Bank of America

Rate Bank of America.

Approval Rate: 40%

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    Fri Aug 31 2012

    Getting Worse! With laying off seasoned employees, merging banks, it seems as if no one knows what the heck is going on! For a company who is trying to get "back up on the horse", they sure are going about it the wrong way! Unfortunately Minden (Nevada) Bank of America used to be my favorite bank but not anymore. I usually am one to only post positive reviews; however, I feel that, to business owners such as myself, you should be aware. I own and operate my own business and I have close to 50 clients (many of whom I referred to this branch of BofA). Minden is a small town and I actually live closer to Reno but made it a point to travel to this bank in particular. I had the same teller I would request every time (Linda...what a sweetheart) and I knew all of the other staff. Over the last couple of months, it has seemed quite hectic there, many new employees, etc. I asked why that was and apparently there was a merge with another bank and they were trying to get that all "figured out".... Read more

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    Mon May 07 2012

    HELLO KITTY DEBIT CARDS!!! <- probably the only best thing there.. I have been a customer here since... a year now. and its bad. I've actually switched to usaa <being in the military> and trying to close-out my checking account at B of A and trying to deal with a fraudulent charge. Of which I called the store of which it happened and came to the conclusion to where they, the manager, told me to make a fraudulent charge. went through the whole signing process and got my money back. NOW, my parents sent me mail to my place becasue of some mailing problems, but B of A sent a letter that There was NO Error in it. and How I LIED about the whole incident and now they are going to charge me the money they gave back. This is B.S. Seriously not how consumer service is dealt with and another when my card was stopped when starting the fraud claim. NEVER gave me a Temporary Debit Card. and STILL waiting on my debit card 2 months going. Thanks Bank of America for making decisions for me, for what ... Read more

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    Tue Mar 13 2012

    WOW! This place, a disaster it is! If nothing goes wrong, then all seems fine...but try to close your account or have some issue with your account and it's a one is in charge or has any authority (or knowledge) to do anything. Long ugly situation with a CD renewal...short story, closed it and transferred to a credit union...what a nightmare...they kept $2000! For what? They didn't know...we eventually got it back...but what a hassle...just an "error" on their part that made a ton of work on my part. Closed a checking account too at the exact same time as the CD....month later...$35 fee for low balance in the checking account! It was closed the same day as the CD (the CD kept us above low balance fee). What happened? They closed the CD first, which then put too low a balance in the checking account and then stuck on the $35 fee. CROOKS! Run people! Do not do business with will eventually really regret it!

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    Fri Mar 02 2012

    I say People need to get together to have BOA shut down. This bank Is truly very Corruptive . They need to be put out of Business for good.

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    Mon Nov 28 2011

    WORST BANK EVER!!!!!!! DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH!!!!!!! Opened a credit card in Dec 2010 and charged on it along with other credit cards. Always at least paid minimum payments then paid a large payment to get my balance down and they decreased my credit line stating they ran my credit score and it is no longer what it was when I opened the account which happens when you use your credit line. I immediately closed my account. I feel like they are punishing me for paying my bills!!!!!!!!!!

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    Wed Nov 16 2011

    When it comes to commercial banking, these guys are the worst. They have even been recognized as such by the credit rating agencies, which downgraded their debt rating a couple of months ago to just above junk status. The only reason why it doesn't have a lower rating is because it's defined as a "Too Big To Fail" institution. In other words, the Federal Reserve has opened its discount window to it, practically free of charge. If that was the only perk they receive. They have a time bomb of toxic assets on the balance sheets, and nothing is going to stop it from imploding. The government's patronage of this bank was never clearer in recent weeks, when BofA decided to move trillions of dollars (trillions, not billions) of worthless derivatives contracts off of Merrill Lynch's balance sheet and onto BofA's retail/commercial arm. The decision was done at the be... Read more

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    Fri Oct 21 2011

    While you have been fixated on Gaddafi's worthless ass, whose death won't affect your life one iota, Bankrupt America has just transferred $55 trillion of worthless Merrill Lynch derivatives into its retail (i.e., taxpayer-backed accounts) unit. nd_uy96iNSbW99JHMRnbxgvfL Have a nice day.

