Approval Rate: 79%
Reviews 0
by rmwbauer
Sun Sep 26 2010I used to like Aerosmith a lot more when I was younger, but then I discovered other bands and now I can barely stand to listen to Aerosmith.
by aerokay
Fri May 14 2010I love love love Aerosmith! Practically every song of their is golden!!! Plus, Steven Tyler is 'Drop Dead Gorgeous!!!'
by ayn9b559
Thu Jul 23 2009Typically, I like music a lot louder and a lot faster than what Aerosmith produces. However, I like most of their songs from the 70's to the 90's. 'Just Push Play' and 'Jaded' are the only songs I like from the 00's. Whenever I hear their songs on the radio, I never turn.
by oceansoul
Sun Nov 09 2008Aerosmith is an embarrassment. They are closing in on a 40 year career, and if all their good songs are strung together the yield is about 40 minutes of music. Aerosmith was pointless after TOYS IN THE ATTIC, and are now a parity of themselves. That said, they had some moments and a definite influence on heavy American music.
by fitman
Wed May 28 2008Signed as a backup in case the New York Dolls screwed up (and they did), Aerosmith isn't as bad as their detractors say, nor anywhere near as good as their fans insist.
by rocktrain69
Sun Dec 23 2007I never really was a follower of popular bands, there were far better bands than this, not on this list, such as "Sweet" they were a fantastic band.
by exoticsarah
Tue May 29 2007One of the most original, yet universal bands to have ever walked on planet earth is definitely Aerosmith. When you hear Steven Tyler and Aerosmith, you know it is them singing. What makes them so interesting is the fact that after all of these years, they have continued to maintain their level of performance in their music and bring something new and amazing each time. They also have remained a band for quite a long time without seperating or being torn a part. I definitely believe Aerosmith is a band to value because they have brought something new to the industry. As a result of this, Aerosmith clearly know their role in music and their place in the industry.
by dragonhawk
Wed Mar 07 2007Not one of my favorites, but I have to give them lots of credit for staying out there!
by limpin_trenchfoot
Mon Nov 06 2006Four v good albums - Toys in the attic, Rocks, Permanent Vacation and Pump - a couple of reasonable ones albeit with filler and a fair dosage of downright cack. The BIG mistake was getting in the likes of Diane Warren to co-write those feckin awful power ballads esp the title track to that sh*t meteorite film with Bruce Willis and Liv Tyler. So, 3 stars is fair.
by 2jaded
Sat Nov 04 2006Best band EVER!! And Steven Tyler is the finest man to ever walk the face of the earth! I want to marry him and have his babies! J/K
by skygod
Sat Oct 07 2006Aerosmif Run DMC ... That great African American Band from Boston ...
by angelic_one200_2
Mon Sep 25 2006Here's a band that's WAY UNDER-rated. Aerosmith is classic rock..and they still sound the same.
by tossa42e
Sat Mar 25 2006Only modest talents.
by oscargamblesfr_o
Tue Feb 07 2006Aerosmith were a pretty good band in the mid 70's at a time when there wasn't a lot of good rock coming out, so in my view they are kind of one of those bands that seems greater than they are, and ranks higher than they should, because the competition as far as musical quality goes isn't so fierce. They were kind of at the beginning, to me anyway, the mirror image of the far less known contemporaries The New York Dolls, who were also heavily musically influenced by The Stones, except that Aerosmith sold a lot of records eventually, the two had relatively little in common insofar as what they in fact took from The Stones, and the shortlived Dolls were really never more than a cult act, albeit a quite influential one. On the surface, the Dolls seemed to be part of the glam rock scene, though they really weren't musically, and neither was Aerosmith for that matter. "Toys in the Attic" and "Rocks" were good albums, and they had good tracks scattered amongst their other 70's records, but I ... Read more
by canadasucks
Tue Feb 07 2006Once a 4-star band has slipped into Vegas-crooning territory. . .this band had been ruined by rehab. . .Aerosmith on drugs were awesome ("Train Kept a Rollin"?) Their new stuff is wimply ballad crap.
