
Approval Rate: 32%

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    Tue May 18 2010

    This is a personal matter something that shouldn't be judged by others. I always find it odd that those against abortion have no further interest in the child once its born. That's when it needs all the help it can get.

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    Tue May 18 2010

    One of those hot button issues that tends to label the writer. Abichara wrote a fine bit in the "gambling string" on politics and morality, which transcended "liberal" and/or "conservative" tags. Abortion is a moral issue. I hate it. Consider it killing. And believe there is no justification for any policy that would allow murder...and I generally vote for democrats...the obligation of a trial attorney.

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    Sun May 09 2010

    I believe it's a matter of personal choice. The very foundation of our country is the freedom or the right to make your own choice. As far as I'm concerned, the government "does not" have the right to control a persons body whether you’re a man or a woman. Besides, I am not the one that is 13 years old and pregnant from some rapist, daddy, or my brother. God knows I don't want to hatch some gargoyle that's going to turn out to be the next Ted Bundy or Jeff Dalmer. Now I know that the "right to lifers" will be pissed off about this comment, but all I see you doing is being "butt-inskis" and I certainly don't see any of you running out to adopt these kids...Like the old saying goes, "If you mind your own business, you won't be minding mine."

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    Sat Sep 12 2009

    Murder. Period. If the man has no say while his child is in the womb then men should have the right to not have anything to do with a child that THEY don't want that the woman wants. Women cannot self impregnate.

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    Mon Jul 20 2009

    It's wrong, it's murder and should never be allowed.

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    Wed Feb 18 2009

    We send the best young men and women of a generation into battle to die protecting the status quo as determined by their elders. We have state sanctioned termination of the lives of those whose behaviour we have deemed unacceptable. We make choices about the allocation of life sustaining resources, medication and healthcare, emergency relief from natural disasters, food and foreign aid. We write living wills specifying when we want people to refrain from providing life saving medical attention. By ‘we’ I don’t mean America, or the West, or Christians, or the good guys, I mean humanity. There are also millions who are killed by their fellow man or their own hand in ways that are not legally sanctioned, murder, suicide, criminal negligence, drunk driving. The unborn are by a long shot not only the examples of society’s lack of regard for the sanctity of life.

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    Fri Nov 07 2008

    Abortion has been legalized in our Country not by the law makers but by a tyrannical Supreme Court decree. The people, when given the opportunity, have overwhelmingly voted against abortion. That is why the sinister elements of society will do whatever it takes not to include the issue in the voting ballots to prevent the people of the Unites States to express their will and opinion. The complacency and cooperation of the law makers is deceptive and a poor representation of the will of the American People. Update: I guess we will now have to be careful when using the word "abomination". It may soon become a "politically incorrect" term and even perceived as hate speech, you know, abomination - obama-nation

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    Mon Nov 03 2008


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    Tue Oct 28 2008

    This shouldn't even be listed under birth control! And with the very long list of possible forms of true birth control I am always amazed at the number of abortions preformed in this country each year. In the end if you are not ready to be a parent and no form of birth control is 100% effective EXCEPT absentience DON'T HAVE SEX! AND NO you won't die because you don't have sex nor will you be physically or mentally harmed if you don't just pissed off and really horny but you will survive.

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    Mon Oct 20 2008

    Although I do agree this is not the subject for birth control... let's please remember there are women on here wanting advice. They are most likely going through a hard enough time as is. They make political and religious blogs for you people who think everything must be a debate. Go watch Jerry Springer or something.I will be honest, I have had one abortion. (I was raped, the baby was not healthy and  I was 16. He who is perfect may cast the first stone.)Yes, for someome that age, it sometimes is the only option. I am here to tell you it is the single most horrible, painful thing you can ever put yourself through. You bleed for a week solid after and you have the worst cramps you've ever had in your life. But there are also other side affects. Emotional ones.When I first had it done I viewed it as a relief. "Wow my life is back..." and such. I thought "Yeah, I'll never regret this." WRONG!! It is a terrible thing to have on your mind. I am a very emotionally stable person, though I've... Read more

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    Mon Aug 25 2008

    Statistics show there are fewer abortions when Democrats rule than when Republicans  have near absolute power.Could this be because there are fewer unwanted pregnancies when government takes a more rational approach to sex education and birth control?UPDATEUPDATE 2

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    Thu Aug 21 2008

    Many of the people who are having abortions are fiscally strained, or too young, or do not have the time to care to care for the child. Those people having abortions cannot face the brunt of having a child. Better, albeit an ultimatum, a child is spared a bleak childhood. Although irresponsibly getting pregnant, and relying on abortion is sick and morally bankrupt.

