Addams Family
Approval Rate: 81%
Reviews 0
by ayn9b559
Thu Apr 16 2009Funny that the show, despite being about "freaks," still had the obligatory morals , family values and upright citizen thing of the era.
by ejdiii
Thu Apr 24 2008this show made goth cool! and optimistic! (wow , how that has changed!). gomez and Morticia had that rare chemistry as in get smart and the Avengers. gomezes crazed eyes, orticias seductive slinking around and droll talk. Uncle fester and Lurch where excellent. blows the lame musnsters out of the water, this stuff was well written, great atmosphere as well.
by spike65
Wed Aug 22 2007The Addams Family was aimed to a bit older audience than the Munsters. I remember preferring The Munsters as a kid since it featured cool cars and the monster motif. As an adult I much prefer the Addams Family when watching T.V. Land.
by ahmad12
Tue Aug 21 2007i was in love with morticia. otherwise, not that great.
by jeremy00081
Mon Sep 18 2006Very corny stuff. One and a half stars
by virilevagabond
Mon Sep 04 2006For some reason that I can't really put my finger on, I never could get into "The Addams Family". As a child, I recall watching both this series and its rival "The Munsters", and I always enjoyed the latter better. The Addams clan seemed less animated than the Munsters (who also seemed to have more interaction with the "real world"), but I will admit that this show had more sophisticated humor. The theme song also sounded dated even then when compared to the Munsters almost 60's surf sounding theme. The bottom line is that "The Addams Family" loses stars both based on subjective tastes and in comparisons with other shows on this list.
by candy_kane
Mon May 15 2006Cousin ITT made the show what it was. He/She/It was a riot. Loved the way Morticia slithered around in her tight dress. Uncle Fester was a bit of an idiot though. And Pugsly had no acting ability whatsoever. Wasn't surprised that Wednesday grew up to star in porn. She was very pretty even as a little girl.
by genghisthehun
Sun Jan 08 2006This was based on the New Yorker Addams Family Cartoon. This was a strange but amusing show with the weird characters.
by djahuti
Wed Nov 30 2005A classic with a supreme cast.Much better than the movies made 20 years later!
by cjmyers41
Mon Oct 03 2005"Thing", "Cousin it", "Uncle Fester", American TV icons. I used Gomez's kissing up the arm move..more than once.
by johnsteed
Sat Aug 27 2005tish i love it when you speak french-better than the munsters
by adc103051
Thu May 19 2005Couldn't hold a candle to the Munsters.
by irishgit
Sat Mar 26 2005Very clever, very funny. Makes the Munsters look like the unimaginative crap it was.
by 1sailormoonfa_n
Wed Jul 07 2004In my opinion, The Addams Family beats the Munsters. I love its comedy and tbe cast was awesome! I have always admired Morticia's beauty! And I love Lurch! YOU RANG? yes, Lurch, I rang, and I'll ring some more for the Addams Family on TVLAND!
by rick18
Wed Jul 07 2004Morticia is a HOT BABE!
by ansgard
Tue Jun 08 2004lovely...still like them
by handy16f
Sun Jun 06 2004This is a fun and clever show. I like Uncle Fester and Cousin Itt and Lurch the best. Gomez is very funny. And Morticia is very sexy and beautiful. It's a great cast and great comedy.
by icanrate
Thu Jun 03 2004i always loved the addams family just awesome
by classictvfan47
Sun Mar 21 2004A good, unrealistic sitcom. But, not as good as The Munsters, IMO.
by 4real59d
Tue Mar 09 2004True to the man who inspired it, this program was an early example of entertainment that works on two levels: Funny for the kiddies and campily sexual for adults. Gomez's smile was not just a grimace, it was also a fixed leer. I also enjoyed the sly sardonic undertone in most episodes. And Morticia was a darkly sensual babe, no doubt about it!
by 1313f096
Wed Feb 25 2004The Munsters out rated their rivals 'The Addams Family' in the US TV ratings throughout 1964 - 1966; the years both shows ran for. Sorry Addams Family fans!
by classictvfan50_7
Fri Jan 23 2004The Addams Family is a clever sitcom with great imagination and creativity in expressing characters of sorts and wonderful storylines that one can relate to. This show is almost as good as its revival, The Munsters.
