gonna put Alex up there.  He doesn't shred in the mannner that is at all overindulgence yet he has the technical skill to mystify with his speed and accuracy.  If all you've heard is "Tom Sawyer" and "Limelight", then you can not have an honest opinion on this man.  Listen to "La Villa Strangiato" and "Xanadu" and then you will know.  PS  if you didn't have to hold back the tears after hearing "Subdivisions" followed by "Time Stand Still", then you are obviously Communist!

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    Thu Dec 13 2007

    Perhaps not up to the standard of Satriani, but still awesome, and in the top 20 in the world. Of course, you don't really notice his talent that much hidden under Neil Peart's insane drum solos, and Geddy Lee's bass 'wankery' (see Leave That Thing Alone), but he is pretty amazing, and has some of the best chordwork I've seen, as well as some of the catchiest riffs... Big Al rules.

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    Wed Sep 05 2007

    rush couldve spent more time on the songs and less on the wank.

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    Mon Sep 03 2007

    One of the most underrated guitarist s in rock. Very sound player with a diverse array of chops. Just as proficient on a classical guitar as he is with an electric.

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    Mon Mar 19 2007

    So underrated it's sickening.  Neil Peart completely overshadows him when you think of musicianship within Rush...and Peart deserves every compliment.  Lifeson is such a footprint with Rush tracks that as good as Geddy Lee & Neil Peart are at their own respective instruments, it's Lifeson that creates the buzzsaw that carries most of the tracks.  Endless top shelf riffs such as Limelight, Tom Sawyer, Red Barchetta and on and on.  If you're looking for something a bit more obscure to check out listen to Fountain of Lamneth from Caress of Steel.

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    Sat Feb 24 2007

    the sad part is he's not even the best musician in his own band.

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    Sat Feb 10 2007

    Rush is a superbly talented group of three guys. Each one adds their talents to the others to blend into one of the best bands of all time. Alex Lifeson's riffs are non-stop. Even during the melody parts of the song, there are riffs and notes that give new meaning to the music and lyrics. They demand that the listener pay attention, or risk missing something vital to the plot of the song. Not many have a complete understanding of the blues background of rock like Alex.

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    Fri Dec 08 2006

    a very talented musician.great arrangements

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    Sat Oct 07 2006

    The Wet-Dry-Wet rig was invented by this cat back in the 70s before Eddie Van Halen was on the map ... so let's give credit where its due ok? Alex is a true innovstor, and if you can get any prog rock 3 piece with this skill level to sound this huge with a single guitar player filling in over what the bass line and drum room are laying on the bottom, you have a remarkable guitarist and innovator w/o peer in the rock world. One of the greats of the 20th century that influenced everybody who followed barring none. Hats off dude ...

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    Fri Aug 18 2006

    Alex is the most underrated guitarist, sure he probably shouldn't be in the top 10, but at least the top 20.

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    Tue Aug 15 2006

    The best in his field!

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    Mon Jul 31 2006

    Thing about Rush and prog bands in general is that there's no mistaking the quality of their musicianship. Shame that their music is such as load of pretentious, dull and joyless bilge then. Even though Rush are prime offenders, I recognise Lifeson's a decent player.

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    Mon May 08 2006

    He's good, but in the big picture, he shouldn't be in the top 10. Love the sound he got on the Moving Pictures album. Geddy Lee's voice identifies that band and Neil Peart is a monster fo' sho'. If there was a "weakest link" in Rush, it would have to be Alex.

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    Wed Mar 15 2006

    Good guitarist for Rush but not at the top.

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    Fri Mar 03 2006

    I once read an interview with Jimmy Page in which Jimmy spoke highly of Alex's guitar playing. He has a great feel for emotional solos, like Gilmour, but the big difference is that Lifeson can BURN!

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    Fri Feb 24 2006

    fishy stoopy pop

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    Fri Jan 13 2006

    An uninspiring player at best.

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    Mon Jan 09 2006

    Lifeson is beyond AMAZING! Incredible feel and emotion conveyed on the guitar. Lifeson 'paints pictures' with his highly expressive and technical playing, especially with diminished 7th chords and incredible melodic phrasing. One of the best rock guitarists of all time, hands down!