5 Hour Energy

Approval Rate: 71%

71%Approval ratio

Reviews 50

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    Sun Dec 11 2011

    5 Hour Energy shot is okay, but Kymera is far more effective and far less expensive. So if you have tried 5 Hour Energy and have been disappointed in the taste profile or the effect, then Kymera will meet your needs. Kymera tastes great and is super powerful. Try Kymera in the bulk PowerPak format. Use coupon code JT30 and get 102 servings of Kymera Freakish Energy shot for just $29.99 shipped! Kymera Freakish Energy Try it now, you won't regret it!

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    Wed Oct 05 2011

    I have anxiety issues,and the meds im on make me a lazy zombie,5hr shots are safe and get me the energy I need without the jitters! Loved it from the first bottle,and have been a faithful buyer of it ever since!

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    Mon Sep 19 2011

    Unhealthy scam. Strong tea works best for me.

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    Mon Sep 19 2011

    5 hour crack. I took one at 3 and at 8:30 still couldn't think straight. Good for a long drive, but if I have to do anything that requires much thought, I'll need to pass.

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    Wed Jul 20 2011

    five hour energy is a great really easy way to energize your self fast simple. just the cost is too much for a product so small http://www.1abovegroundpoolsdirect.com/

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    Wed May 18 2011

    I seriously didn't feel any different after drinking it and the reason why it is so small is because the taste is absolutely horrible!!

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    Sat May 07 2011

    Had the exact opposite affect as advertized. Made me feel more tired and had a complete lack of energy for just about the rest of the day. Truly one of the worst products I have ever ran across. Pathetic product.

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    Sat Apr 09 2011

    I saw this on tv, in gas stations, pretty much everywhere, so I decided to try it. First thing, it's like 3 bucks for this little 2 ounce shot. What the fuck is that about?! It also tastes...odd. It's not good but it's not bad, and it gives me no energy whatsoever. I actually felt worse than I did before I drank it. Maybe I need to drink 10 for it to work but then I'd be paying 30 bucks. Might as well just buy some crack instead. That'll keep you awake for 5 hours.

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    Thu Apr 07 2011

    I heard all the hype around 5 Hour Energy so I decided to try it. It tasted terrible, and I took a nap shortly after drinking it, so it didn't give me any energy. Strong marketing, awful product.

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    Mon Apr 04 2011

    I tried it once and was a bit nervous because they hype took half a bottle and didn't feel any different. I tried it again this time took whole bottle and still nothing. I really needed the energy working on 4 hours sleep and I figured this should work, but I am still tired didn't get no energy.. I guess it works sometimes for some then some people not all. Will stick to my old fashion Coffee just like those shoes "shape ups" its all just a ploy to get you to buy unfourtanately its not until you pay for it you realize this. Monica/Tempe AZ

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    Thu Feb 24 2011

    Not big on the 5-hour Energy, I was doing a camparison between the different types of energy drinks out there and XS Energy was #1. If you are interested in trying XS Energy visit this website: http://www.amway.com/brittanycochiaosue

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    Tue Feb 22 2011

    I tried it once to get me up and going for a workout. 10 minutes into my one hour workout I threw up and passed out. WORST Product ever! I will never buy 5 hour energy again.

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    Tue Feb 22 2011

    The first time I tried it...it was amazing. I went from ZOMBIE to the bird from Cocoa Puffs! It has been consistent with me..if I drink the entire bottle..I will get that 5 hour energy..(it actually gets you hyped a bit then the rest of the day you feel great and awake.) If I drink 1/2 I will get moderate energy...something that does not require a lot but enough to pass through my day. I am completely unbiased! I love Monsters and Rockstar eventhough they do not work nearly as well as the 5 hour..but 5 hour actually gives me the energy and makes me into a happy man. Out of honesty, I think it the drink varies from person to person. My body size is a bout 185 lbs athletic 6 ft tall..and it works great. But I have a friend thats like 115 lbs skinny as a twig and it actually takes time for the 5 hour energy to kick in (like hour later) My sister tried it for the first time (whole bottle) threw up! But tried it again only 1/2 this time and LOVED it! So it def does vary from person t... Read more

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    Tue Feb 15 2011

    it tastes terrible and for me it doesn't work so i would have to give it one star for the fact that it was small enough i was able to get it down before i realized how bad it was so my money didn't go to waste. oh thats right it didn't work either so i did waste my money.

