A Public Option

Approval Rate: 72%

72%Approval ratio

Reviews 14

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    Mon May 10 2010

    In the Netherlands there is a good health secure system. Every person in Holland has to pay for this health insurance. When you are healthy it seems to be unfeair, but for the people who are ill, its necessary. A health insurance system is possible in the USA. My idea is to use a couple of busses as a hospital. You need to rebuild the busses as a first aid place, so you can help the people with health and care. I think that will work to make the insurance premium shrink in situations as a big disaster. A mobile part of the hospital you will drive closer to the point and help people faster. I hope this is usefull for the USA and president Obama. Greetings from the Netherlands! USP4ME

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    Sun Feb 28 2010

    Otherwise known as "health care" in other civilized western nations.. . . . .seen as a problem in America. Fight over crumbs, lemmings. . .if I get sick or a serious problem, I'm moving.

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    Sun Feb 28 2010

    Maybe people just don't want it? UPDATE: I find it fascinating that a tiny question garners the Ds that I seem to have the talent to roll out, yet nobody answers the tiny question. Second time this week, kids. I'm guess on a roll. Anywho, I guess the thing I'm chipping away at is that people want what they want, and the friction that all of this health care stuff brings is connected to the thing that this historic, sweeping reform lacks. Support. That simple. Some people just don't want it. Some have their political stripes to blame or thank, some have economic concerns, but they simply don't want what they see, and what's wrong with that? Are we not in a place built on dissent and disagreement? Are we not in a place that found its voice in hoisting a middle finger to those that thought they knew better in regards to what we needed? People who want this reform pushed through have their reasons, ranging from egos and a place in history to genuine concern for the well being of their fel... Read more

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    Sun Feb 28 2010

    Probably the only real solution to the health insurance issue. What, specifically is wrong with the public option, and why is it no longer on the table? The Wall Street Journal does us the favor of admitting to the real problem (subscription required): http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142405274870398 3004575073863891825900.html?mod=WSJ_Opinion_AboveLE FTTop For those who cannot get it, I will highlight the key part of the article. "Rational Democrats killed the public option because it is hated by the insurers that will be driven out of business by its subsidy advantage, by the doctors and hospitals that will be forced to accept its below-market rates, and by the taxpayers who will get stuck with the bill." Interesting...Medicare and Medicaid currently bill at below market rates. This constitutes a cost-shifting subsidy forced upon by both privately insured people and those with no insurance (by who have money) who are then forced to pay for the insurance of others. Thi... Read more

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    Sun Feb 28 2010

    The result of any plan purposed (insert new name here) by the statists will end up being single payer. That is the desired outcome. There is ample evidence of it. How many programs do you know of that have been underfunded? Thats right...most every one. Programs that are dwarfs in comparison to the monstrosity's being bandied about for the last year. I still maintain that if the gov. can't successfully deliver a package, how do you expect them to manage health care? I have yet to get one solid answer to that question.

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    Sun Sep 13 2009

    Americans deserve better than they have now.

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    Sat Sep 12 2009

    Medicare and Social security may not be perfect,but they're better than NOTHING ,and that's what many people (and their children) have.

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    Sat Sep 12 2009

    As long as it doesn't interfere with my private insurance I'm all for it.

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    Sat Sep 12 2009

    We need a public option to stop the greedy, high way robbery tactics of big insurance companies. We are the only industrialized nation on earth which does not offer health care for free or for at very reasonable rates for its citizens. It's easy to say "GET A JOB" to someone who does not have health care, until that person is terminated from their job themself. I hope president Obama can pass some form of a public option through the congress!

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    Fri Sep 11 2009

    I believe that the government option is a ploy by the Democrats and will ultimately fail. I believe it's a ploy because you're not going to see a public option. You are going to see an attempt at a public option that the Democrats want you to think that they fought hard for but the Democrats knew all along that it wouldn't succeed. Dems want you to think that they're the good guys. In reality, they're the same fuckers as the Republicans, the ones who reap the benefits of the lobbyists and insurance companies. A public option isn't even looking like it's in the cards but don't forget they supposedly fought for it. I support single payer by the way but my take on the public option is that it's a big con-job. 4 Stars if it's serious, 1 Star because I think it's a ploy

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    Fri Sep 11 2009

    best solution after single payer

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    Fri Sep 11 2009

    Worst Idea Ever.

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    Wed Sep 09 2009

    As I said elsewhere, what I care most about is universal coverage. If a Public Option that provides some minimal, catostrophic level of coverage for the poorest Americans is the best way to get there, so be it. I consider myself a raging capitalist. I enjoyed the Fountainhead. I think failing companies shouldn't be given handouts by the government. But have no qualms about turning a portion of healthcare over to the government. There are some industries that don't work very well when driven solely by P/L - the military is a great example. When committing our troops, the profitability of the war isn't high on the list of deciding factors. A strong case can be made that health also fits this category - if P/L were the only driver, folks with relatively rare or otherwise unprofitable conditions would be shit out of luck. Clearly you need some level of government intervention to prevent these scenarios. A healthy nation will produce more goods and services, and hence more tax re... Read more

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    Wed Sep 09 2009

    What all the liberal crazies want, this will surely bankrupt our country and ruin the US dollar. This is also known as socialized medicine. Single payer, the government becomes the rationer-in-chief, and would put an end to the best (and most expensive) health care in the world. Keep in mind, US health care is the most expensive in the world, but it is not now all paid by the government. Private individuals and private insurance companies pay the majority of health care expenditures, the government is constantly rationing through medicaid and medicare. Unsuccessfully. Nobody says absolutely nothing as eloquently as President Obama. It might be time for another teleprompter meltdown.