Cape Fear (1991)

Approval Rate: 63%

63%Approval ratio

Reviews 21

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    Wed Dec 23 2009

    I was in college and we were broke. We snuck into the theater for the original Cape Fear with Mitchum, Peck, Polly Bergen and others. (Later, I personally met Polly Bergen and thanked her for her role in the film.) The 1991 film is pure tripe when compared to the original. Scorsese manages to ruin the concept with the usual modern crap of the hero being as bad as the villain.

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    Wed Dec 23 2009

    A shadow of the original. De Niro goes through the motions here, and isn't a patch on the terrifying performance of Mitchum in the 1962 film. The other cast members don't stack up well either, but its the De Niro/Mitchum comparison that is the true deal killer.

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    Wed Dec 23 2009

    I am being generous with two stars. This is a remake that simply didn't work. Want to see a great film- truly 5 stars- see the original. In this one, for some reason, they decided to make the daughter a slut. Perhaps they thought that would be De Niro was not convincing as Max Cady, the villain originally portrayed by Robert Mitchum, and Nick Nolte proved that he is not in the same league as Gregory Peck playing Sam Bowden.

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    Sat Jul 26 2008

    This was a good one and had me on the edge of my seat. Robert  deniro is perfect as the wacked out  phycho bent on getting revenge.

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    Sun Apr 08 2007

    One of those cases where the remake and the origanal are both good.  Both scared me to death.  Dinearo was outstanding as another reviewer stated....

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    Sat Nov 11 2006

    Diniro was astounding as the convict bent on revenge against the lawyer who locked him up.I know this was a remake,but I have never seen the original in its entirety and can't make much of a comparison.

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    Mon Jun 28 2004

    This movie scared the hell out of me. Deniro is brilliant and Juliette Lewis done wonderfully in this for her first ever role, it put her on the map. Lange is great as well, strong performance as always for an actress of her calibre.

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    Wed Dec 17 2003

    robert deniro is as ususal very very good at what he does. this movie scared the hell out of me.

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    Fri May 30 2003

    The original is a lot better. Cliche ending (i.e. bad guy gets killed ... again). Go rent the original with Robert Mitchum with a real good ending.

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    Wed Jan 15 2003

    Robert Deniro plays yet another sicko psychopath, and even gets to bite a hunk out of a woman's face. How pleasant.

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    Wed Jan 15 2003

    Chilling, thrilling, and frightening film. Juliette Lewis is AMAZING in her oscar-nominated performance.

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    Wed Apr 24 2002

    Although Scorsese has done far better work, Cape Fear still remains a great and suspenseful thriller. Far superior to J.Lee Thompson's 1961 remake, Cape Fear is both frightening and entertaining. There have been bad reviews about it, but I disagree. I think it's a worthy enough film. De Niro as Max Cady is one of his great roles, Juliette Lewis is wonderful as the daughter of Sam Bowden (Nick Nolte). Not a classic, but still a pretty damn good film. See it. Summary: AN INTERESTING AND FRIGHTENING FILM, NOT SCORSESE'S BEST WORK THOUGH.

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    Sat Jul 28 2001

    "Come out come out wharaver ewe are!" I still crack up thinking about De Niro's delivery of that line. This was an uneven, but respectable remake of the classic. Still, as adept as De Niro is at projecting a psychotic predator, he couldn't touch the realism Mitchum gave this role in the original. I guess there's no harm in trying to reinterpret or improve something, but it never seems to make much difference when it was done so exceptionally well in the first place.

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    Thu Nov 09 2000

    Great movie with a great plot! Everything in this movie rocks. Juliette Lewis plays a good character as does Nick Nolte. Very creepy and it stays with you after you see it.

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    Wed Nov 08 2000

    Martin Scorcese and DeNiro are at it again with an almost Hitchcock theme of terror. I believe both deserved the Oscar and DeNiro made me want to root for the bad guy. Juliette Lewis is a hot Lolita too.

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    Mon Oct 30 2000

    Go rent the original DeNiro can't touch Robert Mitchum in the menace department.

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    Mon Oct 02 2000

    Very good film. Great acting on all sides and a wonderful job of scaring you (for once) without cutting things open left and right. They scare you with the fear of what might happen, by playing on your mind by drawing it out. Now that's horror/thriller.

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    Sun Jun 18 2000

    This movie was also extremely scary. Robert DeNiro was also excellent as a psychotic killer. I still check under my car and in the back seat before I get in it at night.

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    Sat Jun 17 2000

    Nolte and Deniro are among our best living actors. Deniro was amazing, and stayed true to the 1950 version with Robert Mitchom.

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    Sat Jun 17 2000

    I'm not sure if this piece of art should be classified as a horror or thriller movie. Never the less, Robert Deniro was excellent in his attempt to take the law into his own hands.