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    Thu Oct 20 2011

    Bank of America is the worst mortgage company I have ever dealt with! Their customer service reps are incompetent, and they will all tell you something different. Even with you finally talk to a supervisor, they tell you that their reps have given incorrect information. I am going to refinance and plan to never deal with them again!

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    Wed Oct 05 2011

    Anyone thinking about starting a mortgage with Bank Of America may want to reconsider. With all the reorganization, lay offs, and government involvement Bank of America is going through, you may find the over worked mortgage specialist at Bank of America making a lot of mistakes and not making deadlines as promised on your closing costing you more money than you expected.. I just completed the loan process with Bank of America and some of the problems I faced were, No communication with me or inability for the loan specialist at Bank Of America to take messages., loan information going to an email address I never provided or used costing valuable time, in other words I never received some very important information, not making the closing date on time, this is one of the most important necessities of a mortgage purchase, this failure on Bank of America’s behalf cost me the seller paid escrow fee of 1500 dollars, the whole process was horrible and this was a little mortgage for under 50... Read more

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    Fri Sep 16 2011

    So my husband has been bank with BOA for years (30+) and they stink! We so can't wait to get away from them it isn't even funny. Not only are they shady I can't believe that they can sleep at night. The best thing that the government can do right now is to shut them down. They are out of control. They have decided that they are not going to stick with their word, etc and demand a bazillion dollars of us or attempt to foreclose on our home. My husband has done everything that they required of him to do and I guess one hand doesn't know what the other is doing there. To top it off and I know this may not be a big thing, but just the nail in the coffin that truly indicates to me that they stink to high heaven, is the other day my husband requested a new debit card due to his current one falling apart. He just looked at his account and noticed that they charged him $5 for replacement. Really? Seriously? Why wasn't he told this? He would have said, keep your lousy card. UGH we ... Read more

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    Tue Aug 23 2011

    You'd think that when a bank buys a smaller bank the CD rates would be locked in just as the maturity date is locked it. My CD rate was lowered to .35% when Bank of America purchased Countrywide. When I inquired about the early withdrawal penalty, I discovered it was 4 times more than most banks. Where most banks charge between 1 and 3 months interest, B of A charges 3 months interest PLUS 3% of the principle. When my CD matures, B of A will never see me again. No wonder their customers and stockholders are SO dissatisfied. I'll take my business elsewhere. No one buys a CD to lose $ !!

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    Sun Aug 07 2011

    This is the first time that I have been sooo disappointed with a company I wanted the whole world to know. The only reason I have to deal with Bank of America is because they bought out Countrywide Home Loans- As hard as times are this comany took away something that really helped the consumer-we are not allowed to pay our mortagae bi-weekly anymore. Anything that helped "the people" was removed, they know this is a faster way to pay out your mortgage. Why not help the very people who keeps you in business. If I thought I could-right now I would refinance and get AWAY from them-they are all about fatting their revenue and not about the customer AT ALL!!!!!!! IF it was possible to give no stars I would have. LSW

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    Sat Aug 06 2011

    Customers beware of Bank of America. My son and daughter-in-law applied for a loan modification several months ago. Their property has been posted and published for a trustee sale. The property is about to be sold because of Bank of America's incompetency. Because of this process the elderly grandmother who has lived on the property for twenty eight years will be homeless. Catherine Newman 14661 Quartz Mountain Road Sutter Creek, CA 95685