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    Fri Feb 11 2011

    aaaaamazing shooter. Thanks lauren for sharing the coupon code at energytin.com I will do others the favor too. ppl use coupon code 'sp5' at http://www.EnergyTin.com box for only $17 and lowest shipping. kisses.

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    Fri Feb 04 2011

    This thing is the bane of my existence. Absolutely horrid I drank a sip of it and felt like it was digesting my stomach. I've never tried the "extra strength" one, but someone I know said it tastes better than the original. In any case, I will most definitely NOT be drinking this again and I strongly suggest you not drink it unless you want to get your stomach pumped.

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    Tue Feb 01 2011

    First off, those who say the flavor is good/tolerable... I have to question if you can even taste. It's absolutely horrible. I'd rather find that nasty "cherry" liquid medicine in a medicine cabinet left in a house that was abandoned 50 years ago and chug that. It'd probably taste about the same. Second, I felt no difference whatsoever energy wise. Drank the whole bottle and I still felt like I needed to go curl up in bed for a nice long nap. At about the three hour mark I did, at one point, doze off. I've tried it on 3 different separate occasions, 2 of the regular and 2 of the "extra" strength, and have had the same results: Nothing. You give me 2 Monsters and, well, that's a completely different story. I'll be wide awake, bouncing off the walls, and talking a mile-a-minute. I still have 1 of the Extra Strength ones left and am not about to waste it, but I will not rely on it to keep me awake, alert, or focused when it comes to anything important. Save your $3 and buy something mor... Read more

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    Tue Jan 18 2011

    Before going to one of my 5-9 organic chemistry labs at BU (I was pre-med, mistake #1), I decided to drink half a bottle to be more "focused." 30 minutes later, I felt nothing so I drank the rest of the bottle. As soon as I walked into the lab, I felt like my skin was going to blow off. How could I concentrate while I felt like I was being electrocuted? Sure, I had a lot of energy, but it was WAYYY more than I needed to focus on a few pinky-finger sized test tubes filled with hydrochloric acid. During the lab I managed to meld a latex glove to my fingers after mindlessly grabbing a hot plate at 435F and smacking a beaker filled with boiling water off of a workbench with the back of my hand, which was moving at about 500 miles per hour. This was all while grinding my teeth down to essentially niblets. I would recommend this product to nursing mothers, as well as to crack cocaine addicts experiencing severe withdrawal.

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    Sun Dec 19 2010

    When I first tried this product, I thought it was great. It gave me a burst of energy to help me through the evening and it was only 4 calories. I know it has a crazy amount of vitamin B in it so I limited myself to 1 or 2 per week. I started to feel nauseous starting my second week of use, but thought nothing of it. It's flu season, I might have picked up something since I work at a hospital. Then one night, I took a 5 hr energy and ate dinner and an hour later, I was so nauseous, I thought I would be sick all night. It only got worse from there. I continued to feel nauseous for the next 2 days. Then, I stopped eating all together for 3 full days along with horrible lower GI cramps. I went to see a GI doctor and she told me she has seen multiple cases of the exact same symptoms from people who tried 5 hr energy. It took me a week to recover from this experience and I will not be using this product ever again. I know other people swear by it, but for others who have similar problems... Read more

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    Tue Dec 14 2010

    it definatly worked for me, i took it at work, and i felt alot of energy. but about an hr later, it made me very dizzy and so anxious and felt like passing out, i dont like it at all :(

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    Sun Dec 05 2010

    I love the 5 hour energy shots! I have tried different energy and Dietary supplements before and I didn't see any results. I have had an anxiety issue and the other supplements that I have taken have made the anxiety worst but the 5 hour energy doesn't do that. I usually drink 1 bottle a day and sometimes I will drink 2 if I'm feeling really sluggish. It makes me feel alert and a can concentrate a lot better at work. I have also lost 21 lbs. since I have started drinking the 5 hour energy. It curves my appetite so I don't eat as much. I absolutley recomend this product to all my friends and family AND co-workers :)

