3rd Rock From the Sun
Approval Rate: 70%
Reviews 0
by darkpalace
Wed Feb 02 2011God I just think this is so funny. I can't help but laugh. I like the tall girl. It is a guilty pleasure. I just saw Shatner on it as the head. I used to hear about it and just thought oh well, that Shatner was in it. But he is really funny throwing himself into it. I just about really believe they are from another planet.
by spike65
Sat Apr 12 2008Wickedly brilliant show. Great cast, sharp writing, original premise. Probably suffered from a bit of over-exposure when shown daily. Much better in small (weekly) doses.
by fb522813662
Sat Oct 27 2007I thought it was funny..My son thought it was stupid.
by sfalconer
Thu Apr 26 2007I liked this show, it was original in some ways and querky in others. Then I watched the last episode and I can't bring my self to watch it any more.
by virilevagabond
Mon Dec 18 2006Another television series that gave several chances; however, I could never get into "3rd Rock From The Sun". I usually like John Lithgow (Dick Solomon), but his character just got too excessive and over the top. Moreover, the overall comedic style of the show just didn't appeal to me, seeming to be overly slapstick and silly. As a prior reviewer noted, the concept hinted at the Beverly Hillbillies from space.
by starbrst34
Mon Dec 11 2006It was light, funny and just plain silly. A good show to watch after a hard day at work.
by trebon1038
Sat Jul 29 2006Pretty funny show with a great cast. I enjoyed watching the aliens develope their human behavoirs. John Lithgow rocks in comedy!
by randyman
Sat May 07 2005Kind of goofy, but I liked it. John Lithgow was the whole show though.
by texasyankee
Tue Mar 29 2005What the freak??? why is this show was down at lvl 36??? This show is funny as hell.
by irishgit
Fri Mar 25 2005Stupid, but had a curious charm. Lithgow was usually worth watching.
by alpepper
Wed Mar 16 2005Take the lamest and most unfunny aspects of Mork & Mindy, Coneheads, ALF, and My Favorite Martian, mix 'em up, hold your nose, and you get this pile of crapola.
by disgust4pcness
Sun Jan 23 2005Somebody help me...where is the quality in this show? I tried and couldn't get more than five minutes into an episode before falling asleep or turning the channel in disgust. Help me! Were those who loved the show completely clueless and fooled by heavy marketing of an absurd show? I don't get it.
by helmut
Tue Oct 19 2004The others are good but John Lithgow makes this show what it is. It is verry funny at first, but can get a little old.
by kristenx81
Fri Aug 13 20043rd Rock from the Sun was a big guilty pleasure of mine at first, but it got old very quickly. I stopped watching in 1999 after NBC cancelled the brilliant NewsRadio, but kept this show on. I think it's OK to watch if nothing else is on. Very overrated.
by dassr56
Sun Nov 09 2003This show was realy good when it first came out, then it went downhill.
by alty6905
Sun Aug 17 2003I was a big fan of this show, but it went downhill when Tommy cut his hair.
by weaselfan4life
Mon Aug 11 2003Go boy meets world!!!!
by kolby1973
Mon Jun 30 2003Annoying actors, but some of the story lines were very interesting. John Lithgow was always kinda wierd anyway, and even more so on this show. But the show was tolerable and funny at times. It is in heavy syndication for those of you who would like to watch it. :)
by cat_mom03
Fri May 16 2003Kinda dull..
by president_x_d
Mon May 12 2003I really can't stand that squinty guy, slouchy girl or the ugly kid. Lithgow and Curtin are fine.
by rebelyell1861
Sun May 11 2003Well at least it's better than Rosie......
by jdsteffen
Thu Mar 20 2003I simply found it boring and not funny
by volunteer
Mon Mar 17 2003The stupidist show on TV, just hideous
by joana6283
Wed Feb 12 2003It is soooo boring!
by heidleehope
Sun Feb 09 2003Love this show...still watch it...all the actors make this show very realistic....
by kendra_cmm
Tue Jan 07 2003Tom, Dick, and Harry. I always found the three names of the guys unoriginal; Other than that the show was great. The cast was excellantly chosen and the storyline itself was very creative and original. Watching Lithgow I could really believe he was learning things for the first time. His teaching skills were outlandishly hillarious as well. I really loved watching Dick interact with mary and actually manage to snag her with practically no knowledge of how people fall in love. Now there are some mad skills!