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    Sat Jul 30 2011

    I hate Bank ofAmerica so much! The only thing they have good customer service for is when they GET your money.Once they get your business they don't care anything about what your situation is. When I was laid off from my job I had used all my severance money to cover my mortgage which lasted 6months.Then my savings ran out 2months later. I called them IN ADVANCE to tell them I could have issues paying my mortgage & I needed to know if anything could be done to make my payments more affordable. They said other than refinance there was nothing they could so because I was UP TO DATE on my payments. When I fell behind I called for arrangments & they said it was nothing they could do because I was behind in payments! Finally I sold my house & received a second check from Bank of America. I went to a Bank of America branch to cash the check. They had the audacity to charge me $6 because I didn't have an account. Mind you the check was only for $65.47 AND it was a Bank of America issued check... Read more

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    Tue Jul 05 2011

    i had been a customer of BOA for 15+ years, I was considered a "preferred" customer. Mortgage, before the sold it to WaMu, credit cards, cash reserves etc. My paycheck has been directly deposited since 1996 on the 15th and last business day of the month. I changed the direct deposit to be deposited in another BOA account in the interim, i deposited a paper check which comes the good part... BOA put a 5 day hold on my payroll check. After endless time spent explaining to Angel and 4 other customer service asses at BOA, they were very sorry, but they couldn't give me $ they had not gotten from the other bank. Nevermind i was a "preferred" customer. They could easily track and did my semi monthly payroll deposits for the same amount of my deposit. I asked for the issue to be resolved with a "supervisor" however, Angel to me that his supervisior was not interested and had no intentions of taking a call from a customer and to write to him... by the way this is the address and to da... Read more

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    Fri Jul 01 2011

    I'm in Europe for two months. I told them the dates I was going to be here so they have them on file. Well, they cancelled my card!!!! They said it was compromised, etc, etc... I went to the ATM and the card never came out, it said "order to capture" . I understand that, I guess, if someone had access to my account information I would be in trouble. But, after spending two hours (international call) with them, they said they were going to issue another card that would be in Europe in three days. Today, two days later, Visa called me saying Bank of America decided not to proceed with that!. So here I am, with no card. This bank is very mediocre.

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    Thu Jun 23 2011

    I'll give them no star at all but unfortunately, I don't have the choice here. In 2006, my account was compromised. I used to have a joint account with my ex husband that was opened in California. Later, as I moved to Texas, I closed the account, but my ex-husband re-opened the account and cashed my company relocation check and closed the account. After two weeks of going back and fort and calling the managers, I finally got my money back. The bank members actually helped my ex-husband perform this unethical activity. Later, my university alumni credit card through MBNA was bought by bank of America and the only reason I kept that credit card was due to the picture of the famous buzz and the association. Now, they just sent me a new credit card with no buzz and they claim that my information somehow has been compromised through a third party and they no longer have any associations with my university alumni. I am just totally disappointed of bank of America. They deserve NO S... Read more

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    Fri Jun 17 2011

    Bank of America is extremly greedy careful, even if there is over draft of $0.01, they will charge $35...and the customer service laugh at you and say "Thanks for your business"....Way to go BOA...take more and more money from common people, give good bonus to your CEO....Soon we will have Bank Of China

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    Sun May 01 2011

    WTF is with all the bad reviews??? Pay your shit on time losers! Bank of America has never given me a problem, and has worked with me on everything I've ever needed. They didn't give me a loan for a 3000 dollar car because it was over 5 years old or something lame... but rules are rules. Not a big deal, I got a cheaper car. Only 30 dollar credit payments, and only that high when I'm maxedd out at 1500. Usually its more like 15 monthly! Customer service has been perfectly fine too.

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    Thu Apr 28 2011

    The worst F**KING Bank to deal with in the world. They are the biggest crooks and give you the most hassel in the world. I hate them with a passion and had the worst experience everytime i've dealt with them. They would freeze your account for few hundred bucks and your card would get declined for no reason. This happened many times before, and would be embarassing, and would make your blood boil for no reason. Their cust service sucks and charge for everything and are a rip off. Try to avoid this bank whenever possible. They SUCK BIG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Wed Apr 27 2011

