A Auto Tech Motors
Auto Repair
Approval Rate: n/a%
Reviews 1
by alvinsingh916
Tue Jul 20 2010Went to this repair shop on June 30, 2010. My AC was not working right. It was blowing hot air. They charged me $60 for a full diagnostics. I was told that my AC compressor was bad and it needed to be replaced. Along with that, other parts needed to be replaced to prevent the changed compressor from going bad again. The total cost to me would be $1300+. I did not buy into their story. I knew that my compressor was working because I had taken it to Brakes Masters earlier and they could not find the issue but had told me a list of things they checked which did not have issues. The compressor was one of them. I took my car to another AC specialist. The tech checked the compressor and told me that it was working. I paid $75 to get another full diagnostics done and the tech found my heating valve to be the issue. The shop charged me $135 for parts and $150 for labor. Total cost $285. A Auto Tech Motors was trying to fool me into paying them $1300+ dollars for a $300 repair. I went back to... Read more