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    Sat Jun 21 2008

    abortion is evil. Women say, "my body my choice". it's your choice to kill another person? How about we make abortion illegal and the cunt can decide whether she wants to be a whore or not!!!

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    Thu Feb 28 2008

    It's really a bigger issue on message boards and places like RIA than it is a political issue. That's not to say it hasn't been used as a political tool by some. I don't think it will ever be a legitimate issue until someone on the Supreme Court openly states they would overturn Roe vs. Wade, then there will be fireworks. In the unlikely event Roe is overturned the propaganda will flow like water in a mountain stream, and the fact that abortion will return to being a state issue decided on by the people will throw a small twist on debates. Until then, as an issue it's mostly just used for sound bites and hyperbole.On a personal note: I don't understand how anyone can justify abortion as a choice. Everyone who comes here started out the same way in the womb. It's makes me cringe to think some say what is growing in the womb is just something that should be dismissed and wiped out because it is inconvenient, like it's an old tree stump in the yard. I think abortion should be a legal opti... Read more

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    Thu Feb 28 2008

    Abortion is a major issue. The biggest problem these days is that so many people who oppose abortion are starting to think that their cause is hopeless, and that it legalized abortion is here to stay. If too many people have that attitude, then that will become reality. But I think that there is still hope to save innocent lives. If you oppose abortion, you have to vote that way, because  otherwise politicians will stop worrying about the issue, and nothing will ever happen. Overturning Roe vs. Wade is becoming increasingly difficult, but I believe that it is still possible.

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    Tue Oct 30 2007

    How do you rate the decision to have an abortion on a facebook Likert scale?

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    Sun Sep 02 2007

    I do not see where it can be classified as birth control.  Whether the liberal community wants to admit it or not, that life that grows in the mother’s womb is alive and it is a growing human being.  These mothers that go and do this should have thought about what they were doing when their baby was conceived.  I cannot begin to imagine what that unborn child feels during the procedure.  When I see ultrasound pictures of a growing human being, it makes me wonder how someone could make such a horrible decision.  There is a form of birth control that is effective and universally safe.  It is the word “NO.”

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    Sat Aug 04 2007

    This is an issue of morality more than legality. While I hold the view that life is sacred and should not be lightly set aside, I also recognize it is not my place to decide this for another person, or judge their decision. It is something best decided between the woman, her doctor, and God (should He be a factor for that person), and the consequences of the decision are the woman's responsibility to bear. It is a decision that I feel should not be made spur of the moment or without thought. As such, I feel it is not the state's place to say who can or cannot have an abortion, but I do feel it is the state's responsibility to provide for the high quality of care afforded by every other branch of medicine, so that if a woman chooses to have an abortion, they do not do so at risk of life or limb like back in the bad old days of back-alley operations. Proper informed consent on the part of the doctor is also important (meaning an impartial dissemination of the facts).

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    Sat Aug 04 2007

    My body. My choice. Plain and simple. Define human life. Simply breathing, and having a beating heart is NOT LIFE! Life is memories, knowing what love is, having thoughts and actually FEELING! Do you remember anything from in the womb? I barley remember things from elementary school. Fanatical Christians need to realize that their religion doesnt reign over all people. If I'm muslim, should I make all women in america wear those head thingers? If I worship satan, should I have a nationally televised goat sacrafice? So if i'm Christian, should I make all of america suffer because my god tells me that abortion is wrong? NO! People who don't agree with you aren't morally wrong. They were raised differently than you....and as christians you're supposed to accept people and practice forgiveness. Oh wait. That page of your bible must have been ripped out. Does anyone remember what was happening before abortion was legal? Thats right. They were doing it in the street with a bent up hanger. Me... Read more

