
Approval Rate: 68%

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    Mon Oct 24 2011

    I can recommend a reputable pharmacy (Adapalene) Good price and quality.

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    Fri Oct 01 2010

    I can recommend a reputable pharmacy (Differin (Adapalene)) I received the order and it was on time and the pills work great.

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    Tue Nov 25 2008

    I've been using differin for the past 6 weeks and it made my acne much worse. My skin was irritated and covered with red inflammed acne. But now I've begin to see a change, my skin is getting better but I don't know for how long. I am taking a vitamins along with it called Biotin (a vitamin for skin, hair,and nails). I don't exactly know what worked faster for me because I begin to see quicker results after the vitamins.So far so good but I wish Differin cleared out acne more because even though there havent been new ones but the old ones are taking a long long time to heal!

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    Sun Aug 03 2008

    im using differin cream with minocycline. still waiting to see results skin has more pimples at the moment but from some of what i read says be patient which im doing. Hard but im really sad 2 say this but im really really vain and always had clear skin till about 6 months ago and worst of all i stared breaking out just a few weeks after going out with my boyfriend! Now i wont see him because its gotten so bad well to me anyways that i wont be seen in public i wont even see my friends who are wondering what the hell happened to me. I really want 2 see my boyfriend so ive been trying everything i went to the doc and got that prescribed 4 weeks ago wish it'd work faster or im gonna loose him! :( anyways ill let you guys know what happens..if any body has any imfo they can share please let me know!

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    Wed Feb 20 2008

    i wrote a terrible review of differin like, a month ago. i take that back. people, you have to be patient. differin takes a long time, but in the end, it does work. at first, i'm like, no way, i'm not waiting this long, it's not even going to work. but it really does. my skin is almost perfect. in the beginning, your face might be dry, red or flaky. but i'm used to it. now, my skin is normal consistency, and blemish free. i've tried proactiv, neutrogena, everything. differin was the only one that worked!

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    Sun Nov 19 2006

    I had mild, annoying occasioanal pimples, particularly on my forehead. As I got into my 30's I expected them to slow or stop. But they actually seemed to get worse. My general practitioner prescribed differin cream. My forehad got much worse. These pimples HURT. They seem deeper, impossible to pop--I know you're not supposed to touch them. But if I don't pop them--they NEVER heal. They just sit there unchanged and red and ugly. My old zits were much smaller and easier to deal with. After 8 weeks, I'm still getting new bad pimples. I give up. I'm trying proactive. At least I can get my money back if proactive doesn't work. And differin costs $100+!!!

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    Sat Sep 02 2006

    At FIRST my acne seemed to be clearing up perfectly after 1 week, than all of a sudden on the 8th day I woke up covered in small, annoying little pimples on my chin, forehead and cheeks. This is NOT what i want to see. I have to go back to school in 4 days, and I sure as hell aren't going out like this!!

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    Thu Jul 27 2006

    I have mild to moderate acne and so far i haven't seen any improvement. I've been on Adapalene for over a month now and i still have acne coming out from the most unusual parts of my face. most of my acnes are deeply embedded. so i decided to take on my dermas advise on taking accutane. but i hope i see improvement in the 2nd month from my adapalene (gel).

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    Sun Oct 30 2005

    Arghh!! is all I can say for this treatment, I have been very persistently using it as instructed for 9 weeks and what an agonising 9 weeks they have been! I have suffered from cystic acne breakouts (worse than usual) ever since I started using it and keep thinking I must be patient as breakouts are considered a normal reaction initially BUT WHEN will my skin clear! Keep hoping my skin will get better after time but I am seriously losing hope and the breakouts are getting unbearable to the point I wish to chuck the damn stuff away! There must be a better alternative--help!

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    Tue Aug 30 2005

    i've been troubled with cystic acne throughout my adult life. this is honestly the only topical treatment that ever worked for me, and i've tried many. differin (adapalene) isn't harsh and does not discolor clothing like benzoil peroxide. it's just a non-greasy cream that actually changed the overall texture and quality of my skin. i use it in conjunction with a low-dose of antibiotics (sulfur-based) and have not broken out for years. amazing. i'm extremely grateful to have found it.

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    Wed Sep 01 2004

    I have been put on differin gel before, but it irritated my face so badly that I ended up just throwing the tube away. Over the past few years after trying EVERYTHING OTC (including ProActiv, which sucked for me, but many other people swear by it), my skin has gotten so terrible that I finally went back to the dermatologist and told him that differin gel irritated my skin, but that I was willing to tolerate flakey, itchy skin to get rid of my acne. He prescribed me the cream this time, and my skin is not irritated at all and is so much healthier looking and feeling. I would definately recommend the cream for people with sensative skin. I just wash with Cetaphil and use SPF 15 everyday, and my skin is so much better.

