Sonic Drive In Commercials

Approval Rate: 69%

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    Tue Jul 06 2010

    Recently, they have been passing out "real" ice cream and large coney commercials. Who are they trying to convince, in an earlier post, someone mentions that their ice cream comes as a liquid in a bag. Thats being a hypocrite. I once went there for an ice cream with my friends, waited 30 minutes, and when we finaly got them, lets just say that I would rather go buy the "vanilla freezing mix" thing from wendy's ( not bad at all) as said on one of their obnoxious and annoying commercials. As for the foot long hot dogs commercial, they went asking restaurants that sell french fires and hamburgers for hot dogs. Its like going to an auto repair garage to order pizza (maybe a bit exaggerated, but oh well). Besides, they forgot to ask James Coney Island. Every time the sonic comercials come on I just have to turn the television off. The commercials so patheitc, theyre not funny, even in the "so bad its funny" kind of way.

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    Sun Jun 20 2010

    I just saw the commercial for sonics "real" ice cream. It's one where they go through Wendys and ask what a frosty is, and they say it's a vanilla mix that freezes, then the sonic carhop comes on and sys "real ice cream, sonic's got it, others don't" All I want to say is I worked for Sonic for two years, and their ice cream comes in liquid form in a plastic bag, and then it freezes. So that sounds exactly the same to me... a vanilla mix that freezes lol. Not saying it doesn't taste good (though I agree with the person a few down, Dairy Queen is a million times better) I'm just saying they're misrepresenting their ice cream.

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    Wed Jun 02 2010

    The latest campaign touts Sonic's "Real" Ice Cream. Over and over in each one of these ads the two "twee little lads" are discussing "Real" Ice Cream at length, one ad is shot as if the "joyboys" are driving an Ice Cream Truck through the drive-thru. (Once again they have the seat belts just draped over their shoulders - hilarious!) The text and the suppose Sonic Server repeatedly mention "Real" Ice Cream. But - the stuff being served is the same old "Soft Serve" they've always dished out! Even Dairy Queen, a company that was in business long before Sonic existed, and one which serves a much richer and better product, has never had the nerve to call or even hint that its "Soft Serve" product is "Real" Ice Cream! How can sonic an Barkely Advertising get away with so blatant a mis-statement of fact? Anyone up for a Baskin & Robbins run?

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    Fri May 07 2010

    I like sonic food . I like the commercials except the ones with the two gay guys .

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    Tue May 04 2010

    i would **** the sonic waitresses, yeah, i honestly would.

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    Thu Feb 18 2010

    I recall these ads being funny enough. I don't live anywhere near a Sonic and I don't have TV so I haven't seen one in a while. I actually know one of the guys who conceived of this campaign, however, and I always thought it was a smart idea for an ad campaign on the cheap. As he described it, they'd brainstorm a bunch of short scripts as a jumping off point, schedule a day for shooting, and let the actors ad lib the rest. Tons of material to work with, most of which hit the cutting room floor; the remnants were more likely to be funny than something super-rehearsed shot in such a short time period. Reading through these reviews, it's a little strange to see how angered people seem to be about particular actors in the campaign when their favorites have been replaced. You'd think they lost a close friend rather than a distant personage on the idiot box who happens to be selling something.

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    Thu Feb 18 2010

    I love the new couple! I think the majority of the negative remarks made about them are written by the same embittered person (s) so, consequently, have no validity. It is one thing not to like a commercial it's quite another to make personal attacks on the actors and rant on & on about them. The actors are accomplished and I'm sure will excel in any endeavor they pursue. Jealousy is commonplace in this arena because it takes a lot of courage, self-worth & talent...... all things foreign to the author (s).

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    Wed Jan 06 2010

    I think the new sonic commercials are SUPER FUNNY!! As far as commercials go they are pretty much some of the most entertaining and interesting. I could careless about watching the ads but when these come on I have to hit rewind on the DVR. I think the new couple is great. "I'm having a CoFFEE!!" My kids go nuts every time these come on and then they beg me and my wife to take them to Sonic. I think it is neat that my kids get a chance to see what it is like to eat at a "drive in" like I did with my folks. Funny stuff Sonic-- keep it up.

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    Sat Jan 02 2010

    These are the stupidest ads I have ever seen. I purposely AVOID Sonic because of them. Advertising should make you want to use the product/service, not run from it. In the case of ads showing people using the product, the viewer needs to identify with the people in the ad. There is no way on earth I would want to be like those morons! Since I don't want to be like them, I have no interest in the product. Talk about totally ineffective advertising!

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    Mon Dec 14 2009

    I would have to rate this at least a (minus five) -5 stars What is most astounding is not the many opinions and critiques submitted by commenters on the subject of sonic commercials. Albeit most have some validity the point to ponder is what kind of "intelligent" person would waste their time with ANY of this. "Armchair ctitics" maybe they will one day get a life as the people they are critisizing are at least attempting to do.