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    Fri Apr 27 2007

    UPDATED: I can not believe that Animal Rights on this weblist is rated as a higher importance than the rights of an unborn human being. Now don't get me wrong, I love animals but the life of children should be more important. Concerning the issue of rape and abortion: "Studies conducted by Planned Parenthood's Guttmacher Institute indicate that two consenting and fertile adults have only a 3 percent chance of pregnancy from an act of intercourse. They also indicate there are factors involved in a rape which further reduce these chances for rape victims. The Guttmacher Institute says 14,000 abortions per year are due to rape or incest, which amounts to just over 1 percent of all abortions. Other studies show that pregnancies due to rape are much rarer than is generally thought, perhaps as few as one in a thousand cases. Furthermore, since conception doesn't occur immediately after intercourse, pregnancy can be prevented in the great majority of rape cases by medical tr... Read more

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    Fri Apr 27 2007

    Very important.  Hope to see Roe v. Wade overturned one day.  In my opinion you can't have morals and be for killing an unborn HUMAN BEING, simply because it is unwanted.  In cases of rape, incest, or the mother's health, I'd understand, but those should be the only exeptions.

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    Fri Apr 27 2007

    Abortion is still a very important topic for many people. Today many people argue that human life in the form of an ovum and spermatozoon becomes a human person at the time of conception, while others believe that life becomes a human person only after the actual conception. This issue is often raised by the students of medical schools, members of feminist movements, priests, etc. Personally I don’t really care who is right or wrong. I think every woman should have a chance to decide for herself when she wants to have a baby.

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    Tue Apr 03 2007

    Whether abortion is right or wrong I agree it should not be on this list.  Birth control is about preventing pregnancy not how to terminate a pregnancy.

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    Mon Apr 02 2007

    it seems a bit odd to me that rate-it-all is about rating your experience with a product or service and helping to spread the word about side-effects and benefits of such. However, all I see here is a moral debate! I came upon the abortion rate-it as I looked through methods of birth control to hopefully find one that is right for me. I was curious as to what the physical and emotional side-effects of abortion were and was interested in hearing waht those who had had the service performed had to say about it, since you never hear anyone volunteering at a dinner-party to share their abortion experiences. I am thinking about trying to have a baby with my husband and have been avidly researching contraception, pregnancy, miscarriage, cesarean, and abortion, in order to get as much information about what can happen to the female body in such times as i possibly could. but you have all turned this into another moral debate instead of a source of real, un-polluted information. Shame on you! ... Read more

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    Sat Mar 10 2007

    This nation is becoming more worldy everday, it is quite sick.  I believe abortion needs to be stopped and needs to be stopped now.  People, many liberals, complain how people are destroying the environment and how killing murderers is wrong. What the crap, you people want stop and innocent human life from happening, but you know lets save the convicts.  5 star, very important.

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    Sun Feb 25 2007

    What is wrong with our country? We pride ourselves on being the most technologically advanced and morally clear part of the world. We support war if it helps people and then we fall down and support this travesty. Yeah and i know what you will say, you will say something on the lines of: “if you don't support it than don't do it” which is great logic for victim less crimes such as drug use and eating a ninety pound steak but with this issue, there is a victim you morons.The whole “my body my choice” stuff is junk. Here is why: if you think that killing a human because of your control of your own body is okay then is it okay to drive fast without your hand on the steering wheel, it it your body and your choice, not the choice of the countless victims. Another thing is this, don't bring up the stupid claim that it is between a woman and God. Here is why:God does not care, he/she/it created the perfect world where he/she/it controlled things and guess what happened, it broke down because... Read more

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    Sun Feb 25 2007

    Well i think for the people that are against abortion for their religious beliefs should respect other people's religion. just because your religion is against abortion, doesn't mean you should ruin it for the people who believe that an abortion is right. What if there was a girl that saids she is too young to have a baby because no only its against what she believes, but that her body isn't ready to have a baby. Are you going to say its too bad for her? that she can't have an abortion beause its againt your own beliefs? what if she doesn't believe that the fetus is a living soul? if you think about it, vegetarians eat eggs, why isn't that considered a once living soul of a baby chicken?

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    Sat Feb 03 2007

    If you don't want one, then don't get one.

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    Mon Jan 01 2007

    Okay, abortion is just plain wrong!

