Adolph Hitler
Adolf Hitler (April 20, 1889 – April 30, 1945) was Chancellor of Germany from 1933 and Führer und Reichskanzler ...
Approval Rate: 24%
Reviews 27
by frankswildyear_s
Thu May 29 2014I'm going to have to go with a "Robert57 Approved 3 Star Rating" because I'm concerned that giving him 5 stars might be construed by some twisted idiot as an endorsement of his evilness in the current environment.
by gaiasalphachil_d
Wed May 28 2014A Jew, of course, working for the Jewish banker, Max Warburg.
by ridgewalker
Tue May 27 2014Now that I've had some time to think about it, maybe Dan's been right all along. I mean...look at this list; they're all Jewish, right? The only exception might be Jeffrey Dahmer, based on the amount of trief he ate. Sorry, Dan. My apologies.
by venom_addict13_25
Tue Nov 16 2010why would he ever get the thought that it was ok it kill people?!?!?!?! i mean really come on how could he sleep at night knowing that inncoet people were being murdered? and alsos just as a little fun triva who here that reads this which are the aliies and which were we fighting against
by guy_dc1b
Sun Nov 14 2010Cute lovable little fuzzball. Wonder if he was ticklish?
by wolfmantip
Sun Aug 23 2009AW,C'mon, Maybe he needed some TLC.
by gris2575
Sun Aug 23 2009Yes, Hitler and his Mustache are the epitome of Evil. One of countless World Leaders who would Rather kill their Fellow brothers and Sisters. If there is justice (and I like to think there is. ) Then He is giving Stalin a Sponge bath in Hell right now.
by fitman
Fri Jan 18 2008On the eve of his execution, an elite nazi officer - condemned to death for crimes committed as subdirector of the Tarnowitz concentration camp - explains how the nazis achieved their primary goal even in defeat:"Hitler thought he was fighting for a nation, but he was fighting for all nations, even those he attacked and abominated. It does not matter that his ego was unaware of that; his blood, his will knew. The world was dying of Judaism, and of that disease of Judaism that is belief in Christ; we proffered it violence and belief in the sword. That sword killed us, and we are like the wizard who weaves a labyrinth and is forced to wander in it till the end of his days, or like David, who sits in judgement of a stranger and sentences him to death, and then hears the revelation: Thou art that man. There are many things that must be destroyed in order to build the new order; now we know that Germany was one of them. We have given something more than our lives; we have given the life o... Read more
by canadasucks
Thu Jan 17 2008. . .and he ruined the toothbrush-mustache as a fashion statement. . .
by rocktrain69
Thu Jan 17 2008Not only did he kill many (all over the world) and jews, he destroyed one of my favorite trans atlantic liners "The Bremen" winner of the Blue Riband, Yikes! this bastard killed a great liner also, by burning it, and I know for fact he wanted It out of the enemies hands, "his enemy" Bremen and Europa were the pride of germany in the late 20's and 30's.
by vudija
Sat Feb 24 2007Hitler could very well be the spokesperson for this very listing. Anyone who thinks he deserves less than 5 stars might be evil at heart themselves.
by enkidu
Sat Feb 24 2007Most often listed as the "most evil person of all time", but personally I think Stalin was at least as bad, if not a little worse, if you consider total death toll as well as duration of reign of terror.
by ben999
Fri Feb 23 2007I think the senseless murder of nearly 12 million people makes you pretty evil. He deserves more like 10 stars.
by momsandpopscal_lmejoe
Mon Nov 06 2006I once watched The Diary Of Ann Frank and Hitler is a bad mofo. He was pure evil and he hated everyone. What I dont get is this. Hitler didnt like Jews, but some of the appointed officers were...Jewish. He had a bad haircut too and he made Jewish people walk into these giant constructed ovens made for killing people. This guy was truly an evil tyrant.
by johnspina
Sun Nov 05 2006Speaks for itself!
by darrengjohnson
Mon Apr 24 2006What is evil? Evil is when something is missing in someone and Hitler definately was devoid of goodness. Racism is perhaps the sin that leads us to dehumanize one another. We all have managed to dehumanize one another at one time or another, but Hitler made this his life mission. He was evil because he failed to do unto other as he would have them do unto him.
by jerricabenton
Fri Dec 02 2005How did people not give him a 5?
by twinmom101
Fri Oct 21 2005His evil was compounded by his charisma and ability to win power and influence. I maintain that Pinochet, Pol Pot and Amin were just as evil as Hitler, maybe even more so but because of their limited political rule within their own countries, they were not able to instigate the widespead abuses that Hitler did. Hitler wins solely because he had the political power to take his sick agenda international.
by krystaldee
Tue Oct 18 2005scumbag. filty f-ing scumbag
by sfalconer
Tue Oct 18 2005It was asked that some one should stand up for Adolph. Well here it is, he gave dumb rednecks, skin heads and assorted morons a hero figure to look up to. He gave the world a taste of evil that should never be experienced again. With the help of his axis buddies he wipped out a lot of that generations population who's contributions will never be known. The best thing I can say about Adolph is, he gave us good reason to remember our history so that future generations can make sure that his kind are never allowed to commit what this one man did in his far to extended time on the planet.
by kattwoman
Tue Oct 18 2005this horrible man was the king of the evil bastards but he took a cowards way out.
by numbah16tdhaha
Mon Oct 17 2005More genocide. An easy five. UPDATE: Do you lefty crack enthusiasts really think giving ones with no comment to HITLER, possibly the greatest monster of our time, is justified? Look, I know you hate Bush, but their is no way you can honestly think anybody accept maybe Stalin is worse than Hitler.
by sundiszno
Fri Oct 14 2005My five rating for Hitler is not an absolute five - I really think Stalin was worse. There is no doubt that if a hell really exists, Adolf is somewhere in the lowest cesspool. An evil person who surrounded himself with many other "evil geniuses" (Himmler, Goebbels, Heydrich for openers). There's a line somewhere in "The Godfather" to the effect that Hitler should have been bumped off early in the game, and the world would have been spared a lot of grief.
by classictvfan47
Fri Oct 14 2005A true villain in all senses of the word. Come on, he even tried the ol' take-over-the-world plot! He also was responsible for a near racial genocide, the murders of hundreds and thousands of others, and countless levels of property damage across Europe and Asia. Thankfully, he was defeated by the good guys--the Allies, of course--and the "Thousand Year Riech" only lasted a few years.
by louiethe20th
Thu Oct 13 2005He and Stalin and Kahn are about the only ones who deserve on this list.
by szinhonshu
Thu Oct 13 2005It is a sad state of affairs when I have to log a five to raise the rating of Hitler in an attempt to get him to surpass the evil rating of Saddam Hussein.
by tjgypsy2
Wed Oct 12 2005Hard to imagine a more evil bastard, at least in the modern world. Let us hope that no one ever gets close to challenging his title as the "King of Evil"