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    Wed Nov 18 2009

    I think all of these people slamming the new couple are NUTS! The new couple is hilarious. "I'm having a coffee" is the funniest. My family is constantly quoting this commercial and we laugh everytime it comes on. The tailgating commercial is a close second place with the "I tear em' down and I don't build em' up" quote. Keep up the comical stuff! LOVE it!

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    Fri Nov 13 2009

    Sonic, what did you all do with the other couple? You know, the red-head and the guy with glasses. You have got to get rid of the new couple. They are not at all funny and they do not mesh. It like looking at Opie Taylor and Carrie out on a date. It just not pretty. I love the two guys, they are a perfect match. Please, get rid of Opie and Carrie. Sincerely, Robert Lofton

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    Mon Nov 09 2009

    I think the new couple you have doing your sonic commercials are awful the 2 guys and the older couple are better and funnier. I think you need to get them back doing your commercials I mute the new one with the young couple they really look stupid doing your commercials.

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    Sat Oct 31 2009

    The advertising firm that creates Sonic commercials must be owned by a relative of Sonic's last CEO. Hopefully the new leadership will fire them and attempt to rebrand their image. Only a pea brain would pay to have their brand selectively targeted to morons. These people are represented to be typical Sonic customers and all of them are complete idiots. The concept "reality show drama" appears that only really stupid people actually enjoy eating cheap sloppy food in their cars while having stupid human conversations. These people make Barney Fife look like a genius. Next they'll probably feaure the "Balloon Boy" family celebrating their recent space flight! What potential customer would really want to emulate these people and associate themselves as a typical Sonic customer? I have never been to a Sonic because their message offers no incentive to try their food but rather offers an observational commentary on their customer base. Obviously Sonic thinks their customers are fools and... Read more

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    Sat Oct 03 2009

    Sonic Drive In commercials get muted every time they come on at our house. I do believe they rank with some of the worse commercials in the history of tv and I'm not exaggerating. I agree that this may sound harsh but a incoherent dialogue about the restaurant food seem like a throw back to a very bad high school skit.

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    Wed Sep 09 2009

    The current Sonic ad. which has a man saying he would pay $2.99 for the woman. Is this ad supposed to be about prostitution? Why do you think women are a commodity? Get rid of stupid degrading sexist ads. They are not clever..

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    Tue Sep 08 2009

    I thought it was a better add than the two guys, and I actually found it was kinda cute.

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    Tue Sep 08 2009

    I do NOT like the new couple you have chosen to use in your "in car" commercials. The middle aged woman and balding man are hysterical. My husband and I have never laughed so hard in all our lives. We just couldn't wait for the new commercial to come out with that oh so loved couple. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING???? The new younger couple don't even seem to be in the same generation much less married to one another. The silly commercial of her blowing the dust out of his wallet because he is so tight with his money. I think the economy calls for us being more tight with out money. The other couple seemed to actually be "married". They acted as if they were. I absolutely love the commercials. We have watched many commercials and couldn't even tell you what business they were for, but yours seem to be the topic of conversation at each BBQ or get together with the neighbors. I feel that you've made a huge mistake by getting rid of that lovely hysterically fu... Read more

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    Tue Aug 11 2009

    Each time a new one comes out, I just think that they can't get any worse... I am also a math teacher and yeah, TWO IS NOT THE SECOND PRIME! Others that I have watched it with with also question the reference to the age of the congressman or what ever the other reference is (I don't remember exactly cause I have trouble getting past that prime thing every time I watch it). Don't they have anyone at Sonic that previews these things before they hit the air? Also, what is up with that punching or slapping sound at the end of each commercial? I have not ate there much lately, but the food selection and quality is good.

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    Sat Aug 01 2009

    I'm not here to talk about the food at Sonic, as I've never even seen one of their restaurants, and I'm not sure why they have ads in my area (San Jose, CA). However, I'm a math teacher and the last ad I saw mentioned that "2 is the second prime". This is NOT the case, as 1 is not technically a prime number. Someone else wrote in their review, albeit last year, that Sonic needs to get their facts straight. This seems true. Perhaps, one day I'll have a chance to taste the food at Sonic, but for now all I can do is critique them

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    Tue Feb 17 2009

    All in all, the commercials are funny. However, the newest commercial where the boy says that money doesn't grow on trees has a major problem. He states that money is technically from trees but it is not. MONEY COMES FROM COTTON!! I think the people who make these commericials need to get their facts straight.

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    Sat Dec 06 2008

    While portions of the Sonic commercials may be amusing, the "Couples" series featuring Molly Erdman and Brian Huskey as husband and wife I find particularly offensive because Erdman is constantly putting Huskey down, making insulting personal comments and painting him to be a complete buffoon. This is male-bashing at it's worst and isn't cool. Switch the roles with Huskey bashing Erdman and the public would take REAL issue with it because men have to treat women special all the time while women are allowed to bash men with abandon and for some reason, we find that acceptable. It isn't. I won't eat at Sonic anymore because of their anti-male, sexist advertising.

