Al Gore
Approval Rate: 50%
Reviews 0
by frankswildyear_s
Tue Mar 05 2013So hypocritical that he gets two entries on this list - man that's a lot of power. He sure seems like a windbag. And he is certainly earning a decent living on both sides of the environmental issue according to recent media reports, even selling out his own media interests to a company with ties to the oil industry. But at the same time does everyone who stands up for the environment have to be an organic vegan living off the grid? Does every person taking any position on any issue need to have completely clean hands to speak out? Does any of this even matter? Most of what we are talking about in terms of the environment is the impact of our behaviour over the course of the next few centuries. Centuries. That is a miniscule blip in the earth's timeline. Bugs have been around for a half a billion years, amphibians and reptiles around 300 million, birds 150 million. The last of the dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. We have been walking the earth for around 200,000 yea... Read more
by gaiasalphachil_d
Wed Feb 27 2013"You are hearing me talk"
by michmandrmo
Mon Dec 27 2010comment removed
by pharaoh111
Sat Apr 17 2010Nice guy, pass the plane please.
by zorohem
Tue Mar 30 2010I can't believe that anyone still listens to him...
by ronaldtheriot
Tue Mar 09 2010fraud-fake-Socialist scoundrel-money grubbing lier- Get the drift?
by vikingscool
Mon Feb 22 2010I hate him, because he is global warming scam!
by user92
Fri Aug 14 2009new scientific evidence prove that we are not heading towards a global warming but to an ice age. so this guy is a fraud.
by nubosa
Sat Feb 07 2009Loser! Loser! Loser! And don't forget a flake....and a fruitcake
by jim9713
Thu Oct 09 2008Left wing nut.
by hondarider91
Sun Sep 28 2008It's a shame Bush Jr. got 8 years in the white house instead of Gore. He probably would've rid us of our fuel dependancy and had us driving 50 mpg cars.
by chalky
Wed Sep 10 2008Al Gore is a loser who lost in an election he could've won. He's pretty much a punk. As far as this global warming stuff goes, why didn't he make an issue of it when he was in Clinton's Administration. He takes private planes to give speeches on the enviromnet. gosh
by jfern4be
Fri Sep 05 2008Climate change is an important issue
by christina5856
Sun Aug 17 2008won nobel peace prize based on a movie full of lies
by michael_jenkins
Wed Jul 23 2008He is a hyprocrite
by donovan
Thu Jul 10 2008UPDATE: "Given that Al Gore has no job, he decided to take a sightseeing Vacation to Europe. While visiting Europe, he is invited to tea with the Queen. He asks her what her leadership philosophy is. She says that it is tosurround herself with intelligent people. He asks how she knows if they're intelligent. "I do so by asking them the right questions," says the Queen. "Allow me to demonstrate." She phones Tony Blair and says, "Mr. Prime Minister, please answer this question: Your mother has a child, and your father has a child, and this child is not your brother or sister. Who is it? Tony Blair responds, "It's me, ma'am." "Correct. Thank you and goodbye, sir," says the Queen. She hangs up and says, "Did you get that, Mr. Gore?" "Yes ma'am. Thanks a lot. I'll definitely be using that!" Upon returning home, he decides he'd better put some of his old Friends to the tes... Read more
by stacey372
Wed Jul 09 2008He didn't even carry his own state when he ran for president - what a dork. And let's not forget Tipper trying to take away our rock and roll as children. Bitch made it to where I couldn't buy the Purple Rain Album
by rock1234
Wed Jul 09 2008He is not very exciting but he is committed to the enviornment and other things. I give him credit for trying to make a difference.
by kastriot
Sat Jun 21 2008Half of the developing world is starving because of this mans ethynol hype. His global warming rants were well intentioned. He showed these natives on islands saying they would die because their island would melt and now they have no food because his investments in ethynol are drying up the world food stocks. I only gave him a 2 because I think he had good intentions. Maybe.
by trebon1038
Sun Mar 23 2008What a joke! He is considered a slum lord in TN and lost his own state...
by twansalem
Wed Mar 12 2008Al Gore was once seen as a serious politician. Now it seems like he has been reduced to little more than the butt of jokes about global warming.
by humorbot
Thu Mar 06 2008Oh c'mon, Al Gore knows where it's at!
by guy_dc1b
Thu Mar 06 2008It would take too much co2 to comment on him.