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    Sun Dec 05 2010

    5 Hour energy certainly does what it says, provides "energy" for ur day when you are tired, groggy. However, it is CERTAINLY not for everyone. I am 25, have dealt with an anxiety disorder all my life, and this stuff is very potent, prolly more than I would have liked. Even after your 5 hour period, you DO feel jittery sometimes, and sometimes you feel too alert (even when you shouldn't be, like trying to relax). While I guess there is no scheduled "crash", your body reacts in different ways. For me, I noticed blood in my stool after consuming an hour later! I was very worried, but was reassured that it was mostly due to the aspartame. In addition, it is hard to sleep for me when I'm home and relaxed, without periods of waking up and/or tossing/turning. I would recommend just drinking normal coffee (less caffeine) or supplements (like a B vitamin). Also, regular exercise is very important in making sure u can perform at an optimal level.

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    Wed Nov 17 2010

    I work the grave-yard shift and use 1 or 2 bottles a week, no more than 1/2 a bottle a night. The first thing I can say is that if I'm really tired it's basically useless. On the days when I go into work after only sleeping 2 or 3 hours, 5 hour energy doesn't help any more than a normal cup of coffee. But on the days when I'm just feeling a little run down and a bit sleepy, it really makes the difference. One shot when I get to work keeps me alert and feeling "normal" almost the entire night and doesn't prevent me from getting to sleep when I get home at 6am. I've also learned how to take it. Drink 1/2 bottle either while eating, or immediately after. Also, starting right after drinking it, drink at least 4 or 5 ounces of water an hour (which is about what is recommended for most people any way). These two tips make all the difference between feeling good and alert, or feeling nautilus, panicky and getting a horrible head-ache. Also: DO NOT DRINK AT THE SAME TIME AS OTHER CAF... Read more

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    Mon Nov 01 2010

    I like this product. The reason it gets only 4/5 stars is because a) the flavor is not appealing and b) i am not sure if drinking this product just gives me positive effects via the placebo effect. However, I started to drink these before writing papers and not only does it keep we alert and awake, but it also seems to improve my mood and help me focus and be productive. Usually I slave over papers (I have depression, anxiety, and ADD, all of which make writing papers pretty hellish) but I was able to tolerate this last paper because of this product. My advice is, give it a try. From reading these reviews it seems as though effects of the product vary among individuals, so the only way you're going to know if it works or not for you is to try it.

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    Thu Oct 21 2010

    The first time that I took the 5 Hour Engery, I did get jittery, but now that I use it once or twice a day, it does not bother me like that. It wakes me up, helps my mood at work. I seem to be able to be nicer to my customers and co workers at work. Right now I am having a pain, like a pulled muscle in my upper back that has bothered me for over a week and after I take the drink, it seems to relax me and the pain is less and I can get through the day. I am convinced that it is the 5 Hour engery that makes me feel better. When it wears off, the pain gets worse.

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    Tue Oct 19 2010

    College exams tend to come in waves. I have one tonight at 7:15 and another tomorrow afternoon. I was literally falling asleep trying to study at 1:00 in the afternoon. I was pressed with making a choice between studying for one of my two exams, or passing out on a couch in the student lounge so that I can take my test tonight. Energy drinks generally make me feel like I have ants in my pants and I can't concentrate at all, so I decided to give 5 hour energy a shot. So far... it's a fricken' MIRACLE! I'm not jittery, and I am no longer falling asleep. I can concentrate again, and my mood has even improved! I was able to continue studying instead of taking a nap and now I feel ready for my test. :-)

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    Mon Oct 11 2010

    I think this as a great product. It is not as bad for you as a Monster drink or Red Bull. I don't recommend you drinking this to stay awake after a full day of work or school or whatever. Use it to help you throughout the day. I stay at home with my 2 kids ages 2 and 1. 13 months apart. So every once in a while I need an extra boost. I took half at 3. It's 5:42 and its not in full swing anymore because I did take half. I haven't crashed. I have also drank the whole thing before and it worked great. I don't feel a crash right now. I still feel the energy but I am starting to feel like I did before I took it. I wouldnt consider it a crash. I suffer from migraines and nausea so the headache and nausea that I am feeling now isnt any different from any other day. Pros- Its not the worst thing I have tasted You don't need to drink a lot to have an effect You won't be in the bathroom peeing every 5 minutes It works almost instantly No stomach aches Compact No need to refrigerate after opening... Read more

