Acme Juicerator Household Centrifugal Force Juicer

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    Wed Jul 08 2009

    The Acme juicer is the best one you can buy for personal use. I finally bought one after many years of wanting one, but unable to afford it. this juicer is very durable, and I often recommend it to others.

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    Mon Feb 09 2009

    I started juicing, off and on, back in the '70's. I've owned many a Champion juicer over the years as well as numerous centrifugal pulp ejection juicer models. I decided long ago to use my Champion for making nut butter or grinding grain or for juicing certain greens or grasses. But preferred the juice from centrifugal juicers when it came to taste. Unfortunately for me I was just fooling myself all those years into thinking a centrifugal pulp ejection juicer can offer high quality (health) juice products. Something finally clicked in my brain to go out and test an Acme 6001. Well, the first time I juiced with an Acme 6001 I could see what a difference a non pulp ejection centrifugal juicer makes in the final product. The carrot juice is thick, creamy and even comes with a nice head if you allow it to keep juicing the pulp for a minute or so after the product grinding is finished. I gave my other 2 pulp ejection juicers away. Will never use anything but an Acme 6001 for my ... Read more

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    Thu Aug 21 2008

    Acme juicers are made by Waring now as they have been for the past twenty years or so. One can buy the identical juicer as the Waring Commercial, so price shopping may prove fruitful. I'll state that I've used Acme juicers for 30 years and the one I own now I've had for a number of years. The design hasn't changed, though, and my juicer uses the same supplies and parts. Though the Acme appears quite similar to the Omega 1000/9000 series, there is one important design difference. If you look at the photo of the Acme you will see there are no moving arms on either side to hold the lid down. Apparently these arms are an Achilles' heel for Omega owners, breaking over time. The Acme uses no arms. The lid is placed on top of the bowl, then a short twist locks the lid to the side arms. No hanging, moving parts to break, and it's extremely quick and easy and secure. I'm sure when the guys breaking away from Acme decided to essentially copy the Acme design they couldn't take thi... Read more

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    Sat Nov 10 2007

    The 6001 makes fantastic quality juice, without the pulp. I can't stand much pulp, nor can I stand fruits & veggies in general. It can make about 16-24 oz of juice before you have to change the filter. The filters are not 100% mandatory, but if you don't use them, your cleanup time triples easily. So use them. I have a routine in the morning where I can assemble, juice, and clean in about 18-20 minutes. That gives me about 16oz or so of the best quality juice you can imagine. Keep in mind - filters make easy cleanup, keep your fruit/veggies in the fridge overnight before juicing (keeps the blade temp down which prevents the death of the good stuff in your produce before you drink it), and cleanup should happen pretty much right after you juice, or it gets harder to clean. The 5001 has some plastic, and I prefer all stainless-steel, so that is why I got the 6001. No stains long term with the all stainless product. If you hate eating your fruits & vegetables, then t... Read more

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    Thu Apr 12 2007

    This juicer does a wonderful job separating juice from pulp! It will quickly and efficiently juice carrots, radishes, beets, pineapple, apple, strawberries, kiwi, celery, etc. Pros: Quickly turns fruit and veggies into juice, relatively quiet, simple to clean when using a filter, many very good recipes available online. Cons: Can only make about 2 pints before the filter should be changed, can be difficult to clean if you do not use a filter.