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    Mon Oct 16 2006

    Something for Pro-choicers and Pro-lifers to concider..... World estimations of the number of terminations carried out each year is somewhere between 20 and 88 million. 3,500 per day / 1.3 million per year in America alone. 50% of that 1.3 million claimed failed birth control was to blame. A further 48% had failed to use any birth control at all. And 2% had medical reasons. That means a stagering 98% may have been avoided had an effective birth control been used. I am a 98% pro-lifer, 2% Pro-choicer, who has no religious convictions at all . I didn't need the fear of god or anything else to come to my decision, just a good sense of what is right and wrong. You see we were all once a fetus. Is it beyond the realm of possibilities that when your mother first learned she was carrying you, she may have considered her options? What if she had decided to terminate? Would that have been OK? You would not exist, if you have children they would not exist, ... Read more

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    Sat Oct 14 2006

    You have a soul upon conception!! Don't kill your child because of your mistake. Everyone makes mistakes, believe and you will get through it. God puts no more on you than you can handle. You just have to believe you can handle it. I had my first child at 18 and would not change it now for the world!!

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    Sat Sep 23 2006

    Our daily 911. All murderers will answer to God.

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    Fri Aug 25 2006

    Abortion should never be entered into lightly. That said, it is a highly personal choice and legislation surrounding the issue must continue to be worded carefully. The idea of abortion as birth control turns my stomach and hurts my heart to think about. Still, I understand the complexity of the issue and the fact that no woman walks away from one unscathed physically or psychically. This is particularly true in the case of medically indicated terminations in which loved and wanted children are found through ultrasound or other testing to be severely ill. Even with the best of intentions it is a Faustian bargain. An attempt to end the suffering of a beloved child by killing a portion of ones own soul. For this reason, it is my hope that this remains a private matter for the woman and her partner. It would be terrible to add a court battle to the already heartwrenching circumstances of some women faced with abortion.

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    Thu Apr 27 2006

    If you do not believe in God and creation then go ahead and check no that this review was not helpful to you because there is no point in you reading any further. I have heard many say that God is going to judge America because of abortion and perhaps he will do so. I think that we miss something, however, when we say something like this and that is that abortion has its own judgement built into it. First, children are a blessing and God meant for them to be a blessing. In Genesis, for example, to be blessed meant to have children and to be cursed meant to be barren. There is something about having children that makes us complete as humans. My wife was barren and could not have children and wanted one so badly and was told by doctors that she could not have a child, but we prayed and God answered and she go pregnant and at 40 she had my son Joshua. She was incomplete without him. She had to be a mother. When a woman chooses to abort her baby she chooses to kill God's blessing ... Read more

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    Sat Apr 15 2006

    Chalky Studebaker (awesome Doug name), the government isn't telling the woman what to do with her body. The government doesn't tell her to sleep around or have unprotected sex. The woman makes that choice, she doesn't have to be in the situation where abortion is an option. However, abortion IS murder. When the basic body shape and brain forms, how can you say that it is anything less than human? Rape issues I reluctantly understand. Nonetheless, frogger is right. Outlawing abortion wouldn't stop it and more dangerous procedures would come about. I know this will raise a few eyebrows, but seeing as we can't stop all abortions, if a woman can't go through with natural birth and adoption and wants to kill her own child at a physical risk to herself, let her do it. Nothing we can do about it. At least a law forbidding abortion would discourage a whole hell of a lot of other people.

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    Mon Mar 13 2006

    This is another vital issue----South Dakota and Mississippi and the extreme right think that by overturning Roe Vs. Wade, women will simply stop getting abortions? Talk about idealism.......the wire hangers will come back. And South Dakota not allowing abortions in cases of rape or incest, to "send a message" to Washington regarding Roe Vs. Wade, is dark ages mentality. What if the daughter of a prominent South Dakota politician got raped at age 14 and was withchild?

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    Mon Mar 13 2006

    Yes the never ending, waste of my tax dollar, crap issue. I understand both sides of the argument. If you can't decide withing the first trimester that you need an abortion, you are a moron. By all means ban late term abortion. I don't care if you like it or not Late term abortions is murder. I think adoption would be more appropriate. I hate this issue! bulldikes and feminist nazis the only rats keeping this issue afloat. don't like my comment go to hell.

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    Tue Mar 07 2006

    I agree with the pill, but this is wrong. It's murder dudes, and it's cruel. What gives you the right to take a life away?

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    Mon Mar 06 2006

    Regardless of one's opinion (I happen to be pro-choice), the US Government has no right to tell a woman what she can do with her body.

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    Tue Feb 21 2006

    I believe in choice to keep things safe but as a birth control method no way....other methods will prevent the abortion.

