9/11 was staged by the US government

Approval Rate: 14%

14%Approval ratio

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    Tue Apr 11 2006

    It is difficult for me to believe that anyone in this country would come up with such an idea. I have learned through the years that you cannot put a limit on stupidity. Just when you think you have heard the dumbest thing you could hear, people will jump over all kinds of hurdles just to show you how stupid they can be. Ask the families in New York who mourn today, even still over there loved ones if their pain and grief is made up. You know we can all drive to New York and or talk to eye witnesses that were there. What is the point in me talking? If some believes this, they do not have enough brain cells to gather in the information I am currently giving.

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    Sat Mar 25 2006

    And the purpose for this would be? What kind of drugs do you have to take to come up with this? I am lost for words.

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    Sat Mar 25 2006

    No matter how ludicrous the idea, you can always find a small band of morons to endorse it.

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    Fri Mar 24 2006

    This is the type of rumor that initially pushed me further to the center. Evidently for some on the far-left it was a way of rationalizing why they didn't support their country immediately following the 911 attacks, as showing a minute amount of compassion or even - God forbid - patriotism might certainly conflict with their set-in-stone "hate-AmeriKKKa-left" value sytem. To such persons, the U.S. deserved the attacks, and in their eyes, the gov't itself was indeed quite evil enough to attack its own citizenry...as a method to jumpstart yet another military conflict to further its "permanent war economy" and blah blah blah. Anyway, you get the gist...

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    Thu Mar 23 2006

    What a ridiculous thought. . .the same gov't that ignores real science and botched the Hurricane help? Your gov't can't make a decent take-out burger let alone mastermind a plot like this. . .

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    Thu Mar 23 2006

    I simply don't believe anybody would have the finesse to pull it off, certainly not this administration which wields power much more like a blunt instrument. Otherwise, they'd have been able to pull of faking a WMD discovery in Iraq. But there was a cover-up, and the 911 report was indeed a sloppy whitewash. Like the Warren Commission's magic bullet theory, people reasonably become suspicious. Quite frankly, in both cases I think that the efforts were to cover-up incompetence. But I can understand the cynicism. However, please people, a missile was not fired into the Pentagon. It's not like a cartoon where Bugs Bunny runs through a wall and you see a hole in his shape with the arms stretched out. The airplane is a hollow tube. The wings are about like gossamer compared to the steel reinforced substance of the Pentagon. The wings will fold back, come off, and follow the plane into the hole. The wings are made of light, fragile stuff. That's how planes fly. And yes, a fire c... Read more

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    Thu Mar 23 2006

    how is this crap not dismissed as soon as it is uttered by some ridiculous person? how long before kanye says it was a plot against black people?

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    Thu Mar 23 2006

    Tell the families of the ones who lost their lives including the firefighters, police and other emergency responders that this really didn't happen.

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    Thu Mar 23 2006

    With the help of the Israelis, of course (they had all that practice faking the Holocaust, you know). Just ask Amiri Bakara, the former Poet Laureate of New Jersey (no, I did not make that one up). This, of course, provided GWB with the pretense he needed to invade Iraq, which he was dying to do ... at least according to Helen Thomas.

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    Thu Mar 23 2006

    Common sense says no but there is a fact that sits in the back of my mind. Since 9/11, none of the terrorist attacks have been at all similar to the 9/11 attack. They were almost all bombings (Madrid, Bali, London) that were far less "spectacular" as 9/11, but were far more typical of what terrorist attacks normally are. 9/11 is the aberration, and looking back after three years - including things like Iraq, Afghanistan amd the draconian Patriot Act - it uncomfortably looks more like 9/11 may have been a means to a far more sinister end, not and end itself. Bush (or more accurately Cheney)and his star chamber have told bare faced lies to the American people and clearly have little regard for the lives of U.S. soldiers, am I to believe that they value the average American so much more?

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    Thu Mar 23 2006

    Youve been visiting with the Charlie Sheen and his Dad huh? They have been spewing this crap lately. What a crock! Why do people like that even live here?! This kind of stuff makes me wanna kick the sh-- out of someone.

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    Thu Mar 23 2006

    If this is true, then I'm the Queen of England.

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    Wed Mar 22 2006

    Apparently some video is circulating about this idea...