Absolut Reviews | RateItAll


Brand of vodka, produced near Åhus, in southern Sweden Website

Approval Rate: 85%

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    Sun Dec 12 2010

    Absolut is a vodka of choice of the Russian community of Bay Area (at least among our friends). And Russians are traditionally considered experts in vodka tasting.

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    Sat Dec 11 2010

    Hey, morons. This is nothing but grain alcohol in a fancy and expensive bottle. Yeah, they have a great marketing campaign, but, hey, so does McDonald's. This is GRAIN ALCOHOL cut with water. If you are using it for mixed drinks (which I assume most of you are), you'd do just as well with Everclear and tap water. Not only will it taste the same, but you'll save money, too... If you want some REAL vodka, try this: http://www.glaciervodka.com/ It's made in America. Don't support the commies.

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    Sat Dec 11 2010

    Absolut is High quality Vodka. Not as expensive as Grey Goose...but just as good (or close). It will not cause you problems the next day like other spirits might. Relatively low hang over side effects from this vodka. My good friend is a retired Judge and this is his "drink of choice" because of these qualities. I would have to agree. They also have some good flavored Vodkas too like Citron (Screwdrivers) and Pepper (Bloody Mary's).

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    Tue Nov 09 2010

    I'm not sure which one was worse, Smirnoff or Absolut, but I remember them both as being emetic in the extreme when taken straight, or in a mix.

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    Tue Aug 17 2010

    Pretty good, This has a wierd aftertaste though

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    Tue Feb 02 2010

    I hate the price tag on Absolut, but I absolutely love how smooth it is. Coming in a wide range of flavors, I love it non-flavored though, but do enjoy Absolut Citron also which goes great with sprite.

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    Sat Dec 05 2009

    God! I was a little short on money the other day, bought a 100mL bottle of this stuff to get me into friday. Just plain horrible tasting vodka, smells of straight rubbing alcohol. Next day went speeding to the state store and bought some Tito's.

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    Sun Nov 22 2009

    There is a reason why I have seen this at college parties. It's all the marketing bs. This is a vodka that has a bad after taste to it. It's kinda like medicine with alcohol in it. It will give you a BAD hangover if you get drunk on it. I have gotten drunk on many vodka's but this one and Smirnoff are 2 of the top ones that will give you a bad hangover. Absolut crap is a better name for this swill.

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    Mon Aug 24 2009

    3.5 is more like it!

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    Wed Aug 19 2009

    When I drink vodka, all I really want is a fairly neutral drink with nothing offensive in the flavor and Absolut delivers that exactly. There are "better vodkas" but since I don't drink vodka straight the extra money would be a waste.

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    Sun Aug 16 2009

    it's a decent mixer, but neat or straight up there are better. it's not outrageously priced by comparison to say, Grey Goose and is about equal quality. it has a burn to it that can be avoided in the same price range, definately not the smoothest and the mouthfeel isn't a highlight either. the bottle is nice though... taste is ** price is ***, rounded up to a *** overal.

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    Thu Jul 23 2009

    Great advertising, great bottle, but the vodka is overpriced and overrated. Seems too many are influenced by the ads, and not really tasting the product.

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    Thu Jul 09 2009

    This is a terrific vodka if you find yourself drinking in the mid 1980's. Seriously, their ad campaign was so emblematic and went on for so long I can't think about this vodka brand, their bottle design, or the weird crypto-swedish spelling of their products without thinking about the 1980's. Could there be such a thing in advertising as "too much success?"

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    Thu Jun 18 2009

    Absolut is good, but it is not amazing. Their advertising campaigns, however, are genius! I think they probably have the best brand name recognition of any vodka. It is relatively smooth and comes in a variety of flavors that are usually pretty decent. The mandarin is a great orange flavored vodka.

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    Tue May 12 2009

    They call it Absolut but there nothing "absolute" about it. The flavor is missing, the color is missing, and now that my room has been robbed...the bottle is missing! I was kind of happy though, because I really couldn't drink it. Works fine as a mixer as long as the other drink is strong like RedBull or Monster. Drink at your own risk.

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    Mon May 11 2009

    This vodka should be rated with potters monarch and gordons... ive tried this vodka more than once and that was THE worst vodka ever. i have drunk vodka throughout europe from very expensive to cheap. If i could get this vodka for free even then i would never take it. it smells like paint thinner, and tastes like it as well.

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    Sat Feb 14 2009

    I list this as a three because, well, its pretty much mid grade vodka. On a budget this is what I use. I usually buy a liter of Absolut 100, I like it a lot. Smooth if mixed. As I said before, if your drinking it straight, then your either a vodka connoisseur or are trying to get drunk, so either way, don't get pissed if this doesn't live up to expectations of what you think it ought to be, you get what you pay for. This is my go to vodka.