    First of all I would like to make it clear that I don't work for any bank. I switched to bank of America 1 month ago. I wired a lot of money to my parents in India. But they never received it. The transaction got canceled for some reason. But I never heard back from BOA and I was still missing my money. I called them a week later and they told me that my money is stuck somewhere.(But they never called to tell me that) I was asked to get some information from India which BOA needed to pull the money back from India.I got the info in 2 days and called them back. By that time they somehow already got the money back. Now here is the worst part. I was missing a 1000 dollars in my account. Reason: They transferred the money at a exchange rate of 42 and got it back at the rate of 45. (The exchange rate was still 42). So I lost [(my money)*42/45]=$1000 I told them that I never even got the money in India. They transferred the money, transaction got canceled and the money I got back was $100... Read more

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    Wed Apr 27 2011

    I do not work for any finance institution but have several accounts with multiple banks - brokerages, stocks, mortgages, credit, savings, and checking. I have several years of experience with home mortgages as I am a real estate investor. The worst bank I have dealt with is Bank of America. They have lost critical documents and always delayed my closing dates. They even gave me a 12k line of credit which I never applied for and then they suddenly took it away which dropped my overall credit score. The most frustraing part about dealing with Bank of America is their lack of accountability. No one ever apologizes and they quickly blame the customer. I strongly recommend using any other financial institution other than this one. They are by far horrible.

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    Wed Apr 27 2011

    Would not even consider me for a loan- treated me like a child. Was tricked into having a "review" when they checked to see if I was eligible for a balance transfer at a lower percentage rate, then after the review lowered my credit limit from 4500 to 2000 I was told that they're not offering that rate at this time... not that I wasn't eligible but that it had suddenly disappeared. Very disrespectful, Highly unsatisfied. Closing my account as soon as possible.

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    Tue Apr 12 2011

    I only put one star cause it was the least that I could put... I call this place SH_T of America.... Their policies are some of the worst and they are only out to screw the customer. I own several condo's and my credit score is well over 775... Little by little, I'm moving all of my money to other places. I have had accounts with them (due to their acquisitions) for over 30 years and most recently HAD $106,000 mortgage, $32,000 mortgage and about $50,000 home equity loans. I kept (notice the past tense) quite a few thousands in accounts.. I now notice that they are charging $3.00 for paper statements... They quit sending checks years ago... These people are CROOKS and out to nickel and dime the general public... I now have one of my mortgages at HSBC and they lost $500 interest this month alone on me. Little by little, I'm going to other financial institutions...

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    Sat Mar 26 2011

    Worst f*cking bank EVER. Every day I'd get a text giving me my so-called "balance" to help keep track of spending--everything is inaccurate however. Last night the text from the bank said I had $5.82 as of 4.07pm, so I decided to buy a $5 footlong at subway. Next morning, what do I get? A motherf*cking NEGATIVE balance of $25.18 goddamn overdraft at 8am. Called customer service so they could fix the sh*t and what do they tell me? "Oh, all of the other charges in the past few days weren't processed until such and such date (WHICH THE DATES THAT I SUPPOSEDLY SPENT MONEY ON WERE COMPLETELY WRONG!). My issue is, HOW THE F*CK AM I S'POSED TO KNOW HOW MUCH MONEY I HAVE WHEN THEY KEEP F*CKING UP MAKING ERRORS? WHY THE F*CKIN HELL DOES THE BALANCE ON MY TEXT ALERTS NOT MATCH THE ONLINE BALANCE? AND WHY THE F*CK SHOULD I HAVE TO PAY THEM ANYWAY WHEN THEY ARE THE ONES TO BLAME FOR THE MISTAKE?! CAUTION: LEAVE BANK OF AMERICA ALONE! THEY ARE FRAUDULENT, DECEPTIVE, GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED. IF I COUL... Read more

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    Fri Mar 25 2011

    I have a checking and a credit card. I rarely have problems. It can be an annoyance though if you have to call BofA since their system is strictly automated & I had a looong wait time. I was charged an overdraft fee for a system automation errors which they fixed. The branches I deal with have good customer service personel who are helpful and friendly. Mostly, I love the online banking, the views, the acocunt info, bill pay and transfers, all very easy to work with.

