2. Religions their parents don't belong to

Approval Rate: 52%

52%Approval ratio

Reviews 27

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    Sun Mar 06 2011

    Fuck islam..;)

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    Wed Jan 26 2011

    Yes .. and this depend how much that how deeper person is willing to go for the sake of truth

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    Mon Dec 27 2010

    I wasnt much of a rebel here.

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    Sun Nov 21 2010


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    Tue Oct 19 2010

    i belong to the same religion as my parents and grandparents (and i could keep going)

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    Sun Jun 13 2010

    Wrong. Only mixed-up, upper-class, self-hating whites mess around with these mysterious and ridiculous pagan and science-fiction "religions."

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    Fri Feb 12 2010

    With a graduate degree, the statistical probability is exceptionally high. Without one, the numbers drop somewhat. . . But I must admit, I know a slew of palefaces who have either outright rejected their parent's magical man-with-a-beard-in-the-sky or simply pretend to keep the peace. . .very whitey thing to do, in my experience.

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    Fri Feb 12 2010

    Oh snap, this is totally my friend's mom Sher. Her dad is this fire-breathing Baptist minister that even did a stint as Marine Corps Drill Instructor. I've met the dude and I thought he was actually kinda cool, but I can't say I blame her for getting out from under that religious umbrella, even if she did go way far in the other direction. I forget what its called, but she has some book of weird mystical stuff that she reads. Something in the new age direction since she's an artist and all that. Oh, and its rather risque art at times, but kinda comical too, I think.

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    Sun Feb 07 2010

    not this one - Christian, born and raised. I left home and had the option to figure everything out on my own - I explored my beliefs and they ring true - and everything still makes sense, not just what my mama told me.

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    Thu Feb 04 2010

    That's me! Mommy's a Methodist, I'm a Jew!

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    Mon Dec 14 2009

    Religion is OK - but as you say - you don't have to really work at it.

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    Tue Oct 27 2009

    I'm Baptist & my mother is also

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    Mon Jun 22 2009

    I think Eastern spiritualism might be an up and coming force, but nothing full of stupidity, exclusivity, or hate!

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    Sat Jun 20 2009

    WHAT? OK...!

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    Thu May 21 2009

    aaaaallllrrriighty then

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    Fri May 15 2009

    If you are Sincere in your beliefs, more power to you. But don't do it because you think its cool.

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    Sat Jan 10 2009

    Hmm I guess I veer off. I studied Buddhism, Hinduism and Kabblah. My screen name is Samadhiatman... I am definately an exception...wait.... I have to float away now. Hahahahahahahahah!

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    Sat Jan 10 2009

    I believe people have the right to choose their own way. Maybe you'll choose your parents, maybe you'll search elsewhere and come back, or maybe you'll find something entirely different than them that you prefer. I don't think it's wrong to find something that suits YOU.

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    Sun Jan 04 2009

    Yeah I think it is so stupid to do that!!!!! I am the religion my parents are!

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    Thu Dec 11 2008

    I think every person should be able to choose what they believe in and be willing to question what is taught since birth. Think about this, Mormons birth to teach their kids the Mormon faith, and to raise them Mormon to breed more, and to teach their kids and so on, but that religion is crazy (I know because I was there, experienced it, got baptized etc...) so power to those who are willing to see outside religion, and believe in what ever the fuck they want. Really EVOLUTION, SCIENCE....

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    Sun Nov 02 2008

    i thought most people are just their parents religion because they don't think for themselves

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    Wed Oct 22 2008

    I think if we explore a few different avenues we will eventually set on what feels right and what we know to be true. Sometimes it will be what our parents are and other times it will be something different.

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    Wed Oct 22 2008


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    Mon Oct 20 2008

    If you truly believe in something that your parents don't, then of course you have to go with it. However, this listing seems to be aimed at those people who randomly choose some Eastern religion seemingly only because it is different. I know a few people like this, and I can't say I understand them at all. I don't care if it isn't PC, but every time I hear a white person under the age of 40 who has lived in the U.S. their whole life tell me that they are leaning towards Buddhism, I want to laugh in their face.

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    Sat Oct 18 2008

    I don't agree with that statement! Is it better to find somewhere you feel you truly belong, or be somewhere and pretend you belong.

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    Sat Oct 18 2008

    never had to use netflix

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    Fri Oct 17 2008

    Whatever you wanna