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    Fri Nov 14 2008

    I think the Sonic commercials are hilarious! And those of you who complain about them and use such big words as suck and stupid...grow up! Obviously you people have no sense of humor. And we don't care if you are in the "ad business". If you think you can come up with something better, then go for it! Get a life and lighten up! I love the commericials...I hope they continue to make them. Especially the husband and wife duo. "if you rearrange the letters in brian it spells brain, but thats funny...cause it's you..."

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    Thu Oct 23 2008

    Get rid of the homo's in the commercials. I used to love to go get a super-sonic at least once a week. Since you began using the homos I have refused to buy from Sonic.

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    Wed Sep 17 2008

    I love these commercials. My favorite by FAR is the food math with the two guys. If you feel about math the way I do, then you totally get them. haha I think the creators of this ad campaign are geniuses. And for anyone who says these commercials are poor humor, you must not like humor like in The Office or Arrested Development, either. Thanks, Sonic, for holding the cheese on your commercials. I love the real-life conversation slant.

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    Fri Aug 01 2008

    i think its kinda silly if you stop going to a place bc of its commercials..haha..but i thnk they are freaking hilarious..people need to lighten up..haha

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    Thu Jul 31 2008

    These things suck swamp water. I turn the channel and have stopped going to sonic because of them

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    Wed Jul 30 2008

    If 1/2 of a star was available, I would choose that instead of a full star. These commercials are so pathetic. Now when they come on, I just turn the channel so I don't have to sit through another one. These really are very stupid.

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    Wed Jul 30 2008

    Zero stars would be most correct. Sonic commercials with so-called "real" people SUCK. Dialog produced by the dimwitted cretins who conceived these commercials is condescending, ignorant, irritating, sarcastic, insipid, unappetizing, and stupid. We all know you can't fix stupid! Keep it up. I will continue to find other places to eat as long as the insanity continues. I also change the channel and tune out the programming interrupted by these moronic excuses for marketing.

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    Thu Jul 17 2008

    A collection of the worst, most ridiculous commercials I've unfortunately had to be subjected to. I no longer patronize Sonic because of my distaste for these crappy ads. I not only quit visiting Sonic, I now change TV stations every time one of those works of crap are extruded into my television. If you could give an IQ rating to these collections of humorless TV spots, I would say it would probably score at or below the 32 mark. What a bunch of absolute garbage. There is absolutely no creativity, witt or humor. No real memorable message is conveyed other than (this is stupid and boring).

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    Fri Jun 06 2008

    I work in television and these ads suck. Unfortunately they appeal to "marketing" people, the bogus hipsters wearing thick rimmed, black framed glasses. They think they are wry and witty. When in actuality they are ass-clowns. Worst ads on TV - which is why they work unintentionally, to some degree. They are so irritating you remember the name Sonic. But otherwise they are the lowest of the low creatively.

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    Fri May 09 2008

    A perfect reason for channel surfing.

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    Fri May 09 2008

    i really do love them. so funny. does anyone know where i could find the one where the woman of the married couple says, "no. you don't know what you like."? i think it's hilarious.

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    Tue May 06 2008

    The person below me must be high because i think these advertisements are really funny.

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    Sun Feb 17 2008

    Generally, the TV advertisements produced for your company are really terrible.... in-other-words.... they SUCK! A group of International 5 year olds with no common language could communicate a more momentous message to TV viewers. The characters in your commercials are "not believeable" as typical customers or the general public.... unless you're from Circleville or Hanksville. Anyway, perhaps you could think of a new theme to inject some enthusiasm into the 30 second spots. My friends and I enjoy joking about how crappy these current ads are, for the most part. I might even be prompted to visit a Sonic when you provide some intelligent thought process using different characters.

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    Thu Oct 11 2007

    The sonic commercials are soo about makes me not even want to eat there...

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    Thu Aug 09 2007

    Those Sonic commercials are the funniest things on TV - have seen a couple new ones just this week - they are laugh-out-loud funny. I'd like to find a bio on the people doing these commercials. Anyone got any information?

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    Tue Aug 07 2007

    I think they are hilarious -- both with the two guys, and then the same blond guy and his wife. "What, did your intuition tell you to wear that sweater?" (I think that's the wording...) And the brainfreeze one, too, with the two guys. LOL! Cute *smack* sound at the end, too. Great ad campaign...please don't change them!

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    Fri Jul 27 2007

    Too short-lived at present for five stars, but so far these Sonic spots are rather strong in my opinion. They are funny, memorable, and quick-hit, all making the campaign effective. As these ads are dialogue driven, the potential for a long run is certainly there.

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    Sat Jun 09 2007

    Who is that beautiful woman on the commercial? She's gorgeous!

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    Sun Feb 04 2007

    All of the recent Sonic ads are funny and well done. The most recent one I've seen, of the two guys at the drive up ordering a Diet Coke, is laugh out loud funny.

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    Sat Jan 27 2007

    I especialy like that "married" couple, the bald guy and the cute girl, they are funny together, the rest of the "couples" et al are so so.

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    Wed Apr 26 2006

    Sonic Drive In is running great commercials where two people are attempting to order and the snide remarks made between the two of them are excellent. Very droll.