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    Sat Dec 27 2008

    Harsh and there's a strong burn.

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    Mon Feb 11 2008


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    Sun Nov 11 2007

    I asked the clerk in the store, which was better between Finlandia and Absolut, he said Absolut. I went home, tried it,,,,and hate it! It tastes like solvent, two hours later after drinking two drinks I had a headache. Absolut probably contains a high amount of congeners. I'll stick with Finlandia.

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    Wed Oct 24 2007

    Pretty decent, but extremely overpriced.  Sorority girls love it.

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    Wed Aug 23 2006

    the most terrible vodka in the world pure alcohol

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    Sun May 28 2006

    In the world of vodka Absolute is aight at best. It is not too bad for such a mainstream vodka but finlandia or ketel one are similarly priced and are much better in my opinion.

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    Wed Mar 15 2006

    vastly over rated and very mediorce- over priced as well by a mile.

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    Mon Mar 13 2006

    Fine for a mixer, especially in a bloody mary which should be sharp and spicy, otherwise this is way too harsh to drink straight. Noticeable burn (1/4) is not supplemented by any taste (2/4), leaving this one destined for the well.

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    Fri Dec 16 2005

    3.5/5.0 We've all had it thanks to their extensive marketing. It is not a bad vodka at all, it mixes well with tart juices, it is ok straight, and doesnt leave me with a hangover. That said, I would have a hard time picking this off the shelf when I can have K1 for the same price. If it werent harsh on the palate, however minimal in comparison to others, i'd give it a 4.

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    Fri Oct 07 2005

    Decent vodka. Okay staight, better when mixed. I do not recommend drinking it as a screwdriver the morning after!!

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    Sun Sep 04 2005

    Had to re rate, after trying Stoli I now realize how bland this is. It's ok for mixing but drank straight it's sterile and flavorless..very boring. It's too expensive for mixing vodka as well...oh well, atleast you get the cool bottle.

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    Mon Jul 11 2005

    Strong vodka, with an equally strong taste, much better to be mixed with orange juice or whatever you prefer.

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    Fri Jul 08 2005

    It's great for taking the paint off your car.

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    Tue Jun 28 2005

    Furniture polish. Low quality furniture polish at that.

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    Wed Mar 02 2005

    Very overated bar vodka that has an aftertaste

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    Wed Feb 16 2005

    over-priced. truthfully tastes no different than your cheap vodkas.

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    Sun Jan 16 2005

    Trendy vodka to drink when you want to seem cool. It's good though.

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    Sat Jan 15 2005

    Both Absolut & Stoli rated superb until other more palatable choices became available.

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    Thu Nov 04 2004

    an ok vodka- a bit overpriced- makes a decent martini- but there are much better for the dollar.

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    Thu Oct 07 2004

    What's Swedish for mediocre product of heavy marketing campaigns? Yep - Absolut!

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    Wed Aug 11 2004

    Good enough for a party.

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    Sat Aug 07 2004

    TOO smoth, might as well drink water.

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    Tue Mar 30 2004

    This is the vodka you drink freshman year of college to feel refined. After you turn 21 and you can buy your own liquor, it's time for an upgrade. About the same quality as Smirnov, but with a higher price tag. Burning after-taste when sampled at room temperature, but it does fairly well when chilled and in mixed drinks. Bottom line: you can do better.

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    Thu Mar 18 2004

    Ok for mixing, but not straight.

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    Sat Nov 22 2003

    For use in specialty drinks, accept no other. The flavored varieties make for wonderful shooters.

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    Sun Jul 13 2003

    This is some of the best vodka on the market. I am not kidding when I say that I love Absolut. It is just so smooth and tastes so good. Absolut is bangin.

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    Wed Apr 30 2003

    It really deserves a 3 1/2 but oh well. For the price you can get better. Go with Skyy it's a little less pricey and much smoother.

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    Sun Dec 29 2002

    About the best compromise of price versus quality in vodkas that I know of. If you do not like strong drinks, or vodka for that matter, you will not like Absolut. But this one is the staple of all the vodka drinkers I know - including me. And Absolut is as good a base as any for a vodka martini.

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    Thu Dec 19 2002

    Great Bottle. Great Promotions with know designers. Great taste

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    Tue Feb 05 2002

    tase great i recommend it if you want vodka!

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    Thu May 17 2001

    Standard vodka taste and slightly over priced for the product inside, but GREAT marketing!