Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
Approval Rate: 51%
Reviews 21
by twansalem
Fri Sep 26 2008Shortly before Einstein started working on special relativity, physicists working on electromagnetism were starting to realize that Newton's laws just didn't quite work to describe certain aspects of this field. A new theory was needed, and Einstein contributed special relativity.With the proper explanation of the photoelectric effect, Einstein came up with the notion that light was not just a wave, but could be treated as a particle, or a photon. With the concept that a photon has energy E=hf, where h is Planck's constant and f is the frequency of the light, Einstein opened up the way for quantum mechanics. Even though Einstein was never fully convinced of the statistical nature of quantum mechanics, he made significant contributions to the field anyway.While Newton's theory of gravitation describes gravity just fine for our everyday experiences, it can't explain things like light bending around massive stars, or how extremely dense, massive objects like black holes behave. Einstein's... Read more
by hondarider91
Fri Sep 26 2008Chuck Norris once roundhouse kicked Albert Einstein. He is known today as Stephen Hawking.
by iammotivated33_3
Sat Sep 06 2008I believe we all have a genius in us -nobody is born with profound knowlege. If you study at all of the over-achievers in history, then you will see they all had one thing in common. They were extremely passionate about their field. Einstein's exteme passion for science, his consistent question and answer pattern, and science knowledge allowed him to develop theories that changed modern thought. The bible says: "Ask and you shall receive." Einstein was very good at beginning questions with "What if...". He would not let go of a question that did not have a clear answer. I would not be surprised if Albert Einstein was alive today he would challege us to become extremely passionate about a particular field. This would allow us to unleash the genius in all of us. The decision we make every day shape our destiny. His passion, knowledge, and question and answer habits allowed Einstein to make decisions that led him to his destiny as a renowed theoretical physicist.
by nene1722
Wed Apr 09 2008only one man i know, who was, and is, to have a higher IQ, it is beyond your imaginations,,,,, even if you combined all the higher IQ's, no Other than Jesus Christ........ I know most of you are atheist...... But think of it, the creator of the universe, If a scientist invented something definitely he or she knows anything about he invented...... think of it...
by chris1970
Sun Feb 11 2007Others would have come up with Special Relativity and the Photoelectric Effect (soon after he did). But only Eistein had the physical intuition to come up with General Relativity.
by aaron1232
Sat Jul 16 2005im just 15 and i went to see a dokter cos i had to said the skool becos i never wanted to learn he the dokter said i had to make an iq test and mine was 162 he said i have the itellegence to do anything but im too lazy to use it too bad but i always thought i was above other kids why dont u add me on msn so ican proof it [email protected] ...aaron
by i_am_your_father
Tue Jun 01 2004Your stupid
by ilovefootball
Wed Apr 28 2004We would be dead if he didn't discover atomic energy someone would have bombed us and we would be defensless.
by jaywilton
Fri Mar 05 2004Benny Leonard is greater because it is said that only 12 people or at most 12 times 12 the world over understand Einstein, but Benny is understood by tens of millions of people in America. (Yiddish newspaper-The New Warheit)
by zadeh79
Sun Jul 13 2003Remember, IQ is only a cooefficient of capacity. Ability to solve very simple problems- very rapidly, therefore, contain the problems contain almost no depth. Intellectual INTELLIGENCE on the other hand can almost certainly be defined as the ability to solve complex nonlinear problems (although the psychometric community fails to define it entirely). Thus, intelligence can more reasonably be considered as a type of 'efficiency' as opposed to 'speed' (speed theorems dangerously assume that the individual who does the simplest problems quickest can do the hardest ones; with the absencse of a theoretical basis). Power theorems suggest that intelligence is a product of depth in seeing relations- and with some consistency these relations evolve into complex algorithimic networks which provide for high level problem solving (and other fields of intellect) ; essentially 'creativity' is admittedly directly linked to intelligence -by some cognitive scientists and many members of high iq societi... Read more
by getback
Mon May 12 2003Opened the universe to us.A story how you shouldn't believe in everything your teachers tell you about yourself.