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    Mon Mar 14 2011

    Do not believe anything Bank of America representatives tell you. Look elsewhere for your mortgage. They purchased my mortgage about 6 years ago, and since that time I have never been late with a payment and my credit rating is very good (780). After more than three months in the application process for a refinance, and each and every representative along the way telling me that we would try to close "next week", they suddenly decided that I don't qualify, as I am too big of a credit risk. I didn't receive a phone call, just suddenly received a declination letter. Afterword, they would not return my phone calls. The real reason I was declined was that my application was for a 15 year 3.875% fixed note which would have kept my monthly payments exactly the same, but cut 10 years off the note. When interest rates started going up, they suddenly started delaying and eventually just sent me the letter. The customer service is VERY VERY slow if you ever attempt to call in about you... Read more

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    Wed Mar 02 2011

    B of A is terrible. I have it now since I don't have much choice and they have different branches. It has lousy service but it depends where you are. They just want to get more customers and don't care. I don't use it if I can get something else which is probably just as bad. Of course, now with out as much money and credit problem they first offered me a credit card and then refused it. I have my other one anyway. There is no telling what is really going on. Woe be to you if you need to call up customer service. It is lousy working temp there also.

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    Wed Mar 02 2011

    Bank of America is BY FAR the worst customer service in the banking business. First of all, they really do not want to provide customer service, they want you to go through this excruciating process of automated voice commands, which generally will never give you the answers to the questions you might have. Then, if you can FINALLY get a human voice on the phone, they will spend half of their time telling you how much they appreciate your business and value you as a customer.....and then they cannot give you the right answers to your questions! So, because they are not properly trained to really answer any questions, they then ask for permission to place you on hold so they can perhaps find someone that might have the answer. Ask for permission? What if you tell them "no"? Then you cannot get the answer? OF COURSE they can place you on hold, if that is what they need to do in order to answer your questions. Why would anyone object to that? On average, the last 5 inquires to B... Read more

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    Tue Mar 01 2011

    I like the online bill pay and account review. However, they have very bad customer service. When I call they hang up on me almost every time. And you can't talk to a person unless you punch in ALL of your account info and then they still want to keep it strictly automated. When you go in to a bank they are always clueless and have never been able to answer my questions. But I think they are almost all that way. There's a big credit union in San Antonio that's much better.

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    Tue Feb 22 2011

    It seems like Bank of America had its policies written by scam artists, they will do anything to take your money.

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    Tue Feb 22 2011

    I worked with Bobby Rastifard at the All Western banking branch in Henderson. The mortgage sold to Bank of America and service has been great so far. Bank of America has been reliable when I call for questions at their customer service depatrment. A lady named Stacey really helped me out on some questons too. I have to say that Bobby Rastifard, the branch banking exec, offered to help me learn about how things worked in the financial world. It was pleasant to know that Bobby actually was an expert in detecting fraud and identity theft. I learned that he had worked with federal and state law enforcement units in preventing fraud. When it comes to mortgages, he is a whiz. I will definately send all my friends and business to him.

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    Sun Feb 20 2011

    This bank is in trouble. Do not do business with it.

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    Fri Feb 18 2011

    Hate Bank of America!!! Worst customer service ever and constant mistakes are made. I have to call in every month to resolve a problem that they caused and it is never resolved. I have never in my life dealt with such an incompetent organization. For your own peace of mind go somewhere else.

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    Thu Feb 17 2011

    They have rather good customer service and to be honest that goes a long way with me. However what I'm not happy about is their fees. They have crazy fees, and charge you for everything and anything. The joke about nickel and diming you to death is without a doubt in reference to Bank of America.

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    Thu Feb 17 2011

    Bank of America is a great financial institution that strives for excellent customer service and the best rates around. The best part about them is the financial calculators that they provide on their website. Such great information is provided for everyone and that is what makes this bank ahead of the game.