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    Tue Aug 17 2004

    My derm prescribed differin gel for me about a year ago and at first it really worked but, unfortunately it dried out my skin and irritated the hell out of it. It caused my skin to become VERY red. Next, he switched me to the cream version, which in the beginning was much gentler on my skin than the gel. But, unfortunately it began to irritate my skin and I started developing cystic acne :( I am now on retin a micro which some how isn't nearly as irritating as differin. My skin still isn't perfect but, it is getting better. No major breakouts on retin a micro (been on it for 3 months now) :D Wouldn't recommend differin if you have sensitive/acne prone skin like me.

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    Thu Jul 22 2004

    I've been battling acne for about 3 years now. I was prescribed Differin GEL yesterday. I used it last night and when i woke up this morning, my face was 100 times better. I think the key is not to apply it to your whole face but only to your acne areas. I'm using differin with a birth control called Diane and its working great for me. Even my old spots are lightened. :) I highly recomend trying this but use a very very mild cleanser. I use this once a day at night before i go to bed, and i only use a SMALL amount.

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    Tue Jun 22 2004

    did nothing for me. no improvement to acne and to the unending oiliness.

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    Fri May 28 2004

    Man this junk didn't do crap for me except for make things worse. I had way better results with two weeks on retin-a and minocycline. I was breaking out pretty bad and used Differin for three weeks and it just got worse. I would have stuck it out but the break out was unbearable. I used the mino and retin-a combo for two weeks and my skin got way better. Maybe though the differin got me through the breaking out stage and the combo came just when the gettin better stage came. I don't know but I ain't using that stuff again.

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    Tue May 18 2004

    This helps my acne, but it seems to work slow. It also does not dry or irritate my skin.

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    Wed Feb 25 2004

    This made my acne so much worse. I gave it about 5 weeks and my skin got continually worse. As soon as I went off it, my skin improved with the use of BC pills and Benzaclin.

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    Mon Feb 23 2004

    I have a severe problem with comedonal acne (blackheads/ blemishes) that my doctor has been trying to treat for about 18 months, with various different topical treatments. I had been on Retin A cream for 6 months, which improved the feel of my skin but not the look. Blackhead were still appearing. My doctor also put me on Oxytetracycline 3 months ago. Then I saw a dermotologist - thank heavens! I have now been using Differin gel (NOT CREAM)for a month along with the oxytet. In the last week I have noticed blackheads and blemishes disappearing before my very eyes!! Basically, my derm says I need to be on oxytet at least 6 months and the gel for maybe up to a year. After 2-3 months you will know if it working or not. Differin GEL will work for comedonal acne if taken with an oral antibiotic. If you have GREASY skin DON'T use a cream based treatment. It must be a gel.

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    Sat Dec 27 2003

    I'm only giving this three stars because it doesn't completely control my acne, but it is the best topical medication I have tried. Differin is less irritating than Retin-A or Tazorac, and it is just as effective if not more so. Take it in combination with an oral antibiotic and a topical antibiotic like Benzaclin. Right now I am on Orthtricyclen, Minocyclen, Differin, and Benzaclin for my acne and it keeps it pretty well controlled.

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    Thu Dec 25 2003

    If you have sensitive skin, stay away from the gel- use the cream. Differin does wonders for comedones (blackheads and whiteheads), but it has done nothing for my pustules except healing them faster, and this is going on 10 weeks of treatment. After the initial adjustment period, apply the gel every single night if you have moderate to severe acne. I skipped one night last week, and my skin punished me for it. A good bet if you're faithful, patient, and have only comedones, otherwise don't waste your money on something so expensive that won't help you.

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    Tue Oct 14 2003

    Been using for over a year with antibiotics. Started with Doxycline - 100% results, became immune to it after 6 months, switched to Minocycline 100% results now becomming immune also (12 months). Used Differin the whole time and do not believe it made any major difference at all. It definately didn't help with the cystic lumps coming back each time I became immune to the antibiotics.

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    Tue Sep 02 2003

    I have had persistent mild/moderate acne for four years, I finally saw a derm and was prescribed three meds, one of them was differin, the other two were micocycline and plexion(sodium sulfactemide). It took two months for me to see results from differin, it sheds skin so they dont clog pores, its more gentle than retin-A, and has no odor.(I didnt like retin-A, greasy and smells like mayonnaise). My pores are smaller, and I have FAR fewer blackheads than I used to. I apply it to my entire face every night. It's really not for severe cystic acne, for that you need accutane. I think they could have made it somewhat stronger though. It's a decent med though for mild/moderate acne, it just takes time to see results.