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    Tue Oct 05 2010

    Okay so the first flavor I got was Cherry. I got it because i thought it would taste good -- not the case at all. Anyway, I drank it because I needed to stay awake while studying. I waited.. and waited... and waited... and nothing happened. I was really disappointed because it worked for my sister and she recommended it. I thought maybe that was the wrong flavor for me. I decided to try Pomegrante. In the morning at about 7:30 i got up and ate cereal. Then i took a shower went to the drug store to pick it up, and fell back asleep till 11:00. When I woke up I was extremely tired, so I decided to drink it. I chugged the whole thing down (the flavor was exceptionally worse than cherry). I waited a while, and did get a small burst of energy. I was running around the house singing and stuff lol. Although, I did have to use the bathroom about every 15 minutes or so. And I was on my 5th day on my period and it felt like it was my 2nd (girl's you'll understand). I don't know why, maybe it sp... Read more

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    Sat Oct 02 2010

    On the site, it does not say it will give you a sudden BURST or BOOST of energy. It just claims it should be the equivalent to drinking a cup of coffee ("5-Hour Energy is a 2-ounce liquid energy shot that can help you feel sharp and alert for hours.") For sure this is not going to work for everyone, so don't be too disappointed if it doesn't work you for you =(. You just might drink more coffee/tea/other caffeinated products than others so you have a higher tolerance to caffeine and it takes a lot of it to do anything to your body. For people who do not regularly get exposed to caffeine this might work much better for you, or maybe even too well. I wouldn't recommend thinking too much about the reviews, unless you have health related issues. Just go try it out for yourself and see if it works, and if it doesn't then just try something else =). There are many other methods available =)!

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    Sat Sep 25 2010

    It works very well. Some people stated that they cannot do things that require deep thought, but I find the complete opposite. I am able to focus and stay awake. I always eat a meal before because I heard vitamin b helps get more energy from food. And this stuff is mostly vitamin b.

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    Thu Sep 23 2010

    I am a 30 y/o female who drinks 12 oz. of caffeine daily. I work a full-time job which keeps me out of my home for 12 hours a day and I have a business (in-home parties) which takes up to four hours of my evenings on most weekends. After working all day and then doing a party, I am usually burned out. I take a 5 hour energy on the nights I have a party and have worked all day and it really gets me through it. I love these. I agree with alot of people about the taste. It's either hit or miss. I really like the berry and the pomegranate. There is never a crash for me and it usually lasts like 6 hours. I wouldn't recommend drinking these daily. I probably use them two times a month, sometimes less, sometimes more. When used in moderation and not in conjunction with a bunch of caffeine, you will really feel the effects. Hope this was helpful! :-)

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    Thu Sep 09 2010

    I'm a big fan of the energy drink myself. It is hard for me to go a day without my little friend, caffeine. But I was fed up with the amount of calories I was drinking. You know they say Americans drink their calories. Its true. So my brother told me to try the 5 hour energy shot. He insists they work so well. He said that after one he feels wide awake, like he just got a full nights rest. I didn't feel a thing. Nothing at all. And I even got the Extra shot, which is like... 9 hours or something? In fact! I was still so tired, I went home and took a name an hour later! Maybe I should try two of them at once, since I'm sure I have an abnormally high tolerance for caffeine.

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    Tue Sep 07 2010

    It works but it tastes utterly vile. I'll try something else next time I reach for an energy boost.

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    Wed Sep 01 2010

    Male, 49, 5'11" 225: Moderate exercise mainly bike riding, not afraid of physical labor and have no disosition towards depression. Perhaps you are like me. I have taken these on two other occasions and each time, they work. Basically, in about 15 minutes of dosing the full bottle, I feel awake and alert with no heart pounding or jitteriness. As with all things homeopathic, these products either work for you or they don't. Its true, nothing in them will kill you and you shouldn't live on them, but all in all, you should try it. They work for me when I want them to, and they might work for you too. Buy two of them, try one, notice if it helps. If it does, keep the other for when you need the boost or lift again. I keep one in all my vehicles so when the drowzy's come to visit; I have something to fight back with. I'm sure none of you reading this wants me zoning out behind the wheel while passing you on the road: every little bit helps. <soap box> And for God's sake peo... Read more

