Approval Rate: 44%
Reviews 0
by genghisthehun
Thu Sep 01 2011My wife says I spend too much money on beer and liquor, and I tell her that the more I spend on beer and liquor, the better she looks to me, and the more she can save on makeup and hair products.
by the_drug_czar_slave
Wed Feb 16 2011Alcohol is fun, but dangerous if not taken responsibly.
by badgerfan1
Mon Jun 21 2010I don't drink. It makes me feel sick. I take sips from drinks once is a blue moon.
by jseven
Fri Feb 19 2010One of the definitions of the word addiction is: Habitual psychological and physiological dependence on a substance or practice beyond one's voluntary control. I have seen way more bad than good come from any earthly addiction, the graveyards are full of silent stories from this drug as well as a host of living souls who could share a sad one, not to mention the children that are affected in major damaging ways. Moderation in all things, within reason (not talking heroin, crack etc.) as in SELF control.
by mike_564
Sat Dec 12 2009Mixed with Coke... ok in moderation. Not to be over done.
by jimmymagnet
Wed Sep 30 2009Gotta love the alcohol! You may kill off brain cells, but you replace those cells so what's the big deal?
by pcpeter774
Wed Jul 29 2009I enjoy the effects as so long I don't do it to the nines. Remember there's over doing it and really over doing it.
by natforce7
Sun Feb 15 2009I know this won't be the most popular opinion in the world, but I don't like alcohol at all. I used to drink, and did have some fun times. The drinking parties scene was fun for a while as a teenager to me. But after I got used to what drinking really is, I kinda hate it now. I'll even go as far as to say that I find it repulsive. It makes stupid. It makes you obnoxious. It fucks you up. I'm not really into drugs like that. That's also besides the fact that you can embarrass yourself while drunk and make yourself sick which really sucks. I just don't like it or find it worth it. Even though I will say it can alleviate shyness very well, it also makes you say dumber things when you gain the courage to talk more. Sometimes to the point where you were better off shutting the hell up. I will say I'm also a little bias because I always wanted them to legalize pot and I also think booze is worse than pot. So I got a bit of a beef with booze there too.
by scaryfast
Tue Jan 13 2009I don't mind it sometimes, but I'd prefer weed. I know a lot of people I would like a lot more if they didn't drink. Some relatives and strangers mostly :P
by green101
Tue Jan 13 2009This is probably the worst drug on the planet apart from meth if they were to discover alcohol tomorrow you can guarantee they would ban it of the face of the earth. If you ask me the Saudis have the right idea compared to any other drug its rubbish Its only because its been socially accepted that people find it acceptable If you ask me a drunk is no more acceptable than a crack addict
by sheronda
by elyfoods
Tue Sep 23 2008I have four brothers and one sister. Just so happens that I am the only one who do not have a piercing(s), tattoo, or drink alchol. Yeah, I'm the DD in the family.
by todd_588
Wed Aug 27 2008I love the stuff
by roarofthunder
Thu Aug 21 2008You haven't lived till' you've had a glass of Tequila Sunrise. Don't overdo it, though, or you'll wake up with what may-or-may-not-be human on a flea ridden mattress in an Albuquerque Motel 8. Ugh...
by the_masked_cracka
Tue Aug 19 200810 really
by kimmie254
Wed Aug 06 2008Alcohol leads to drugs... drugs lead to sex... sex leads back to WHATS UR NAME AGAIN!!
by valkyrievoice
Mon Aug 04 2008I abhor alcoholism. I don't ever want to be an alcoholic so I control my drinking of alcohol. There have been times when I've gotten lit, but they have been rare and far in between.
by j269e0f2
by ron334
Fri Jul 18 2008GOOD OL JD
by tiredofevry1
Fri Jul 18 2008Whatever, I'm diggin' it.
by damn_it_its_me_waynefcgngr
Fri Jul 18 2008lol yaa fun shit, i dont drink much but when i do XD
by blinker_fluid
Sun Jul 13 2008This is my other addiction, which i should get help for. But drinking is something i do when im upset or mad or bored or just when im with friends.
by bigfatburt
Fri Jul 04 2008My family has always worked under the principle Never trust a man who doesn't like beer
by god164
Sun Jun 29 2008dont like to drink
by wafflekinglol
Mon Jun 23 2008Alcohols fun for say, about 2 hours, until you fuck up a relationship or knock up a close friend of yours... Moderation is NEVER followed, and thus we have drunks, DUIs, and broken families due to divorces from alcoholics. Fun? Stick with marijuana and wait for about 10 years.... lawmakers are catching onto the Bud Movement.
by alcohol
Mon Jun 23 2008booze....
by antone792
Sat Jun 21 2008NASTY SHIT!
by oo_michelle_oo
Thu Jun 19 2008In moderation. Unfortunately, too many people don't know what moderation means. Too many fights and stupid ideas come from over-indulging.
by k9unitz
Thu Jun 19 2008it can be fun, but really makes me want to throw up just smelling it, plus it's awful for you, smoke weed instead
by george
Thu Jun 19 2008definitly a sociable is a drug!
by susan595
Wed Jun 18 2008Who couldn't use a nice cold one on these hot spring day?
by hot_donna
Wed Jun 18 2008so funny on others, so ugly on me
by 1_phuked_up_guy
Wed Jun 18 2008It's great if you don't plan on going any where. Now tell me why this is legal to use but not marijuana?!
by jamie563
Wed Jun 18 2008Greatest legal fun out there LoL
by courtney364
Tue Jun 17 2008as long as your not driving why not
by nicole_395
Tue Jun 17 2008jack is a good friend of mine..mmmmm
by basicallyhear_tsessie
Tue Jun 17 2008get it crunk bitchZ
by tru_2_mi_boo
Tue Jun 17 2008i personally don't have a big thing for alcohol but i don't mind it it's not really considered a drug to me it's legal and u can get it pretty much anywhere
by mrsbabyluvpayn_e
Tue Jun 17 2008Alcohol, I never abused it, so I guess it's ok. And more than ok if you mix it up with some weed. :)
by meghann
Mon Jun 16 2008There is a time and a place. No drinking and driving!
by elcougar
Sun Jun 15 2008goes well with food. goes well without. not bad. plus it makes me really charismatic.
by cpl_storrs_wife
Sun Jun 15 2008hehe... I like alcohol... except for the hang over part...
by myspace_89662955
Fri Jun 13 2008Got a love it!!!!
by april707
Fri Jun 13 2008i live with someone who is an alcoholic and it runs your life... it alters your mood when you drink and/or get drunk
by myspace_280979673
Thu Jun 12 2008yes, please?
by lui_is_in_dr_from_614_to_73
Thu Jun 12 2008Drinking is the only thing I do and will do anymore.
by janie411
Wed Jun 11 2008Every once in a while is ok
by ariella_bella_hearts11090_7
Wed Jun 11 2008i dont drink much but i love the taste
by lmorovan
Thu May 22 2008Other than a cup of wine two or three times a week with the meal, I hardly drink anything else. Oh, well, an occasional cold beer in a hot summer day.
by lbca09ed
Sun Mar 04 2007its an ugly addiction for those that don't have the self control to handle it. i have a drink on occasion but i could never drink every day.