A Hillary Clinton Presidency

Approval Rate: 46%

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  • by


    Mon Mar 30 2009

    Pretty damn scary

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    Mon Oct 13 2008

    Hillary Pigton as President is very scary. Her existence alone is terrifying, and repulsive. I'm just happy Obama defeated her, so I don't have to see her on tv as much.

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    Fri Aug 15 2008

    I was not afraid of that anyway. but for this next four years it is out. like anyone else I would listen to her stands on issues. so no big fear if this did happen.

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    Thu Jun 26 2008

    I don't think anyone has anything to worry about on this one, but vice presidency is a definite possibility.

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    Thu Jan 10 2008

    I wouldn't say I'm scared of another Clinton Presidency, but I'm certainly not looking forward to it either.

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    Thu Jan 10 2008

    I gotta dial it back thanks to Obama, Edwards, and even Romney being scarier.

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    Sun Oct 28 2007

    I'm not a fan, but her first two terms weren't nearly as bad as W's and if she's the pick of the oligarchy she can't lose anyway so why worry about it?

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    Sun Oct 28 2007

    Very scary!  You know Bin Laden is just waiting for her to be elected.   I still don't why every one love this phoney woman so much?

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    Sat Sep 08 2007

    I'm much more scared of her being nominated, which would mean that the GOP would probably keep the presidency: a horrifying prospect. Seriously, though, there's not many candidates on either side who leave me quaking, because our government is set up in such a way to ensure gridlock. True change scares investors, and even when a true revolution takes place (as with the younger Bush's coming into office) the market has to be appeased by increasing liquidity in some way -- say, by starting a war. The scariest candidates are surely Brownback, Huckabee, and Thompson. Wall Street couldn't stand any of them, and all of our finances would be adversely affected.

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    Fri Sep 07 2007

    The last time we had a Clinton in the White House food and gas were cheaper and peeps had jobs. I think we'll do alright with her.

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    Thu Jul 12 2007

    Maybe I'm too much of a cynical old pol, but it takes more than this to scare me. I discovered long ago that candidates, once elected, are rarely as bad as their detractors expect, and never as good as their supporters predict. I'm utterly uninterested in seeing this woman become president, and I don't believe she'll win the nomination, but the concept doesn't scare me.

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    Thu Jul 12 2007

    All I have to say is that this is a good submission.

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    Sat May 26 2007


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    Wed May 23 2007

    The good news is that she'll never become President. The bad news is that Dubya already is.

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    Tue May 22 2007

    The USA would stand for the Union of Socialist America. You wouldn't believe how fast the Moderate Halloween mask she has been wearing would come off if she's elected.

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    Sun Nov 06 2005

    Need I say more. It's like there's a open door with all the right answers and as long as we live she will never ever find this box.

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    Sat Nov 05 2005

    Now THIS would be scary (and I lean left!)

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    Sat Nov 05 2005

    What's to be afraid of? Assuming she managed to score the nomination of her party, and then assuming that she managed to win, what exactly do you think she would accomplish while she was in office? Hell, after the two Bush's and Clinton, I'm willing to give her a chance just to see! Bet we don't invade any foreign countries on her watch.

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    Mon Oct 31 2005

    At least she does not have to be told to keep it in her pants.

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    Mon Oct 31 2005

    She is the devil on earth, plain and simple.

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    Sun Oct 30 2005

    An additional four years of Billary would not be cause for fear. It would be justifiable grounds for panic and outright anarchy. Despite the fact that I have lived in Los Angeles for decades, I have never even considered taking part in a riot. The prospect of Hillary Clinton as our chief executive (again), however, would have me running rampant on the streets of Santa Monica, burning down vegetarian restaurants and smashing in the windows of every tree hugger's Toyota Prius that my feet could carry me to. And as they carted me away in one of those LAPD mass detention busses, I would be leading the group chant of "No tax cuts, no peace!"

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    Sun Oct 30 2005

    No, this does not scare me much, though I am afraid of all the trouble the Republican mudslingers and scandalmongers will cook up if she becomes President. And they will cook up trouble, believe you me. I don't find her that likable or appealing but she might actually be able to get things done, and if she could reverse all the havoc wreaked by Bush and company, more power to her.

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    Sun Oct 30 2005

    This is worse than the Avian bird flu.

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    Wed Oct 19 2005

    In her first 100 days, she'd ban the Easter egg hunts, but would promote Free late-term abortions on the White House lawn. She'd push a bill to require schools to allow same sex prom dates, but push a bill to remove "In God We Trust" from our currency. She'd advocate "equal pay regardless of ability, skill, or expertise", and then she'd make Americans who actually pay the taxes be the ones who paid for the welfare give-aways that bought her political votes.