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    Sun Jan 15 2006

    I think abortions should be available to everyone although I don't see it as a good form of birth control. If it were a form of birth control that would mean that people would have sex whenever they want WITHOUT PROTECTION or after FORGETING THEIR BC PILLS, then just get an abortion every time they get pregnant. That would be very expensive and who would really use abortion as birth control? Well, unfortanetly this IS the case with most abortions. Most people who are pregnant and don't want their baby failed to use their birth control properly or didn't use it at all. This means people need to be MORE EDUCATED about sex and the responsibility that comes with it. However, I still think it IS very important to keep abortion available as an option to people (see next paragraph). Whether a person should get an abortion depends on how they feel about it and what their particular situation is. Anyways, I think abortion should be legal but should also be much more controlled. Right no... Read more

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    Sat Jan 14 2006

    Absolutely wrong in all but one, maybe two cases. When rape occurs, I believe it to be ok. But really other than that, its the womans choice to have sex. Like i've heard so many times- "you can choose your actions, but not your consequences."

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    Mon Dec 19 2005

    Shouldn't even be a political issue.

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    Tue Dec 13 2005

    Life DOES start with the embryo! I know this, because I sure do remember being a fetus. When I was a fetus, I would always get these insane migraines from bumping into the placenta, and they would leave my poor fetal head throbbing for hours after. Normally, rubbing my temple would reduce the pain of the headache, but unfortunately my fetal arms were just too damn short. Man, I hated being a fetus.

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    Thu Nov 17 2005

    This issue is best left to the individual to decide. I'm sick and tired of religion being used as a deciding factor. What ever happen to seperation between church and state? If you are a god fearing individual, follow your religous convictions and don't have the abortion. However, don't force your convictions down someone else's throat. That person may not even believe in god. The outcome is between god and the person that aborted; not you. If you are going to use the murder excuse, let's face it. Murder is murder--be it abortion or killing women/children in Iraq. Let's just cut the bulls--t!

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    Wed Nov 16 2005

    If a sexy woman wants to have an abortion, than a sexy woman is who i want to have an abortion cause it's there choice and that's that. Now, get a life everybody because there's to many babies in the world and the population is too high as it is. Stop with this emotional trash that the baby might grow up to be something special. Who cares. Wiseguy, how so? ahaha abortions are here to stay whether you like them or not.

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    Wed Nov 16 2005

    the taking of any human life is murder. maybe if you're not ready for the possibility of having children, you should simply refrain from having sex. i know...it's a crazy idea, but it's moral. tornado: you've submitted 10 ratings and three of them are about abortion. perhaps it is you who needs to "get a life" and worry about something else.

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    Mon Oct 17 2005

    I find that I believe in a woman's right to choose. And the real issue here is that when a woman finds she is pregnant "unexpectedly", will she choose to do what is right? Now morality enters the picture. Should a woman have the right to kill her unborn baby? Morality would say we do not. God is the giver and taker of life. (The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord -Job 1:21). So for a woman to decide that she is the one who will end this life she knowingly helped to bring about, is the same as if she were playing God. Because we CAN do something does not mean that we OUGHT to do it. Ought is the realm of morality to which God is sovereign. God is the one who defines what is good and what is evil. Ultimately, how you view this issue has much to do with how you view God. Back to choice. A woman has many choices to make and all of them are moral ones. Will she have unprotected sex? We moderns have more safe birth control methods availabl... Read more

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    Tue Oct 11 2005

    Im pro death. Control the population you fornicating hillbillies! We have too many babies now adays...our schools are full and so are our jails! If we keep making children like rabbits eventually we will have to starting eating our young like australians!

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    Mon Oct 03 2005

    I'm neutral. I'm agreeing that some women see it as a form of birth control (which it's not).These are the ones who make repeated visits to the clinic because they don't want to have a kid.If they don't want a kid,then why did they have unprotected smex? On the other hand,there are some that are truly not ready to be mothers (such as young women).They wouldn't be able to cope with all the stress of being a mother.And in some rare cases,an ultrasound (and another procedure that I can't remember the name of)could prove the possible existance of a life threatening problem (deformities,parasitic twins,conjoined twins,disabilities,etc.) for the fetus.Would you rather give birth to a child that might not live past its second birthday,or even past a month;or would you simply prevent the birth from ever happening,for the fetus's sake? And an additional thing. Something is not truly alive until it takes its first breath.Abortion is performed LONG before this ever occurs.And,because it is at... Read more