Approval Rate: 86%
Reviews 0
by jamie_mcbain
Sun Jun 17 2007It was ok, I guess.
by grvideos
Sat Oct 15 200595% of these shows in this category are not worth watching.Not much good on television these days.
by avalonman96
Sun Aug 14 2005Absolutely loved this show. Still mad that it was cancelled!
by brayden
Sat Dec 04 2004if you know what this well all of the episodes ive only seen 1 is mail me
by kaylea
Tue Nov 23 2004The intelligent shows always get cancelled.
by dawnsdinos
Sat Aug 21 2004This show is the best thing on TV. It is the only show that I will go out of my way to watch. If I'm not home I tape it. It is the only show I do that for. The first season was good but this second season is unbelievable.
by kingedgee
Sun Jun 06 2004One of my favorite TV Shows. Why was it cancelled? I think due to the fact that it was switched from thursday night to saturday night. People go out on Saturday night and do not necessarily watch TV. Including myself. i always had to tape it and watch it later. It is a shame that show got cancelled with all the garbage that is on TV these days. Email me back with info if you have any at [email protected]
by kylle84f
Fri May 28 2004A really great show, with good actors - especially Jason OMara and Paige Turco. I dont get why CBS cancelled a show that could have been a hit for many seasons, if they had only given it a chance.
by vinnyin
Mon May 17 2004This was a great show. Paige Turco was pretty hot, too.
by thartley
Sun May 09 2004I can't figure it out. The really great shows, that I really like, get cancelled. I really liked the secrets within secrets.
by suncat_nyc
Fri May 07 2004This was one of the most excellent hour dramas I've seen in the past decade. The performances, directing, production and most especially the writing were far above par. I'm sill upset by the cancellation of this show and hope that, somehow, we'll at least be able to get a DVD set, if not some clever cable exec to renew the show.
by ironfist
Thu Apr 22 2004This was a great show. one of the only shows I truly enjoyed! They need to just bring this show back! I really can't believe they cancelled it! The cast was awesome, and was a much better show then CSI and NYPD blue, the two current top shows. And they are good shows, but the Agency was classic.
by jerbear
Fri Apr 09 2004really liked it a lot!
by arodloverus200_1
Sat Mar 27 2004was one of the best shows around!
by allb1c94
Mon Mar 08 2004I miss this great show...
by candyce
Sun Feb 29 2004We really enjoyed this show, and were surprised to find it cancelled.
by aalbers1987
Wed Feb 18 2004I will never understand CBS' decision to cancel The Agency. It had an excellent cast that played off each other well. The show tackled some tough issues, yet managed to have just enough humor to keep it interesting. Worst of all CBS decidedto cancel it in a last minute decision, which leaves us with an unresolved cliffhanger. Shame on you CBS. My two favorites on the show were Jason O'Mara and Paige Turco, I certainly hope we will see them together again soon.
by opinionated_gal
Wed Feb 18 2004The thinking of the TV studios are beyond me. To take an intelligent, interesting and well written show off the air makes me believe that they don't really know what they are doing or maybe all they want is junk to feed the kids
by so_close
Tue Feb 03 2004The Agency was one of few intelligent shows left on television, and CBS really lost a lot of respect from me when they cancelled it. If a show isn't cut to fit their reality-television or CSI spin-off standards, it won't last with them. Granted, I'm as big a fan of CSI, NCIS, etc. as anyone, but the format is becoming all too common. The Agency was different, a good change from the redundancy we're beginning to see more and more of. Its cast was superior, and the plotlines were always interesting--something else that isn't very common. The Agency will forever reside in my list of best shows.
by myersphcf
Sat Jan 31 2004actually called The Agency why why was it cancelled WHY oh yah keep 10-8 going
by lapcat55
Wed Jan 21 2004I can't believe that they cancelled this show especially with the cliff hanger from last year
by joker189
Thu Jan 08 2004it is (was and will always be) the best show ever
by vantassel
Fri Jan 02 2004why? it was sbout to take off with up-to-date because of the war!
by franciswarren
Wed Dec 24 2003Why CBS would cancel Agency is beyond me. It was a winner, a top notch show. someone needs to talk to the guy that is making these decisions. He/she is way off base.
by becky92532
Fri Nov 28 2003Loved the show to bad it was cancelled
by ariadne52
Sun Nov 16 2003Cannot understand why they would cancel this show...there is so much trash out there and this was a very good show...
