Arnold Schwartzeneger

Approval Rate: 72%

72%Approval ratio

Reviews 19

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    Sun Aug 24 2008

    As a body builder, he has no equal and rates a well deserved five. In bodybuilding no one is more serious or has more credibilty than Arnold. As an Actor, and I use that term loosely, I'll give him a one He's entertaining and his movies sell but he's no actor. As a governor he leaves a lot to be desired but I'll give him a 2.5, As a moneymaker the man is a five. Overall he gets a three from me.

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    Fri Aug 22 2008

    He could still break my spine...

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    Wed Aug 20 2008

    As an actor, you could take him about as seriously as any other actor. As governor of a large and powerful state, you can take him seriously as a heart attack.

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    Tue Jul 03 2007

    AAAhnold cannot be taken seriously because one minute he's a hunky talentless actor and once he's no longer that dude he decides to become governor and he could only wish he could become president. HAHA!

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    Wed Dec 28 2005

    I preferred Sonny Bono. Pro-life anyone? It's really popular amongst people who were innocent of crimes that they were wrongfully accused of.

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    Wed Dec 28 2005

    Unless there's a miracle turnaround, he's about to become a footnote in California political history.

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    Fri Jul 08 2005

    Scwartzeneger, I still can't believe he's the Governor....oops....GoverNATOR of Californ....oops....Caleeforneeya. Disgraceful, this Governor Grabass is. Gary Coleman should have won!

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    Mon Jun 20 2005

    Because of his position as governor of California, he has to be taken seriously. He has an impact on the lives of many in the state of California. Before that, he was an entertainer-how seriously were we supposed to take him?

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    Mon Jun 20 2005

    He came to this country as a legal immigrant who couldn't speak English. He built everything he has on his own, and is now one of the most recognized political leaders in the country. What's not to take seriously?

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    Fri May 13 2005

    I think the natural inclination is to dismiss this guy because he's so publicly jovial and seems somewhat goofy when he speaks. However, you can't argue with success. His life story is literally the embodiment of the American dream. He came here with the shirt on his back, because a Superstar body builder, celebrity, accomplished businessman and governor of a state that has the ninth largest GNP in the world.

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    Thu May 12 2005

    This guy is awesome!! Great Actor !! This guy is so succeessful that he didn't have to rely on other peoples money for his campign. Therefore didn't have to bend to other peoples politics, he just used his own wealth. This guy is a slap in the democrates face and thats why they hate him so much, I love it!! Republicans all the way baby!!

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    Wed May 11 2005

    I don't take this joke seriously. Christ, Arnie get back to the movie industry, willya?! For God sakes, the reason why he's governor is because the right-wingers of this nation did everything to boot Gray Davis out of office. I'm tired of these Republicans and I'm sick of Arnie being referred to as governor. Who does he think he is? The next Ronald Reagan?

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    Sat Mar 05 2005

    His movies are OK,and he seems likable enough as a person,but I think he should stay out of politics.

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    Sun Sep 19 2004

    Arnold is yet another example of the best the Republican Party has to offer. All glitter and no substance. Just pathetic.

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    Wed Aug 04 2004

    Personally, I think he was a product of the Republican Party just to get a foothold in the State. Now it's backfiring, thank god.

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    Tue Jan 20 2004

    How can anyone take him seriously? He got to power by questionable ways. He is just an actor and he is not qualified to be Governor of California.

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    Sat Jan 03 2004

    He can't even pronouce gubernatorial.

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    Sun Dec 28 2003

    I suppose that people in California are going to have to take Arnold at least somewhat seriously now that he is their govenor.

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    Sun Dec 28 2003

    Considering how Arnold was voted in as governor of California by the PEOPLE of California, of course he should be taken very seriously...the man now has power and certainly should be looked up to with respect whether you like him or not...