Alan Keyes
Approval Rate: 61%
Reviews 0
by chrisjackson
Mon Mar 13 2006Alan Keyes a good man. I hope he is in the presidential primaries again. Maybe he will make it to the presidency someday.
by jackcox
Tue Oct 25 2005Another Right-Wing Nutbar, I honestly have no idea what people see in this fraud.
by edt4226d
Mon Sep 12 2005A shrewd and calculating opportunist who realized early on that if he adopted the ideology of those who have a history of oppression against his own people (and, yeah, I know Lincoln was a Republican a hundred-plus years ago), if he spouted their slogans and appropriated their vitriol and made it his own, if he paraphrased their shop-worn cliches and tiresome rationalizations, he would stand out uniquely in the lily-white Republican party, exploiting them as they exploited him for propaganda value and promotion of the illusion that they are a party of inclusion, and have a viable political career. Lots of money in it too. If you have no shame or conscience, betraying your race can prove extremely lucrative...just ask Condi and J.C. Watts.
by gopmember76
Sat Jul 23 2005GREAT orator. Can go overboard, and frequently does.
by genghisthehun
Wed Jul 13 2005Enough already! Leave us alone!
by planetarygear
Wed Jun 08 2005Knows the Constitution very a Devil Knows the Scriptures kind of way.
by krahall
Fri May 20 2005if crazy gets a 5 rating, go for it. this guy is nuts!
by southparker9
Mon Apr 11 2005Overbearing, articulate, and all around knowledgable. Has lost just about every office he has run for. Great speaker.
by maikuhaiku
Fri Feb 11 2005traitor
by beelzebub
Fri Dec 17 2004A right-wing flake, who tried to carpetbag in Illinois and got his head handed to him by Obama. His career is over, and he is irrelevant.
by maersk
Sun Nov 28 2004as predicted. obama destroyed his worthless ass.
by chalky
Fri Oct 08 2004he's whiter than i am
by burnt_in_effigy
Wed Sep 22 2004What a nut job...
by fierce_pajamas
Sat Sep 11 2004I think he's down by about 40 points in the latest polls. Maybe he should think twice before selling his house and moving to my state.
by truthordare
Fri Sep 03 2004Rumour is, he's black?
by jamesa
Thu Sep 02 2004Don King in a Harvard suit...
by jake_28079
Thu Aug 19 2004> ...[Keyes] wants to make it so Senators are not elected by the people. Hey knuckleheads - ever read the Constitution? Obviously not. Originally, Senators were to be elected by the State Legislatures, but the 17th Amendment changed that in 1913 (a very bad year for the U.S.). Y'all must have bought into the U.S. is a democracy B.S. that they teach in the public (gov't.) screwl system. Wrong answer - the U.S. is not, nor has it ever been a democracy, nor was it ever supposed to be. It was supposed to be a Constitutional Republic, but it isn't that either. The difference between y'all & Alan Keyes is he knows all that & you don't. I can't agree with him on everything, but on fundamental Constitutional issues I sure can, because he's right.
by falconrath
Tue Aug 17 2004Alan Keyes is an individual who wants to keep people from voting. He has thrown his support towards an act which would prevent people from electing their senators. I guess that goes to show he really wants job security for everyone, huh? Furthermore, Alan Keyes has been verified a hypocrite. In 2000, Keyes denounced Hillary Clinton for running for Senator in a state she didn't live in at the time. Keyes, a Maryland citizen, is running for Illinois Senate. He is doing the same thing he yelled at Hillar for in 2000. Alan Keyes is bad news for both Democrats and Republicans, and anyone else who believes in free elections and decent people in office.
by el_coronel_sol_itario
Tue Aug 17 2004His one real platform is hypocrisy and taking control of the government out of the hands of the people. He's doing something he bashed Hillary Clinton for in 2000 (running for office in a state in which he doesn't live), and wants to make it so that senators are not elected by the people. What, exactly, is good about this?
by bazboa09
Tue Aug 17 2004Looking back at all the posts it seems that those opposed to ambassador Keyes have little in the way of articulation substantiating their position. Let me restate my last sentence for those illiterates. You boneheads don't know your ass from a hole in the ground!