by wade_bruntjen
Mon Nov 10 2003This show was very well written and great entertainment. WHY?
by lone_star
Sun Oct 19 2003The fans are still waiting to hear why CBS canceled this extremely excellent program. Five stars with no doubt about it! GO AGENCY!
by redelane
Sun Oct 19 2003Best show on television. A reason to stay home on Saturday night! A rather complex show that required your full attention. But then CBS cancelled it and kept many shows of much less quality. No reason to stay home on Saturday night anymore.
by duffer43
Thu Oct 16 2003I loved this show. Jason O'Meara and Paige Turco were great. Can't believe CBS pulled such an idiotic boner by cancelling The Agency.
by kerry_f84
Mon Oct 13 2003Fantastic show! I cant believe it got cancelled. Paige Turco was amazing as Terri Lowell and the chemistry between Stiles and Terri was fantastic.
by tama6746
Sun Oct 12 2003Such a great cast! Fasinating story line. Will Patton is the best!!!!!
by mogloss
Fri Oct 10 2003Please, oh Please bring my Jason (AB Stiles) back! Great television in my opinion.
by ilovetheagency
Sun Oct 05 2003I LOVED this show. I can't believe it is not on TV anymore. Bring back The Agency!
by jcspice1
Tue Sep 23 2003One of the best shows...should have never been taken off the air!
by ebitda
Mon Sep 22 2003Why was this program canceled? Only CBS knows for sure. No one at the network ever explained this act of total insanity - not in a way that the fans would believe anyway. All I know is that thousands of fans were left stranded by lackluster season finale. We are all hoping to see TA come back as a mid-season replacement and we will not give up. CBS or the advertisers/sponsors should check and see that we continue to vote no matter what CBS decides (as of today: Should It Stay On The Air? Yes 16104, No 4604, I Don't Care Either Way 1832). Like the another fans have posted, this is the best show that was ever canceled.
by natakah
Mon Aug 25 2003They really need to bring this show back and rather than cloning CSI a la Law and Order. This was my favorite show on the tube and the main reason I tuned in to CBS
by belindak36
Sat Aug 23 2003Can't believe CBS cancelled it.
by chris_goldy
Sat Aug 23 2003This was (is) one of the best shows I've watched recently. CBS needs to rethink its decision not to renew. Or other networks should snap it up.
by preschoolteach_er
Sat Aug 23 2003Among my favorites of all time. Its too bad CBS, doesn't care about quality television. Maybe we could get 6 more CSI's.
by aliceangel
Fri Aug 22 2003Awsome, nevwer a better show about CIA on TV.
by lawandasan
Wed Aug 20 2003why did CBS just snatch the Agency off without warning. they really messed up saturday night. they, then, had the nerve to put on Hack. what is this???? i hoped the Agency is restored in the Fall and CBS stop trippin'
by rt123327
Sun Jun 22 2003A wonderful show and terrific cast that will be greatly missed. Hopefully CBS will consider it for a midseason replacement in 2004.
by furball441
Sun Jun 22 2003i am 100% addicted to this show!! it is great. i go out of my way to tune in to it. Jason O'mara, Paige Turco and David Clennon are great. I tune in every week to see what will happen next. CBS is crazy for cancelling it! there are so many fans out there who will be mad and heartbroken. (if they do bring the show back, which me and tons of other fans like me are hoping, both terri, stiles and joshua should be kept on. if they write them off, especially terri and stiles, the ratings will go down the drain and they will lose viewers)
by the_doctor
Sun Jun 15 2003Great show. Should be renewed. One of the top five best dramas that CBS has to offer.
by anjelika
Mon Jun 09 2003My favorite show was canceled by CBS. I'm hoping that the network will reconsider its decision. I love this program and all the characters that were created by the wonderful writers.
by hsedwards
Thu Jun 05 2003Cancel the Agency!?! What are they thinkg??? I have to agree with other opinions listed here - cancel Hack and keep The Agency. CBS is the only network I watch - because it HAD the best shows on TV (JAG, CSI, Guardian, Judging Amy, THE AGENCY) - all other networks are crap, but if ABC or NBC pick up The Agency, then I definitely watch it there. Hey CBS, I'm far from the only one making that move. Hack is going down - bigtime!!!