by blueorchid
Mon Feb 06 2006They're my favorite classic rock musician group.
by deedeedoestyle_r
Fri Jun 17 2005I love old and new Aerosmith. Keep them comming!!!
by kingguiness
Wed May 18 2005Early 70's music was very good and even the 80's stuff was decent. But their newer stuff is awful! Please stop making music!
by guava_monkey
Tue Apr 12 2005On the plus side they had a lot of charisma and cool and made some great hard rock classics -'Rocks', 'Toys..', 'Permanent vacation' and 'Pump'. On the downside they lost the plot a fair old bit just between 'Rocks' and '..Vacation' and after 'Pump' joined up with outside songwriters to produce some pretty dirgesome ballads.
by kattwoman
Thu Apr 07 2005toys in the attic one of the best albums ever
by edt4226d
Mon Jan 24 2005Aerosmith was always a derivative group, but in their heyday, they did the imitation-Rolling-Stones thing as well as anyone (if you're going to imitate anyone, it might as well be the best). I have to agree somewhat with the assessment of Chipper. I'm glad they're clean and sober, but it hasn't done anything for their music (or should I say muzak?). They're practitioners now of soft, commercial pop and the glory days are far behind them. Kind of sad, but then again, they're probably laughing all the way to the bank.
by sfalconer
Wed Jan 19 2005What can you say about Aerosmith they can Rock you to the core and they sooth you with wonderful ballads Steven and Joe are great writers and performers. Great in concert. One of the best true Rock bands of all time.
by chipper
Wed Jan 19 2005Aerosmith was awesome when they were still young and hungry for success.But after becoming clean and sober they turned into a pop band out for the big money. Sorry,but anything after Permanent vacation was pop music...not that raw driving,rocking Aerosmith we loved. That`s the trouble with bands..they get older and wiser and the music mellows out.I wish they would quit pimping themselves out by doing Dodge commercials and others.They are slightly overexposed.
by alexg681
Sat Jan 01 2005Great band. Some great songs in the 70s, 80s, and 90s.
by o0_brittany12_0o
Thu Dec 02 2004Aerosmith is the GREATEST friggin band in the WORLD! Anyone who disses them are motherf*c*ers and should DIE a slow and horrible death! *DEATH TO ALL AEROSMITH HATERS!!*
by darksnake890
Thu Dec 02 2004I agree with oO Brittany 12 Oo, Aeromsith is awesome, he has some of the most legendary songs ever (Dude looks like a lady, Walk this way, Rag Doll). like i said for Bon Jovi, Aerosmith is Awesome!!! WHOEVER DISSES A BAND (espicially one who has been out for so long and is still going) SHOULD TRY GETING ON A STAGE AND LASTING FOR MORE THAN 30 YEARS!!!! well GOOD DAY TO U ALL, OVER AND OUT!!!!!!!!!!!
by dropout88
Thu Dec 02 2004aerosmith rox...enuf said
by djahuti
Sun Nov 14 2004These guys made killer albums until Draw the Line.Yeah,their new stuff sucks,but they can still play their ass off LIVE!!! I'd love to give them 5 stars ,but just can't forgive then for commercial poop like Jamies got a Gun.The new Honkin on Bobo only has 1 or 2 good songs at best despite the potential of these guys doing a whole blues album.
by mad_hatter
Sun Nov 14 2004Aerosmith rules. There albums keep getting better and better.
by chalky
Fri Oct 08 2004if you're corny and white trash then aerosmith is perfect for you.
by meistim
Tue Jun 22 2004Jaded is one the best songs ever! Aerosmith is great. Led Zepplin is left in their dust.
by dmcd641a
Tue Feb 17 2004Great early stuff but everything from their comeback on has stunk.
by beanocook
Fri Feb 13 2004Retire already!
by burntisland
Fri Feb 13 2004They suck. I'm sick of seeing them during Super Bowl and THEY are the reason I didn't watch SB halftime this year and just one other thing....who the hell do theses asses, and Tyler in particular think they are to desecrate TOMORROW NEVER KNOWS which is one of John Lennons masterpieces? Some things you just don't touch no matter WHO you are! Yep, they suck!