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    Wed Aug 18 2010

    Consumed the whole bottle at 2pm in the afternoon. It is now 5pm and I have not experienced any added energy from this Product. I could actually fall asleep right now

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    Sat Jul 31 2010

    normally, by 1:45pm i start to get the heeby-geeby's, the jimmy leg,cold flashes and profuse sweating, around two, i usually take 2-3 key bumps of decent quality Pablo in rapid succession, this takes care of the temp. extremes, then around three - three thiry, 2 keys of blow with 4 keys bone white smack from Wan of Chinatown. this gets me to the train, the train to my house, then i chase the dragon for the rest of the night. now last week, i swapped my first two keys of blow with 3 bottles of pomegranate 5 hr stuff. works well up to my three thirty speedball(s) Then WHAM! im working circles around anybody near me, i can answer ANY crossword puzzle q's and at the same time, flip a morgan dollar across my knuckles on my right hand! All this while doing Electrical work in a heavy industrial setting. This stuff turned me into a process control ''GURU''. The nights arent as good as the daytime, but hey> we work for the weekend right? thats another article altogether. Tank you Innovation Ve... Read more

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    Wed Jul 28 2010

    For those of you in doubt, try it! it works! I'm a 44 year old male that doesn't drink coffee, tea or soda. For over a year I was afraid of taken any thing like this. I decided to take a 5 hour engry drink (lemon/lime) one night because I was working all night after working all day. I have since added the 5 hour drinks to my shopping list. The berry flavor is the best. All of the drinks have a dietary after taste. I can feel the effect almost right away and I carry the extra energy for well past 5 hours. Taken at 2 I can feel it for at least 8-10 hours and I get a great night sleep and feel great the next day. I only take one 5 hour drink a couple times a week (2 or 3 at most).

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    Wed Jul 28 2010

    I’m 28 yrs old, very fit and weigh 200 pounds. I'm not a heavy caffeine drinker, however, I would say 5 that Hour Engergy gives me the same effect as a cup of coffee (a sustained energy boost for about 6 hours). I like 5 hour energy more than coffee because it is has fewer calories and is smaller. I recommend taking this on days when you haven't gotten your 8 hrs of sleep and don't have time for a 20-30 min power nap. In my opinion, the powernap is the best way to go. I think this stuff is pretty safe and healthy overall. However, it is more difficult to do "deep thinking" while under the effects of 5 hour energy, so I don't recommend taking this if you need to learn new information. This stuff is best used if you are performing a time consuming, repetitive task that doesn't require a lot of thought.

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    Sat Jul 24 2010

    I'd seen the commercials and heard all the hype, needless to say, I like most had a certain degree of skepticism. I'd originally tried the product with a friend of mine at midnight to see how well it'd work. I tried both the Berry and Orange flavored ones and thought Berry was far better tasting aside from a slight sour after-taste. My friend said that he felt abit wired, and after four hours had deemed the product to be successful for him. I personally felt the effects within minutes and it kept me up for a solid six hours without any noticeable side effects. Due to the success of the first try I'd decided to purchase two more about a week later for a large move I had to do. I'd consumed two 5-hour energies spacing them five hours apart for the 13 hours of work that needed to be done. I'd began the day on 3 hours of sleep from the night before and I found that the drinks worked extremely well with not only keeping me awake, but keeping me active and energized. I have no complaints abo... Read more

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    Tue Jul 20 2010

    Stuff did NOT work for me. In fact, I fell asleep at my desk soon after drinking it. Like other reviewers, this stuff is too expensive and doesn't taste as good as coffee and tea does. Won't be buying it again.

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    Mon Jul 19 2010

    I try energy drinks every once in a while but would not say that I have a high tolerance for caffeine. I gave up coke and carbonated beverages but drink coffee (no more than a cup a day if that) but I'm mostly a tea drinker. I've been feeling a bit drained lately so I've been experimenting with energy drinks. I had tried various drinks in the past but they had all upset my stomache (red bull, monster, etc). I've realized I had been having them late at night while trying to stay up to study. The situation has changed now I need something for those early mornings when I need to be up at 4am to get to work for a 10-12 hour shift. I've given up on drinking coffee after coffee and have found some energy drinks that have gotten me through the day but decided to try 5 hour since it seemed convenient in it's little bottle and would fit more easily into my already stuffed purse as well as into my low calorie diet! The warning on the bottle convinced me to take it easy so at about 5am I slowly s... Read more

