Benito Mussolini

Approval Rate: 33%

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    Thu Mar 01 2007

    He was greatly admired in his time. FDR modeled much of the New Deal on Fascist themes. Mussolini's problem is that he was blinded by an imperial dream and was destroyed in overstretch. Italy did not have the resources to match his appetite. After Hitler came to power, Mussolini eventually became entangled with Germany and drowned with it during the war.

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    Sat Apr 23 2005

    Heroic great leader who brought Italy into the 20th century, also completed the dreams of the Risorgimento and unified Italy and tamed the tyrants of the Vatican. His only fault was getting involved with the Axis powers and leader Italy disastorsly into WWII. He overextended himself with his ill conceived invasion of Ethiopia. The world's failure to act upon Italy's invasion of Ethiopia was a disgrace. Fortunalty the British Empire finally acted and delivered Ethiopia from the Axis invaders.

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    Fri Feb 11 2005

    Just as savage and as ruthless of a dictator as Hitler, only this one could be argued as getting his just deserves.

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    Thu Feb 10 2005

    Got less than he deserved...hung him upside down by his bollocks....... Favorite song was I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts........

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    Sat Dec 18 2004

    Lap dog.

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    Sat Dec 18 2004

    He didn't come to a very dignified end.

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    Sat Dec 18 2004

    I aways though he was just another thug in a long list. Usually seems to get rate about the same as hitler probably due to his relationship and time in history. Did not follow hitlers order to kill jews in Italy. He did not see the point.

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    Sun Apr 25 2004

    Just another humiliated Hitler puppet with poor military leadership skills. I don't know if dragging him through Rome was fitting for a man like him, but it would have been better for the world for him to die sooner rather than later. He spurred on evil propoganda, led his military to disaster, as I said and under him, Italy went to ruins.

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    Tue Apr 06 2004

    mussolini was a dusch bomb

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    Sat Mar 20 2004

    Mussolini is a study in contrasts. He managed to do a considerable amount of good domestically in Italy, but his foreign policy brought nothing but disaster to Italy. Hitler was, believe it or not, once a disciple of Mussolini, but the roles were reversed in a rather brief span of time. The Italians followed Mussolini initially, but tended to become less enthusiastic as his foreign misadventures multiplied. There are plenty of older Italians today who will tell you that you can make all the jokes you want, but that the trains DID run on time under Mussolini (and they don't today), that you were safer walking the streets, and that things overall weren't so bad. They do fault him for making a really bad decision to ally with Hitler. Some of his policies were applied rather haphazardly and erratically. One of the prime examples was his anti-Semitic policy (which was prompted by Hitler's and, ostensibly was just as harsh). In practice, anti-Semitic laws were largely ignored by Ital... Read more

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    Sat Mar 20 2004

    Mussolini deserves credit for being a modernizing influence for Italy. He was a fascist, a very strong nationalist. He transformed the constitutional monarchy Italy had during the early 1920's into a dictatorship. He strongly opposed political opposition, particularly the socialists and the communists. He organized the economy in the form of a fascist corporate state; a model for governing that was popular in Europe at the time, witness the rise of Franco in Spain and Hitler in Germany. Italy's system was based on heavy government control of the economy. It was a corporatist system essentially; independent trade unions were destroyed and government guilds represented the monied interests within society. The Lateran Treaty basically made Roman Catholicism the state religion of Italy, state and religion were no longer separated. For all their similarities, Hitler and Mussolini were cool towards each other until after the Italy's 1935 invasion of Ethoipia, when he reached out to Germany. ... Read more

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    Sun Feb 15 2004

    Three stars for his effectiveness as a domestic leader in Italy after the ravages of the First World War, and as a unifying force in the country. Yet he was a tyrant of the type common in early to mid century, and as a military leader he was a disastrous failure (and believe me this was a damned good thing).

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    Thu Sep 25 2003

    A stooge.

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    Wed Aug 13 2003

    Hung by a noose and torn limb for limb by his own people - a fitting tribute to the greatest salesman of modern day fascism.

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    Sat Jun 21 2003

    stupid motherf*cker. his military was weak and he became hitler's puppet

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    Mon Apr 14 2003

    • Benito Mussolini hired people to cultivate land so that it could be used for farming and constructing buildings • He increased the size of Italy’s transport system like the train, buses, airplanes and roads, this created a lot of jobs for people to construct them and to ride them • Brought up Italy’s education • Built up Italy’s military this created many jobs • Italy’s military technology skyrocketed this created hi-tech jobs • Started up social security where pensioners and low income people got some money to pay there bills and other stuff • Expanded Italy’s empire

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    Mon Apr 07 2003

    in the end he was merely a humiliated puppet.

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    Tue Mar 18 2003

    showed what does fascism actually mean!

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    Tue Feb 11 2003

    Origianaly a Social-democrat writter who became a Ultra-nationalist, he was promiscues and an athiest. Most of what has been writen in English about this guy comes from Cambrage University (Left wing) who have delibrately mistranslated his comments, articals, delibrately leaving imporant bits out, as well as making many false claimes about him. Most Italians (including mainly center and left wing ones) are angry at the British for changing their history contrary to what they lived through. He was very ANTI-racist (prime facist party policy after its principles): highly subidising families who adopted black children whose parents have been killed in battle, (more on his anti racism, I can write an essay on it)... The British politicaly pressured him on to Hitlers side after he advised them to watch him as his bulding up is dagerous and to join him in a coelition against Germany. Mussolini also advised the USA about Japan (who were also Ultranationalist)... Exapantionist war monger and l... Read more

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    Sat Feb 08 2003

    Probably the most insignificant of the famous 20th century leaders, who cares? Italy could barely beat Ethiopia in their military battle. The Italians showed sense when they flocked to the Allies side when we invaded Italy.

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    Sun Feb 02 2003

    He got what he deserved- killed by his own people and paraded through Rome and beaten by his own people.

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    Tue Jan 21 2003


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    Fri Jan 10 2003

    Better than Clinton.

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    Sat Feb 23 2002

    Of course,as has been pointed out,Mussolini had his strengths(dictators usually do!)and i've no doubt if he and Hitler had won the war,the trains would have continued running on time...while millions -unimaginable numbers- would have been horrifically enslaved and slaughtered.The consequences for the world,for every country,for us all,simply don't bear thinking about.

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    Sat Feb 23 2002

    Benito Mussolini is an insult to humanity and the Italian nationality. He aided in Hitler's propaganda machine so that Fascism could begin to rule the world. Along with Hitler and Emporer Hirohito of Japan, he comprised the Axis powers that attempted to achieve world domination through slavery and ethnic cleansing. I don't know if he deserved to be burned and carried around Rome after his death, but he was definitely a terrible man.