by smb12321
Mon Nov 26 2007No one in TN recognizes the man anymore. He ran for Congress as a pro-life, pro-gun, pro-military, pro-fiscal conservative whose claim to fame was his daddy. When he ran for Pres he discovered that outside the South his views were out of step with the Left wing that controls the primaries. (Odd that the most radical wing of each party controls the very process that leads to nomination.) He's always managed to finesse his resume with his good looks and media savvy: Vanderbilt (horrible grades), military (so-so), Congressman (much ado about nothing), Senator (lackluster), VP (after the REAL VP - HRC (lol) and Pres candidate (a new Al each day). Now he's graduated to elder stateman, dilletante, mansion owner. Will the real Al Gore please stand up?
by teresag
Wed Oct 31 2007Unfortunately for Mr. Gore ~ he IS an INCONVIENT TRUTH!!! If there were no stars, I would give them to him!!!!!!!!!
by flick01
Sun Aug 19 2007Winston Churchill said when he was asked what qualities a politician requires: “The ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month and next year, and to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn't happen.”
by victor83
Wed Jul 04 2007This clown's son was pulled over at 2:15 this morning for driving at more than 100 MPH. He was busted for possession of marijuana and illegal prescription drugs.....go figure.
by gravedust
Sun May 13 2007I love Al Gore. I don't need Comedy Central while he's around. (I just wish that he believed enough in his Warming views to debate someone on stage. As it is, he shys away from any real discussion.
by madmarko
Wed May 09 2007May mean well. BUT he should stick to politics and not try to be a futuristic weather man. Note from earth: I feel fine.....
by chicagoman
Wed Apr 25 2007Should have won the election, but you know who rigged it.
by johncook
Sat Apr 14 2007Gore should be commended if only for raising awareness on global warming. After seeing An Inconvenient Truth, I researched both sides of the argument and was dismayed to find all the disinformation and smoke blown by global warming skeptics. It angers me that people are still arguing about whether global warming is man made or not when the scientific consensus is clearly decided - our politicians should be focusing on solutions rather than haggling over what is already clear.
by rok100
Wed Mar 21 2007If there was even one book in the bible that predicted events with ONE-TENTH the well-documented and startling degree of accuracy of Senator Al Gore, the Reverends Jerry Fallwell and Pat Robertson would be preaching that gospel instead of selling VHS "Clinton Body Count" GOP Propaganda videotapes and "Skinny Jesus" Weight Loss milkshakes. The Republican BIG LIE machine is getting very old and the sound is becoming annoying. If the "conservatives" aren't LYING, then they're dead silent. If their lips are moving, you just have to ASSUME that they're not under oath. NO ONE in their right mind EVER expects a Republican to speak under oath.On the other hand, Al Gore certainly has no problem raising that hand and taking that oath.Just shows to go ya'!
by conservatism
Mon Mar 19 2007I don't really know much about him or maybe there just is not a lot about him. He never impressed as vice president or as the presidential candidate for 2000. He seemd to concerned with the environment.
by 95bravo
Sun Mar 11 2007Al Gore invented global warming. He also invented the internet (his quote). Most of the global warming these days is caused from all of the hot air that is coming out of him. PROOF: All of the glaciers in Tennesee have melted. He is making up for all of this by purchasing carbon offsets from himself. He also needs to purchase gravity offsets to counter the effect of his fat ass on the planet.
by riausa
Sun Feb 25 2007Al Gore is awsome. He knows what's best for the nation. His movie was awsome. Sorry anti- Clinton/Gore people, those eight years where eight succsessful years.
by kentgs
Mon Jan 08 2007great potential
by unam1mous
Mon Jan 01 2007Well, I normally like the Republicans, but Gore deserved to win during his run! He rocks!
by whokilledangel_a
Tue Oct 31 2006At least he respects the environment. I will support a candidate who has his/hers priorities straight. And besides, he was robbed in 2000! He should have been president, who knows, if he had been president instead of moron Bush maybe 911 would have never happened. Vote for Al Gore 2008!
by momsandpopscal_lmejoe
Wed Sep 27 2006This guy is a robot, thats why he lost that election...that and Bush cheated. I will win election...I will fight for you... (smile at camera at .45 degree angle) ...I will support...America...Mission Complete....end transmission
by thomgba3
Fri May 12 2006Narrow minded thinks he know whats best for us all. A walking joke.
by retro1968
Tue Apr 18 2006Al Gore 2008
by mrpolitical
Mon Mar 13 2006He was a pretty decent politician...that is, before he went insane...
by millian
Sat Feb 25 2006hate him