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    Fri Feb 11 2011

    Bank of America has great online options for bill pay and easy access to account information. I never had a problem loging in or getting inaccurate balances on my account. I know that with most banks, it could take up to 2 to 3 days for any transaction to post to my account, and that is why I keep track of my spending habits and deduct it from my balance right away to avoid any overdraft fees. I love the fact that boa has branches all over, well especially where i live in western NY. Sometimes the customer services hold may be too long on the phones though...

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    Thu Feb 10 2011

    Horrible company. Messed my credit report up by 20 points because after I paid my balance off there was still interest charges that I did not know about and they did not tell me about so after eight months I found out that my credit sucked because of a stupid $30.00 charge.

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    Tue Feb 08 2011

    B of A will never get my business again. I went to the local branch to withdrawl my funds and close my account and they told me I had to do it by phone, which I did. I was asked all the security quesitons and given a confirmation number and was told the check would be mailed within 10 days. On the ninth day they sent me a letter stating that I had to send them a notorized letter requesting the account be closed. Needless to say, I am not happy. When the account was opened they asked me numerous security questions, why were they not adequate when trying to withdraw my money? They did not ask for a notorized letter when the account was opened, why is one needed now? I asked for a manager and was told none where available but that they would call me within two business days! Some service.

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    Wed Feb 02 2011

    this is the worse bank i definetely don't recommend anyone to use, their security is awful even when you tell them whose robbing you the still keep and keep giving them your money, even when you change cards and when they finally do something nothing comes of it, defenitely i'm switching

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    Fri Apr 23 2010

    Bank Of America is the WORST BANK ever. customer service is rude and do not know what they are doing. 50% of the time cutomer service never does what they say they will do ( like ordering me a new atm card. etc) I have to call back again just to make sure the customer service actually do what they said they would do... they simply don't care. They sent me a survey after I called the customer service. I waited to make sure they did everything right before I did the survey.. by the time I figured out that they messed up my account again...(no big surprise),.. the survey had expired... whata joke.. BofA is a joke... go with chase bank.. not much better.. but it's still better than BofA.

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    Thu May 28 2009

    Absolutly the Worst Credit card ive ever had! Not only did they raise my APR apparently due to the economy, but they said they sent me a notice in Nov. and b/c I didnt reply within 3months there is now no way they can lower it....maybe I would have called if they actually sent me something? When I asked for a copy of the letter they said they dont have a copy of it , but they could send me something simular, what is that? but i did call in march and the guy told me it could be lowered in 6 months from when it was raised in jan., now its a whole different story! If I actually could I would pay it off in a heartbeat, If you are getting a card or looking too get out while you still can because I was told they the rates were going up again! Also the customer service, ha one time I had a good, nice man on the phone which is the guy that told me i could lower my APR in 6 months it was raised due to fee putting my card over the limit, then the next person I spoke with the lady was a real.... Read more

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    Thu Apr 02 2009

    I had to give them a star because the system doesn't let me give them zero... otherwise I would. I just paid them $195 in overdraft fees! What happend was that I had $128.92 in the bank and I paid for my textbooks for $128.50 that day I realized that my gas had not posted yet so that night I deposited another $50 in cash. After I realized I was being charged all those NSF I called bank of america and I found out that it doesn't matter that I deposited the $50, what matter was that when I used the card I was already overdrawn eventhough the deposit was done the same day! He said if you only have $30 and you pay for $50 at 12pm, you are already overdrawn, then you deposit $50 at 8pm, those $50 get paid up in overdraft fees! He said that what matters is that at 12pm I didn't have the money available and for that they were going to charge me $35! On top of that what was also very frustrating was that all the NSF fees took up my $50 and gave me an additional overdraft fee for additiona... Read more

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    Wed Jan 14 2009

    Worst customer service, first you are transferred 15 to 20 times before you get help and I had 5 overdraft fees for transactions from $5 to $10. They are charging me $35 per overdraft and say they cannot do anything, while the certainly can. This is why banks are going down, their poor commitment to customer service and Bank of America will be next.