by mrkpza14
Mon Feb 17 2003I hope the magority wake up to this guy. Inserting hypotheticals and hypothetical constants into a formular (very unscientific) of which he broke the laws of mathermatics to achive. Most of his claims contry to what they tell you have been proven otherwise (eg. :"nuclear power will never work", "they will never split the atom", "the nuclear bomb will never work". etc.) and most of the ideas atributed to him are really someone elses idea before him (fourth-dimention, black-holes, big-bang, red-shift, etc.). His formular say we can go back into the past and change it and clashes with quantam machanics, chaos theory, thermodynamics, etc. Didn't believe in psychic abilitys, Extra-Terrestrial's and belived that God did not extend behond the Universe. A Promiscuous Social-democratic (socialist who said that patriotism and protectionism are infantile sickness of the mind), Pascifist (who said the Nazi Germany should be nuked). Learnt to say Mama many years late, Never learned how to tie his s... Read more
by crumcon
Mon Dec 09 2002To me is Albert the smartest human ever live till now. But i found a site they claimed Albert IQ was just above 160. It makes me alittle bit mad. They do claimed Albert could raises his brianpower and then could be compared to a human with an IQ of 200. They claimed Albert lags of speedbrain. That was made me mad, because they didnt relize what problems Albert had to solved. We are talking about 'behavior of Nature' which it was darn difficult. The site claimed musician and poem writers has an IQ of above 200! Just look at that! I want to see a musician solves Albert theory! You can not gives musician or poem writers an IQ of 200 that's bullsh**! (excuse me) But albert has alomost solves the entire behavour of our cosmos just like Newton. Ok people that was made me mad. about the site
by refaat
Mon Oct 07 2002A dropout in school, with most of the theory accredited to him not being his.and of those that are his there is more and more evidence being collected against them. Synchrotons for light and partical physics, and 'space' telescopes also for light physics (speed of light, E = mC2).
by ellajedlicka21
Sun Apr 07 2002A genius. His theory of relativity was revolutionary in the nuclear physics world. He was a pacifist and was appalled that the atom bomb was used for such destruction and chaos.
by medgarevers
Wed Oct 24 2001Simply amazing. He learned how complex the simple things in life are, studied it and applied it to the inventions and ideas that have become so important. I read a Paul Harvey story entitled "The Violinist Who Almost Became President of Israel" or something like that. Yes, believe it or not, Einstein played a good violin- holiday carols were his claim to fame before he went into science, and he had the chance to be the president of Israel. And that is the rest of the story.
by priss168301
Mon Sep 10 2001He was the greatest scientist in the whole world! I looooove him.
by sperryc
Thu Apr 05 2001I give him 5 stars for his contributions to the world of science but I think it's depressing that he could NEVER stop thinking about physics, etc. I've heard that he couldn't even ride the train by himself because he'd miss his stop every time due to the fact that his mind was always someplace else. I've never thought of Einstein as an idiot-savant, but maybe that's what he was...
by jamie_qt
Fri Mar 30 2001He was damn smart. He would of invented the computer if he lived in the 21st century.
by v989mark
Thu Mar 29 2001I've heard that Einstein's IQ was about 260 on a IQ test that he helped make, So some people think that his IQ would have really been higher if he had not help make the IQ test he took, they say that his IQ would have really been about 360 if he did not help make the IQ test he took, once again.Just 260 speaks for it self, I hope anyway.
by wiggum
Mon Mar 26 2001How many of us are smart enough to even understand a fraction of what this man contributed to science? Not me, that’s for sure. I understand the basics of his Theory of Relativity, and I can kind of grasp the idea that matter and energy are essentially the same thing, but most of the implications of the theory are beyond me. The idea that the faster an object moves, the slower it ages relative to slower-moving objects? Huh? Anyway, Einstein was the Man. One misconception that seems pretty prevalent is that Einstein did a lot of work on the atomic bomb. He did write a letter to Roosevelt encouraging the U.S. to develop the bomb, and his theories underlie some of the work, but he never worked on the Manhattan Project himself.