by freethrow
Mon Aug 16 2004Alan Keyes for Illinois Senate! Wahoo! We have a leader folks!Illinois Republican Party needs to start completely over and this is the guy to lead the way. Vote Keyes!
by flick01
Sun Aug 15 2004Alan Keyes spent 11 years with the U.S. State Department. He served in the U.S. Foreign Service and on the staff of the National Security Council before becoming president Reagan's ambassador to the United Nations Economic and Social Council, where he represented the interests of the United States in the U.N. General Assembly (1983-85). In 1985 he was appointed Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations (1985-88). He was president of Citizens Against Government Waste (1989-91). Keyes has a Ph.D. in government from Harvard and wrote his dissertation on constitutional theory. He served as Interim President of Alabama A & M University in 1991. He is the author of Masters of the Dream: The Strength and Betrayal of Black America (1995); and Our Character, Our Future: Reclaiming America's Moral Destiny (1996). Alan hosted his own syndicated radio show throughout the 1990s, America's Wake-Up Call and a television commentary show, Alan Keyes is Making Sense during 2002 on MSN... Read more
by jobrown
Tue Aug 10 2004What's wrong with you people!? This man is Satan's helper, a hypocrite and not even from the state he is running in - something of which he was very critical of Hillary Clinton.
by dewaldz
Tue Aug 10 2004Alan Keyes is the neo-fascist cynically selected by a devastated Republican party to oppose a brilliant future president. God knows why Keyes; they had as many as 8 qualified candidates and rejected them all for this idiot!
by lanceroxas
Sat Jul 24 2004Just an absolutely brilliant man and public speaker- probably the best at eloquently defending the right to life of the unborn. Crushed Allan Dershowitz in the most enjoyable debate Ive ever scene. His book Masters of the Dream is a must read.
by gehrig
Sat Jun 19 2004Sure wish he would run... he knows his shizzle
by ttnorm
Sun Jun 06 2004A statesman among politicians!
by jaywilton
Wed May 12 2004Too good and too conservative for his own good.
by sooyiban
Sun Apr 04 2004While not qualified to be president, he's an eloquent speaker and an intelligent man.
by scorp66
Thu Apr 01 2004Oreo
by buckey
Fri Jan 30 2004Uneducated bigot.
by raybo67
Tue Nov 18 2003A voice crying in the wilderness. A voice of wisdom and not-so-common sense. A GREAT orator! Wish he could be cloned!!
by the_real_truth
Fri Nov 14 2003Yippity doo dah...yippity oh my what a wonderful day. Uncle Tom in the flesh. White folk love it when black folk hate that they were born black like Alan does. Why is Alan Keyes so popular among white folk? Because he lies to them and wipes away their guilt. The problem is that the lie doesn't remove the reality of the crime. Go away, Alan.
by chadler
Sun Jul 13 2003A real conservative. The first Black president will definately be Republican because Republicans actually want Blacks to succeed. Bush appoints Black Americans to higher level positions than Clinton ever did, and the Republican party lets people like Rice, Powell and Keyes be heard and do their thing. The Dems, by contrast, put forth such intellectual giants as Jackson and Sharpton because they know they won't win! Even when somoeone like Sharpton runs, the leadership gets Mosely to run so the Black vote will be split and calls Sharpton a joke. The first Black President will definately be someone like Keyes because Republicans let people stand on their own merit, while Dems want to keep the Black vote, and at the same time "Keep 'em where they belong". Look at the economic prison created by the welfare state. It serves two purposes: (1) Keep minorities impovrished by making them dependant and removing the father from the family; (2) Buy the minority vote by looking as if we ar... Read more
by moosekarloff
Fri May 30 2003This guy is frightening. Deranged, raving, crazy muthajumpa. Never learned that politics and religion don't mix, that such a cocktail is undeniably Un-American, but he's not alone in that regard. A strident Johnny One-Noter who should close his trap and actually do something for the people rather than relentlessly promote himself and his mutant agenda.
by wetsack
Mon May 19 2003Alan Keyes is a brilliant man.