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    Thu Jan 08 2009

    This bank has the worst customer service and inflexible policies. In 40 years I have not encountered a bank as customer UN-friendly as this one. Do not use this bank. Use ANY other bank.

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    Sat Jul 26 2008

    I transferred all of of my accounts from WAMU to BOA about a year ago due to excessive false charges on my account. About a month into my BOA experience I wanked into a branch office after helping my sister move in the 100 degree+ Texas sun.. needless to say I was not looking my best but I needed a money order for something I could not pay without one. First the manager or door greeter(I'm not sure what he was)asked if I had an account and asked to see my debit card! I politely handed over the card to the guy who then I asked what I needed. I told the gentleman that I needed a money order for 60 dollars when I was told that I should go to 7-11 because BOA charges $8 for money orders... Needless to say he treated me like a second class citizen because of the way I looked on this particular day. At the time I had over 150K in checking/savings/CD's with BOA which were soon transferred to Compass Bank. However I still do have a checking account which I use for everyday debit-type purchases... Read more

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    Wed Jun 25 2008

    Hey my father had the same problems a few people have already mentioned. Bank of America put in larger checks before smaller checks just to cause the account to be overdrawn. My father had checks that were written months before some of the larger checks and BoA put them in largest to smallest. This cause my father to have hundreds in overdrafts. I finally asked them why and they said it is BoA policy to do that. They told us they did it to help the customers because generally the larger checks are more important such as utility bills or mortgage payments. My question is if you are going to honor all the checks anyway and withdraw the amount from my account and charge me the overdraft, then why do you purposely put the larger checks in first? It's clearly to make money.

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    Tue Jun 17 2008

    I'v been with bank of america for about a year, i was happy up till about a month ago when all the problems started. I work night shift 4 days a week, thurs night through sunday/monday morning. I make transactions through out the weekend which are not processed untill monday which i think is a load of shit, anyway, i had shipping charge monday morning totaled up to about 25 at fedex. I had sold an item on ebay for $163, i knew i didn't have all the funds in my checking account but when i got home i transfered the money from paypal. BOA had processed the larger amount first but put it on hold which i didn't understand, and they processed all the little transactions not totalling up no more 1 or 2 bucks a peice, 6 transaction to be exact. My account had enough money for those transaction but not enough for the shipping charge, well because they processed the shipping charge the day i made it but for some reason put it on hold in the background? wtf is that all about? the little transact... Read more

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    Fri May 02 2008

    I've been with Bank of America for over a year now and haven't had major problems. The only problem I had was when I closed a savings account and opened another. They didn't move all my features from my old account to my new one so I lost my overdraft protection. Well, assuming I had it, I knowingly overdrafted my account. Well, a week later, I got several notices saying that I was getting charged $35 11 times for overdraft issues. Well, I immediately went into my local branch and talked to them. Withing an hour, they had restored my overdraft protection and refunded my $385 for the overdraft fees. The woman explained how sorry she was that it didn't get transfered over and that because I opened the second savings account online, they didn't know to copy over th old savings account settings. Understandable in my opinion. That's the only problem I've ever had. Heck I recently lost a money order receipt and two tellers helped me, one searched through paperwork to find the bank copy while... Read more

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    Thu Feb 28 2008

    Bank Of America are crooks! They get one star from me only because they are all over, but their Customer care, or better said(customer don't care)Sucks! They do nothing to help you, just charge bogus fees, and overdraft you for 10 cents! They hold checks for extreme periods and give lame excuses for it! More than one time they charged me and overdraft fee for uncleared funds, which they stated were available on their Bank site and in the ATM. The excuse was that my check wasn't clear, but wait! It wasn't a check that was deposit but CASH! Yes! and while the Bank was still open! They do everything "not" to help or be courteous to their customers.If they would be good to their clients and do all they can to help, I would eat some of their fees and smile! I hope they become Bankrupted of America! P.S. Wachovia Bank Sucks too!