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    Wed Oct 19 2005

    Didn't we already live through two terms of this.

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    Tue Jun 14 2005

    I' not exactly scared as I am compelled to say this...Eeew don't even gross me out she hardly qualifies as a woman much less a presitential canidate I mean Bill had to get his secretary to *cough...cough*. Do I really need to say this she is a man in disguise! SHE HAS A PENIS!!!

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    Tue Jun 14 2005

    Even a Clinton couldn't make things any worse than they are right now. Personally, I won't be supporting her candidacy, but I wouldn't say I'm afraid of this. I mean, she already WAS President for eight years anyway.

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    Thu May 05 2005

    Assuming she actually got the DNC's nomination and that the GOP didn't match her with an equally strong opponent (which shouldn't be too hard to do- she is, afterall, a democrat)...the prosepect of a Hillary Clinton in the White House is rather intimidating. Good lord, I can just imagine what her State of the Union Address would be like...probably some paranoid speech about how there's a vast conspiracy against her and all her wonderful Medicare ideas.

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    Thu May 05 2005

    I'm not scared of this because first of all she's not really scary - even for a screaming harridan who appears to be in a perpetual state of PMS. Secondly, I dont think she has much chance of snagging the nomination. And, unless her ego is blocking her brain, I would bet that she doesnt think so either. If the Dems are smart theyll go with Evan Bayh in 08 anywayso, hey considering their judgment of late when it comes to candidates, maybe old Hills has a ghost of chance after all.

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    Wed May 04 2005

    Absolutely!! What a nightmare! I guess if youre husband has an affair on you and is a politition, it makes you qualified to be a president. LOL

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    Wed May 04 2005

    I'm moving to Canada if it happens, I already have some land picked out, just in case.

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    Wed May 04 2005

    Not as scary as George Bush Sr&Jr; as been.

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    Mon Mar 07 2005

    I'd rate it more highly if I thought it were likely. That said, the Republican Party has an odd track record in deciding who to nominate for the presidency. If the GOP loses its mind again and nominates someone like Bob Dole to run against her, she very well COULD win, and that is frightening.

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    Mon Mar 07 2005

    Guys! You got me lost. Half of you said in your comments that you hate even the idea and in the same time gave her 5 stars. I am confused

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    Mon Feb 28 2005

    This would be Hell on earth, literally. I don't want to think about it. It has nothing to do with her being female at all but rather the type of person she is.

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    Sun Feb 27 2005

    I noticed some people would fear it giving it a one star rating, and most who fear it giving it five stars.

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    Sat Feb 26 2005

    Just don't think it'll happen.I sure wouldn't vote for her.Besides,NO ONE could be worse than who we have now!

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    Fri Feb 25 2005

    Yikes, Donovan breaks out in a cold sweat, starts trembling and screams for mercy. I can only hope this never happens.

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    Fri Feb 25 2005

    I wouldn't say it makes me afraid - just nauseated.

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    Fri Feb 25 2005

    not really worried about it because i don't think she is electable. she is a wooden, boring speaker with a grating voice, and despite her recent desire to become more mainstream, she is still an incredibly polarizing figure. if she ran in 2008 she would have a good chance at winning the nomination on her name alone, but she would get carved up like a thanksgiving turkey on election day by her republican opponent. mrs. clinton would be at an electoral disadvantage as her left wing ideology and shrillness would not win her many votes in the red states.

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    Fri Feb 25 2005

    I'm not afraid of this personally, but I certainly wouldn't support her candidacy nor do I believe that a Hillary C. Presidency would be good for the nation. Hillary is as shady as they come; history has shown time and time again that she will shift with the political currents. Not a good sign for strong leadership.

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    Thu Feb 24 2005

    Not afraid at all. In fact, I'd rather she be our president rather than the current liar in the White House.

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    Sat Sep 25 2004

    Really really bad idea.

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    Thu Jul 29 2004

    Hillary would destroy the U.S.A!

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    Mon Jul 12 2004

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.... This scares the hell out of me. By the time she runs i will just be old enough to vote. and there is no way in hell i would vote for her. and there is no way on gods earth she will win the election.

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    Sun Jul 11 2004

    It would be scary, but it has no chance of happening. I doubt if she would even by nominated by the Democratic Party. All of her approval ratings are in the dumpster.