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    Sat Jun 28 2003

    Firstly, all I had were comedones, but a lot of them. Differin in conjunction with minocycline cleared my face completely. However, it's extrememly expensive, but luckly our insurance paid for it and I was able to get it for 40 bucks a tube (instead of 120). After stopping use I started getting zits again, but my mom wouldn't buy another tube. I wish I still had some. It didn't dry out my face at all and kept all my zits uninfected and barely noticable, then they would just work their way out.

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    Wed Jun 25 2003

    Differin worked well initially, but thinking back on it, that was including taking tetracycline orally in addition to the differin. BUT, my continued use of differin to this day is the only thing that is keeping me from grabbing an electric sander out of frustration and rubbing my face until all the acne is gone!!!AHHHH!!!

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    Sun Jun 15 2003

    I have been using differin gel for about 6 months now, it has done a great job clearing my acne. 6 months ago it was getting really out of control and within just a few weeks of treatment it was noticably better! But be patient, with continued use it gets better and better. Also, it has very few side effects! I would recomend this medication for anyone whose acne need help!

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    Sun Jan 26 2003

    Differin did nothing to help with my acne. Believe me, don't waste your time or your money. I would pursue other products first. I went to two different dermatologists and they both prescribed this, so apparently, the drug manufacturer has a strong-hold on the docs. If yours tries to tell you to use this, argue and fight for something else. By the way, I took this in conjunction with two different antibiotics and it did nothing/they did nothing.

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    Fri Jan 03 2003

    well i have only been on the cream for 2 weeks but it has been great!!! i would def recommend it!

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    Fri Jan 03 2003

    If you have sensitive skin this medicine is terrible, it burns like crazy and drys out your skin horribly. My face hurt so much after 3 weeks I did not care if I had acne- you could not pay me to use this again

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    Wed Nov 27 2002

    I have very sensitive skin and found that Differin gel only aggravated my acne by excessively drying out my skin. I tried backing off on it and using it every other night to no avail. I finally stopped using it after 6 weeks of peeling and skin irritation.

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    Tue Nov 19 2002

    Don't try differin. It is the worst topical gel there is, it does absolutely nothing. You might as well put water on your face, because it would make about the same difference. Don't waste your time or money

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    Sat Jul 13 2002

    Differin worked really well with very little irritation to my skin. I would say it's the best to use for sensitive skin. I only have mild comedonic-like acne and I believe differin is better suited for this than cystic acne. I only experienced a little dryness and would reccomend this if you have mild acne.

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    Sat Jul 13 2002

    I've only tried Differin for a short time for a couple of months. I can't say how well it worked because I never went off my Benzoyl perozide regiment. My acne didn't get worse or better.

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    Fri Jun 28 2002

    It did nothing for me. The only thing good to say about it was at least it didn't make anything worse.

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    Fri Mar 08 2002

    I think this is a great product for working on surface acne. I used it for about two years and it did help. I think that if you have secere or cystic acne then this product in conjuction with an oral antibiotic you would see more dramatic results. It's one of the most comfortable topical acne medications.

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    Fri Feb 01 2002

    I have been using Adapalene (Differin) cream for about five months, and it has worked amazingly well. I use it every night as prescribed. Besides preventing acne, it has made my skin look healthier. As for side effects, I noticed some dryness for a week after I began using it. Afterwards, my skin got used to the medication, and ever since, I haven't had any other problems with it. When using this cream, make sure to use a good sunscreen at least SPF 25 because your skin will be very sensitive to the sun. This medication is by prescription only. So please see your dermatologist, and do yourself a favor, stop wasting money on over the counter medications!

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    Mon Dec 10 2001

    I have been using differin gel for over a year now and I think it has been a great treatment. Very few side effects (no excessive drying) and it seems to make my skin look smoother after application, in addition to stopping breakouts from starting and healing existing blemishes. The key is to use it regularly, not just when you start to see a break out. Plus it doesn't smell and isn't greasy. I highly recommend it.

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    Sun Jun 10 2001

    The Differin cream has seemed to help some in the 6 months that I have been taking it. I have been using it conjunction with other methods, however, and it seems to help more in the prevention of smaller comedonic acne, like whiteheads, more than it reduces the number of existing pustule-type acne.

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    Fri Mar 30 2001

    Helps mild surface blemishes, but not deep cystic acne, as it is prescribed for.