by red630
Tue Dec 10 2002Not a bad show, but really this was just the Beverly Hillbillies from space.
by zuchinibut
Mon Dec 09 2002John Lithgow is talented and funny, but after a while his bit got very tiring. The rest of the cast was more annoying than talented, and the whole aliens come to Earth bit got old when they never left.
by newsradio_fan
Thu Oct 24 2002This show sucked!!! NewsRadio was so much better, but it was always overlooked because of this stupid crap.
by hall442
Tue Oct 01 2002Kristen Johnsten..... *drool*
by classicmusiclo_ver
Mon Sep 02 2002Ancient Greek writers used to say that true comedy pokes fun at the faults of human nature, without being clearly insulting. That is exactly what this show did. It took four beings from outside earth, turned them into humans, and gave them personalities and emotions that they did not understand.
by djbuddha
Wed Jul 10 2002I could never get into this show. Occasionally I found it funny, but most of the time I felt that I'd wasted 30 minutes of my life.
by scsachik
Thu Jun 06 20023rd Rock From the Sun is SOOO hilarious. They're so clueless, it's funny!
by loneusfullhous_efan
Tue Apr 30 2002Second Seinfeld, a huge step up from Freinds. I can't believe it did not last as long as Seinfeld. A powerfull comedic yet probative look into the inter workings of human society from an outsider's point of view. Lithgow is excellent as the 40 year old 'child' of the show (figure it out).
by whitedevil311
Wed Mar 20 2002This show was great and I was sad to see it go but at least they knew when to pull the pug unlike some shows that are still on....
by cliveman3902
Thu Mar 14 2002This show was pretty good, but not that great
by cagirl
Wed Dec 12 2001Piece of unfunny crap that never should have aired.
by castlebee
Sun Dec 09 2001Interesting premise which took me so long to warm up to that it had nearly run its course before I decided to actually set through a few eps. My overall impression is that it could be funny, but was mostly over the top and a tad too intense for my liking. Had a tendancy to lapse easily into moronic simplicity, tired old sex jokes and just plain silliness - which was rarely witty or even all that clever. IMO it should have been axed sometime around the two year mark.
by couchpotato
Sun Dec 09 2001What a show. I adore this cast. They look at human life the way it really is - totally messed up. Why did they stop doing this show? There's always something to laugh at in every episode.
by galomorro
Tue Nov 20 2001Hilarious. I laugh out loud. It's different and I still regularly watch the re-runs.
by bitemyscab
Tue Aug 14 2001not funny at all. hated all the characters
by daryl_ray_clet_us
Thu Jul 26 2001this is one of my favrigt shows side from x-files. aliens is real cool. this show was real good & funny & i liked it. it was sad day when they cancel it.
by pedrogouveia
Mon Jul 23 2001One who cannot appreciate the comedy of Third Rock from the Sun, is not open-minded enough or is not ready for such a great show. 3rd Rock brings a whole new dimension to the world of sitcoms. It has a unique style that can only be appreciated by true fans of slapstick, and people who can identify the meaning of comedy and jokes. In fact, the main reason why 3rd Rock got cancelled, is because it is a very innovative show for the era we live in. It brakes from the usual format of "urban-based comedies and dramas revolving around photogenic yuppies". And that is why it has gotten so many harsh reviews from people during its short 6 years. It's sad to see a great comedy get cancelled, as NBC never appreciated it and never gave 3rd Rock its deserving respect and recognition. Basically, "3rd Rock" was a sitcom that could have given us much more, if only we had accepted more openly, but society just wasn't prepared for such level of style and humour. Maybe in the future....
by snoopy
Sun Jul 08 2001I've always found this show over-rated and extremely annoying.
by smurfie
Fri May 25 2001This show is a refreshing break from the formulaic sitcom shows on tv today. I watch whenever I can and record it when I can't. Thanks for the laughs!!
by nygelray
Thu May 17 2001it is very funny!
by mschleisner
Sun May 13 2001started out great but of late got stupid.