by cewilliamsound
Sat Apr 12 2003Alan Keyes speaks the language of the conservative right better then any other candidate that is out there. I greatly admire him representing his views honestly. Our nation needs more politicians of his personal moral charecter. Although I would never vote for Mr. Keyes, I know exactly why.
by ndawg5
Wed Mar 05 2003His politics suck, but man, is he funny. He agreed to jump in Michael Moore's candidate mosh pit with his secretary, listenin' to rage against the machine!!!!!! George bush just said "GET A REAL JOB.Heh Heh HACK!". Long live his personality!
by jtreede6
Mon Feb 24 2003This guy has got his act together! Would be proud to cast my vote for his candidacy. One of the few honest to goodness intellectuals in the Republican Party.
by yrfanab2
Sun Feb 23 2003Alan Keyes had it right when he wanted to go to a national sales tax and lower income tax. The current system of taxing income rather than spending encourages people to earn less and spend more. The Keyes system would encourage the reverse. If he had run more seriously, people would have at least had to look at his ideas just like Perot forced us (especially congressional and presidential candidates) to look at the deficit and the national debt. Count me (a white woman) as a Keyes fan.
by anmalone
Wed Feb 12 2003Alan Keyes is a brilliant, articulate and capable man. He was astounding as ambassador at the UN and as a presidential candidate. His understanding of the problems facing the US is profound based on the nature man and the founding principals of the Republic rather than pop culture bromides. In reviewing some of the screeds about his Roman Catholicism, I find it laughable that a knuckle dragging bible thump still has trouble with the only original and truly authentic Christian church when their choice of creeds constantly breaks in to sillier and smaller confessions. It would be in your best interest to examine the canon and creation of the Bible. There was a Catholic Church before the canon was settled and it was Catholic Church Councils that decided the bible's content. One of Luther, Calvin and Zwingli’s first acts was to eliminate or change the translation of passages in the original canon that disagreed with them. Luther called for the extermination of Baptists while Calvin per... Read more
by gopman79
Sun Jan 05 2003What an honorable man. He is the exact opposite of Bill Clinton, who is basically evil with a tie on. Anybody that thinks that Republican African Americans are evil, really have no idea what they are talking about. They know really what there people need. African Americans need vouchers, not a handout. Alan Keyes knows that. He also knows that not only do African Americans need moral values, but that EVERYBODY needs moral values. I know that if he was our president, he would go down as one of the greatest presidents ever. But unfortuneatly, he has developed an "Uncle Tom" look from some racist liberals. The New York Times, Washington Post, and other newspapers have called Mr. Keyes, Clarence Thomas, and J.C. Watts Uncle Tom's, just because they are conservative. Now that is racism if I ever heard it before, far overshadowing any remark every made by Trent Lott. If anybody were like me, they could see the value that electing a man of great moral, honesty, and people would finally realiz... Read more
by pixieblonde
Tue Dec 24 2002Wonderful conservative candidate! I believe he would be the only Republican candidate I would vote for in the 2004 election.
by benfergy
Tue Apr 16 2002He is quite overrated. First of all, I think the whole "America is going to hell in a handbasket" theme has gotten old quickly, and that's really 90% of his message. More significantly, Keyes is not the moral saint he is made out to be; turns out he takes large amounts of money out of his campaign donations for his personal use(Look it up on the net). Not so perfect after all!
by freceira222
Wed Mar 20 2002If keyes was white/ He'd be president
by shukhevych
Wed Mar 20 2002True patriot and conservative.
by thefreak
Thu Sep 27 2001Alan Keyes---the only black member of the KKK (and that is a JOKE, so don't kill me for it!). I cannot STAND this, this organism! So he thinks he can be president someday, huh? Yeah, and someday, I could convert to Christianity! GIVE ME A BREAK! He should donate his brain to my science class, we're looking for one that would fit on a microscope slide! He thinks blacks should get the best of everything! Yeah, Alan Cheese, I'll give you reparations. Don't know what good it would do your ancestors, they are the ones who would have deserved it, not you, but I'll go put it at their graves anyway. Get the point? Not going to happen! This crazy organism (I won't call him a man, cause he's only about 1/8 human) should be in a MADHOUSE alongside of DUMBYA! Take care, everyone.