by attitudeamit
by starstruck
Wed Aug 27 2003Aerosmith is still here to give us a great rock and roll show, and that alone merits them a 5 star rating, they continue to expand their rock parameters with new rock sounds.In August '02, I saw them for the first time when RUN-DMC opened for them. I was stung by 2 bees, but didn't feel a thing when Run ended and Aero started their set with "walk this way"! My adrenaline was pumping through my veins. Awesome sound/awesome show! On the 31'st of August I'm going to see them and Kiss (5*plus rating!)@ Hershey, so I'm anticipating another heaping helping of earsplitting hard rock! Check out "last child" from their "rocks" album and crank it up!
by kolby1973
Wed Aug 27 2003As I have said before, Aerosmith only ever 'churned' one good song, and that was "Crazy" of the 90's. Other than that single, the band is geriatric and BORING !
by moosekarloff
Mon Aug 18 2003"Dream On" is the only thing worth listening to by these clowns. Noisy, static and moronic drivel best suited for the Junior Set. For anyone who got past the tenth grade, this stuff sounds pretty self-indulgent, thin and yawnsome.
by president_x_d
Tue Aug 12 2003This is the most overrated rock band of all time. Over produced "songs" with entirely too much studio embellishment. Any hit song from this group released in the past 20 years is impossible to play live without massive "studio effects" being piped in. They ALWAYS make some sort of weird noises in their songs, totally impossible noises that cannot be produced without the help of techs in a studio. Most great rock bands write a songs, jam it a few times in garage fashion, then clean it up when they record it to album. Not so here. Their songs are UNPLAYABLE without the assistance of their producers. Non-rock.
by gc_chick_4_lif_e
Mon Jun 16 2003Kick Ass Person and Singer!!! AND IS AWSOME IN CONCERTTTTT
by jasonluver
Thu Jun 12 2003All time greatest band ever! absolutly amazing. I love them so much. Truly wonderful in every way possible, there is no way that I'll ever love a band like I love aerosmith!
by redoedo
Sun Jun 01 2003After all this band has been through, they can still rock! They may not be the best band out there, but I've always enjoyed listening to their music. I espescially love "I Don't Want to Miss A Thing", "Dream On" and "Walk This Way". Rock on!
by rebelyell1861
Fri May 09 2003They suck. The videos with Alicia Silverstone and Liv Tyler are good, but the music sucks.
by dasha12
Tue Apr 22 2003Wow, sure would like to see them live. Well, I can dream can't I ?
by gibsonspecial
Fri Apr 18 2003GREAT BAND!! They have produced some of the best blues-based rock over the years. As musicians, they are probably the best group ever. Kramer is a great drummer, Hamilton has groovy bass lines (penned Sweet Emotion), Whitford and Perry work great together on the guitars, and Tyler is the epitome of rock star-frontman with one of the best voices around. Although they have recently brought on outside songwriters and songs, it's what THEY do with the songs that makes them great.
by sktmps
Sat Mar 22 2003for surviving almost 35 yrs & for being a great live act!
by b_i_t_c_h
Tue Mar 18 2003Long live Aerosmith!!
by niehausapprais_er
Sat Mar 15 2003Perhaps if they went back to drugs they would do interesting music again.
by emvelez
Thu Feb 20 2003Aerosmith totally rocks! I appreciate them more now than when they were young and high. I like them clean and sober! They do not let the grass (ha ha) grow under their feet!
by utvolusn
Tue Feb 04 2003When I came to the music list I expected Aerosmith to be fighting against the stones, the beatles, and Zeppelin for the number one spot. It is disgusting to find the so low on the charts. To see Billy Idol and Crowded House who both had a very short hit span outrank a longevity powerhouse is unbelievable. To all of those responsible for this please don't rate anything else and leave the responsibility up to the people who can handle it. As my sister so often reminds me, Everybody has the freedom of speech but you are abusing the privilege.