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    Fri Jul 16 2010

    I like it, however the cost is way to high.. I found the same thing at the dollar tree and bought 2 cases if it and it works better and it is only 1.00

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    Fri Jul 16 2010

    I work out doors and in the dog days of summer I run out of energy in the hot afternoons. I have my lunch and take a bottle of 5 hour afterwards. No freaky side affects, no jitters or heart pounding. I don't know what some people's problem is - maybe super sensitive. All I know is it helps me get through the rest of my day a bit easier and don't feel all tired later. There is nothing in it to hurt you as long as your not living on the stuff.

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    Thu Jul 01 2010

    I work full time and go to school at night. I have two kids and a husband that need attention. At the end of the day I am whipped out! But, I can't take a nap in the middle of the day. So, I gave 5-hour ENERGY a try and it worked! I did not feel any side affects... However, I learned that I don't need to take the whole bottle for the effects to work. I pour 1/2 bottle in a glass, add ice and water and zip it as I do my homework. Nevertheless, I would not suggest to drink it near your bedtime because you'll toss and turn for a while...

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    Mon Jun 28 2010

    I have been using 5 Hr for about a week. Caffeine was causing me to have mood swings, irritability and hard crashes. I drink half a bottle in the morning and the other half around 2 or 3 pm (although I probably do not need too.) This drink has changed my days. I am more energetic and focused than ever before. I am no longer feeling moody or feel like I need a nap to make it through the day. I am an RN and looked up each ingredient and was happy to see that they were helping to produce a positive effect on my body. NO MORE CAFFEINE binges for me. The only other thing I drink throughout the day is water. I have never felt more refreshed!

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    Sun Jun 20 2010

    the only decent flavor is the pomegranit...i know i spelt that wrong, but anyway the others taste horrible, i drink them when i work third shifts and they work wonders, i stay alert and focused, im not wanting to fall asleep

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    Tue Jun 15 2010

    I only drank a quarter of the bottle and My heart was racing so fast that I felt a sharp pain go through My chest. I had to go to the emergency room and they told me I shouldnt have drank it because its not good for you. I spent 3 hours in the hospital after they gave me a nerve Setitive ....3 hours. So I'm telling you right now Unless you wanna feel like your heart is about to blow up. DONT USE THIS!

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    Sun Jun 06 2010

    I've used this once. I was on deadline, feeling a trifle worn, and thought I'd give it a shot. My son had a bottle of it and while he warned me about the taste, he forgot to tell me that it would taste like a very unhealthy Siamese cat pissed in my mouth. I sluiced down about a gallon of water trying to get the taste out of my mouth, which had the unsurprising result of numerous piss breaks. I didn't detect any astonishing burst of energy or wakefulness that I wouldn't have got from a strong hot cup of coffee. A waste of money in my opinion, and when you add the revolting taste into the equation there is absolutely no reason to use this.

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    Sun Jun 06 2010

    I have tried this about 5 or 6 times now, with the same result pretty much every time. I do get a strong rush of energy, but along with it comes nervousness and lack of focus, and if taken too late in the day I will toss and turn all night. I also find myself very irritable after a few hours and occasionally depressed. It's OK every now and then for a needed boost, but I would not recommend on a daily or even weekly schedule. I take caffeine pills daily and drink a lot of tea so I am not overly sensitive to caffeine, so I can only assume it is one of the other ingredients that cause my nervousness and anxiety. I also understand the B vitamins are not healthy to take in such large quantities.

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    Wed Jun 02 2010

    I've been using it for about 18 months now. I try not to use more than 2 maybe 3 times a week. I only use it when I am doing a long workout or doing a triathlon or long distance swim. This stuff really works and works just as they advertise. I take it minutes before I swim or minutes before I do a long sport event and it really energizes me. I experience no ill feelings and it lasts well beyond 5 hours, at least for me. I also notice that the "crash" is very mild and a cup of coffee usually perks me back up. This stuff also makes you more alert without the jitter feeling. If you are a marathon runner or triathlete, I highly recommend you try this product. I'm 52 years old and this is by far the most effective energy product I ever used. Dan Projansky Wilmette IL