Adam Sandler

Adam Sandler

Approval Rate: 79%

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    Sun Nov 22 2009

    I just don't get the humor????????????

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    Thu Jun 11 2009

    I'm giving him a 5 star because he of his old preformences. He was so funny on Sturday Night Live, I expecially liked the skits with him and Chris Farley. His movies latley haven't been great but movies like Waterboy and Mr. Deeds are still funny!

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    Wed Jan 28 2009

    I can only imagine what torture a date with him would be like for the poor woman co-erced or bamboozled into going out with him. Would probably end up with her watching Adam Sandler movies with him at the home theatre he's had installed at his Beverly Hills estate-- Adam nudging her continuously with his elbow as he chomps down Jolly-Time popcorn and drinks Budweiser, guffawing, and saying, "Didja catch that bit there from my film 'Little Nicky' with the great Harvey Keitel and Ozzy Osbourne? Didja just love that accent I used in the picture? Meryl Streep couldn't of done better, I tells ya! Or the hair-style I wore? Harvey...Harvey Keitel; me and him are good friends, y'know, an' he's gonna help me with my serious acting career...I thought Harvey was gonna stroke out he was laughin' so hard when he heard me! I don't care what hoity toity snobs like Roger Ebert fans will always love me! They get it! How 'bout 'Eight Crazy Nights'? Hah? Did'ja see that scene where my cartoon ... Read more

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    Mon Aug 25 2008

    From where in New Jersey did they drag this spawn out of? Screaming like a cabbie is supposed to pass as comedy nowadays? God help you if you think so..

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    Sat Aug 23 2008

    Never seen him do standup. His movies? I enjoyed Happy Gilmore quite a lot. I think kids like him a lot more than adults.

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    Mon Jul 21 2008

    Prob the funniest jewish comedian out there!

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    Sun May 25 2008

    Pretty good at playing a moron; Hollywood always has an opening for reliable slapstick comedians.  Not much good in any other role, hard as he tries.  One or two of his movie remain memorable-Anger Management wasn't bad.

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    Tue Mar 04 2008

    he was better on SNL than in his movies.  I like Happy Gilmore, but that's about it.  I tried to watch Billy Madison again when it came on tv the other day... i had to turn it.  i remember thinking, "when was this ever funny to me?"

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    Tue Mar 04 2008

    One of my favorites. Very funny guy. He plays in a lot of pretty good movies!

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    Mon Dec 24 2007

    better on screen than on stage.

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    Sat Dec 15 2007

    Another hilarious actor - loved him in Mr. Deeds and Billy Madison. I could do without his singing though.

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    Tue Oct 09 2007

    I'm not a fan, but at least his stand-up is better than his movies.

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    Fri Oct 13 2006

    Juvenile oatmeal for morons and dopes.

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    Sat Aug 12 2006

    I would NEVER date him. I always say I like a man with a sense of humor but he takes it to the extreme. Sorry, Adam!

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    Sun Jun 18 2006

    To those of you who think this man is funny, let me explain something. Charlie Chaplin was a talented comedian. W. C. Fields was a talented comedian. Groucho Marx was a talented comedian. Adam Sandler is the Jerry Lewis of the 21st century, neither funny nor talented. If you think he's funny, watch the aforementioned performers; their films are truly, classically funny. If Marx, Fields, et. al. are to be grouped in the same category with a man who has made a career out of yelling and mugging and essentially acting like a mentally-ill chimpanzee, something is wrong. God help us if one day the standards get so low that Sandler will be accepted into the pantheon of comic geniuses. The only mildly amusing thing he has ever done was the Channukah song, and that was a long, long time ago.

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    Tue Apr 18 2006

    I really do not understand why people find him funny. He isn't that talented, and isn't funny.

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    Thu Apr 13 2006

    He's done some funny work. I have laughed during some of his movies, but his last few things were so awful I couldn't get through them...and I haven't seen him do anything in quite a while.

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    Thu Apr 13 2006

    He's a crappy actor on an incredible lucky streak. He plays the same character, pulls the same jokes and makes the same movie in different settings over and over. He's like the Bob Hope of his generation, except Bob was a better comic.

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    Sat Apr 01 2006

    Don't really understand what people see in him. His acting is not consistent and his stand up is only just bearable. The only redeeming creative song was Ode to My Car and then only if it's the radio edit version.

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    Thu Mar 30 2006

    He's pretty funny.

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    Thu Nov 10 2005

    Very funny movies!

