Florida International University

Approval Rate: 74%

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    Tue May 04 2010

    I am a zfull time working student that goes to FIU part time in order to gain my degree. The University is completely sub par in addressing student issues with Financial Aid and payments etc. I have been a student here since 2002 and the treatment of the students using Financial Aid gets progessively worse. Being that the University's main focus is being an "online" university, good luck getting anyone to do more than send you an email to an email address they give you (which will not work half of the time) for any important information. I was dropped from Financial Aid, yet they let me keep taking classes, only to send me a bill for $6,000 after! The excuse was I should have known since they sent me an "email." How can a University which claims to care about their students be so reckless when addressing serious issues such as tuition?! As if it could get any worse I have not been able to attend class or transfer out until I pay IN FULL the amount due. Oh yeah and the bank they had got... Read more

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    Tue Sep 08 2009

    I am going to write about the Presidential Fellowship I did not hesitate joining to Fiu after I received my fellowship. I am in one of the most reputable departments of Fiu, but even when your department is not then your Profs will give you extra care, you will join their research projects etc. In my department every student is very hardworking so there is no difference between how students are treated. On the other hand, the bursar office made my life miserable, they confuse everything, pay always late and are not very friendly. Bursar office made me sorry that joined to Fiu. So in short academics good, payments etc terrible.

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    Sun Feb 01 2009

    The campus is really nice, you really get that college feeling but thats just the exterior. The teachers really dont speak good english at all, more than half of my teachers have been foreign and its hard to understand. When you transfer you lose some many credits. I have to take so many classes over. The staff/advisors are not helpful at all, it is completely impersonal they do not know your name and they just pass your problems on to the next person. Its really ridiculous

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    Sat Mar 29 2008

    FIU is an institutional joke! The people (with very few exceptions) are scum bags and the professors, for the most part, can't teach even if their lives depended on it. There's a good reason why no one outside of refugee saturated/toxic waste dump Miami, Florida has never heard of this poop filled septic tank! The poor thing doesn't even reach the heels of Miami Dade Community College. Now, MDC is an internationally recognized college whose professors actually do their jobs.

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    Sun Jul 01 2007

    FIU has an amazing academic quality. The fact that tuition is so low makes it an exceptional best buy. This is by far one of the most underated universities in the country.

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    Tue May 29 2007

    FIU is a great university, which a growing campus life. All the professors I've had have been great, all coming from other top universities. I transferred to FIU from UCLA and I have enjoyed FIU much better than UCLA. So, definitely apply to FIU, you won't be disappointed.

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    Sun Sep 12 2004

    This is one of the up and coming universities in the Florida state system. Of course, the quality depends on the department. Generally speaking, the School of the Arts and Sciences can be better in terms of course offerings, but it does have an excellent faculty for the most part, very willing to actively engage students. It has an excellent business school, one of the best accounting departments in the country; very challenging as well. Business curriculum is geared toward IT foundations. Solid engineering school as well. We just got a new law school that has recruited some of the best faculty in the country. The schools is Latin American affairs, being that the school is in Miami. The only negative about this school is the lack of any campus life. The school is located in the suburbs of Miami, so it's largely a commuter college. Students are in and out, they don't have a tendency of sticking around. But still, we're working on developing it a bit, and at any rate, this is Miami, ther... Read more

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    Wed Mar 31 2004

    FIU is a pretty good university academically in my opinion. The professors, for the most part, are professional, though I haven't enjoyed some of the comments and viewpoints that some have. However, that's part of the spirit of academia, a sprit permeating the colleges. The professors all interact with each other, and lectures on various topics are frequent throughout the year. An imbalance in concentration toward the Business and Engineering colleges from both the student body and from alumni who donate funds tends to leave other departments lacking, but what there is in lack of funds the professors make up in verve and spirit. All the colleges, departments and centres, though, are superb in what they do, and gear toward the implementation of technology in the classrooms through multimedia presentations, videos and Internet. Entire sections of the College of Business Administration, among other colleges, are taught completely online and/or through videos. As for the departments themse... Read more

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    Thu Feb 05 2004

    I agree, this probably is the best educational value for your dollar. I have been satisfied with the professors here, but there is literally NO campus life.. The people who live here are annoying, me and my roommate can't find a niche. A lot of people in my classes have been annoying as well; many tend to act smarter than they are, and the ones that I get along with don't live on campus. This school is called Florida International, but their idea of international is just a bunch of trinnies and puerto ricans. No offense to those groups of people, but there really is very little diversity here. I love the way the campus looks, they did a great job with the buildings and landscape and such. Note: if planning on attending this school make sure you own a car

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    Sat Nov 09 2002

    FIU sucks madly. UM rules. Period.

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    Fri Jan 11 2002

    The best University in the World.

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    Fri Jan 11 2002

    Harvard doesn't compare to this wonderful university!

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    Mon Oct 29 2001

    This is a strong, but relatively unknown University in Miami. FIU is finally getting some national and international recognition (as well as a AA Football Team).

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    Tue Nov 28 2000

    I've had an opportunity to spend a good deal of time on this campus - both as a recruiter and a vendor - and I have been very impressed. The kids are for the most part serious students, multi-cultural, and seem happy to be there (as opposed to UM where everybody is a spoiled brat). Apparently FIU is the fastest growing school in the country and is consistently rated as one of the best values for your educational dollar. From a recruitment perspective, FIU is the place to go to get hard-working, bi-lingual engineers.