by brianjoseph
Sat Nov 15 2003A good show, especially liked the sets, read an article that said the network sent people out to buy all sorts of bad looking furniture and other wacky stuff for the house.(what a fun job this must have been, go to some used furniture place and tell them you want to buy a bunch of terrible looking stuff for your home!).
by mikeluvslucy
Fri Oct 31 2003I must admit, I do enjoy "The Addams Family" a lot but it isn't as a good as it's sister show, "The Munsters".
by tvtator
Mon Oct 27 2003Very wacky, but very clever and funny.
by moosekarloff
Wed Jul 23 2003Very clever, well-written show. Great Art Direction. The Addams Family had a great house, such alluring decor. Loved those maneating plants in the greenhouse, the doorbell, the cigar store Indian that dispensed already-lit Cubans, Gomez at the controls of his model trains, and especially Cousin Itt. Much funnier and inventive than that cheap knock-off on CBS, The Munsters.
by getback
Thu May 08 2003insane still funny today
by bonnieblue
Mon Feb 24 2003I enjoyed this show as a child - and even more now in reruns, now that I'm old enough to appreciate the passion between Gomez and Morticia ("Meet me in the arboretum.") The rival spooky-family show, The Munsters, was b-o-r-i-n-g dreck by comparison.
by leanne030
Mon Dec 16 2002This show was very entertaining, it is way better than the new Addams family shows that are coming out now a days.
by freakonaleash
Wed Sep 11 2002This show was revolutionary, It was the first show to break out of the mold of 50's sitcoms and actually provide some original content. The munsters were a pale imitation created just to compete, but unfortunatly their writers had no idea how to be spooky and macabe without resorting to clones of classic movie monsters.
by radiogman
Thu Aug 15 2002This is a fun show to watch. I hate to see it compared to The Munsters, two very different shows.
by quincy
Thu Jun 27 2002This show was macabre in ways The Munsters never even imagined. It was so brilliantly hilarious that not even the worst cable remake can taint its memory.
by ajktpt
Mon Feb 04 2002John Astin has always been an extremely "hip" actor.
by becky222
Thu May 31 2001Just the greates fun show.
by mschleisner
Sun May 13 2001yep, uncle fester, so funny, and mr addams was such a great husband, sure wish mine was more like him.
by tntimber
Sun May 13 2001I like this much more than the Munsters!
by castlebee
Sun Apr 08 2001A very wacky, funny show which successfully employed a very unique and sophisticated camp never seen on TV before it came along. In an odd way it also seemed to foreshadow the times just ahead of it the often scarier now campy late 1960's. The Munsters were an obvious attempt to cash in on the success of this much more original show and the writing and acting paled by comparison. John Astin was wonderful as Gomez as was Carolyn Jones as Morticia. It really seemed to be ahead of it's time and I absolutely loved it!
by callmetootie
Thu Apr 05 2001I'm not saying that The Addams Familt is a bad show, but it isn't one of my favorites. I never thought of the show as funny, but imaginative. I rarely see this as it is not seen on Tv Land anymore, but my library has episodes to watch. The show is filled with lots of goofy, slapstick humor, and will appeal to fans of The Munsters.
by kramnor
by markianna
Wed Feb 14 2001The Addams Family was one of the best tv shows ever made. Extremely original and funny! The new versions and movies, just don't do the original justice!
by angel859500
Thu Dec 14 2000I always loved this show! I was like obsessed with it! I thought that each character was hilarious and Perfect! I still smile with fondness whenever I watch it!
by call8629om
Sat Jul 15 2000Grew up Wathing this most times funny show Saw the column in the new Yorker And Still Enjoy It on Nick at night
by alicat
Mon Jul 10 2000I used to like this show. I even had the attention span for the show when it was in black and white but I am not sure why now that I look back on it. I liked cousin It. I really didn't like the Hand. The mom and dad were always malling each other which was kind of gross the way they did it. There were some really weird and twisted sub plots in the show.
by wiggum
Mon Jul 10 2000I just never really got into this show like other people did. I guess it was mildly entertaining, but what's the big deal? Although I do think the Addams Family had some kind of edge over the Munsters, for whatever reason. Maybe it was because the Addams family didn't have to explain why Frankenstein and a vampire would have a werewolf for a son.
by wild8266om
Sat Jul 08 2000It wasn't on long enough but I enjoyed watching the original series for many years. Why they remade this (on Fox) over again is beyond me. Why redo something that was already great!