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    Wed Oct 26 2005

    Great actor but my only hang-up is that he sometimes talks like a child during his comedic stints.

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    Tue Jun 21 2005

    He has his loyal following, and his juvenile themes are attractive to many.

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    Thu Mar 17 2005

    Not FUNNY!!!!

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    Wed Mar 16 2005

    He is not really good looking, but he is incredibly cute, that already make me wanna date him.

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    Wed Mar 16 2005

    how can you not like this guy.he makes me laugh,thats enough for me

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    Mon Feb 21 2005

    Sometimes he's good. I liked Big Daddy.

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    Thu Feb 10 2005

    He always plays the same type of character-a moron. Kind of gets old after a while.

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    Wed Feb 09 2005

    He is always playing the idiot in every movie he does. Oh and by the way his movies SUCK too!!!

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    Tue Feb 08 2005

    He's funny, but how much longer can he continue to play the same type of character?

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    Sun Feb 06 2005

    Underrated. I love his funny, nit-witted characters. Every movie he's made makes me laugh.

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    Sun Jan 09 2005


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    Sat Dec 11 2004

    He is the same character in every film (with the possible exception of the Waterboy, which, in my opinion, is the only film of his worth watching.

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    Tue Nov 09 2004

    He is usually pretty funny and cool.

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    Thu Oct 28 2004


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    Tue Oct 05 2004

    Adam Sandler is one of the funniest people in the world. And his movies are hilarious.

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    Mon Oct 04 2004

    i love adam sandler. he is not hot, but he is really funny. i think a date with him would be fun. you know he would not play someone else.

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    Tue Aug 24 2004

    Horrible stand-up. Bad movies. Anything I should add?

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    Mon Aug 23 2004

    The guys pretty funny, but his best of adam sandler dvd for saturday night live is pretty dull

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    Mon Jun 28 2004

    Adam tends to play the same character in most of his movies. Little Nicky and Water Boy being the exceptions, but his films are funny and he does a great job in all of them even Little Nicky. Happy Gillmore is my favorite, the concept is hillarious and the scenes with Bob Barker are classic.

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    Mon May 17 2004

    good in movies.

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    Sun Apr 25 2004

    As an actor definitely overrated. He has other talents, but acting isn't one of them. He should reall stick to comedy.

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    Sun Apr 18 2004

    Perhaps the best known actor of the age who never gets many laughs. Most of his movies, not to mention his gags, are unfunny, repetitive and pointless.

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    Tue Dec 30 2003

    I just cannot understand the mass popularity Adam Sandler unless my faith in the masses is downgraded. While he is funny and entertaining in small doses and in supporting roles (as he was on Saturday Night Live), his style is too sophomoric and non-cerebral for my tastes (though I suppose sophomores need their entertainers as well). Anyway, I have given Sandler chances and have seen at least three of his movies, namely Happy Gilmore (1996), The Waterboy (1998), and The Wedding Singer (1998). Of these three, only the latter was of any consistent merit (though an improved screenplay and direction could have made this film better), and both Gilmore and Waterboy had their moments (the former more so that the latter). The bottom line is that Sandler is like lots of music out there; he may be funny while one has less developed tastes, but one normally outgrows it in short order. Perhaps this is due to Sandler pushing quantity over quality (as evidenced by the large number of movies in r... Read more

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    Thu Dec 18 2003

    I have liked a couple of his movies. He plays the same characters in his movies for the most part. I think he is overrated and way overpayed.

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    Tue Sep 30 2003

    Sandler is terrible. All of his movies are the same. His cutsie tough guy thing is so played out it makes me sick.

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    Tue Sep 30 2003

    The only Sandler flick I liked was Happy Gilmore, but the more I see of him the more I think Happy was a fluke. The rest of his movies are in the same vein but most are completely unwatchable. He's not particularly funny and I can live without him.

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    Mon Sep 22 2003

    I like Adam Sandler, but under the category of Dream Date? Are you kidding? That's like putting Rosie O'Donnell up for the men's Dream Date!

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    Thu Sep 04 2003

    As I have already said, he did a string of really good movies, but then he went downhill fast. And it doesn't appear that it is gonna get better. My favorites out of his movies would include Happy Gilmore, The Wedding Singer, and Big Daddy in that order.

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    Mon Jun 23 2003

    Sandler is a good actor and comedian in movies. All of his movies Ive found enjoyable and pretty funny. I liked his preformance in Mr. Deeds the best. I think his best choice would be too stay in movies. Totally different than Bill Cosby.